What is Your Relationship with Your Breasts?

When was the last time you stood in front of a mirror, naked, and looked at your breasts?

When was the last time you stood in front of a mirror, naked, and looked at your breasts, absolutely without any judgement?

When was the last time you washed and moisturised your breasts with the tenderness, equal if not greater to holding a newborn baby?

When did you last care for your breasts the way you care for your face?

It is well worth stopping and pondering on these questions…

So, how do we see our breasts? 

Do we feel them to be a source of nurture and femininity or do we look at them and judge their perkiness (or the lack of), size (too small, too big), and shape (not oval enough, too flat…)?


Do we flaunt them in front of men and women to show how we ‘feel womanly’ and get the attention we are needing?

How many of us women can really say that we appreciate our breasts for what they truly are, just as they are and for what might they bring to this world that is not related to breastfeeding or sex? Or are we constantly bashing ourselves for not having the playboy cover boobs of the pornography and the female featuring cartoon industry?

There is much talk about loving our bodies and so much out there about loving the size you’re in and that everyBODY is beautiful, which includes breasts. However, have we stopped to consider just how that applies to breasts? I mean if one woman can’t even on the physical level have the same two breasts, how did we develop the expectations of a perfect shape or size breasts?

So why so little (if any at all) care for our breasts?

  • Because we don’t have Breast Cancer?
  • Because we haven’t (yet) been hit in the face with the truth about how we are living every day?

How much hardness we are walking around in and how deep the disregard we hold our bodies in is, as well as how atrocious our arrogance is, with the mentality of “if it’s not in my life therefore it doesn’t concern me” – the way of thinking that is literally killing us.

But boy oh boy how foolish are we? We haven’t fully stopped to consider that ‘no (wo)man is an island’ and that every single one of us plays a part in the whole. That Breast Cancer in the lives of millions of women concerns us ALL, women and men, not just those affected and their families, friends …

What if the real truth is that potentially we all bear Breast Cancer? 

Breast cancer does not, cannot just occur over night. Every loveless choice we make, all the abuse we might allow, the lack of self-care, self-loathing, disregard for self-nurturing in our lives, every time we look at our breasts and judge them, insult them, or do not appreciate them we could be taking steps towards developing Breast Cancer.

So what else needs to happen for us women to realise that a life of self-loathing is killing us day after day?

That every single one of us has the power to not allow breast cancer to run riot by putting breast care and self-care on top of our list of priorities. So let’s start by being more caring, deeply nurturing, super loving, with us and our breasts, and see how Breast Cancer likes that.

Let’s just see.

By Anonymous

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