‘Modern Woman’ – a product of society or of her own true nature?

What does ‘living as a woman’ look like in our current age?

In an era that boasts more equality and advances for women than at any other time in history (at least in some parts of the world), we now have a great opportunity to see deeply the true effect of a woman at her fullest and loveliest in the home and in society. And yet in reality we find ourselves still very much lacking in some advances and indeed in some ways the ‘equality’ we have fought hard to win has actually created greater and new complications. Many of us are finding that we are big time multi-tasking under the demands of a society that now expects us to be the super-mum-career-woman-great-daughter-athlete-sex-kitten combo rolled into one. It has become fairly standard for us to be generally racy, anxious, driven, deeply lacking in self-confidence or simply managing life as best we can. Many women care for all those around them but stop short of truly caring for and nurturing themselves. And how many of us know how to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ but do not truly and deeply feel a sense of our own beauty?

But what would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves?

This site explores the possibility that there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate.  That there is a way to live that is deeply honouring of the body; that there is a way of being in the world that need not constantly exhaust or expend us. It examines the possibility that there is a self-nurturing rhythm that is natural to us and that we can choose to know and live by.

Living by the knowing of the body and developing an honesty with the body allows a way of living or a ‘livingness’* to develop that is informed from within us as women rather than through the impositions of societal ideals and expectations.

This site will be a platform for women (and men) to share their observations on women in life and in the media and make comments on the variety of issues pertaining to women today. Some of the stories will be personal accounts and some will be general observations. We welcome your submissions and comments.

Many of the regular contributors will be participants of the courses and workshops of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and in particular will be familiar with the area of Esoteric Women’s Health. Because of this you may occasionally come across phrases or concepts within the writing that are not immediately recognisable but which we will expand on as needed. In time and if necessary a glossary will develop. It is important to note that the purpose of this blog is not to promote the Esoteric Women’s Health area of service (although those wanting more information can of course view the site) but rather it is a means for us to comment and unfold our understanding of living as women in a modern context and to make available for public discussion the simple and practical tools and understandings that have been made available to us through the work of Esoteric Women’s Health and our own self-guided navigation. For while the tools are everyday and practical it is at times surprising to see how rare it is to find such simplicity presented in our rather complex current times and it is for this reason we write — to ensure the tools are equally accessible for everyone, so that there is at least an informed opportunity to take them or leave them as one sees fit.

This is a stand-alone blog in terms of content, no prior study is required as the topics of the Esoteric are by their nature universal – Esoteric simply meaning our ‘inner-most’ quality — our inner-knowing. It is worth noting that the word originally comes from the Greek ‘esôterikos’ meaning ‘from within’.  So while the ‘Esoteric’ has in modern times had a reputation as pertaining to something ‘mysterious or hidden’, this is perhaps only on account of the fact that we have lost touch with our own innate deeper knowing – and in doing so, it seems we have become a mystery to our own selves. To truly know ourselves, and to truly know our own body is to make much less mysterious that inner knowing. Interestingly, for many of us our bodies and our rhythms are not deeply understood or connected to. For instance, many women see their bodies as betraying them, their periods as a nuisance or inconvenience and the associated pain at best an annoyance but increasingly both debilitating and unmanageable for some. Many are suffering from endometriosis, sore or lumpy breasts, cysts, fibroids and the list goes on. And this is now considered quite normal by medical standards. But is this how it has to be? Or is there a greater harmony to be had? Much more on this will be explored in the following articles. This blog marks the start of a dialogue in the public domain about how we can come to know our bodies and live our lives from a knowing that is informed first from our own inner-feelings. In doing so we allow the possibility that we can instigate true and lasting change. Quite apart from categorising ourselves in such limiting ways as ‘women who burn their bras’ or ‘women who only wear push-up bras’ or by any other label, we have an opportunity to return to the women we naturally and innately are, free from the ideals, expectations and images we have been fed. In doing so, we find that in all of our various expressions we have a common underlying essence — an innate stillness, tenderness and a knowing — that is there to call us back to being women in livingness.

The Livingness is about living the love that we are from the inside out – this is what it means to live from and with the soul, to live soul-fully in our daily lives. The deep care we have for ourselves and the loving way we are with ourselves is the “quality we then bring to all others”(SB). So naturally our friends, husbands, partners, children, brothers and sisters all benefit from this approach. We endeavour to explore what ‘living this love’ might look like in the most practical ways in the contributions on this site.

We trust you will enjoy the variety of contributions.

*The Livingness – to live soul-fully as a human being (Serge Benhayon)

by Rebecca Baldwin


834 thoughts on “‘Modern Woman’ – a product of society or of her own true nature?

  1. “ Living by the knowing of the body and developing an honesty with the body allows a way of living or a ‘livingness’* to develop that is informed from within us as women rather than through the impositions of societal ideals and expectations.” It’s a beautifully expressed piece of writing, thank you Rebecca. With the support of Universal Medicine and Esoteric Women’s Health I am learning to connect to my body and truly honour how I feel and how to nurture myself. I find it is in the small moments as much as the big situations. What’s beautiful within the Universal Medicine student body is that people are at varying degrees of livingness, many well ahead of me, and they are a tremendous resource and support to call on.

  2. We all like to read things now-a-days, news, stories, how to improve your life, self-help books etc. This blog site is full of gold – simple, everyday pondering of women from all around the world. It looks into women’s health, our role in society and everything and anything that a woman today can go through. It’s worth a visit, even by men who are curious to find out more about women 😉

  3. How powerful is a woman who needs to show her authority with force? How powerful is a woman who in complete disregard of her natural way of being leads a multi-million dollar business?

    1. And you are so very warm and tender. Your kindness is felt miles away, your depth of care is out of this world so perhaps the way you live your life has something in it 😉

  4. “This site explores the possibility that there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate.” What has happened to make some women feel that power and strength rests in the number of triathlons and long cycle rides they’ve completed. This site is exceptional in that it shows that answers are often much more simple and don’t require us to put our bodies through gruelling physical challenges to confirm our worth.

  5. There are not many women today who first develop a deeply tender relationship with themselves but when they do they stand out a mile – These ladies are scrumptious.

  6. This site is super supportive for any woman who chooses to explore what it is to live as a true woman in today’s society. Whilst we are constantly being fed pictures of what we should aspire to if we let go of all the outside stuff that tries to pull us away from our inner knowing we can gradually build up our ability to honour ourselves as women and support each other on our paths of return.

  7. Women in Livingness encourages real and true role models.

    In a world where many women feel lost Women in Livingness offers something different, i find it so very inspiring to remind me of the amazing, beautiful, sexy and sassy lady I am.

  8. In loosing touch with our inner-most, the innate woman within, we have made life very complicated for ourselves, and so reading the many blogs on this website and your introduction Rebecca, Women in Livingness and Esoteric Women’s Health offer amazing support to re-discover the simplicity and inner knowing that we left behind long ago, to become a modern day woman, a product of our society, and no longer a product of our innate womanly knowing.

  9. There are still many beliefs around as to how a woman should be and instead of connecting more deeply to our own truth we often accept these beliefs and do what what think will get us the recognition or acceptance that we do not give ourselves. We seem to have made a society that is dependent on what or who is around us rather than focusing on how we feel within and allowing for the possibility that there is more to life than us human beings and that there are standards that we can set for ourselves that may not fit the norm but fit what we know is true.

  10. I am still way off developing a deeply tender loving relationship with myself, yet I am patient, I know these things can takes time, and years of self critique and hardness can take a while to heal.
    What I am absolute certain about is the support I have felt from reading blogs such as this, blog that inspire me and remind me of the deeply loving lady I am.

  11. Living with out ideals and beliefs and simply living from our bodies in connection feeling and listening to it allows our natural innate knowingness of how to be a women and live it in our daily lives and it is
    inspirational and deeply joyful inside to feel.

  12. I have definitely attempted to feel good about myself by helping others, family, friends, work, every part of my life was involved in doing things and finding solutions for other but not really caring for myself…“Many women care for all those around them but stop short of truly caring for and nurturing themselves.” I understand now I offer a depleted woman if I do not care and nurture myself first, I am of much more support when I put me first, the me is caring and loving my body and being emotionally and energetically responsible.

  13. This site is a treasure trove of wisdom and learning. I’ve yet to come across anywhere else a collection of experiences written by women of all ages and backgrounds and all around the world that is so open and honest. It’s like reading other women’s personal diaries that they’re prepared to share with the world, and with that, we all learn.

    1. I agree, so much wisdom, if I have a tricky day, I can come to this resource and it pretty much covers most areas of life and offers inspiration, lived experiences and support.

    2. Yes it is the intimacy of the blogs and the willingness with which so many women have shared their experiences that is so supportive and inspiring.

  14. I have found that any ideal or belief I experienced or adhered to has limited my ability to see truth or be truthful. Modern women may be an ideal or belief as well.

  15. “For while the tools are everyday and practical it is at times surprising to see how rare it is to find such simplicity presented in our rather complex current times…” This true simplicity is like a breath of fresh air, and brings with it a depth of quality that is genuinely nurturing.

  16. The modern woman is one and the same as the very ancient woman who looks every bit her true self and not a shade of the bits that mask this. Until we accept this as our standard we will continue to accept all that denigrates this expression.

  17. There was ‘Modern Woman’ in the 1950s, a different version each in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s etc and they all feel like a reduced form of woman – conforming to a particular image.

  18. What I love about the Livingness is that it makes super sense; the way we move, talk, think, dress, eat, drive, touch, work… has an impact on how our lives are. The more we accept this obvious fact the more we can understand the very beautiful nature of our responsibility and choice.

    1. Yes, and the next step is noticing how big the impact can be, changing how we feel in seconds.

  19. I agree – we now have complications and inequalities we didn’t before, and the inequities between women also growing as some seem to slip further into deeply abusive and obvious torment of rape and physical abuse, whilst others battle to become harder and more masculine to make it right at the top – it can feel like nothing will be able to breach all these different gaps and issues. But I know that the more we can support women to just be themselves, they will be able to bridge their own gaps, set their own standards and claim their true selves back

    1. The more self-accepting and self-loving I am as a woman supports me to appreciate more and more the amazing qualities that women bring, especially in a group. In the past whilst I had a large number of female friends there was a cap on the intimacy we enjoyed – when we are truly ourselves there is nothing guarded, held back or hard about us but sweetly supportive, open and powerful.

      1. This is such an important thing Michelle – the more we appreciate ourselves the more space we have to not be intimidated or jealous or self conscious, and instead love other women for the equally amazing people they are

      2. Absolutely Rebecca and how liberating to let go of all those insecurities and find in their place a solid foundation that just lets yourself and others be, whilst at the same time understanding and feeling the gold in us all.

  20. Isn’t it strange how we can go to the moon, follow Google maps to pretty much anywhere on the planet and yet very often have not discovered our own bodies which actually hold the key to the Universe.

    1. Maybe we wouldn’t have any desire to visit the moon, conquer Mars or climb Mt Everest if we first discovered our own bodies.

      1. ha ha very true – spoken as a woman who must have discovered her own body!

  21. Thank you Rebecca for this wonderful introduction. Felt it to the bone. What a blessing this blog site is that is one of the first websites that actually offer us the opportunity to speak the truth that we feel as women!

  22. So many of us are living to visions of boxes we want to ‘fit in’ whilst fighting our body and what’s within. If we can wrestle it into doing what we want, we call that a good day. Imagine what our world would look like if we actually embraced and encouraged what we felt and listened to our cells as the most excellent guide? We can all live this today – for it’s clear as you show Rebecca we need to find another way.

  23. As a ‘modern woman’, I have found myself exploring how I have been living, how I have been with my body, how I have pushed myself to exhaustion, how I have moulded and fitted into what I thought the expectations were, all to the detriment of my own body. I know I was not alone in this. Being all things to all people all of the time does not have to be the way of the modern woman. We can change this significantly and still be caring partners and parents, serving our societies through our employment and community activities. It’s not so much about the what, but the how we move through life and how we do all that we do.

  24. “But what would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves”
    Spending time recently with an amazing 3 year old girl I am super inspired to see in her a love for herself and an absolute knowing of what she feels is true for her, iif she does not like something then we all know about it – I find this so refreshing we are so often brought up to hide our true feelings – of course suppressing what we feel will always eventually lead to illness and disease – hence why in society we have so much of it.

  25. ” This site explores the possibility that there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate. ”
    This possibility is true and this is why there is great power , for living true does not waste energy, for living un-naturaly takes alot of energy and therefore a huge lack of power.

  26. We hold so many pictures of what each and every single one of us is to be in society – all the pictures that we see that we are supposed to match up to, are pictures we ourselves have created or subscribe to. How wonderful is it to realise that it is entirely up to us to break these pictures and live life as it comes.

  27. Ground breaking…”But what would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves?” It would say no to abuse, would say we that we are worth loving, that we can shine and support one another to live all that we are….it would transform society.

    1. And just for fun I will add, ‘It will transform society’… more and more people are waking up to this awareness that living from a foundational relationship of tender, nurturing, respect and love for ourselves has a profound impact on life all around us.

  28. This site explores what it looks like to live a women’s true power, as well as how many ways women have chosen to live in the past. Exploring how this has left no room for nurturing the divine beauty and power within every women.

  29. ‘And how many of us know how to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ but do not truly and deeply feel a sense of our own beauty?’ A far-reaching question that supports us to look at our sense of self-worth and connect to ourselves more deeply. The difference you share is the difference between existing and getting by as a normal and then being in joyful celebration of everything we are and bring.

  30. ‘what would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves?’ A great question and beautiful pondering Rebecca, one that I can bring to myself every day.

  31. To consider the potential of self-love…life changing yes, this blog site shares so many experiences of women who are living the love from within…a complete change in focus, how we live life and express ourselves. I love that this is on the internet and is continuing to develop and build.

  32. As a woman to live life caring for myself is one of the most important turning points. It marked the beginning of what is the truth of Love from my body, starting from self, and deeply felt, changed what love is for me forever.

  33. Be the “super-mum-career-woman-great-daughter-athlete-sex-kitten combo” and more not under society’s standards but from how we know from our hearts and body, re-imprint what we know is true, that who we are is not only from what we see on the outside or what our roles are, but it is from first an energy that impulses us. Know what this energy is, if it is love, go for whatever role we need to be in, and be that unreservedly .

  34. ‘The Livingness is about living the love that we are from the inside out – this is what it means to live from and with the soul, to live soul-fully in our daily lives. ‘ Yes Rebecca ,and how natural that is when we let it be.

  35. We call it equally but what are we as women seeking, to fight, rage, dismiss men in the process is a sign concerning the quality of the outcome we encounter. Hold ourselves with love, hold others with and in that love then we have a recipe for real change. Love is powerful, steady and resilient because of its consistency and healing natural way.

  36. When a woman lives from the beauty that lives and breathes within her, such grace inspires others to also live from this place, instead of relying on the constructs of the outer world we have created to inform how we should live.

    1. And this inner relationship with ourselves can be such a strong, unwavering, sure and beholding foundation to face life’s challenges and forever opportunities to learn.

  37. Living by knowing ourselves who we are from inside out is a beautiful description of a woman living in her livingness Rebecca. When we know our grace and beauty on the inside, ageing and changes of the physical body do not worry us because we know our essence within is constantly and consistently Love.

  38. Is ‘modern woman’ an idea? The concept also existed in the 1920s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s etc. It was slightly different each time but it always felt like an idea that was supposed to be followed for social acceptance.

  39. This site supports me to feel deeply my body, which loosen after reading the amazing stories of women who changed their lifes thanks to connect deeper with themselves. Thanks to their living experience they are showing that this is available for all equally. We all can live a life in full regard with our body, accepting and embracing ourselves for the natural beauty that already is – and always have been – within us.

    Thanks for sharing because you all are a daily support and an inspiration for me.

  40. At the moment, in my country there is a lot of exposure about how women are being treated in some of the large organisations that we have. And what is being shown is a kind of sexual dis-respect towards women that has gone on for way too long. But what is really beautiful to observe, is how many of the women who have experienced such horrendous things, are not angrily storming the streets or engaging in tabloid gossip, they are simply standing up and talking about what has happened to them and then letting the governing systems that are already in place take care of what needs to be done to address the issue. It is an amazing and inspiring event to have unfold in our country.

  41. I was listening to an interview today of a prominent politician who was also a woman. She has certainly been through a lot in life and a lot in the public eye. But I definitely got the feeling that she was a product and a result of what she has faced. Really that is the vast majority of us. I myself made judgements and decisions in life that I can clearly see have placed me on a certain path. A lot of these have been judgments about myself and who I am or that I had to be someone. Its rare for us to grow up knowing that we are already everything we need, everything is already within and its simply needs to be fostered. We don’t need to turn ourselves into something to be recognised, to see our worth or to think we are better or less than another.

  42. “Many women care for all those around them but stop short of truly caring for and nurturing themselves.” It seems that even the idea of caring for and nurturing oursleves is not even an option for many women, and when suggested gets passed off as being a crazy notion. We have been so engrained with the belief that we are only worth our value if we dediacte our lives to giving to others at our own expense that it can and often is a hard nut to crack, but my goodness we are so worth it.

  43. The question asked in the title of this article is our everyday choice. Do we want to be governed by external requirements and expectation or impulsed and inspired by what we feel and know to be our true qualities and purpose?

  44. How amazing it is to have access to a blog that shares the lived and often shared experiences of many women worldwide that then supports and celebrates all women at their very essence. Simply stunning.

  45. I have been an expert in knowing how to make myself beautiful yet never considered the beauty within. This blog has and is supporting me to connect and deepen this connection to the beauty that has always been there within with consistency in my day. It is supporting me to know and accept my self worth so that I can live in my day the true qualities of a woman that are naturally present.

    1. I saw a photo of a very beautiful woman today and it was not about her external appearance, but what was shining from deep within. It was as if the beauty that she holds herself in and lives everyday was just there for all to see in the photo. A natural and radiant beauty was ever present.

  46. I am discovering that ‘there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate.’ And through this site feel supported in exploring this more deeply as I start to honour my innate qualities as a woman and break free of those societal impositions that I would otherwise allow to imprison me.

  47. ‘Living love’ – super simple and to be approached with much dedication and a willingness to practise loads, as we untangle ourselves from the patterns, belief systems and ‘rules’ we have set up.

  48. This is a beautiful article to read again. The Women in Livingness blogs have been an amazing resource for me to refer to and relate to my own life. Women coming together to simply share their lives and observations, and in so doing share that wealth of wisdom equally for the benefit of all is pretty wonderful to be a part of.

  49. This blog is well worth pursuing, there is so much in here for women and men to ponder and explore about what it means to be a woman and how we are in relationships. I personally have really benefited from reflecting on many of these blogs and assessing where I am at with my relationship with myself and others. It is full of insight, lived experience and inspiration.

    1. Yes there is much to ponder here for both men and women. For by women being and living as their true selves it offers men the space to live and express as their true selves with the recognition that we are all of the one essence.

  50. Reading the variety of blogs and the sharings from so many different women gives an amazing and often inspirational insight into where women have been and where we can be if we make different choices in our lives.

  51. Throughout the ages and in different cultures, what it means to be a woman has varied, changed and somersaulted. Do we really know what it means to be a woman? I love this website and all the sharings of women who are rediscovering the gorgeousness of what it means to be a woman and the exploration of bringing more and more of the woman out.

    1. You ask “Do we really know what it means to be a woman?”. On a very simple level if we are in a woman’s body and we are living as our full and true selves without any ideals or images – that is it!

  52. I love being able to come to this site and read about other women’s experiences and revelations, leanings and growths, it provides much food for reflection on my own relationship with my body and how I am with myself and in turn how I am in my daily life and all other relationships.

  53. This site to me is a true revolution concerning everything women. Gaining equality is not about outdoing men nor proving our worth to the world but about connecting back to our true inner qualities as women and bring them to the world. An this site offers us to explore what this means, it allows for the space for our inner unfoldment.

  54. ‘Living by the knowing of the body and developing an honesty with the body allows a way of living or a ‘livingness’* to develop that is informed from within us as women rather than through the impositions of societal ideals and expectations.’ I often find that ideals and expectations are insidiously held and that it takes a real willingness to be honest about them, (my body constantly shows me when I am holding onto an ideal or belief or need to let something go) but once this is done it never fails to fill me with joy because of the extra space created to connect to the essence that lies underneath all of this. This essence, I am discovering, is more lovely than I could have possibly known before I began The Way of The Livingness.

  55. So many valid questions, we have completely abandoned the real meaning of a woman and replaced it with this creation of our minds… So many women despise the fact that they are one just because they cannot meet these expectations we have created within society, I can only imagine how beautiful the world would be if we actually fell in love with ourselves as women.

  56. It is the inner knowing each woman has access to that will undo the outer conditioning so many of us have fallen victim to.

  57. We all have a deep inner knowing but in the raciness and momentum of life we choose to live by, we lose connection to this. I am inspired when I hear stories of women who embrace this as it re-connects me back to a deeper truth that I know.

  58. “But what would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves?”Such a great question. I am developing this relationship and I know that I have not always been this way. Doing things for acceptance and recognition, not expressing who I am and holding back the exquisiteness of what its like to live in a woman body has been my ‘norm’ for a long time. But slowly but surely I am connecting and feeling this exquisiteness on a daily basis and then to live every moment to the best of my ability from this. It’s a far cry from my younger days and each of my choices support this.

  59. For a very long time I blamed the world for not appreciating the love that is within me. Believing that if I were the only one to do so it’d be a party of one. Very lonely. How wrong I have been! When I express and feel how lovely I am it is infectious. And I have all the right in the world to make the space for this love to be enjoyed and shared. This is one of the ways Esoteric Women’s Health has supported me in my life.

  60. It is true I see many women around me not living their true power, but on the otherhand I am witnessing some women to blossom into their power and beauty that is for all to see and be inspired by. It is a wonder to behold and feel as a man, held in true beauty and knowing that women and men aren’t that different, only having a different expression in this live bringing different qualities that are equally needed, for us all to evolve back to the devine beings that we are.

  61. The beauty and appreciation this site brings is amazing and allows us an offering of the magic to be expressed that is available to us all.”The deep care we have for ourselves and the loving way we are with ourselves is the “quality we then bring to all others”(SB).”

  62. I find this site absolutely amazing, everything that it offers and all the different stories that are being shared about how we have moved so very far away from who we naturally are and now we are making those steps back to this natural state of being. Deeply inspiring and it is an opportunity for anyone that reads them to consider and even possibly make a different choices. How powerful is that!

  63. Thank you for this clear appreciation of what this site offers and how our every visit and contribution to it is an opportunity to re-establish the true qualities of being women and how our acceptance and living of these brings balance to the world.

  64. This site is a gem in my life, I find it encourages me to trust what I am feeling, it offers practical steps of how to start, where to start and what to not freak out about!! We have so many websites and magazines about all the things we should be, this one encourages us to see who we are and actually discard the layers we have put on top of that essence to the point we have become identified by the outer shell rather than the innner spark of who we are. It is a blessing to be able to read these blogs.

  65. The WIL magazine is a fantastic example of what Women look like when they are full of themselves, rather than pictures or ideals from society.

    1. Very true and thus why we need more publications that showcase the true beauty of women so as to correct the false images we have allowed to saturate our global market so that young women are raised knowing the truth of who they are and therefore are not to influenced to don a disguise that suits societal ideals that have fallen far short of being an true representation of femaleness.

      1. Spot on Liane. We must rewrite the stories that have led us so astray that we do not even recognise that which we come from.

      2. In doing this we are able to resurrect the truth of who we are, from the ashes of who we are not.

      3. Just like the embers of a fire eternally present, at a moments notice we can erupt into the full-flame that we once were eminating all the potential that has always been.

  66. This bog, in fact the whole site, offers true support and inspiration for women all over the world to re-connect to their inner-essence and once again, live the divine, tender, grace and beauty that they naturally are. In turn, the whole, that we are all a part of is deeply blessed.

  67. ‘in all of our various expressions we have a common underlying essence — an innate stillness, tenderness and a knowing — that is there to call us back to being women in livingness.’ – this is, in fact, our natural way of being, yet we have chosen time and time again to resist the call and instead, seek for answers outside ourselves, rather than listening to and being impulsed by our inner wisdom.

  68. ‘how many of us know how to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ but do not truly and deeply feel a sense of our own beauty?’ …. ouch, this is so true. I can remember, not so very long ago, that for the first time I looked at myself in the mirror and saw heaven in my eyes. Smiling from ear to ear I could feel the expansion in my heart as I truly appreciated my beauty-full reflection and felt the absolute joy in being me.

  69. So many of our accepted behaviours would change if we made our lives about nurturing a tender relationship with ourselves. If this became a strong norm in our societies, getting a tattoo for example or having your belly button pierced would feel so deeply abusive, a sharp contrast to our present day relationship with our bodies where these things are widely accepted as the fashionable thing to do with little or no regard to the real effect they have on us.

  70. It doesn’t take much to see that as women we have become very lost in a sea of false ideas about what it is to be a woman. For many the reality is that our female body is used for sex or having children and we only really take notice of our female organs when there is illness or pain, otherwise on the most part they are ignored and forgotten. To be reminded that our female body has a purpose far greater than what we have been led to believe and that it is to restore our sacrednes and live from that quality is a gift that never stops giving.

    1. Beautifully said Vicky. With all of those false ideas too Vicky what becomes of a woman who may not be physically appealing or even the older mature women? These ideas put us into clearly defined boxes of which we do not fit into. We ourselves have put ourselves in these boxes (or attempted to), which is why this site and Esoteric Women’s Health is so important for all women no matter where they are, what they look like or how old they are so we can all return to living what is very naturally already within, our exquisiteness, our beauty and as your say our sacredness and live from that first.

  71. Thanks to the tireless work of Natalie Benhayon, the women we are becoming now is the new ‘Modern Woman’, in touch with our sacredness, innate nurturing, tender love and wisdom.

  72. I love how these blogs are showing us it is never to late to start to self-love, to start to self care and to embrace the amazing sexy wise women we are. This blog site is a blessing to anyone who reads from it, honest, upfront, challenging and exposing. What more does a lady want.

  73. We see women expected to take on multi roles which leaves them not equal to men, not in pay or in the expectation and burden that is sometimes there to behave like men in a mans environment. We would benefit from more women being in high position roles, but only if it isn’t at the expense of the women, where she needs to give up her femininity to succeed, that is where we all let women down at the moment. We don’t accept the different styles of leadership that we most strongly need. That is a massive societal failure. And equally a women who chooses motherhood and does not work is not “only a Mum”. Of course she is always far more than a Mother, but the very task of fulfilling that role is one we should cherish and realise that there are things far more important than status and drive, and that our values have become skewed if we only measure worth by how much career focus you are delivering.

  74. There are so many ideals we carry about what a women should be. We either re-act to these and go in the complete opposite direction or we fall for false image of a woman. Either way we end up at the same point, which is to not accept the naturally womanly ways that we all have when we listen first to our heart and our body’s messages.

  75. The is a much needed site Rebecca. I love the way you have spoken about the possibilities for women. We are standing at a crucial juncture point in this era where it is vital that women reclaim the natural tenderness and beauty that is living inside of us and will never be destroyed. We have chosen to get into stark, disconnected competitive with men and part of that is about revenge for the way men have treated women from the time that they took over from women as the dominant sex. Nothing can come from revenge as Shakespeare taught us so long ago in The tempest and in in many other plays. We do not need a dominating sex, we simply need beautiful equality between us all. In the state of true equalise, the love that arises is so delicious that the dog-eats dog world of competition can be viewed as sheer madness – everybody without exception loses in that game. Let’s stop playing the game of abuse and competition and come back to our original love.

  76. When I consider whether the way I live is really mine own or an adopted fashion that aligns with society expectations and pictures, I realise that underneath is indeed a ‘self nurturing rhythm that is naturally there to follow.

  77. ‘Modern Woman’ – a product of society or of her own true nature?’ This is a great question to ask and deeply ponder. And in doing so I also need to love and nurture myself in the way that allows me to truly, deeply connect with my own true nature.

  78. This is a deeply beautiful blog and site site allowing all women a true look at who they are and the sharing and grace this allows with a depth of love and appreciation, a real reflection and honesty on important topics and areas of life so often barely touched on with truth honouring and love. An amazing gift for the world.

  79. Developing a tender and nurturing relationship – an appreciation for our bodies and ourselves transforms women. I have witnessed so many students (of all ages) of Universal Medicine transform themselves. Changing their negative internal beliefs about themselves to an acknowledgement and self appreciation also alters their outer beauty.

  80. But what would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves?
    We would not be accepting less for ourselves and we would deeply cherish and honour ourselves in all of our relationships and not accept less than the love we had built for ourselves in our daily Livingness. This way would then be a huge reflection for all those around us to know themselves back by.

  81. The “super-mum-career-woman-great-daughter-athlete-sex-kitten combo rolled into one” is what we have in many cases come to expect of ourselves. We have taken that expectation on and accepted it. We said yes to taking that on which also means we have the ability and right to say no to that.

  82. This is so lovely to read this after reading so many blogs on this site. It is a real celebration of women, living ordinary, everyday lives, no different to anyone else, but living life in a really extraordinary way. A way where women are invited to look inside and see how exquisitely beautiful they are and then live that exquisiteness in every moment. This is truly different because ordinarily feeling beautiful is subject to what we look like, how we dress, the shape of our bodies. But this does not depend on anything our eyes may see, but the the strength of our connection to what is inside and each choice that we make in life that supports that.

  83. It is interesting to note that now, in some areas of the world, there are women who feel that equality has been reached, that we need not look futher, need not campaign or discuss equality because they don’t need it. However, there are so many very obvious and very extreme examples of places in the world where a woman’s life and body are not treated equally. But do we need to turn to those extreme examples? Can we look closer to home? There is often more going on beneath the surface of a seemingly equal and civilised area than we are often aware of, but is it also possible that we have in some cases swung from one extreme to another in terms of women not being allowed to just be themselves. We now have far more equality, but with it has come a fight, a sense of needing to beat men at their own game, to do life and everything that comes with it just as good if not better than men, and while we are at it we can do it all in high heels. Is this really empowering of women, or subtly asking them to toughen up, push harder and in doing so, we end up not with a truly equal society, but with women only respected for how they measure up with men. Women have natural qualities that can be respected, honoured and treated equally – there need not be any inequality or issue in the fact that men and women have different qualities they bring to life.

  84. We are re-claiming our true essence as women and sharing this new awareness with others. Women of all ages are re-discovering they can be tender and delicate in all that they do. We can live in a world that is driven, fast and hard, while we remain still, sensitive and steady. This is glorious living: in the world but not of the world.

  85. A great introduction to this site and as valid as ever. I especially treasure the following words in that there is “great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate”. Thank you for your continual inspiration and steadfastness.

  86. What a beautiful platform we are gifted with here to discover our true nature and livingness as a woman with our own journey and experiences and learning. The Sharing of this is vey supportive to hear the truth and very empowering and life changing “.The deep care we have for ourselves and the loving way we are with ourselves is the “quality we then bring to all others”(SB). So naturally our friends, husbands, partners, children, brothers and sisters all benefit from this approach.”

  87. Esoteric…innermost…what lies within….something that I had been giving very little true attention to for some years….and yet this offers us the strongest, steadiest foundation available…how can we look outside of ourselves for answers and acknowledgement without truly knowing ourselves….this is not navel gazing, this is honouring that we feel energy, that we are being’s rather than doer’s…..this blog has much to share and is inspiring for both women and men.

  88. The enormity of what we can each bring and the ripple effects is in the simplicity of these words Rebecca “The deep care we have for ourselves and the loving way we are with ourselves is the “quality we then bring to all others”(SB).” This website is a huge service to all women (men and young) it’s real, and inspirational.

  89. There are so many aspects to this sentence “This site explores the possibility that there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate.” We get told that life is in the doing, and we do not to consider the quality we move, do, talk in….however the quality is the true activity and I am learning that when it comes from a tenderness, I hold myself precious as I do others and I have a deeper awareness and understanding of life. Very powerful.

  90. In order to not get lost in the seeming onslaught of the outer world, we must develop within us a deep connection with our inner-most and allow this to be our guiding light.

  91. This blog provides women of all backgrounds, ages, cultures, a place where they can truly connect to everything that is deep within.

  92. As a woman who works full time with a new baby – it’s really refreshing to read a blog like this and see how we don’t have to fit into this picture of what a woman should be – and that I don’t have to be this super woman to fee valued – because the value and beauty starts with how I am in myself.

  93. ‘Living by the knowing of the body and developing an honesty with the body allows a way of living or a ‘livingness’ to develop that is informed from within us as women rather than through the impositions of societal ideals and expectations…’ – what a gift to be able to have a blog and a forum that presents this to women and show her the possibility that there is another way to be in the world. In all the blogs there is a strong sense of women who know a different way by simply listening to the wisdom of their bodies.

  94. I am more comfortable being racy and making sure everyone is taken care of than I am taking care of myself, this site has supported me to hear other womens stories and life challenges and be inspired by the fact that we are all very similar. Hearing woman that are just like me making different choices that allow more of the true woman out to shine is incredible.

  95. No matter the society in which we live most of us have come to the predominate belief of what a woman is or what a man is. This is to our own detriment as human being as with this we have lost touch with the tenderness that we are and that we come from. I was a woman who was driven by needing to be accepted and a need for recognition. There is still an element of that present, but I have certainly re-connected to the fact that we are so much more than we think, or more than we have been told or lead to believe. This is the beauty of these blogs and the work being done by Esoteric Women’s Health. It’s asking more questions about what is going on and by the women and men developing and deepening their own livingness we get to see and feel that we can make very different choices in how we live and how this can in fact change our lives.

  96. “…we find that in all of our various expressions we have a common underlying essence – an innate stillness, tenderness and a knowing – that is there to call us back to being women in livingness.” – I love this, it flies in the face of all the beliefs and ideals that say we need to be a certain shape or size, look a certain way, have done or be doing specific things in order to qualify as being a women or having a sense of worth. We are complete and divine in our essence (as men are too) and from this knowing we can start to let go of all that we are not and instead express from who we innately are.

  97. Love that description of the ‘super-mum-career-woman-great-daughter-athlete-sex-kitten combo’ where you can see a model of someone trying to be everything for everyone else, rather than simply being true to themselves.

  98. What I am really beginning to understand from your blog Rebecca and the many blogs on this site that as women we have let go of what it truly means to live as a woman, and to live from a stillness and sacredness that honours ourselves as women and this is shown to us in our bodies, in the way that we have more complicated women’s health issues than ever before. Many of us have been or still are driving our bodies to the point of exhaustion and that the stillness that we are all here to reflect is a million miles away. We blame our bodies for letting us down but it is us and the way we are living that are letting our bodies down.

  99. “What does ‘living as a woman’ look like in our current age?” Great question, it is one that I fear few women are actually stopping and asking oneself. We are so very locked into be everything to everyone, that what being a women in today’s world looks like, I feel, is still someone who is very much in the doing and puts most things and people before themselves. This is changing slowly and slightly, but we still have a long way to go.

  100. Thank you Rebecca. It is great to have a place to share how it is for us as women in society today. To have the experiences of others to learn and grow from is especially nurturing and supportive at this time in the world.

  101. Living as a woman first, is something that we often brush aside as we choose and play out the roles that the world imposes upon us. But we can choose the amazing, tender, delicate preciousness that we are and feel that first, before we ‘do’ anything .

  102. “But what would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves?” This is a great question for the front cover of every magazine.

  103. If we are love and then it would only make sense to live this love from the inside out in life. Love from the soul does not come in a picture, ideal or belief, it simply has to be lived from the connection with our body in each and every moment.

  104. Thanks Rebecca and although you wrote this sometime ago it is still fresh for today and the days ahead, “The Livingness is about living the love that we are from the inside out – this is what it means to live from and with the soul, to live soul-fully in our daily lives. The deep care we have for ourselves and the loving way we are with ourselves is the “quality we then bring to all others”(SB)” We should look at the relationship with ourselves as being the window into all others as you and Serge Benhayon have said here. There are many parts to this and although you may have nailed in one moment it is a ‘living way’ and so this is ongoing. In other words the relationship is it and never has an end or a rest point, it’s always unfolding to more of the grandness we naturally are.

  105. This site is beautiful as it really does explore what it means to be a woman based on the woman as she is from within rather than conversations that are based on comparing ourselves to a picture or expectation outside of us. This approach I have not come across outside of Esoteric Women’s Health and it’s a blessing to have such sites and articles that re-set the standards on what it means to be a modern woman today. Thank you.

  106. Great question “What does ‘living as a woman’ look like in our current age?” I would say that we have lost our way, that there is much that we are not living as women. The majority are living in so much drive and illusion about where they are truly at, not really listening to our bodies and deeply self loving and nurturing who we are. This an epidemic, women all over the world lessen themselves, not allowing their true essence to shine, this has to change if we are to change a lot of what is happening world wide.

  107. While we dance around the problem of equity for women we will only find partial solutions. Trying to beat men at their own game in the workplace and being ‘super multi-taskers’ has been very much to the detriment of women. We are now finding ourselves a long way from our inner home, where we are naturally nurturing, sacred and still within. We are powerful beyond measure when we accept our true role in society and have a huge role to play to correct the imbalances and disharmonies we see in the world.

  108. I feel it is important what you have raised about us being able to ‘look pretty’ and in effect ‘fake beauty’ without it coming from the inside. Not that many years ago I would not have been aware of feeling this, as I was caught up like most of us in comparing myself to models and celebrities. Coming with this feeling of being less or not being beautiful enough completely clouds your vision as all you can see is your flaws. Now when I see beauty, I also feel if it is skin deep or if it comes from the true beauty within. This feels inspiring, full and completely natural.

  109. What a treasure this library is for us all to share, express and inspire one another through our lived experiences of being a woman in todays world.

  110. This is so inspiring to read. How often women are belittled as failing for not fitting the right image or hated for the pain in which they are actually communicating the miss-handling of them. Until I came across Women in Livingness I had never appreciated how possible it was to live as a fully vibrant, self-honouring woman able to bring a much needed quality to all she met and all that is done. The same life but lived with a richness that no anti-wrinkle cream, make over, lottery win could ever deliver. I’m deeply inspired and so appreciative of the honesty in these articles that support me to look at how I’m living so I’m not run-down and exhausted 24/7.

  111. there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate. Absolutely Rebecca, as I really witnessed and felt last weekend during a photo session with other women. The power of all of that loveliness and beauty was so palpable, and you really could feel there was nothing between us except absolute love and grace, and it felt so natural to be this love together. I could really feel in that moment how I absolutely loved being a woman, and how powerful a group of women are when they are holding themselves in their own tender love.

  112. What an amazing opportunity to express freely. I love the feel of this blog as there are no expectations, or a certain way one must present themselves – just be you and tell us what you feel, amazing!

  113. “Many of us know how to make ourselves look pretty but do not truly & deeply feel a sense of our own beauty” It’s like we have settled for living only a part of our true potential, that this watered down version has become our reality and in this the world is starved of our true colours.

  114. So good to read this… as a woman the words made so much sense to me. It is a great reminder to come back to really honouring myself and getting to know myself on a deeper level to be able to honour myself.

  115. Simply beautiful, living from within and connected to the body’s own natural wisdom and rthythm. Many of society’s ideals and beliefs we subcribe to as women fall short because they do not encompass what it is to truly to be a woman.

  116. I love that this site is dedicated to exploring what it really means to be a woman, and a woman who is true to herself rather than a product of everything going on around her. It’s absolutely vital for all women everywhere to have access to this kind of investigation and this is a treasure trove of real experiences from women all over the world who are committed to turning this trend and restoring themselves back to their true nature.

  117. I greatly enjoy reading the blogs on this site as they consistently inform and inspire. It is a truly fabulous and important platform to show that there is a different way to the unloving and imposed upon version of life presented by the general media.

  118. There are as you say Rebecca so many things that we brush off as ‘normal’ such as endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, lack of self-worth, constant levels of anxiety… Or perhaps just live with as can’t see any other way to get through life… But indeed what if there is a different way, one that is of a deeper lived harmony and connection? The blogs on this site are a treasure trove of true support and reflection for us all!

  119. “Many women care for all those around them but stop short of truly caring for and nurturing themselves. And how many of us know how to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ but do not truly and deeply feel a sense of our own beauty?” Yes we need to feel into our sacredness deeply now.

  120. ‘ Quite apart from categorising ourselves in such limiting ways as ‘women who burn their bras’ or ‘women who only wear push-up bras’ or by any other label, we have an opportunity to return to the women we naturally and innately are, free from the ideals, expectations and images we have been fed. In doing so, we find that in all of our various expressions we have a common underlying essence — an innate stillness, tenderness and a knowing — that is there to call us back to being women in livingness.’ Gorgeous Rebecca.

  121. The way this article supports all to contribute,giving such detail and lived expression is one of the many reasons that you are an absolute asset to this world Rebecca. Your style or flavour of writing reminds me of the best dessert I have ever eaten, I just find myself enjoying it so much I just want more. Whats beautiful is that you make me feel as if I can write like you too, that maybe all of us have this ability, unharnessed, deep inside, just busting to makes its debut, thank you.

  122. Wow, how beautifully needed this blog is – is it possible for all the steps we have taken froward, they might actually be creating new issues to resolve? As women the pressure is a constant juggling act of how we should act and who we should be, from the career bitch who is looked down on as boss, mean and not a woman because she put her career before her children, if she has them, or before having children if she doesn’t. Then there are the stay at home mums, looked down on for ‘not achieving’ and perusing a career. Then there are the expectations for women to look a certain way – to be intelligent but not to much, to be beautiful and sexy, but not love themselves truly, to be the perfect mother, daughter, sister, friend, girl friend etc. Even the models in magazines are being made to look more and more like men, in a world where we seem to be joining them because we can’t beat them. But what if both choices are not true, that no one needs to be beaten, and joining men by becoming more masculine is also not the answer? What if there are qualities innately true to being a woman that need to be lived and expressed in the world, that don’t adhere to a role, stereotype or expectation, but come from the essence within a woman out to life.

  123. It is because we have lost the true meaning of the Esoteric that we have become a mystery to our own selves. Returning to our natural state of being, that is, living the Esoteric way from our inner most impulses rather then from the images and ideals and beliefs we are fed with from our societies, will restore the natural harmony in which everybody will have the opportunity to evolve back to the beautiful and divine beings that we all are.

  124. “The Livingness is about living the love that we are from the inside out – this is what it means to live from and with the soul, to live soul-fully in our daily lives. The deep care we have for ourselves and the loving way we are with ourselves is the “quality we then bring to all others”(SB). This is basic science, philosophy and religion in full expression. How can we call ourselves evolved when this is not our way of life?

  125. The blogs on Women in Livingness continue to inspire me, and I love reading the experiences and sharings on here from women across the entire world from all walks of life. It’s a unique and pretty incredible site!

  126. I love this Helen – ‘you never know where, when and who the next leading light might be to cross your path’. This is a very beautiful honoring of all that walk the earth, of the equal wisdom we all hold within whenever we are willing to choosing to connect to ourselves and each other. As it is through our loving connections, our oneness that we will come to live our Universal truth.

  127. When we are open to be in connection with another, the wisdom of Love is naturally present, readily available to be share and be inspired by. As through our connections with others there is an untold depth of Love and truth to explore about ourselves and each other. Such as the comment you initially made, the wisdom available through your connection to the hairdresser flowed, and was what was needed to support you both to explore truth in that moment – how deeply beautiful.

  128. Helen you have offered so much wisdom to take away and reflect on. Such as how much more understanding, presence and love we can bring to each moment, to each interaction when we stay connected with ourselves. We then are open to deepening our relationship to love with ourselves, with each other and through our connection with others.

  129. The simplicity of ‘living as a woman’ is brought back to us by the blogs presented on this site. Where it tells us that the true women lives already within and that women have to reconnect to their innermost and start to develop a way of living that emanates and reflect that what lives in every woman equally so. A living stillness and way of nurturing that is not only beneficial for yourself but to all you are living with.

  130. The modern women? what does this really look like and is it who we really are ? a great question and blog that opens up to the world and all women to really look and appreciate ourselves to connect and live our stillness and inner beauty as a foundation for everything else. Amazing Rebecca something here that is giving us a reality check to what is going on for all women and how we are living to be explored and learned from lovingly.

  131. “What does ‘living as a woman’ look like in our current age?” Simply stopping and asking this question is something many of us have been too ‘busy’ to do. It gives pause to ponder on the true essence of a woman.

  132. To have livingness is to truly honour and listen to the body. What a joy it is to be able to check in with myself and see how I am, where I need support, and not be afraid to ask for it. In the past I saw this as a weakness, but being vulnerable has made me more connected to who I truly am than anything else. I feel as though I am truly getting to know myself – and allowing others to know me too. I also see others vulnerability and am equally there to support them. Is this not true community and living together in a way that allows us to all naturally grow and develop?

  133. I am a man and every time I read a blog on this site I connect more to myself and it confirms my understanding of women that I hold within. Owning confidence as a man either around other men or women is a valued commodity that you cannot buy. By reading these blogs you get to know just how delicate and sensitive women are. What is important here from a man’s perspective that they are deeply honoured for who they are not as an object. There is a whole lot more to experience and sensually feel in a relationship with a women through making love then to what sex is today and always has been – empty.

    1. It is very beautiful to come across a comment such as your Rick, from a man who is obviously open and in tune, and willing to sharing their appreciation and understanding of women on this level. This sentence particularly stood out for me, “By reading these blogs you get to know just how delicate and sensitive women are. What is important here from a man’s perspective that they are deeply honoured for who they are not as an object.” Beautiful, thank you.

  134. Thank you Rebecca for presenting the Way of the Livingness so beautifully. It is a powerful support having this web site ‘Women in Livingness’ where we can share and build deeper relationships with ourselves and each other as we discard all the jealousy and comparison that has been so common amongst women for a very long time.
    There is much to appreciate in your blog and on the web site.

  135. I visit this blog site many times a week. The topics covered are about things that affect us all but seldom get talked about in everyday conversations. I have found myself relating to many of the issues raised and in that feel I’m not alone. This website is truly pioneering in its ability to help women support each other and have more open discussion about the things that affect them.

  136. This blog turns the notion of achieving in all our roles as women as a way to be happy and successful. Rather presenting the notion that our connection to our own inner essence and stillness is an effortless way to connect who we truly are as woman.

  137. “Many of us are finding that we are big time multi-tasking under the demands of a society that now expects us to be the super-mum-career-woman-great-daughter-athlete-sex-kitten combo rolled into one”… phew I know that one! And I have a feeling that there are many others who can claim that they go into these roles too, leaving them exhausted and further away from their delicate yet powerful nature as women. I am so enjoying reading through all the blogs on this site because they are so supportive in bringing to my awareness all aspects of what a true woman looks like in the world today. Thank you Women in Livingness and Esoteric Womens Health and thank you Rebecca for a great introduction to an awesome website which is so inspirational and quite unique in its presentation from anything else I have come across with regards to women.

  138. The ‘gender equality’ we have so tenaciously fought over is not it. The ‘fight’ itself is an indicator that there is something that is amiss. For there is nothing we truly need to struggle over or beat each other up for. True equality comes when we live from the loving’inside’ place you describe Rebecca, because this warmth we can all share transcends nationality, size, gender and race. God knows we are one in this place.

  139. In all the struggle about equality women have left their bodies behind. It was a struggle and not a true movement and therefore the body was not involved with the consequences we are living today not being in our true movement, but in an action-based strive for recognition. Esoteric Women’s Health calls this out and supports women re-connect to their true qualities.

    1. This is so true Rachel and one that we are still not truly acknowledging, that in the struggle to prove or improve ourselves, and claim an equal footing with men, we did not consider our bodies and what was really true for us. In many ways we are paying the price for this as our bodies are not reflecting what it is to be a woman and live this every moment of the day. This is why I love the Esoteric Women’s Health, it offers women the space to recognise and enjoy being a woman again.

    2. Well said Rachel. In this struggle there has also been left a legacy of a strong message to women that equality has to be fought for and won. Which, of course, is the opposite of the true essence of a woman, who doesn’t need the ‘fight’, ‘push’ or ‘struggle’ as there is nothing on the outside that will ever be greater than the stillness and sacredness that can only ever be found within. This is true equality.

  140. This platform with many others and Esoteric Women’s Health has been and is a true support for all women world wide. It offers real women to share how to live from their inner knowing and how to re-connect to our true strength and power of fragility and delicateness. I have never been so much of a woman as I am today thanks to the collective learning and sharing.

  141. Before coming to Universal Medicine and subsequently attending Women in Livingness presentations I had no concept of what being a woman was. I had images of women in general and the many variations we all assume are us but none of this actually got to the fundamentals, beneath the outer surface to the essence of the woman and the qualities that we uniquely are. It is now with the understanding that the stillness I now feel in my body, allows the connection to the inner wisdom, my love and the joy that connects me to live and appreciate the qualities we as woman are within. Spending most of my life in the busy, fast lane I had little time or care for the impact I was having on my body or the disconnection I had from others even those I vowed I loved. There was no point of connection to myself … This has changed and I feel I am living as a woman now and the connection I have has transformed my relationships with everything and everyone to be one of openness, my everyday experience with the world has completely changed and I feel connected to and a responsibility in humanity to reflect these true qualities.

  142. This is a beautiful platform for woman to express many of the very personal and sometimes confusing messages we get from society. We have as women often felt the need to be all things to all people, therefor putting ourselves at the bottom of the barrel and it is not until we fall ill or depressed that the alarm bells ring and we then are forced to truly look at what we are doing to ourselves

  143. Being a woman today is challenging, more challenging than I think we women want to admit. Namely because most never slow down long enough to give us space to even feel what it means. We typically have so many jobs, roles, hats we wear, that we are not able to see straight. We just need to look at the rates of illness and disease that are going through the roof, the rates of divorce, depression, anxiety and everything else that is going on. State of relationships we have with ourselves. Everything needs to be looked at, but beginning with ourselves is a great start.

  144. What I find interesting as a modern woman that is keen to experiment, grow, make changes, is this. When I get caught in an idea of ‘Once I get through this, I will no longer have this problem’ The problem always resurfacers and I go into thinking I have failed and that I never get anywhere.
    What I have recently come to realise is that evolving and changing might not be how we perceive it to be, maybe it’s not a ladder to be climbed, or a line to be measured or a list we tick off?
    What if we consider that if everything is connected and if a ‘problem’ cycles around to be looked at again, it doesn’t mean that we failed last time, it simply means there is a deeper level or a different angel to be considered. It might mean that although you think that you have stopped talking down to your husband, that you still talk down to your sister, or you no longer have a crazy boss that controls you but your now have a mother in law that has taken the slot and feels the same as your old boss.
    All these reflections are there to take our level of awareness and responsibility even further, as if an issues is not yet completely healed, life and our soul will keep presenting new opportunities to do this, it really is an amazing science.

  145. When we strive to achieve certain things, we are already looking outside of ourselves, and when we are connected to our own natural inner knowing, we are able to live in a rhythm that supports us.

  146. The first question that opens this blog already tells so much about how we expect women to be in society; ‘What does ‘living as a woman’ look like in our current age?’. The truth is is that it doesn’t ‘look’ like anything – there is no particular image or picture that we should be ‘looking like’, as every woman is different. However, what we have today is billions of women trying to mould themselves to look like the ‘right’ woman in our current age.

  147. one of our greatest revelations can be to realise that are body is actually part of who we are, and thus deserves our utmost care and respect. This seems a ludicrous thing to suggest but the fact is many of us, if we really think about it, see ourselves as separate to our bodies, and thus our bodies as more of a hindrance and a machine rather than an integral part of our being. We are so much more than just a head on a stick.

  148. This sentence if understood and lived would be a total life changer. It is this that must be shared and discussed in schools in magazines in doctors appointments at the gym. ‘Living by the knowing of the body and developing an honesty with the body allows a way of living or a ‘livingness’* to develop that is informed from within us as women rather than through the impositions of societal ideals and expectations.’ The concept of being ‘informed from within’ is is like giving us back to ourselves.

  149. Rebecca I feel many women today make many demands on themselves, without appreciating that it is their own choice, until we start to understand that we strive to achieve against our own natural rhythm we will be permanently exhausted.

  150. The most rewarding phenomenon I have seen and felt coming from this blog and from the women’s groups associated with it is women enjoying being women. Living in a woman’s body is such a pleasure and a joy. There was a time in my life when I did not feel this way and I didn’t know any women who felt this way. Life for women was a burden, full of injustice and discrimination. Now I feel that the joy comes first. There is injustice and abuse in the world, however those things do not overwhelm and they do not interfere with the fact that claiming the true woman and honouring the true woman is a joy and a pleasure.

  151. When I see ‘modern women’ being portrayed in the media it seems to often synonymous with ‘women who have a good mind and are good with words’. Surprisingly (perhaps) that seems to be the profile of women journalists.

  152. Each published blog is an amazing testament to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine; also to the power we have as individuals when we make new choices in our lives. Sharing stories is so inspiring, adding a new dimension to the term responsibility.

  153. This blog site is a constant source of inspiration for me. Each and every blog allows me to connect to what I know to be true. I cannot read these blogs to ‘escape’, fantasise or check out, instead they ask me to connect to myself, take responsibility and express who I really am. I am given insight into the lives of others but there is nothing voyeristic or hooking about the subject matter, personal stories are shared for the purpose of bringing understanding to life. Thank you to each and every person that is a part of the success of Women in Livingness.

  154. Thank you one and all your blogs . For the first time in my 85 years I have been learning to type and use a computer . I have had a lovely time reading and a lot of your experience’s , I have been looking at myself to see what I need to take on board as well. . I am appreciative of the heart felt honesty of each and every one of you .Woman’s Magazines need to change their format and to stop reporting so much rubbish that they know is just not true at all . You are all a real inspiration for me .

    1. The appreciation you express is very beautiful Dorothy – your comment is inspirational. You show me that life is rich when we allow ourselves to learn, grow and expand our awareness up until our last breath.

  155. The mere idea of making life a fight about equality is deadly for women since it pre-disposes them to focus outwardly constantly and to engage in this with body charged emotionally and in reaction.

    1. love it Adam. honouring our tenderness allows us to be more energetically aware. If find it interesting the subject of energetic awareness, because it is so simple and everyone can do it but it has been so bastardised by the spiritual New Age. True energetic awareness comes from being connected with the body and its practical movements in life. Its so simple.

  156. The Livingness is about living the love that we are from the inside out”. Given that we all come from love and therefore love is our essence why don’t be just live that love? The truth is that we don’t because we get hurt early on in life and then close down to the love that we are. Reconnecting to this love has changed my life. I am now learning to be in the livingness of my love and it is magnificent.

  157. I really like the title of this blog…”Modern Woman… a product of society or of her own true nature”… as it shows there is, undeniable a choice women do make as to how they express or identify themselves… Do we identify ourselves by the richness of the quality of her presence, her sacredness or identify ourselves by the society ‘norms’ and expectations that set up living in motion and the ‘to do’ treadmill.

  158. Women have incessant opportunities to fight for their right to live a beautiful life. They have fought for it in several fronts. And, in many regards, in some places, they have increased what society understands for well-being. There is a call for re-imprinting what well-being really is and how does it feel. Women are called to play a crucial role in this.

  159. Women had fought to free themselves from many real situations felt to them as un-equal, un-just. In doing so they lost themselves because they have bought into many ideals that govern men. They did not realise that what they were trying to get was a whole package that proved to be very costly as men, their bodies and their relationships. The idea that living and measuring life with the same standards and that this was only natural is in true a false one since the embraced concept of natural is totally unnatural for both men and women.

  160. The Women in Livingness site is one I go to everyday,I love how it brings a gentle claiming quality to my day. It is not that I have to be reminded that I am a woman (any more!) but the blogs remind me of certain things that may slip by during the day. Many of the topics that have been shared are what I have found for myself and offer a greater clarity and understanding to my own experiences.

  161. This blog is priceless in terms of what is on offer to all who come across it. So many topics are cover with so much input from many women and men who are choosing to go deeper and bring the livingness into their lives. Words of wisdom can be read and felt on every page, awakening the inner women to come out and shine.

  162. I love this part Rebecca ‘Living by the knowing of the body’ This is as simple as it gets. Our bodies are sacred. They know how to move and live. It is up to us to surrender to this knowingness and let go of the seeking. From there we can celebrate our re-turn ✨

  163. ‘ …there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate.’ This is such a lesson for us women who thought we had to be hard to be successful. When I ‘try’ my voice goes hard, when I ‘feel’ it becomes more gentle, less imposing, and more power-full. Big lesson.

  164. Beautifully written Rebecca. What struck me in the first part of this was how we have indeed moved so far from how it is we as women can be in society. In fact the way society functions as a whole currently is unsupportive of both men and women. It is rare to find a system or workplace that is truly about honouring how we are built to work, our innate sensitivity and requirements to live a life of joy and harmony. Part of this is because women are not honoured, and often don’t choose to honour what it is that is truly supportive or honouring for them. This site provides beautiful and amazing insights from women all over the world that are working on just this – how to live, be and reflect in a world that has been constructed not to do so. The support this site provides cannot be fathomed. Thank you.

  165. Thank you Rebecca…”The Livingness is about living the love that we are from the inside out – this is what it means to live from and with the soul…” so the Woman in her Livingness offers such a sacred and magnificent quality of love and stillness to all that she does…. What precious gifts women naturally are.

  166. Being a women in today’s society has become about ‘doing’ everything, being the wife, the single person, the worker, the lover, the mother, the friend, the counsellor, equal to men. There is so much drive attached to all that we try to achieve each day and life has become about being on a treadmill for many. Women are exhausted and not sure where to turn. Esoteric Women’s Health and the Esoteric Modalities are truly amazing and are a way to help women stop and begin to understand more deeply what it means to live a gentler, more tender and connected life.

  167. To live in a way that is truly honouring of being a woman is new to me. To not feel ashamed or less for being a woman and to allow myself the grace to explore being female within the world is beautiful. The world has always seemed to me to be celebratory of men and their achievements and not celebratory of women and the connection, care and stillness we bring. It has been beautiful to reconnect to my femaleness through the support of Esoteric Women’s Health and really appreciate what I bring to this world as a female.

  168. This is such a great question…”But what would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves?…” Everything would change… health care, the way we do business, relationships, friendships, parenting… this just goes to show how we as women, all have a responsibility to tender to, take care and nurture ourselves as its not just doing it for ourselves, but supports the whole community.

  169. ” ‘Living by the knowing of the body and developing an honesty with the body allows a way of living or a ‘livingness’* to develop that is informed from within us as women rather than through the impositions of societal ideals and expectations.” This is so cool – so often we base our image of ourselves and how to be on external factors – pictures in the media, our family comments, what our friends or celebrities are wearing/doing/saying. How simple, then to feel inside and live from our inner knowing.

  170. I have found this website to be so supportive of all women and offers clarity on the many ideals and beliefs we live under. I have also found that it challenges me to be more of the woman I am and to live that.

  171. This is such a beautiful introduction to this website I thoroughly every time I am reading blogs I get a new understanding of what is and can be lived.

  172. This statement…”great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate” may sound like… how can you be powerful, strong, tender and delicate at the same time? but with Esoteric Women’s health, I have discovered is that the presence and quality that comes with being full of the essence that a woman naturally has, and only needs to connect to, is the reason how this combination of descriptive words very much describes the potential of a woman.

  173. When I lived as a product of society I never feel good, worthy, beautiful or loveable enough. But when I learned to connect to my inner heart I knew all this was purely false beliefs I had subscribed to and none of it was true. I am still unravelling the insidious tendrils of these false beliefs but at those times when I feel my true self, feel and express the love I am, another thread of illusion that I am anything less than divine is dissolved. I find Esoteric Women’s health modalities very supportive in this unravelling process.

  174. I am quite new to using this website and I have to say, that I absolutely love it. I love the fact that so many women are sharing so beautifully and truthfully and I love all the supportive comments that are made. I also love being able to express some of my experiences of Universal Medicine and it’s wonderful healing modalities. I also find that by expressing in this way, it helps me to express more openly and honestly in my daily life.

    1. Yes, agree Belinda. It is awesome to read some of these blogs and articles, its like it expands our understanding and it is really inspiring that there are people in the community having such real and honest conversations.

    2. Well said Belinda, and I agree. It is indeed amazing to feel, see and experience women SUPPORTING each other with real life issues on this website, rather than going at or criticising one another from a place of jealousy or comparison. The actual content of the blogs is the same – none are written from a place of trying to show off, asking for sympathy or needing people to understand their problems, they are simply an offering of inspiration for readers.

      1. Yes Susie this is very refreshing. Most women’s magazines invite comparison and from there inevitably we go into jealousy as well as having the agendas you speak of. The foundation of this blog site is purely to support one another in simply offering inspiration from shared life experiences. There is very little else out there supporting women in this way.

  175. Thank you Rebecca. It is wonderful to have an arena where woman can share what is going on in their lives with each other and have the opportunity to read others experiences to realise that we are not alone, in fact we are often experiencing very similar things, and we can find support within these blogs. Women In Livingness is a much needed medium for our times.

  176. A great question Rebecca ,one that we need to deeply ask ourselves. – ‘But what would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves?

  177. “Quite apart from categorising ourselves in such limiting ways as ‘women who burn their bras’ or ‘women who only wear push-up bras’ or by any other label, we have an opportunity to return to the women we naturally and innately are, free from the ideals, expectations and images we have been fed.” – This is great, no need to put ourselves in a box or create an identity just an opportunity to open up and let go of damaging ideals and pictures that we’ve held ourselves in.

  178. Women in Livingness come from all walks of life and from what seems to be offering us ever expanding reflection throughout the possibility that there could be another way to live as women that frees her to surrender not fight and in that stillness discover her divine essence and naturally self-nurturing way.

  179. As one woman with a very common women’s health problem of fibroids, I don’t know where I would be if it were not for Universal Medicine. Through my association with Universal Medicine and my developing relationship with myself, increasingly I can see that the cause of fibroids is a woman not embracing that she is a woman and with this there are many qualities that lay hidden and dormant if the real woman is not allowed to live, be and express. Whilst these qualities lay hidden and dormant the world misses out on the incredible grace, power and beauty that women naturally bring to the world.

    1. Thank you for sharing this Shevonsimon, it is interesting what you shared about fibroids. Our body is amazing at reflecting all our choices, communicating to us whenever an imbalance is present in the way we live. In most cases it is shown through illness and disease, for us to stop and our body offers us an opportunity to make changes that is required and when we don’t listen these messages just gets louder and louder.

  180. ‘The Livingness is about living the love that we are from the inside out – this is what it means to live from and with the soul, to live soul-fully in our daily lives.’ And I feel that one of the key factors is to have a deep and loving relationship with our bodies. The way we hold them, feed them, carry them and care for them. Consistently and with a daily loving commitment.

    1. I agree Kathryn, and blogs that offer information and experiences from other woman about incorporating loving choices into our practical daily lives is immensely supportive. Women In Livingness is a beautiful way for woman to come together, share and support each other.

  181. As human beings, we are more vulnerable and sensitive than we like to admit, and we certainly do not treasure our fragility and tenderness as we would our ability to charge through a nest of bull ants and into a spiky raspberry bush if it means getting the job done. It is about time we looked at the ludicrousness of those qualities in men and women that clearly do not work and yet are deified by society as being the pinnacle of what it means to be a successful human being. This website is a great step in the right direction in that regard, for women naturally show us the beauty and delicacy of movement and thought that we are all capable of – if they are not at first corrupted by the ideals of society that are bestowed upon them.

    1. Well said Adam. It is indeed ludicrous that both men and women are so quick to put their bodies on the line in order to get things done or meet up to society’s/their own expectations. The interesting thing is that as you say this trait is seen as being the ‘secret to success’, and we are encouraged to push the limitations of our body to achieve a financially or socially ‘good life’.

    2. I love the wisdom you share and your beautiful expression of it Adam. A joy to read. Yes this blog site supports us in the busting of ideals around having to “toughen up” and be hard. Realising when we do this not only are we deeply harming ourselves, but others too. In our negation of our natural gentleness and tenderness we encourage others to override theirs and no gets the reflection of who we innately are. However when we can start to appreciate the exquisite gentleness and nurturing girls and women bring and the beautiful tender caring of boys and men – we can change the world.

    3. Yes Adam – we try to mask our sensitivity and it does not make sense as there is so much power in being sensitive. Perhaps if we did not give our power away to society, then we would feel it much more strongly within ourselves, where it naturally comes from.

  182. This blogsite is amazing, it is about time that women start to be honest and openly share with each other, as we can all benefit when we re-access our innate wisdom that we hold within.

    1. I agree Judith it is seriously cool to have a website like this to be able to share and be honest about what has been playing out for us woman. It is such a supportive way of express as woman and desperately needed. When we are connected to our innate stillness and wisdom there is not an ounce of comparison as we each and every single one of us has this exact same quality. How we express it is the uniqueness in the way we share it.

      1. Yes Natalie, when we separate from our innate wisdom and live from our head, all the head can do is compare to others to calibrate what is right or wrong, but it can never know the truth. So unless we reconnect to our body, which has all the wisdom of the universe within its particles, we are for ever at the mercy of comparison.

  183. This website is the bomb! Never before have so many women’s issues been so honestly discussed and documented, never before have we seen women uniting in such a way to truly work together bringing about profound change.
    Never before have self-doubt, self-loathing and self-criticism been dissected to what they truly are and never before have women had such an opportunity to discuss topics with such openness and love.

    Move over Vogue, women’s weekly this website offers true evolution.

    1. In sharing on this blog we are creating our own ‘ information thread ‘ that is opening up an in depth conversation, supporting women and men to delve into the real issues and provide real answers. It’s definitely a first for truth and real open discussion. No quick fixes or latest fads just loving support to be who we are in full.

    2. I so agree with you, samanthaengland, this is quite an amazing website. It is so beautiful to read so many women sharing their experiences of being a woman and the so many things that hold them back from living the true woman that they have become to know that they are. Women are peeling apart the layers that are there to expose all the self-doubt, self-loathing and self-criticism that they have been holding deep in them and stopping them feel their true selves. This is absolutely world-changing for so many people, as you say, “this website offers true evolution”.

      1. Absolutely Beverly, not only absolute support but true inspiration to start to life a more loving life that holds you as a woman in equality, grace, harmony, love and absolute divinity (the nature we are). Yet it might seem that we have came a long way and have abandoned this very rich self (who we truly are), but this is all coming back to the surface when we choose to connect to our inner-heart. Thank you beautiful Esoteric Women;s Health for inspiring me every single day to be more of the woman I am.

    3. Jane, I have not read any of the mainstream womens’ magazines for at least thirty years, a few of them used to have some useful articles, but as they dropped in quality, I just stopped bothering to get them. Now if I see one in a waiting room, it is full of boring articles about pop stars, celebrities etc. and there is probably very little truth in them anyway. But this blog site is wonderful, it is full of helpful articles to help us understand the things that hold back from realising just how beautiful they truly are, when they live from within themselves, discover how amazing they really are and what they can bring to humankind. And it is all so very simple, there is no need for all the complication that we seem to be surrounded by. And a really important thing that I have found, is that this site is where people can feel safe to share really important things that they have found about themselves, to other women can look at these issues and recognise them in themselves. As you say, there is so much honesty in these pages, it is so refreshing.

    4. Absolutely Samantha, you have nailed it. This is a first and one that will offer woman world wide the opportunity to realise that they are not alone – and they are incredibly supported by other woman sharing what is happening in their lives. Women in Livingness is the bomb indeed!

      1. Since the launch of the first Women in Livingness Magazine and this incredible website I have stopped purchasing and reading women magazines. There such a true sense of writing in the magazine and website for all women on topics that are real with no “fix ups” or makeovers clouding topics.

    5. Whoa samanthaengland! You’ve captured the essence of this blog truthfully and so powerfully. The Women in Livingness platform is ground breaking in opening up true conversations about the issues many (if not all) women face, and not in the sense of discussing external fixes or solutions, but about returning to connecting to the true wisdom that is within us all.

    6. Absolutely Samantha, a right little firecracker! This website is illuminating and inspiring, but the most important aspect is that it speaks the truth. It consists of deep and honest sharings that are rarely found anywhere else, certainly not on the internet and in the majority of women’s magazines that are found on the shelves nowadays.

    7. Well said Samanthaengland, I totally agree, this most definitely offers both women and men true evolution we’ve not had before. What an awesome way to support us in our everyday living and sharing with openness and love with each other.

    8. Yes Jane… a lot of the topics covered are honest and ask us to start sharing conversations with each other we dare not share before. A great read and I can’t wait for the next issue.

    9. Samantha what you share is so true. The profundity of the blogs in these pages lies in the honesty and truth of how we really feel and no stone is left unturned as to how we as women have judged and criticised ourselves, but at the same time what is presented is a knowingness of our exquisite fragility and grace that lies underneath all this self loathing and lack of self worth. When the depth of who were are is a known it is then easier to feel and know that all the negative ideas we have taken on is an illusion we have bought into. After this it becomes a simple process to return to self love and to let go of the judgments in the full appreciation of what we naturally bring. This blog site is a gift to all of us. In the expression of what we are collectively sharing we are offering up opportunities for healing not just for ourselves but to women across the world.

    10. Awesome Samantha, I could not have said it better myself. This site offers so much to women today that far surpasses anything seen in the many womens magazines on offer. Written by real everyday women, honestly expressing their experiences and sharing the most valuable of tools and insights. This is a must read blog site and one that I keep coming back to. Brilliant job Women in Livingness team!

  184. This site is an absolute blessing to every woman who visits it. There are blogs here that can turn people’s lives around for the better. l feel it’s revolutionary, and one of a kind. Thank you.

  185. This is so beautifully put! Through some of the presentations held by Sara Williams, of Universal Medicine, the womens groups have often been asked to think about or truly look inside themselves and feel what it is like to be a woman. At first, I had trouble with this question. I know what I feel like in my every day life, but what it feels like to be a woman escaped me and if I’m honest, I’m not sure I’m there yet. Coming from an extremely feminine woman, who has been called glamorous and sexy for most of her life, this was very surprising to me. I may look like a woman on the outside, but what did I feel like to be a woman? I absolutely had no idea! However, what I do know, is that through the teachings and therapy modalities of Universal Medicine, my heart is starting to open, after being shut down for 42 years of my life, I am starting to feel my sweetness, tenderness, stillness and inner strength. None of which, I ever would have known I had without Serge Benhayon and his ever lasting love for the students and his passion for supporting us on our path back to our true selves. Thank you, Serge.

  186. I have had many healing sessions and attended many presentations from Esoteric Women’s Health and my life, without a shadow of a doubt is much richer because of it. Why? Because increasingly I feel very beautiful and that feeling is coming from within! It’s come to the point now that most times, no matter what is happening around me I have the opportunity to stay in touch with feeling this inner-beauty. The way I am able to stay connected is through the gentle breath, as introduced by Serge Benhayon. Breathing in gently through my nose and then out again through my nose and bringing my mind into alignment with my breath, really quells a lot of the anxieties and worries of daily life that I used to be completely overrun by.

  187. ‘And many of us know how to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ but do not truly and deeply feel a sense of our own beauty?’

    I spent years feeling I had made it because I suddenly saw that I was pretty. All that did was allow me to focus on my face and reject the rest of my body. True Beauty is something that one feels throughout their whole body – from head to toe and leaves you feeling sexy and sassy in a very respectful way. With that we start to really feel and accept (if we choose) our worth.

  188. “The Livingness is about living the love that we are from the inside out – this is what it means to live from and with the soul, to live soul-fully in our daily lives”, this is beautiful to completely live soul-fully without any rules , ideals or beliefs, just to from the love within.

  189. “The Livingness is about living the Love that we are from the inside out” It is truly empowering to realise we have everything we need within, and there is Love all-encompassing just waiting for us to embrace it if or when we choose. Living that Love is what changes everything as we allow what is truly us to come forth and in so doing let drop all that is not true and therefore does not serve.

  190. This is a very powerful blog Rebecca. So sad and yet so true that “It has become fairly standard for us to be generally racy, anxious, driven, deeply lacking in self-confidence or simply managing life as best we can. Many women care for all those around them but stop short of truly caring for and nurturing themselves. And how many of us know how to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ but do not truly and deeply feel a sense of our own beauty?” The question we need to ask ourselves is how and why, as modern women, have we let this happen?

  191. Reading the articles on this blog site over the last few years have supported a deepening relationship with myself that allows me a freedom to express who I truly am. It is is an awesome blog site and revolutionary concerning how society views women, how women view women and how women express being a woman.

  192. “The Livingness is about living the love that we are from the inside out – this is what it means to live from and with the soul, to live soul-fully in our daily lives.” , this is beautiful, it is about letting go of outside influences and really connecting to our inner most and making loving choices from their. When we connect to our inner most, our soul guides us through with our loving choices. We can feel the tension in our body if we are not living soul-fully.

  193. This is a great question …”But what would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves?…” I’m sure the whole landscape of women’s health and relationships between each other (man and woman) would be quite different, as once we nurture and deepen the relationship within ourselves, everything improves.

  194. I love the real way forward for women being offered by esoteric women’s health. I am proud to be associated with esoteric women’s health and to see how it’s positively impacting the health of so many women.

  195. The way we live, once in action can only then be offered to another. For how can we offer another just knowledge and not be living it our selves. The love we have for ourself is the platform we offer another from our own experience. Many claim to love another but do not have even the basic understanding of it in their body or their life. So what understanding are you basing this love on, if it is unknown to you. The word love needs to be studied more closely.

  196. Thank you Rebecca, what you say here is key… “Living by the knowing of the body and developing an honesty with the body allows a way of living or a ‘livingness’* to develop that is informed from within us as women rather than through the impositions of societal ideals and expectations…” as it allows for choice. Choice to follow what society suggests is ‘good’ for women or the choice to stay true to ourselves.

  197. “And how many of us know how to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ but do not truly and deeply feel a sense of our own beauty?” ME!!!

  198. The obligation many women feel to live and act a certain way to be accepted as a woman has had a very gloomy result. Fortunately thanks to Serge Benhayon and the teaching of Universal Medicine woman are learning to take responsibility for the choices they make to develop a deep loving respect for themselves as true woman. Learning to listen to our bodies and living the love that emanate from deep within offering a reflection to all woman to connect with their own true self.

  199. Yes the demands being made on women are intense if we chose to take it all on. However, this blog about women and how they can chose differently is wonderful in that it shows comprehensively there really is another way.

  200. What a divine platform this is Rebecca to explore, share, and learn from the wealth of lived experienced here offered on this site. Getting back in touch with our inner knowing is to be celebrated as this reunion is the greatest of all to attend, and most certainly not to be missed!

  201. I just love this amazing website as it has supported me to discover the true woman I am; not the stressed out, burn out person who; tried to juggle so many things at once that she kept on dropping them; attempted to please everyone first and herself last; who was brought up in the 50’s with the ideals and beliefs that she was to be the wife and mother before anything else, and then became totally confused and guilty when “Women’s Lib’ came along and said “get out of the kitchen and into the work force and demand to be treated equally”. All this was very exhausting and debilitating to my well being and to my relationships. Then finally along came this amazing website, the wonderful articles that I could relate to so easily, the comments that I would nod to as I read them, and the gorgeous women who were sharing with me and the world the stresses, strains, ideals and beliefs that were oh so familiar.. Suddenly I didn’t feel alone, no longer a square peg in a round hole; I felt connected to these beautiful women and each time I connected to this site began to understand me a little bit more and in the process began to love me for all that I am, not the roles I play or what I do. I was without doubt a product of the society that I grew up in, but now in my 60’s I can say that I am finally a product of my “own true nature”

    1. Gosh Ingrid, what a gorgeous heartfelt sharing and one that expresses what many women must have felt during the ‘feminist era’, quite confusing, disheartening and disempowering! And no wonder men then didn’t know and still don’t always know how to respond to women, because women lost contact with themselves and thus were not able to ‘lead’ in relationships, the natural order of things.

      1. You’re absolutely right Marian as to what happened to the men. We as women got lost and totally confused by all the messages of how the world had to change, and as we lost our true sense of self so did the men. So now it makes sense that the more we reclaim ourselves as the amazing women we are, that in turn we are laying a foundation for men to finally return to the gorgeous, tender beings that they naturally are.

  202. This site is about women and for women who want to be real and live from their inner knowing rather than the ideals and beliefs which are being thrust on us daily through the media, through society and often from our own families. Many men contribute to this site as they are able to appreciate and feel the true gorgeousness of women who are living from their innermost. What a gift to the world – thank you Rebecca.

    1. Hear hear Anne, I have watched so many women come into their own over the past few years as they seek to honour and understand themselves in a world that to be frank has demeaned and undervalued women consistently throughout the ages.

  203. Seeking equality through force or righteousness concerning men and women will not provide an outcome of understanding and connection. For many years women in many countries have sought equality, in some situations risked their lives to do so and yes we do have the vote and we can work, but is there true equality… “And yet in reality we find ourselves still very much lacking in some advances and indeed in some ways the ‘equality’ we have fought hard to win has actually created greater and new complications.” I feel we still have some way to go, part of that for me is how I approach life, the quality with which I seek work, equality and my place in the world. For example men are not the enemy, they have as much right to understanding, care and respect as women in this situation we find ourselves in. I feel we as women have the power to truly support equality by supporting and learning to express ourselves without the reactions of victimhood, hurt and injustice. I feel this blog site really supports true equality between men and women, and it is inspiring.

  204. I adore the quote at the top of this page, and that it doesn’t highlight one area or action a woman ‘should’ do, but how their power lies in simply being in ‘every way’. It feels like this covers everything in life without exception. To know and meet women living and bringing this quality of equal stillness, feels deeply nurturing.

  205. This line is a stand out for me – “The Livingness is about living the love that we are from the inside out.” Every step I take towards living and expressing more love I discover that there is only more to express and to experience. The magic that the livingness offers is beyond this world.

    1. I agree Vicky “The Livingness is about living the love that we are from the inside out.” without a doubt!

  206. What a beautiful site, the first I have come across that deeply honours the ‘Woman’. In the past it has all been about roles, and meeting the expectations setup regarding meeting the needs of others and ‘Looking” pretty. This site is starting from the ‘Knowingness’ that we already are the wholeness of a woman deeply within and now is the time to own that and live the tenderness, delicacy and fragility of who we truly are. The blogs are deeply nurturing and supportive.

  207. I find reading the blogs on this website so refreshing as it deepens my awareness and understanding not only of women but also my relationship with women. This is because the website and the magazine share true portrayals of women by women of who and how they are instead of the false ideal sold to us by the media.

  208. Rebecca, what a gorgeous, ground-breaking article laying the foundation for a conversation on how we live as women; To know and hear that we can come back to who we truly are as women, to our livingness and to living from inside out, something that is much needed for us all. Nothing is more important than us, and when we bring us to the world we and all are blessed and graced.

  209. The quote from this article “we are a mystery to our own selves” reveals much and implies we are lost… We are indeed! We have become a combination of many characters, many copied beliefs and assumed personas. Take all of these away and we have a natural woman and isn’t this who we really are? Leaving us free to be just that ‘natural’ open, sensitive, delicate woman expressing from our essence which is us to the core, to our inner most …no trying required.

  210. As a younger woman I felt I had to be tough and hard to survive in the world and saw delicate sensitive woman as weak and pitiful. I closed my heart to not only myself but to everyone thinking that would keep me safe, if I didn’t let anyone in or express love then I couldn’t be hurt. Since listening to presentations of serge Benahayon and Universal Medicine I choose to look at life very differently. I now know that by working through my hurts and the picture I had created from my own values and beliefs of how a woman should be, act, dress and the role in life I chose to take on is far from true.
    I now know the incredible strength and safety I feel in re connecting to my authentic self and opening my heart and learn to love myself and others. I am amazed just how delicate, tender and sweet I truly am. By re-claiming my femaleness and the gorgeous woman I am I feel love and warmth emanate from the core of my being

  211. Many women feel that they are incomplete without a partner, without a child, without a job, or if they do not ‘look’ the part. In reality we are all complete, just being ourselves as women, and through Esoteric Women’s Health and the Women in Livingness magazine and presentations we are beginning to explore the boundaries and call ourselves back to our true nature, that being powerful yet delicate with a sacredness inside us that is just beginning to reveal itself.

    1. I was one of those women Sandra that you speak of. I was completely completed by all those things…the husband, the children, the house, the car….but on the inside I was never enough just me. Now, and with the blessing of Esoteric Women’s Health and a number of inspirational women around me leading the way, I have discovered that me, just me, is not only enough, but there are no amount of words to describe what I have now connected to within myself. Now It is just the living of it.

  212. The interesting thing is that deeply inside every woman of this world knows what a true woman is, how she feels and expresses – but a lot of us have forgotten that we are naturally that and now need to relearn. So there is nothing we need to reach, as we are already it, just have to explore, learn and allow.

  213. This is just beautiful Rebecca – “Living by the knowing of the body and developing an honesty with the body allows a way of living or a ‘livingness’* to develop that is informed from within us as women…” It feels so liberating and empowering to come from this inner self and using our body as the ultimate marker.

  214. I love the statement as devastating as it is and true, you express it so light and playfully – with the word esoteric becoming mysterious rather than it’s true meaning – that in our disconnection we have in fact become mysterious even to ourselves. I love this blog. It covers so much and so simply.

  215. It is no wonder why many women feel like this…’It has become fairly standard for us to be generally racy, anxious, driven, deeply lacking in self-confidence or simply managing life as best we can.’ I for one have made life extremely hard work for myself, jumping through hoops to get everything done and it only leads to feeling miserable, exhausted and not good enough. I had to really be honest to see this is the way I was choosing to live and it wasn’t life ‘doing it to me.’. Only then could I make another choice to live differently.

    1. Great point susanG. Yes society and the reflections we see everyday can be full on and challenging, but to think that we don’t have the choice within us to live differently is dis-empowering. The moment I feel and see another woman letting themselves be themselves I am totally inspired and it is far easier for me to see that I too can express like that. We are all super powerful when step out of the collective beliefs we have fallen for.

  216. What I love hearing more and more is that men are acknowledging the need for women to be supporting them in business and what they bring to the table. They see the power and connection they have and how this plays out with others. We can equally support each other and see that one is not greater than another but together we can provide a loving balance to our community.

    1. Awesome comment Gail, men and women working together in full acceptance, respect and honouring of who we are and what we bring to one another is very beautiful.

    2. I’m with Anna – awesome comment Gail and yes “We can equally support each other and see that one is not greater than another but together we can provide a loving balance to our community”. The choice is ours!

  217. What an amazing reminder to read this blog and intro over and over again Rebecca. It is in knowing that Esoteric, which we use all the time, is simply ‘from within’. That it is for all of us, our own responsibility to develop that relationship ‘from within’ and live from that outwards. It is ongoing and never does stay the same, that has been my own learning, to not feel like I have to get somewhere, but to constantly connect with myself and learn what are the really practical day to day things that help let me know as reminders when I do feel really connected (things just flow, they are simple, I feel joy in all that I do) and those things that show my when I am not (feeling reactive, judgemental of others, of myself, things feel like hard work, complicated). These are all part of learning how to deeply care for myself and understand what quality I am living.

  218. The deep care we have for ourselves and the loving way we are with ourselves is the “quality we then bring to all others”. This should be taught from day one, it should be in every parenting and teachers manual. Imagine if we all lived like this, it may be sometime of but is it not worth working towards? What a different world it would be.

    1. So true Caroline what a different world it will eventually be with more and more of us working towards being deeply caring and loving towards ourselves and bringing that quality we live to humanity.

    2. I absolutely agree Caroline! That’s the world I want to live in. So lets BE the change we wish to see in the world and others!

  219. This is wonderful to read Rebecca, ‘It examines the possibility that there is a self-nurturing rhythm that is natural to us and that we can choose to know and live by.’ It is this self nurturing rhythm that i have been enjoying over the last few years, taking care of myself, being gentle with myself, allowing myself time for me in the morning so that i do not need to rush, allowing myself wind down time in the evening, going to bed early, writing my diary, putting cream on my body, this rhythm supports me enormously and feels very natural and true and feels so different to how i used to live which was in disregard, overriding my natural rhythm.

  220. In this society of consumerism where the pressure to be, do and have experience in anything and everything is being imposed we as women are pressured to be anything but naturally ourselves. To know deeply who we are without the add ons can be so far removed from the facade we present to the world. This site is testament to choosing a different way to live from connection to the stillness within and to express this quality out , to experience the true nature and essence of each exquisite woman living in and from her cycles. A truly honouring expression for the world to see and feel the ‘true inate natural beauty of a Woman’.

  221. The strength of a woman is her tenderness and delicateness that she brings to the world each day, and is lived through her movement and expression. That cannot be measured or captured for it is forever coming from her. The true beauty of a woman.

  222. “A society that now expects us to be the super-mum-career-woman-great-daughter-athlete-sex-kitten combo rolled into one” – how exhausting! But we do expect ourselves to keep up with all these things, otherwise we are a ‘failure’. No wonder we are constantly exhausted!

    1. I guess the only thing we can really keep up with is being ourselves Jessica. I don’t think anything else will ever work.

  223. I love visiting this site and reading the blogs and comments about what is really going on for women, and how the men are feeling also.
    It seems that life is not getting easier for women when we hear about the way young women are bombarded with social media sites, pornography, sex with no love, images in the media of the “ideal” body size and shape, and young men confused about how to be men. Esoteric Women’s Health and Universal Medicine have so much support to offer here, as many of us testify to how our lives have changed as a result of choosing self responsibility and love as our foundations.

    1. I can 100% testify to that Bernadette. Being a young woman myself, I see and hear all the things you speak of on pretty much a daily basis, but I also read this blog site on a daily basis, and have the Women in Livingness Magazine in my room at all times… It’s a blessing to have been given the support by Esoteric Women’s Health and Natalie Benhayon to not go a long with the norm and fall under the pressure of the media, instead to not be afraid to express and claim myself as a woman.

  224. I was definitely one of the women finding that ‘we are big time multi-tasking under the demands of a society that now expects us to be the super-mum-career woman- great daughter-athlete=sex-kittne combo rolled into one – previously with a focus on either pleasing everyone else or doing what I ‘thought’ I should be doing or what society expected. Since attending presentations and workshops given by Serge Benhayon and Natalie Benhayon have I started to self-care and connect to my stillness and tenderness. The support of the Esoteric Women’s Health Website has been a game changer for me, the articles, the blogs – all stories of real women living real lives have been truly inspirational for me to truly connect to the real woman that is deep inside of my being, and is slowly rising up, coming to the surface. Welcome back – you are so amazing!

  225. I love how clearly the content of this site has been explained. It comes from a deep love and care of women with a absolutely no agenda other than to lovingly observe the truth of where we are at against the vitality and health that is our natural born right and what we are all really aching for. This introduction by it’s very quality engenders nothing but trust in the reader that it will deliver precisely what it says it will do – namely loving practical ways to reconnect to the amazing qualities we naturally possess as women and to support us in living with this in daily joy.

    1. Beautifully said Michelle, this piece is so refreshing and welcoming because as you presented there is no selling here just a deep love and appreciation for women in supporting them to return to their innate beauty, wisdom, vitality and the power of their love.

  226. Gorgeous Nicole.. We peel back the layers, but when we get to see and feel the absolute beauty underneath we get to realise there weren’t actually any layers in the first place – just mental ideals, beliefs and comparisons trying to separate us from being the true, amazing women we were born to be. All just an illusion we then created issues around, and that’s when the layers were cemented.

  227. “Living by the knowing of the body and developing an honesty with the body allows a way of living or a ‘livingness’* to develop that is informed from within us as women rather than through the impositions of societal ideals and expectations.” Esoteric Women’s Health and presentations by Universal Medicine has supported me to expose the shackles of pictures and expectations I have lived under as definitions of what it is to be a woman. I cannot express my appreciation to be exploring a journey which is developing me to understand who I am as a woman and what that actually means. I am discovering I do not need to perpetuate patterns which see me reinforce ideals of what it is to be a woman or the harmful momentum to make choices to keep me in a lack of self worth. Those around me are blessed with my developments and I feel like I am blossoming each day and opening up like a beautiful delicate flower. I am not getting to a ‘place’ but enjoying the journey each day presents for me to get to know and reintroduce myself to who I really am.

    1. Beautiful Gina.. its so easy to make everything about achieving something or improving oneself, and feeling something to be reached from the outside,.. but once I connect to the fact that I already have it all within and can feel and appreciate who I truly am, then the feelings of never being enough is just something I’ve taken on. It is not a part of me, and the more this is let go of, the more of what is inside can come out.

  228. A woman in her essence is a woman in her power, a power that stems not by how many balls she can juggle or by what she can do, but a power that comes from her ability to know that which is innately still, precious and sacred beyond measure. When a woman knows her essence in this regard, there is nought that the world can tempt her with, nor bring to her, for she is complete within herself. She is, in short, a flower of her own making – an indelible and delicate being of beauty that holds herself open to the world for all to see and know by essence, but not by deed. For when did the flower ever need to move away from the seed from which it grew? When did the flower ever feel need to strip away its outer petals in order to be seen? Since when did the flower ever feel the need to compete with the trees? And since when did a rose ever compare itself to a thistle? Nay, a flower is complete within the knowingness that it is all it ever needs to be, and so it shines in the glory of its own making, as does a woman who remembers and knows the essence of who she truly is. So the bees gather, and the butterflies dance, for harmony can only recognise those who hold her hand in the grace of their own being. Oh glory to the woman who dances to the beat of her own heart, and glory to the man who can celebrate such divinity, for he also knows that such light rests within him equally so.

    1. Absolutely gorgeous Adam. There is a certain beauty that can be seen in women who don’t hold back who they are, and dance ‘to the beat of their own being’ instead of trying to dance to another person or outside source’s rhythm. We all have a responsibility to celebrate and appreciate women when they are their true selves, as encouraging this is the key to breaking the mould of ideals and beliefs so many women have about how they should be, live and act.

      1. That is an age old wisdom Suzie, thank you, not only do we break those imprisoning beliefs when we celebrate ourselves and other women we also free ourselves from the curse of comparison and jealousy.

      2. Adam Warberton I love how you have descibed us to being the flowers etc and how nature truly lives .we just have to embrace that for ourselves .This is still work in progress for my self . Thank you.

    2. As Susie says “Absolutely gorgeous Adam” – this could be read again and again by all women and men. Imagine how different the world would be if every child was raised with a knowing of what you write here, especially “Oh glory to the woman who dances to the beat of her own heart, and glory to the man who can celebrate such divinity, for he also knows that such light rests within him equally so”. This is magic!

      1. Absolutely! We need to teach our little girls this truth…from the start of their lives. How ground-breaking, mold-breaking this would be!

      1. I am with you Johanne, Adam’s is an exquisite ode to women , a timeless piece for all, the essence of women is beautifully captured in:
        ‘a flower is complete within the knowingness that it is all it ever needs to be, and so it shines in the glory of its own making, as does a woman who remembers and knows the essence of who she truly is’

    3. A woman in her power is absolutely breath taking, there is no a ounce of self doubt or big headedness as they know that they are who they are, and who they are is a beautiful reflection for anyone that looks into their eyes.

    4. Absolutely awesome. Those lines appreciate the woman so deeply. I can feel the love. Thank you Adam for this amazing sharing.

    5. So heartfelt and deeply honouring Adam of the essence that we all behold deep within us all. Thank you for expressing this so beautifully.

    6. Your words touch me deeply, Adam, as I feel the truth in them and every ideal how a woman should be falls apart, no expectation, just appreciation and a deep knowing of who you truly are and as such can appreciate the preciousness of a woman.

      1. True, although it would be equally powerful coming from a woman. It is a shame that we seem to think that such a delicate comment is all the more remarkable or powerful coming from a man, as though to suggest somehow that men as a rule do not see women for who they truly are in the same way a woman can, or that it is remarkable that a man can express in this fashion. Men have lots to share about how beautiful women truly are, but often when they do, they are ignored or their words not truly heard, such is the depth of self loathing that most women hold themselves in. There is no greater example of this than the way women view their body. The fact is that body image for women is not driven by men for the most part, it is driven by women. Even on a purely physical level, men appreciate women of all different shapes and sizes, yet women still get enamoured with achieving a certain body type. Despite all the above, the problem with men, and why your comment is unfortunately true, is that they hold back from expressing all too often in order to protect themselves from the world. And so we miss out on many, many opportunities to hear what they truly have to say.

    7. To read what you have written Adam, is a beautiful and inspiring start to my day. I feel blessed by the poetry and truth of your words.

    8. A stunning ode to women and powerfully expressed Adam. It is unfortunate in todays world that women hold back their beauty through lack of self worth and self loathing, and men protect themselves from rejection…and the result is we all miss out on each others gloriousness…but the tide is turning through websites like this and through Universal Medicine.

      1. Yes our hiding echos these words “it seems we have become a mystery to our own selves. To truly know ourselves, and to truly know our own body is to make much less mysterious that inner knowing.” We have been a mystery to ourselves and to this world and to men for far too long.

  229. How different would the World be if we, as Women expressed from our sacredness first. Our preciousness is truly something to behold and from this platform live, love and enjoy each other in full.

    1. Yes Donna, and I feel from this point about tenderness by Rebecca..”This site explores the possibility that there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate.” I am only just discovering this for myself after having allowed it to be crushed all my life.

  230. I sometimes feel that I shy hide myself away as a woman and I feel that is because I still see times where being tender and sensitive as a weakness. Through reading the Women in Livingness blogs and attending the workshops I have come to realise that I am a tender, sweet and amazingly gorgeous woman just by being my natural self. There is no reason to shy away from being myself or put on a face and it feels awesome to be able to share that. These inspiring and wonderful blogs shared by women from all over the world, help us all. That is the true power of women in their own livingness.

    1. I am a woman with a diagnosis of fibroids but I don’t know where I would be without esoteric women’s health. The biggest thing the esoteric healing modalities has supported me with is accepting my sensitivity. I always viewed sensitivity as a bad thing and a hindrance and have done my best to be rough and tough, but repeatedly the message my body is giving me is that I need to honour and respect what I feel inside. With this I now have the confidence to respectfully allow myself to speak what I feel in various situations. The most astonishing thing is that the more honest and respectful of myself I am, the more I feel and my sensitivity is actually an amazing gift as less and less I feel I have to protect myself from the world but just feel and accept what is inside and around me and with that I feel strong to respond; not tough but strong inside.The extraordinary benefits of esoteric women’s health have been that I am developing emotional fitness. Sensitivity is actually a strength.

      1. Shevonsimon I love what you share about sensitivity and acceptance. I am discovering how deeply I have not accepted myself in the past, and that this has been the cause of my drive and discomfort with just being me. More and more I am loving myself just as I am and accepting what I feel and see around me; there are still layers of protection that are falling away, and I am accepting them as being there, but allowing for the fact that I am much more.

      2. Thank you for this Shevon, I feel the same in that the presentations run by Esoteric Women’s Health and the healing modalities have taught me to accept myself more and more as the woman I am, not needing to be different or to try. The more I accept myself the more I discover a deep strength in my sensitivity and a trust in my own feelings.

      3. Shevonsimon, I like your phrase ’emotional fitness’. It’s true that ‘Sensitivity is actually a strength’. The hard part is allowing ourselves to feel as it is regarded as a weakness in the world, especially for men. The more we women allow this the easier it will be for men to show their natural sensitivity too and we’ll stop playing this crazy game of pretending we are hard and invincible and putting up walls between us.

  231. The words, phrases and behaviours that come to my mind when someone says ‘Modern woman’ or even just ‘woman’ are things like a good mother, stylish, fit, healthy, beautiful, someone who wears dresses, socialises, hostess for guests etc. I’m not sure how many people would say similar things, but something I’ve found reading the Women in Livingness magazine and the blogs on this site is that a woman doesn’t have to tick all these boxes in order to be a woman… She just naturally is, and there are ways of expressing this – taking care of ourselves, wearing clothes we feel beautiful in, caring for others, accepting sensitivity and so on, but there are also ways we cap ourselves. Trying to live a picture of what it is to be a ‘good woman’ is one of these destructive behaviours – it keeps us constantly in comparison with other people, and stops any appreciation of ourselves and who we are. Jealousy definitely needs to be exposed for what it is, and we need more women (like the ones on this blog) speaking up and showing the world how amazing it is to just BE OURSELVES.

    1. Yes indeed, I agree totally. I have often seen caring for myself and nurturing me as a selfish act but know I could feel that this is lovely, important and needed to do. Because we can bring the same care to others.

      1. As a guy, I used to think that if I am not providing, or thinking about security, competing at work for approval or a sense that I am doing well against where other men are at then taking care of myself was a bit of a waste of time.
        Now I realise that all of these external pursuits amount to a cold an empty life if that life doesn’t have the warmth and care of me in it.

      2. Yes I too saw caring for myself as being selfish but now know that without that true care and commitment to myself first I cannot then do the same for others. The quality would be diminished as I was not caring for myself first and not allowing all of me as a woman to be out in full.

    2. Very well said Susie. Reading your words ‘that a woman doesn’t have to tick all these boxes in order to be a woman’ will be news for most women and what an enormous burden lifted that we place on ourselves to conform, fit in and become the ideal – so much trying and failure involved when all the while our natural beauty and wisdom is within and we simply need to let it out and bring who we are to the world, in our natural way.

      1. Yes who said there had to be a list to tick off that then demonstrates you are a successful women in todays society. What about just being your natural self, not a list of activities that defines you.

    3. So true Susie…and another picture is the one of ‘good mother’ – so much time and energy given to children, grandchildren etc, with little or no time given to the woman herself.

      1. How true and the exhaustion you see especially on grandparents running around for grandchildren and helping with their care. Taking on again another mothering role and forgetting the woman again.

      2. We have normalised giving to others and not to ourselves and in doing so the true woman is reduced, negated, dishonoured and disappears.
        Let us strip back these roles of providing and mothering and examine the quality of the woman we are living.

      3. This is so true Paula, as I see it often with the Grandparents that come to pick up their Grandchildren from the centre where I work. Their total focus is clearly on the child and what they feel their duty is to them.

    4. What a relief to just be ourselves and not feel we to have to live up to any ideals or expectations – just retuning to who we naturally are. The photos in the Women in Livingness Magazine are gorgeous and so refreshing to see women just naturally being who they without the need to put on any ‘mask’ or ‘costume’.

    5. OH SH

      I had similar images when I read the term modern woman. I say an attractive ‘super woman’ who had it all going on but always appearing on the run. This is the type of woman I idolised growing up as she seemed important. Since utilising the support offered by Esoteric Women’s Health I have and continue that being a woman actually has nothing to do with what I do. Slowly slowly I have been deconstructing images I have imposed on myself to look up to as I equally discover moment by moment more about the true woman I am. Turns out I am absolutely gorgeous without striving to do anything – as we all are.

      1. Absolutely Kathryn, it is super restrictive! If the media got their way and women did look like the type of women they idealise, there would be no diversity and a lot of women would be plasticised/fake.

  232. ‘For while the tools are everyday and practical it is at times surprising to see how rare it is to find such simplicity presented in our rather complex current times.’ I can vouch for this and this is why Universal Medicine and Esoteric Women’s Health groups are extra-ordinary. They present a way of living that brings us closer to our true ourselves, offer a choice of tools and way of living that cuts through complexity and simplifies life beautifully. By making different and self honouring choices, I now deeply love myself, can appreciate all aspects of my life, and have left behind the roller coaster life style of events driving me.

    1. I can vouch for this too kehinde2012, I have been through some tough times, battled with resistance and made some ill choices, but through Universal Medicine and Esoteric Women’s Health I have begun to truly commit to myself, and am beginning to feel a huge shift towards becoming the woman that I know I can be, which I have kept hidden underneath the layers of protection for too long. The support has always been there if I needed it and it was only me that turned my back on love, never has love turned it’s back on me. Coming back to love has been the most glorious thing I have ever done and I am returning to becoming a true woman in livingness, and by doing this I am supporting other women to do the same.

    2. l experience this as an unfolding process. l feel somedays it’s simple and then l make a complicated mess of the next day. A constant work in progress. However, at last, as you say Kehinde, at least now we have the tools, grea5 thanks and appreciation to Universal Medicine.

  233. I was on a plane yesterday and I was pondering on how many stewardesses (and stewards of course) are so tight lipped and made-up, smiling pleasantly and really running with the role flawlessly. Is it because us, the passengers and public ask that of them? Why do we as the general public expect this? Why are stewardesses often picked for being slimmer and better looking – as though it’s deemed more desirable than normal or average lookers? (Perhaps at least in times gone by). I mean when was the last time you experienced a stewardess who was just flat-out being themselves? I have met many really wonderful stewardesses and I appreciate that a level of courtesy and professionalism is required in what we do, but my point is here: it seems symbolic for how many women are living today – playing the roles require of them to ‘the-T’, without perhaps really revealing their true selves much at all.

  234. I love your article Rebecca, particularly when you say “This blog marks the start of a dialogue in the public domain about how we can come to know our bodies and live our lives from a knowing that is informed first from our own inner-feelings. In doing so we allow the possibility that we can instigate true and lasting change.”

  235. How crazy are we in our society that we champion being modern women when, as you have so accurately expressed Rebecca “It has become fairly standard for us to be generally racy, anxious, driven, deeply lacking in self-confidence or simply managing life as best we can. Many women care for all those around them but stop short of truly caring for and nurturing themselves. And how many of us know how to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ but do not truly and deeply feel a sense of our own beauty?”

  236. I love your article Rebecca, particularly when you say “This blog marks the start of a dialogue in the public domain about how we can come to know our bodies and live our lives from a knowing that is informed first from our own inner-feelings. In doing so we allow the possibility that we can instigate true and lasting change.”

  237. How crazy are we in our society that we champion being modern women when, as you have so accurately expressed Rebecca “It has become fairly standard for us to be generally racy, anxious, driven, deeply lacking in self-confidence or simply managing life as best we can. Many women care for all those around them but stop short of truly caring for and nurturing themselves. And how many of us know how to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ but do not truly and deeply feel a sense of our own beauty?”

  238. ‘If we were first to develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and ourselves’ …. life for all women would be transformed. There would be support and encouragement for everyone’s natural talents. Jealousy and comparison would a thing of the past. Our Tenderness and fragility would be welcomed. No more toughing it out or competing with each other, or attempting to out-do men. Bring it on! It begins with each one of us initiating and continuing a beautiful self-supporting, self- loving relationship with ourselves.

  239. This is brilliant Rebecca. If you looked at women’s history you would likely point out how much better things are currently than they used to be – we now have more rights, more of a voice, can have careers we weren’t able to before… But when you look below the surface, there’s actually a lot more women are struggling with now and there are issues that weren’t nearly as severe as before… Examples of this is how many women have become ‘hard’ and competitive – disregarding their bodies to compete particularly in the business and athletic world with men. This blogs explores everything about women’s lives and health, and is a fabulous collection of blogs and articles from women in every profession, of every age looking beneath the surface of what’s going on.

  240. It’s a revolution in women’s health to know ourselves from the inside -out! It’s so empowering when we determine what’s right for us based on our body’s wisdom. Now that’s accessible for all, and very high quality of life for the woman.

  241. ‘That there is a way to live that is deeply honouring of the body; that there is a way of being in the world that need not constantly exhaust or expend us.’ What you share is so supportive and inspiring Rebecca. The pressures and expectations from society are placing so much pressure on women to be ‘everything’ to ‘everyone’ and yet, we can all feel, things are not at they should be …. where is the joy, the lightness of being, the skip in our step. It’s as though women need to be given permission to take their foot of the pedal and breath, take a moment and feel that opportunity to come back to themselves.

  242. Living as a woman from our ‘inner most’ is so simple it can at first be difficult to accept. In an age where so many solutions are available to ‘fix’ the plethora of symptoms and problems experienced by many, each more convoluted than the last, to learn to feel your way through life from within can seem too easy.

    This way of living as a woman in modern times is ancient and yet contemporary – it combines truths that have lived as long as women have walked the earth with the practicalities of lofe in the 21st century.

  243. There is a difference between splitting an apple 50:50 and sharing an apple. Sharing an apple as a way to nourish two people equally, based on respect and consideration of how hungry each person is and the activities that lay before them. I would say as women we have fought for fairness (equal pay and work opportunities) and not equality.

    1. That’s a great point, and interesting way of looking at it Abby.. We have indeed fought for fairness, for rights, for that 50% of the apple, but with what intention? Was it to be nourished, or was it to compete with men and others for success?

  244. Thanks for the great introduction Rebecca. I have gone through everything in your article, looked up all the words I didn’t know in the dictionary and already I have learnt heaps. Now I am looking forward to the blogs.

  245. “what would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves?” Thank you Rebecca this is such a great question. Women today have so many pressures to live up to, yet thanks to the many women sharing on the blog site we are being inspired to feel it does not have to be this way and there is in fact another way.

  246. I often speak to women in the cafe I work and recently we spoke about the busy lifestyles that women undertake. What was interesting was that the two women I spoke to on different occasions, brought it up in conversation – but it was not out of criticism, it was out of an awareness that this is something we have created – it has not been done to us. Through striving to be the best, at times in a perceived ‘man’s world,’ we have created for ourselves exhausted bodies, that are out of tune with our natural rhythms and cycles and it is showing itself loud and clear in our rates of illness and disease. It seems to be that women are well aware of what is going on for them but do not know how to break the cycle they are in. I know this feeling too and for me, this is where Women in Livingness step in, for their amazing insights into real lives and real women and how we can work together to bring about real change in the way we are living.

  247. This is such a beautiful honouring article Rebecca of all women and who we really are in our natural livingness and beauty as is proven by all the articles and blogs that are on this site . It shows the great power in being tender and the strength of delicacy as you say when living honouring and nurturing our bodies and ourselves lovingly.Thank you for initiating this appreciation and love as a reflection for all women and who we inately are..

  248. I understand what you have written here Rebecca, as within the innermost (esoteric) of a woman dwells a palpable quality of stillness, which is accessible to all women when given the time to stop, to reconnect and feel this abundance. In our modern era following the women’s liberation movement, burning the bra, equality in a man’s world, I can see how foreign it has become to disengage from this living stillness that is i truth, a natural expression of a woman, in order to compete with the male way. As a consequence, the 24/7 “super-mum-career-woman-great-daughter-athlete-sex-kitten combo rolled into one” is a fitting description for the end result of this strive for equality. What I have discovered is how the presence of stillness is indeed enormous strength and graceful power, and how this is the missing ingredient which compliments the male expression. I too wonder how this will look like in the future when more women begin to remember and reconnect to the gorgeous natural essence and living stillness that resides within. I feel it could only bring a much needed balance to the world.

  249. I read and re read this blog and each time it feels like such a blessing. To offer ourselves an opportunity to feel the gift of being a woman who just gives herself space to be. The multitasking is a great distraction from giving ourselves that space. That is said by a perfectionist multitasker!!!

  250. What a beautiful explanation of what this ‘Women in Livingness’ site is all about and what is on offer for all women (& men!). This is a site that should be world page news as it explores what is really going on in society for many of us, and offers the reflection and opportunity for us all to connect to who we really are in our innermost essence.

    1. I agree Angela it is stories like these that should make the headlines, inspiring others to know there is another way. These stories are amazing and defying all current trends in increasing illness and disease.

    2. Love your comment Angela and I agree wholeheartedly that this site should be world page news.

  251. challenging th norm for women in modern day society is very much needed and this article brings a lot of things to light there are a lot of things to discover.

  252. I love this article Rebecca as it asks us to question what we have accepted as the norm and what we have thus far defined as ‘being a woman’. Connecting to the Soul and living in line with this through living a loving life and including ourselves in that love is totally transforming my experience of being a woman; from one who always thought she had to fight hard to recognising that there is an enormous amount of love inside of us and all we have to do is give ourselves permission to be loving and to take good care.

  253. I am a big fan of this site, there is so much profound wisdom to reflect on. I get the feeling there is so much more to women than is currently accepted as normal in society, so much more grace, wisdom and beholding, this site is amazing for letting women be who they truly are, rather what they have become expected to be.

    1. I agree Meg – this site is fantastic, as it explores everything going on under the surface for women in modern society. The women who have written blogs and in the comments are never discussing issues and complaining about the struggle for equality, success, a faithful marriage etc. (all things you’d likely find on other women’s health websites), they are talking about what they see in the world and how we can all respond to this and claim being a woman in every moment. One of a kind, and pretty damn cool.

  254. This is such a beautifully supportive site to return to again and again. The wisdom and honest sharing’s offered by so many women form all walks of life is just so inspiring to read and feel. It makes a real difference to my day when I take the time to check-in and feel the support and wisdom that is shared here – thank you

  255. A wonderful introduction Rebecca, and as you wrote: “And how many of us know how to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ but do not truly and deeply feel a sense of our own beauty?”, I deeply feel how important and life-changing it is to develop a loving relationship to my body as a woman and to be deeply self-nurturing, to develop livingness every day, to not be a reflection of the “untrue” but to be a reflection of the truth to myself and others! “Quite apart from categorising ourselves in such limiting ways as ‘women who burn their bras’ or ‘women who only wear push-up bras’ or by any other label… ” This is a re-(e)volution, so thank you for opening up the space of the livingness in this blog!

    1. What a beautiful comment stefanie. I also “deeply feel how important and life-changing it is to develop a loving relationship to my body as a woman” and a man “and to be deeply self-nurturing, to develop livingness every day, to not be a reflection of the “untrue” but to be a reflection of the truth to myself and others!

    2. Yes absolutely Stefanie – as woman, we are absolute experts in the field of trying to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ in what we wear, how we do our makeup and our hair etc., but when it comes to actually feeling that beauty within, we struggle. We’ve become so focussed in outside things – what people will think and how we compare to other women – that we’ve lost connection with ourselves and the appreciation of what we individually bring as a person.

  256. Rebecca I love what you have written here about the Esoteric and how its meaning now – being hidden or not understood – reflects how we have disconnected as a humanity from connecting to and knowing our own innermost. These blogs certainly are a beautiful platform in reconnecting to my innermost as a woman. I love reading all the blog sharings as my appreciation expands for what we all can bring in the simplicity, yet full power, of our everyday life experiences.

  257. I can honestly say that I have spent most of my life thinking that looking pretty was the key to feeling beautiful. I now realise that when I feel beautiful it is because of how I have been caring for myself. And then looking pretty becomes an extension of this inner feeling that I choose to share with the world because it feels too gorgeous to just keep it to myself.

  258. Having lived for some 65 years “lacking self confidence, multi-tasking, driven and managing life as best I could”, reading your profound blog again Rebecca on this amazing website confirms and reaffirms; my aspiring to live my life as a Woman in Livingness is the only ‘lifestyle’ for me.

    1. In rereading this blog I also have come to an eventual realisation that to be in my livingness is the only way to be and as you say Wendy ‘ confirms and reaffirms ‘ me in full.

  259. Thank you Rebecca, for this article written with true love for woman. I just only detected on a deeper level how it feels in my body when I accept the beauty that I naturally am equally like any other woman.

  260. What a beautifully written article on woman , and for woman .It provides a great platform to deeper connection to express the true essence .To witness and see the many woman who are choosing to live and bring out the love in its many facets is amazing. Thanks Rebecca

  261. Living from the inside out- that is brilliant. We have tried living from the outside, from what society or culture imposes on us and completely lost ourselves. Women coming from their true nurturing can live a love filled life in a world where love is lacking.

  262. Rebecca, your blog is so beautifully expressed and written, putting into words what really is going on for women. This site is a great forum to read such inspiring conversations and other blogs from women everywhere, as it supports to reclaim what is truly means to be a woman.

  263. It is quite amazing to see what is truly natural – not all our ideals and beliefs on how to be a woman or man but something far more powerful. How to be supermum or superman are substitutes when we don’t know how truly amazing we are.

  264. I find this site truly supportive and visit it several times a week. It’s like having a deeply nurturing conversation with wise women who are connected to their innate wisdom and a feels like big tender hug.

  265. How fundumental to know the essense of a women and have a site that nurtures this inate loveliness.

  266. A beautifully supportive and insightful blog site. I am learning that as I connect with myself as a woman it brings much greater understanding of myself and the world around me. It also feels like a true and ‘lived’ development “…a knowing that is informed first from our own inner-feelings. In doing so we allow the possibility that we can instigate true and lasting change.” My experience of life has altered greatly from making this commitment, and as you say and I appreciate it feels very ‘true’ as I am aware it comes from an inner knowing.

  267. I have been reading blogs from this site for some time now and am constantly feeling inspired and my awareness, understanding and appreciation of women is deepened. A great big thank you to all those involved in, and those who contribute to, this website.

    1. I agree Jonathan, I have not come across another site dedicated to woman quite like this one, with a great level of understanding around what it is to be a woman which benefits men I would suggest as much as other women.

      1. Amazing to hear you both speak about the benefit of this blog for men. It certainly does change all perceptions of what it is to be a woman and can bring a huge level of understanding if you are open to what is being presented… I’ve certainly been shocked, amazed and in awe at some of the blogs on here – woman are pretty incredible!

  268. Rebecca I really love how you express that we have a common underlying essence — an innate stillness, tenderness and a knowing — that is there to call us back to being women in livingness….so simple…so true.

  269. It is wonderful to read the articles here and learn of all the experiences unfolding for women in so many different ways. It is helping me to discover areas of my life that have been so shut down, but had not even recognised so until reading what women have shared, and so much of it resonates, having suffered from many of the ailments listed, it has been truly empowering to learn how simple changes and how I treat myself can make such a world of difference. Truly inspiring.

  270. I woke this morning drawn to Women In Livingness with a knowing that I should read about what was affecting women and to gain a deeper understanding of this. I was a bit nervous that it might not be for me but what you have written Rebecca welcomed me in as a man and had me reflecting on every word. It is so powerful and the quote from Serge Benhayon says so much. Thank you.

  271. I enjoy reading all the articles and comments made on these blogs. There is a real sense of community and openness amongst all that contribute and share from their lived experience as Women in Livingness.

  272. As a man, I love reading the blogs on this site and feeling the love, tenderness and true beauty of the women who write them. I am blessed to live with a woman who is a constant reflection and inspiration of the love that we all are. Thank you to all the contributors and commenters to these blogs.

    1. I have learned a lot from accessing this website and so many women writing from they hearts, both about the way they have lost their natural way of being and how they have found it with the support from Universal Medicine. I have got closer to understanding the true expression of femaleness and how that is also a part of being a man. In truth it reveals that we are not so separate from each other.

  273. This is a very accurate account of modern times. What defines a women?
    Inner or outer beauty?
    How we care for others or how we care for ourselves?
    What we do for others or what we do for ourselves?

    Women rights are much more liberal in modern times but has this seen its full potential yet?

    1. Great questions Luke. Your last one about women’s rights is an interesting one… Although yes in that respect you could definitely say that women have evolved, based on the commonality of body confidence issues, self worth problems, hardness (trying to ‘match’ up to men in industry too) and insecurities we have today, I agree with you when you say we certainly haven’t reached our full potential yet. It’s important the we look beneath the surface of what’s happening for women, because if we were to just look from a glance and go, ‘equal rights, ticked’ we wouldn’t be addressing the full picture.

  274. This feels like a place where women can find support for themselves and support each other to be vulnerable, open and honest about what’s truly going on. How glorious.

  275. Reading the articles on the Women in Livingness site has deepened my understanding, appreciation and connection to women but also also of me as a man and of other men. Thank you to all of those who contribute.

    1. I find it to be a very special blog site Jonathan and so refreshingly honest for women about women – unlike most other trashy fake, exploitative women’s sites and magazines I see that often tell women how to be, how to look, how to dress, even what to think…

  276. We were having a science discussion this morning about breast cancer and how it’s driven by oestrogen. To treat it, a woman is put on a drug that stops oestrogen in her body. So the very thing that makes a womanly physical nature becomes something that can kill us and has to be suppressed to treat the cancer. Cancer (separation or ‘not-us-ness’) is a result not just of genes, but a state of disharmony in the environment within the body, expressed in the hormones, which then affect the genes. Disharmony is not natural to any body, man or woman. So it must come from somewhere, and we can look at how society (our external environment) is and how that affects our choices which then changes our natural internal environments to disharmony. Thus being a ‘product of society’ even goes right to the core of our own true nature to corrupt it and make us seriously ill. The choices that we make as a result of the way society is, create the environment around our cells and DNA that turn our own bodies against us by making cells cancerous fuelled by oestrogen. And that would only be one process of the millions in a woman’s body. What if we do not absorb society’s disharmony, and instead stay true to our own natural inner harmony? What if, by being truly ourselves, we could not only be not a product of society, but our bodies could be true and healthy right down to the cellular level?

    1. Hi Dianne, I love the way you take a scientific approach to what is a basic requirement for everyday living if we are to live in the true harmony that is our natural way.

    2. ‘ Cancer (separation or ‘not-us-ness’) is a result not just of genes, but a state of disharmony in the environment within the body, expressed in the hormones, which then affect the genes.’
      Thank you for this description Diannetrussell. Our choices can actually create disharmony in our DNA? Therefore our loving choices allow for harmony in the body. We are responsible for our own wellbeing ✨

      1. Yes wow what a statement Kathryn and Diane, that is super interesting. Could this be applied to other illnesses too? Or injuries? That they occur not only when there is a disharmony of genes or a wrong movement, but when there is tension in the environment within the body. This totally turns medicine and science around!

    3. Dianne this is extremely profound. If a society is in disharmony, and we play ball with that, the disharmony enters our body, that is living form the outside in, and it will affect you on a cellular level. I love it when you explain life with science Dianne, life is less of a mystery.

      1. Bringing science to living and bringing loving to my choices, so that I can view them without judging myself and move onto different choices….a powerful combination, thank you Dianne

      2. I agree with you Bernard, Dianne’s explanation brings greater understanding of the effects of the choices we make and how those choices from our external world, affect us on a cellular level, bringing disharmony to our internal world, which is the very making of who we are.

      3. It’s interesting, this notion of a disharmonious society. I too remember feelings of wanting to be a fringe dweller – but then I chose to ‘play ball with it’, as you say. It’s difficult to be in a disharmonious society, not play ball with it and not absorb that energy – to be a balanced, harmonious, social and contributing member of society. It’s difficult, but what’s even harder to explain, is the fact, that we’re going against our most innate, natural, harmonious state to do so…

      4. ‘fringe dweller’ = perfect description for how I so desperately wanted to live – I had many years of fantasising about living in the Highlands of Scotland miles away from anyone with just otters and seals for company! But I too chose to jump in and play ball with society. Dianne, your description of our internal, cellular environment being affected by our outer environment and our choices is so brilliantly clear. It lays the onus on us to make loving choices for ourselves to return our internal environment to the harmony it naturally is. The path of return is so much simpler than the rocky road of complication we choose when we join in with the disharmony around us, because we don’t have to try to be harmonious, it is our natural way of being so the path back is the road home.

  277. This website is an absolute gift to all Women should they choose to engage with it. Much wisdom and open sharing that I have never seen before on any other website. For this I am truly grateful to all Women and there sharing’s as there is much to reflect on and be inspired by. So beautiful to a have this as our honest platform, deeply appreciated. Thank you.

    1. Completely agree Natalie – I very much appreciate this site and forum to voice our opinions and hear others speak about their lives and experiences of being a woman (and men sometimes too!). There just isn’t anything like it – where you write something super honest and not feel like you’re going to be criticised or judged because of it, and it amazes me how absolutely no jealousy and comparison plays out here. As a young woman I feel like what I have to say is valued in the same way an older woman’s expression would be… Which is unusual and super supportive for me, and I’ve definitely felt to write more and more as I felt this over time.

  278. “This site explores the possibility that there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate”. This is such a simple and clear and true statement. When we try to be strong we are only holding up a pretense against something we feel is attacking us, inside we we are probably very insecure and not feeling strong at all, and there is no power in us to draw on. Whereas if we truly accept our tenderness and gentleness and fragility, just knowing ourselves gives us the strength and power as we have nothing to lose and will be speaking from the truth of who and how we are. So many cannot understand this, or live it, as it feels so frightening to live with this amount of allowing oneself to be vulnerable, and so build up a belief that being equal is being like a man. Yet men benefit from knowing this tenderness and delicacy within themselves, and we women can show them how through the way we naturally are.

  279. I have been following the livingness way and reading blogs from this site for awhile now and would like to say how much I enjoy this new experience as apposed to the way I was trying to be the super mum etc before. I am setting up a foundation to be truly happy with me and not looking for recognition from others to feel that I am doing a good job. It is a journey that I will build onto the foundation and claim myself fully as a women who feels her power from inside of me and not a need to be recognised.

    1. I love that Christine, and have had a similar dose of inspiration coming to this site and reading the Women in Livingness magazine. Seeing and reading about the lives of amazing, confident, real life women from across the world is not something I’ve come across before in such a concentrated manner… It’s pretty cool!

  280. Coming to the Women in Livingness blogsite and reading the articles is like entering a gorgeous scented boudoir, full of soft cushions and gentle laughter. I love it.

  281. That we are kept ‘guessing’ what our true role is as women (evidenced in this classic line: ‘super-mum-career-woman-great-daughter-athlete-sex-kitten combo rolled into one’) says to me that there is an incredible power and innate beauty that lies within us all that when lived, by each and every one of us means that the world may never be the same… We are the mystery we are so captivated by. A mystery that can only exist when we depart from its true knowing…and so we welcome each other back.

    1. ‘We are the mystery we are so captivated by. A mystery that can only exist when we depart from its true knowing…and so we welcome each other back.’
      Beautiful Liane thank you.

      1. We are so much more awesome than we chose to believe at times- there is glory within us all, all we need to do is connect to what is within – our innermost.

    2. I love that Leanne ‘we are the mystery we are so captivated by.” I have become aware through the esoteric women’s health modalities that I am magic, I am living inside a divine body and now are starting to accept that!

      1. I am also learning to accept how amazing I am- yes it’s been an unfolding process but easier every day to know my beauty.

      1. That would be incredible Meg. I would love to see it happen. And yet it has already started to happen with some women – evident when reading some of their comments on this blog site.

      2. Dean, and with men too! If we all stopped pretending that we’re not super sensitive and tender all our relationships would improve beyond recognition. There’s nothing I love more than a man or woman who is true to themselves.

    3. That women are the mystery they are captivated by has been one of the world’s best kept secrets. But now you have laid it bare Liane. That the ultimate jewel is within each and every single women.

    4. Liane that is so beautifully expressed. It melts my heart to read your comment…”We are the mystery we are so captivated by. A mystery that can only exist when we depart from its true knowing…and so we welcome each other back.” There is so much to appreciate in myself and what individually, each us holds for all to come back to. Thank you.

  282. I am indeed taken back by the honest, open and willingness that all these blogs share on this website. I know I have learnt a lot and have much to deepen with being all of the tender, lovely and womanly woman that I Am. The simple returning back to who I am.

  283. It has been truly lovely to come back and reconnect with this article after being an avid reader and commenter of this blog for some time now. What struck me is how timeless the writing feels, ancient yet up to date with our lives as women today. How can this be? Could it be possible that the past can deliver us our future?

    1. Indeed the writing on this blog feels timeless yet so very relevant in this day and age when the pace and expectations of society and life on women are so high to be everything and everyone for others.

  284. This is such a powerful introduction, Rebecca. We as women are now learning to connect to our innermost and appreciate the gorgeous creatures we are inside and out!

  285. Dear Rebecca thank You for sharing and expressing this for all of us. To return to this inner-knowing is a process I have chosen because I know it is true what you are writing here. I startet feeling more beautiful and being more caring with myself…I love now my products that I wash my body with. They smell just sooo yummi 🙂 through the smell I could connect to be more aware of my touch…through dressing and feeling so comfortable in my clothes I srarted seeing my beauty and feeling joyful

  286. There was always a yearning within me to know the cycles of the earth and the moon and I had the idea that knowing that was a learned thing, totally outside me. Now I realise that this was a yearning to know my inner cycle, which in turn is connected to all cycles and amazingly is available as an inner knowing, a connection to myself. How gorgeous that is and through reading these blogs I awaken a deeper connection with myself and all of us. So we are all connected and all our rhythms harmoniously live within larger cycles. This feels very beautiful.

  287. “Living by the knowing of the body and developing an honesty with the body” Absolute gold Rebecca. For women and men, for all of us. And thank you for this beautiful introduction. Despite being a man I have read many of the blogs and comments on this website and am always deeply touched by the connection that it enables me to have with my femininity and also the joy I feel being in the ‘presence’ of women who are re-claiming their natural expressions of delicacy, tenderness and power.

  288. We, the whole of humanity, are social beings and I would imagine that a woman would have always had a certain extent of influence from the rest of society about what is ‘expected’ of her. However the ultimate ‘knowing’ of what is true for us comes from within us. This inner focus and understanding has never been more needed, since so much of what we are getting from society – through the media, through advertising, through entertainment and through the twisted abusive sites that are proliferating the web – is devoid of honouring who we are as women.

  289. This sight is a wonderful support to all. I was one of those women that was multitasking in all directions and trying to please everyone without even considering myself. I have now chosen to connect to my stillness and tenderness within and living more of me.

  290. This is an amazing site, each time I pick something to read,
    it is something that is going on in my life at the moment.

  291. What a beautiful site, one that feels so supportive to the women, and the men who, are drawn to visit, read and comment. I can really relate to these words: “we have lost touch with our own innate deeper knowing – and in doing so, it seems we have become a mystery to our own selves.” I know that this site is supporting us to unravel the mystery that is us, and I for one, am relishing the unraveling.

  292. The most wonderful thing is that I know for sure I have an “innate essence of stillness, tenderness and a knowing” and I know that the societal ideals I have imposed upon myself, such as valuing myself upon my looks, or how well I multi-task for example, are not true and feel awful. I am not always in ‘the Livingness’ but at least I know and that is a grand thing. I am deeply appreciative for myself and on behalf of all women that the Women in Livingness site is here, providing us all with role models who know the road back to being ‘women in livingness’ because they have travelled it. and on the flip side for us who have travelled a ways back it is an honour to have a place to share the steps we have taken towards expressing our true nature so others may know the way. Win Win.

    1. Yes this site is a true blessing. It is a site that all women can share their learning and inspiration in life, which is such a loving experience for oneself and as well as for others. Also all women can be inspired by the insights shared by others. There are also some awesome comments from men, which shows men can benefit from the site and can use the opportunity to offer their supportive comments which is a joy to read.

  293. This is a much needed forum for women, for it is an obvious fact that women have become a “product of society and not of their rue nature”. To explore how we have become so hard and disregarding, how we have lost touch with our natural nurturing ways and how we can reclaim our this is a real blessing for women. Thank you for initiating this blog Rebecca and to all who participate so honestly and inspiringly.

  294. It’s delightful to re read this intro a couple of years down the track and to see how this site has unfolded and the wealth of wisdom that is here in the writings of women from all over the world. What a blessing for us to have so many personal experiences shared on this blog site with the common theme of women re discovering their innate essence and offering ways of living in connection to and from their essence. I love the variety of topics offered on this site, offering discussion on so many subjects that are often not talked about or considered taboo, are openly shared. This website is ground breaking.

  295. And what a great site this has become. This blog site has supported me in finding my own inner self and transforming my rhythms in the day to day. Such a holding within these blogs for all to share. thanks to all who have contributed

  296. If the deep care and loving ways we are with ourselves is the “quality we then bring to all others”(SB). There is then nothing more we can do to look after others, than to care and be loving towards ourselves first.

  297. Rebecca yes this is a great way to show the world the levels of depth woman go to where they feel the greatness within them. The opportunity to break through crazy thoughts of not being pretty enough, deserving enough and constantly doubting the huge levels of understanding and tenderness we have within us for the world to see.

    1. Absolutely Wendy, it would be a truly evolutionary moment having every man and woman expressing their true essence from their very own living files, their naturally loving bodies.

  298. I have read this blog a few times and it always shares this wonderful dignity, wisdom and gentle power that is very supportive. I am changing every time I read it, and this time I really was aware how I am ‘living’ more fully as ‘me’ a gentle, powerful and wise woman “The Livingness is about living the love that we are from the inside out – ” I am feeling that the love I feel inside is being expressed.

  299. This website is nothing short of amazing. The heart felt stories of women all around the world are connecting to a deeper understanding of what it truly means to be a woman. Free from the set ideals and beliefs we are familiar with. An inspiring site for all.

  300. This blog is such a great introduction to this website and in itself raises so many wonderful points. “What would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves?” A great question. As more and more women choose to have a go at this a wonderful picture is forming and everyone is blessed by it. This website is doubling up as a great place to draw inspiration and also to share. Thank you everyone responsible for the website, and thank you everyone contributing to it.

  301. These contributions are deeply inspiring and mark a new way forward for all women and their reconnection with soulful living. Beautiful to read and share and all unique in expression. Thank you.

  302. I loved reading this Rebecca and feeling the purpose of this site and it lives up to the foundation you have set and beyond. I find this site so inspiring and wonderfully supportive.

  303. Being in the Livingness means to be connected to my heart. Once you have experienced this connection as something real, life becomes quite different as everything we do and say can be done either being connected to our heart or not. Sometimes the choice is very difficult but the choice is always there and the difference is big.

    1. Yes Christoph the difference is huge, and I love the way you remind us that how we express, from the heart or not, is simply a choice.

  304. Rebecca so beautifully expressed with gentleness and truth. Living the love that we all are from the inside out sounds pretty awesome to me.

  305. What a stunning introduction Rebecca! You raise so many points pertinent to women everywhere – I can definitely relate to getting caught up in working incredibly hard to manage life and the many demands I felt I had to live up to… and somehow forgetting that there is something more, something far sweeter and grander than goals/pictures/ideals I was forever striving towards – the grand, delicate, all-knowing depth and beauty that is within me – and in each and every one of us. The greater connection I develop to that which is within, the easier it is to let go of the demands. I love reading the blogs on this site because each one brings a different perspective and a wealth of experience to both inspire and support this ongoing process.

  306. To learn to return to my innate stillness, love, harmony and joy in my body has been the greatest blessing. This introductory article and all the other offerings on this site have been a great support to stay in the livingness. Thanks Rebecca.

  307. This website is a real treasure. I find so much inspiration through reading the blogs and comments, and much of what has been shared has helped me connect more deeply to my body and my natural rhythms.

  308. Thank you Rebecca, you bring purpose to this site and I love you have explained what it is all about for women all around to understand and know what these blogs are about. They are representing something amazing and not at all to promote a business but these testimonials and blogs are so extraordinary they are worth sharing and being up on this site for the world to see and have access to. Well done to all the women that have taken the time to write, I have read many of these blogs, there are so many touching stories and I have also been deeply inspired – I’m loving the fact that I am a woman to!

  309. Its extraordinary if you consider that most women do not know how to nurture themselves. It is imperative that we share with all women these blogs that have been written by real women on this website as they totally change the limited way many women have been living and inspire them to choose another way.

    1. Mary-Louise it is great that we have a beautiful site to share with other women theses blogs. All these beautiful sharing have been great to many of us in how we nurture ourselves as women. They are real living experiences and a great support.

  310. Having a space to reflect on what it means to be a woman in today’s world is such a gift – When I read the words, tender and stillness they resound in my body and I can feel it release. Thank you to all involved for the opportunity to communicate and express on this site as we, to the best of our ability commit to living, soulfully or in the Livingness of our hearts.

  311. ‘super-mum-career-woman-great-daughter-athlete-sex-kitten combo rolled into one’ – reading this just made me see how much pressure we as women put ourselves under. It’s just crazy! However reading blogs from women in livingness has reminded me that their is another way that women can live, and this way is what I chose everyday.

  312. It felt amazing as a man to read your blog Rebecca thank you.
    It feels like women hold within them the missing link that society and especially men need, to become whole, balanced and harmonious together again.
    Not that men have something missing , more that we (as men) become very lost when women loose there connection to their inner knowing and stillness.

    1. Love you sharing Rebecca, and Thomas, your words here,
      “Not that men have something missing , more that we (as men) become very lost when women loose there connection to their inner knowing and stillness”, ring so true from my experience of connecting
      to my own inner knowing and stillness. Everything is within that space and it holds you so deeply and completely, and is a strong and true foundation from which to hold another/others from in equality, and reflect back to them their own true light.

  313. This is beautifully written Rebecca, what struck me was that apart from the mention of bodily organs and functions that are specifically female, this article describes equally the situation men find themselves in today and the healing that lies equally within for us. I have found and will continue to draw much inspiration from the articles on this blog to apply in my own life, a very heartfelt thank you to all who contribute.

  314. This article is the perfect introduction to what has since followed on this blog. The articles since written offer us much to reflect and ponder most deeply on as to whether or not we are living the love and truth that lives within us all. with much appreciation for this site and all those who have contributed.

  315. This is a powerful introduction for this site which is so needed in these days where women are expected to be super mum, super wife and super business women which is exhausting and it is taking it’s toll on women’s health and well-being. This site is a true inspiration for women and men to live in a way that honours who we truly are.

  316. I love the conversation you have started with this blog Rebecca. There is so much to say about the mounting pressures and expectations in life, the –
    Being more!
    Being better!
    Having it all!
    Balancing acts! Feats of juggling!
    Meanwhile, if we are honest we are struggling. Some of us trying to keep up the trying. Others have given up.
    Frankly, over it. Tired of the smorgasbord of life options that never quite live up to the promises that have been made. They do not deliver paradise…just put us on the endless treadmill of undeliverable hope.
    Women need to talk about this honestly, without someone trying to sell a solution.
    We have looked here, there and everywhere. Now it is time to get off that treadmill and turn our gaze inside ourselves.
    This article offers an open door, warm and welcoming, to the esoteric and what it brings to our lives and our health.

    1. Love what you’ve expressed so eloquently here Rachel. It is so true we as women need to “get off that treadmill of undeliverable hope” and turn our gaze within and develop an intimate relationship with ourselves and our bodies. This site offers a treasure trove of inspiration through the real experiences of women getting off the treadmill and making that journey.

  317. Fantastic Blog. An opportunity to express what we are feeling as women living in the world today. An opportunity to respond to what other women are feeling and to join in sharing our shared experience

  318. What I love about this blog and the Women in Livingness blog as a whole is that each blog and personal account is a complete contrast of how society directs women’s health, social functions and interactions, work life, relationships – practically everything about a woman is geared towards ”You must tick this box to be loved, attractive, successful, healthy, fit, etc etc”. On this site there is none of that, just examples of women living from responding to their own bodies in situations and what following those inner instructions results in – often the joy, greater vitality and increased self-worth and confidence. These stories are more inspiring than the ‘attain this picture of being a woman’ while ignoring her true health to maintain such an image.

    1. Leigh, I’m a bit stubborn, dug my heels in years ago, refused to knowingly tick any more boxes, and ended up doing far too much to compensate for my (perceived) poor comparison of myself with others. The way of living with greater love and self worth has opened my eyes, and I rejoice in all the beautiful accounts of how this has changed lives and brought such joy and confidence, knowing that in living that way I can, and I am, doing the same for me.

    2. I agree Leigh, this blog truly shares another way to be as a woman, living and expressing from reconnecting with our bodies and our inner hearts. It does offer something very necessary in an internet world of clichés and stereotypes, true experiences and evolution, precious. Thank you.

  319. I love the simplicity in the way you’ve expressed this …”The Livingness is about living the love that we are from the inside out – this is what it means to live from and with the soul, to live soul-fully in our daily lives.” This takes away any mystery or need to be special to live soulfully – anyone can if they so choose to. Beautifully said – thank you Rebecca.

    1. Yes, and its a whole new way of being. Living from the inner-heart instead of from societal ideals and expectations. It’s a whole lot of conditioning to break through but very worth it. The blogs in this site are very supportive for women choosing to give living from the inside out a go.

  320. It’s in the title Rebecca, beautifully expressed and powerfully clear introduction, WIL is a breath of fresh air: beautiful, true and honest site exploring how it is to be a woman today through the lives and experiences of everyday women. Women have opened up, shared their life experiences, connected with other women and the world. I’ve learned so much by being part of this community: reading, reflecting, connecting with aspects of myself previously hidden or forgotten. Above all it is a celebration of women in the truest sense and the transformative power of Love.

  321. It is so lovely as a man to visit this blog site from time to time. I find that it supports me to be in my stillness. There is a beauty and a very restful energy here, which is so refreshing and balancing to the whole being. It is appreciated that I am welcome here, thank you.

    1. I can feel my natural stillness tenderness and knowing at times and it is sublime. I love that this site discusses the practicalities of carving a path for women back to the “Livingness”, back to their innate soulful ways because now that I have tasted it I want more.

      1. I agree Jeanette. Being tender is great for a woman – I was once for eight years in a relationship and I only remember one tender moment but that one I remember very well.

        Being tender for a man looks like it is a different story but a man who can be tender is enormously powerful, for example holding a baby tenderly or holding a woman tenderly.

  322. “To truly know ourselves, and to truly know our own body is to make much less mysterious that inner knowing”. Learning to connect to that “inner knowing” through a relationship with or own body is precious and supportive and this blog certainly does offer many lovely nuggets of wisdom and lived experience to support those who are interested in finding out more – Thank you to all the contributors.

  323. What a lovely way to start the day re reading your introduction Rebecca! I feel a sense of serenity within , that feeling of stillness I don’t always have but so beautiful when I do . My fingers on the keys feel so light and delicate too. I am sure many women and girls will have felt the depth of love that they have for themselves from reading and connecting to these words and reclaiming the inner beauty that all of us have. A wonderful inspiring site where woman can share their experiences with each other and men also. Thank you Rebecca.

    1. I love coming back to this site, There is a feeling, every time the screen comes up, that I am coming home, connecting more of myself to the tender and beautiful woman that i am

  324. I love how you wrote ‘self-nurturing rhythm that is natural to us’ because it is just that. it is natural to us to look after ourselves. Great blog

  325. A brilliant introduction into what this site is about. Said so simply and could not be expressed more clearly and honestly. Woman living in a way that connects them back to ourselves, in a loving and supportive way. Written by women’s own experiences and observations. Looking forward to discovering some amazing blogs.

  326. As a student of the esoteric work as presented by Universal Medicine I have met many women living from the true nature… women in their livingness. The quiet confidence and beauty they exude is extremely rare in this modern society and it holds and calls us men to step up and into our own beautiful innate tenderness.. as gentle-men.

    1. Spot on Rob, that is the irresistible thing, a woman’s inner beauty and confidence that is in her true nature.

  327. This is very beautiful.
    As a man to hear women speaking like this is really lovely. The world needs women like this. We all need the beauty and grace of women everywhere living like this.
    Thank you.

  328. What Rebecca has shared here is so important for all woman across the globe. Women’s health is seriously suffering and we as a collective have the ability to start honouring and living in accordance to our own natural cycles!
    We do this and the vitality, verloumousness, sparkle, warmth, and many other womanly qualities will naturally eminate once again.. For the moment woman are tired, pushed pulled, poked, stretched, and on overdrive completely exhausted and these innate qualities that we all can and are able to eminate ALL the time only come through in little bits and bobs ~ imagine living your presciousness all the time!
    Imagine living the yumminess of love and delicateness and tenderness all the time …
    This is absolutely possible! The more we give to ourselves and the more we honour and respect and listen to our bodies and what they are calling for .. Deep rest, care, consideration, nourishment, love, and tenderness, the more this allows and supports these qualities to naturally be expressed from our bodies. In this it allows all others to feel the beauty and devine design of a woman’s body and be in celebration with her..
    This is what is possible and this is where we are heading but we have a long way to go ~ we are quite far removed from the yumminess of living this all the time with woman’s domestic violence rates being significantly high as well as anarexia, baliema, the hardness of sporting teams, depression, anxiety all bearing it’s weight on a woman’s body.

  329. Thank you Rebecca, a really beautiful introduction for the world to learn about the possibility of truly being a “ woman in livingness”.
    I have the great good fortune to be married to a woman who has been returning to her true nature, the grace and innate beauty that shines forth from her now is so clear and true, and undeniable.
    This has in turn, been a great inspiration for me to be more accountable for my thoughts words and deeds, both in our relationship, and in the world, and for me to feel more of the tenderness and loveliness that I am.

  330. Thank you Rebecca for the beautiful invitation for all women to live the love they truly are on the inside. It feels so beautiful and honouring and what we as women really know and miss.We have created a world where we look to the outside for how we should be and the pressures with this and have lost the tenderness and natural beauty of ourselves. This is a very real site where we are given permission to connect to our true values again with beautiful real inspirations.

  331. The pivotal impression of this article when I read it was how there is “great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate”. I have seen many women coming to Universal Medicine events over the years flourish in their power and their strength. At first it felt it to be quite confronting as a man, because I was used to having women trying to compete and be hard and tough or outwardly alluring and had developed a way of ‘coping’ or perhaps more accurately, hiding or withdrawing inside myself around women like this. Yet to feel woman in their power actually drew me out of myself and take notice. Yet there was no confrontation in it, only love. This has been an amazing experience as a man.

    1. Thank you Rebecca for such a beautiful living reflection of the power of living from your delicateness and sacredness as a woman. As Simon writes in his comment when we live from this place as women it allows others to also drop the protection and hardness of competing and reveal their own exact same tenderness.

  332. This blog site Women in Livingness, is a god-send. I have found it really helpful as a woman in society who has been subject to all the false beliefs and ideals about how a woman should behave. It speaks of women being real women, talking truthfully about their lives and other ways of dealing with and living life. Amazing and thank you.

    1. I agree Lisa, this site is A God send and very inspiring to women in today’s society, I have personally found it very supportive.

  333. Yes, robyn, I agree. Everything offered on the sites is a huge step forward on helping women to reclaim back their true inner knowing selves, where there is an unwavering stillness and love that knows no bounds and is a constant and powerful support in everything that we do.

  334. “…it seems we have become a mystery to our own selves.”

    I love this line and I love how the blogs on this site support us to unlock the mystery of what we all hold deep within. Very beautiful overview for this amazing site. Thank you Rebecca.

  335. A most inspirational blog Rebecca, one to be read often as a loving reminder of the innate beauty and wisdom we are as women. Time to throw away the Wonder Woman cape and re-claim a life where we truly live the glorious-ness that we are.

  336. These blogs and comments are a tremendous support and help to break through the way of complicated thinking and behaviour that we have so strongly adapted in this world as women and to learn and return to live from the simplicity and inner knowing that we all innately have.

  337. I have been blown away at what can happen when you truly start to take care of yourself – it is phenomenal! As simple as putting a cardigan on when a bit breezy, taking the time to have a cuppa and stop when rushed, going to the toilet when you need to and not holding your body to ransom. These small changes build and build the love that we so want and it connects us back to that “underlying essence — an innate stillness, tenderness and a knowing — that is there to call us back to being women in livingness”.Thank you to all of these women who have shared their experiences of how they are taking to great care of themselves and being a women in livingness – it is deeply inspiring.

  338. It is beautiful to read this introduction, it feels very confirming and inspiring, ‘That there is a self nurturing rhythm that is natural to us’, I have felt this at times and it is so it is great to have this reminder, much to ponder on.

  339. What a beautiful introductary blog that has so very much to offer women through the shared wisdom of our collective experiences.
    Esoteric Women’s Health is starting a new trend for women in honouring who we truly are and returning to our very naturally tender and nurturing way.

  340. Thank you Rebecca I love what you have expressed here ..”in all of our various expressions we have a common underlying essence — an innate stillness, tenderness and a knowing — that is there to call us back to being women in livingness.” This is truly the way forward for all of us and all that is needed is to reconnect to that which is deep within. The blogs on this site truly inspire this.

  341. “The Livingness – to live soul-fully as a human being” – so simple.
    Women in Livingness – Women living Soul-fully. What does that look like? Every woman living in a way that is true to themselves and their divine innermost. So beautiful.

  342. I have read this blog a few times and every time it discovers something different to me. The most significant in this round of reading is that we as women think how we have to be and live. We do not truly allow us to stop and feel what our wisdom within us and our bodies tells us. Women are so delicate and tender if we just allow. Living ‘from the inside out’ in this chaotic and demanding world is the key. So simple and yet for most of us not easy. This site and all the contributions and writings give us an approach and a way which has been experienced by many women who have changed their lives. Step by step with awareness from within.

  343. “What would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves?” Is a great question to ask, we live so contra to that, that learning how to redevelop a relationship with self in a loving way can be a challenge… but so worth taking the time for… It would change everything.

  344. “Possibility that there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate.”
    I took a moment to stop, ponder and get a feel for what you have said here and agree it to be true for me.

  345. Finally a site that understands women and truly represents women and who they are. This is not about the glorification of one gender over another but it is a representation of who women truly are and innately where that comes from. Society has so much expectations placed on women that this site exposes have not worked and in fact done much harm. This is a point for things to return and for us all to return to a natural way of living, the Esoteric (inner most) and from there out to the world. Rebecca thank you for supporting that return and Esoteric Women’s Health thank you for leading the way and yes I am a man.

  346. Felt to re – read your blog again Rebecca and as Gabriel shared it was / is a beautiful reminder of how our/my strength and power lay within the beautiful Women I truly am. Having grown up with the belief that being masculine was the only way to achieve any thing in this world and that being feminine meant you were automatically the lesser of the two sexes. How mislead I had been. Am discovering new depth in each moment of my strength and power by simply claiming the Women I truly am. And the depth of love that accompanies that is endless. Feels so beautiful to now be now expressing through my femininity more each day.

  347. I appreciate the reminder that there is strength in tenderness – easy to forget in this day and age and with all the superwoman ideals that bombard us.

  348. Such a beautiful introduction to Women in Livingness and so simple to understand. I am feeling more of my delicate and tender self and Esoteric Womens Health has been instrumental in this. With simple self care, nurturing and feeling inspired by women who are walking a few steps ahead of me showing that it is possible and very real in a society that says otherwise, it comes down to what I choose in every moment.

  349. Yes Rebecca
    We do support all others with the care we first give ourselves, it’s an inescapable fact, and a real bonus of those around us. What I have found, is that the more I care for me, the more I can care for others, and in my family I inspire others to care for themselves too.

  350. Thank-you Rebecca for your sharing, it is a great way forth to start the conversation with how women are travelling in this fast paced world, where illness and disease is dramatically on the rise, and yet we class ourselves as living in a modern world where we are technologically advanced in many areas. Something is not working, we aren’t living vitally and joyfully on a regular basis. Somewhere between being born as this most exquisitely gorgeous and open little baby, we have matured into a much lesser version of our naturally lovely, tender and vibrant selves. It’s time to start discussing what was brought in to change that and why.

  351. Wow, what a turn around that is for the world – Women living from their inner sacredness and loving stillness can change everything. An inspirational intro for an inspirational site. Thank you Rebecca.

    1. I love how you’ve expressed this Jenny. I realised just yesterday that the only way we would truly see change in the world is by women returning and living from their essence so that they then offer men and children a reflection of the love that they themselves are.

  352. how powerful every women can be! this blog supports me to be more this powerful woman that i am and at the same time this very still person.

  353. This is such a solid piece Rebecca; informing and caring, descriptive, yet to the point. I absolutely feel the relevancy of this site and the blogs to men, for it is wonderfully open and the sharing is inspiring.

  354. I am deeply inspired by each and every blog on this blogsite. Thank you for creating this space for us to explore, feel and be inspired what a Woman in Livingness truly is.

  355. This is a great introduction Rebecca, written by a woman who is solid in her development of the livingness, and bringing her soul to all she does.
    For so long we have lived (both hands up for me) according to labels. These labels give us a sense of security that we are OK, fulfilling our duty, not rocking any boats. At the same time they strip us of our sense of self, and never us ask to bring who we are, our true essence, out in full to the world.
    This sells everyone short.

  356. A beautiful introduction for all women to come to understand more what stillness and sacredness actually means. As for me, I was a big time multi tasker with no ounce of stillness in me (it was of course in me, but I did not connect to it, had no idea how to)
    My body was always in a drive, in motion until I got pneumonia, so I had to stop.
    That marker and starting to attend courses at Universal Medicine, made me change my ways and connect to the woman I am. A truly amazing journey!

  357. Yes, the magazine has so much to offer the reader in how to re-connect back to a much truer and more tender and vital self. Sharings from everyday people who are making their lives more real and bringing themselves back to their bodies, and truly listening to what their body needs. Re-igniting the sacredness within the woman that is always there waiting to be connected to and lived. It’s our most natural way.

  358. Our woman are far far more than anything she could ever do, ever say, ever look like, and perhaps ever imagine. Inside there is a goldmine of beauty that must be honoured and treasured and we are deeply lost as a society when we are not living these each and every day with all of the amazing woman around.

    1. If more men were able to feel what you have expressed here Joshua, what a very, very different world we would live in.

  359. We now know a different way the live as women, and that is to connect to who we truly are, the core of who we truly are our soul if you like and live from the knowing of the soul, our connection to who we truly are. Feel what is there to be felt that we have been living the pictures of what we learnt as children a women needs to be then feel into the truth of what you feel in truth you have to offer the world by being the real you.

  360. Thank you Rebecca -what a great introduction. Living and loving from the inside out would be a good mantra for the “modern” woman as we struggle at times to be everything to others and have little left for ourselves. I feel this pressure daily but am learning to say no to things which take me away from myself and my being in the moment- advertising, aimless shopping, work stress, family expectations and an overactive mind to mention a few. I am saying yes to being with my tenderness, acknowledging my body messages and being consciously present as much as I am able to be!

  361. I am asking myself, too – what would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves? I can say it is worth it to make space every day, where I can be very caring and loving with myself, this nurturing moments are feeding the love back to me, my marker and imprint for the work I have to do and the people I am with.

  362. I love this magazine, it is very joyful and inviting to read what other women have experienced making changes and adjustments in their life for a more truthful way. This site explores the possibility that there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate. I can see that this is my power as a women, allowing my delicateness and tenderness, what I am naturally from inside.

  363. I read this introductory blog a long time back and it is still so relevant today and has so many little areas for us as women to consider.
    What stood out for me today was your line:
    “And how many of us know how to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ but do not truly and deeply feel a sense of our own beauty?”
    I would love to see this on road side advertising!

  364. An awesome introduction to a site dedicated to women expressing from their innermost. In our history of women’s struggle it has always been a struggle and never been a loving approach reclaiming back who we truly are. A great start for a true women’s revolution!!

    1. Great point Rachel, from the article we can feel that letting out the beautiful and claimed women is actually really simple, and just involves us stopping everything we are doing that is not aligned with this.

  365. A deeply honouring introduction to the amazing and very supportive and inspiring blogs on this site from women choosing to live their lifes from inside out.
    I was definitely one of the women finding that ‘we are big time multi-tasking under the demands of a society that now expects us to be the super-mum-career-woman-great-daughter-athlete-sex-kitten combo rolled into one.’ Connecting to the stillness, tenderness and delicateness inside myself has changed (and this is an ongoing process) my life and by that all those around me enormously.

    1. Monika, I too can say that I was one of the women ‘multi-tasking’ and trying to be super mum, wife, business partner, friend all rolled into one – previously with a focus on either pleasing everyone else or doing what I ‘thought’ I should be doing or what society expected, It has only been since I have started to self-care and connect to my stillness and tenderness also and with the support of Esoteric Women’s Health and some very inspiring role models such as Natalie Benhayon, that my life has changed enormously also, and in which I can say I am truly connecting to the woman within.

      1. I was another one doing what I ‘thought’ was expected of me as a woman and as a result never quite understood what made other women tick, and was never really comfortable in their presence. I couldn’t buy in to the domestic goddess idea, or the beautifully presented house; the whole facade of being a ‘successful’ women just didn’t make sense.With the inspiration offered by role models like Natalie Benhayon and other shining members of the Universal Medicine Student Body, I now love the company of women and no longer feel the need to pretend anything I am not, as the journey of discovery about my own true womanhood unfolds.

  366. Wow Rebecca this is written with such depth and wisdom and the simple ways you have explained how living from our inner-most that is our own true nature, can support not only ourselves but everyone around us. This is an invitation for us all as woman to respond to by writing of our own experiences of what choosing to being a Women in her livingness is.

    1. What a beautiful invitation Rebecca to all women so irresistible! “living the love that we are from the inside out” by connecting to our bodies and honouring what we feel.

  367. Dear Rebecca,
    Your introduction is truly beautiful – thank you. For me the image also is a reflection of your words and the site – there is a delicateness and preciousness, with layers, that are unfolding from the centre, which can seem a little mysterious, unknown, but the stillness is there just waiting to bloom.

    1. All women will benefit from this blog Rebecca as surely the beauty-full women reading and contributing to it live everyday surrounded by women and men who, ever so imperceptibly, will be touched by the wisdom of deeply caring for ourselves.

  368. Rebecca this introduction to the site is so wise and lovingly written I felt held, truly valued and supported just by reading it! Thankyou – I look forward to reading all the blogs shared on this site.

  369. This article is really good to read and ponder on, even for me as man. I see many women in mid to high positions, making career, but at what costs? To me most of them seem harsh, closed and being in distance to colleagues. And yes, make-up is being used to mask themselves. But this is not nice at all.
    I would like to see more women in so called leading positions, but in their true femaleness, their stillness and in balance with their true beauty. Let’s appreciate and encourage women to let go the false strength and let shine real power. Wow.

  370. Thank you Rebecca this Blog has given me more insight about the true meaning of Women In Livingness. This part is a high light for me..
    “Living by the knowing of the body and developing an honesty with the body allows a way of living or a ‘livingness’* to develop that is informed from within us as women rather than through the impositions of societal ideals and expectations”.

  371. Thank you Rebecca for so clearly and so beautifully expressing the true qualities that we innately hold as women. This blog is a tribute and a reminder for all women to know the truth of who they are from the fullness of their essence and the true beauty that lays within.

  372. It felt that in reading this article I was connecting to a truth that needs to be discussed and shared between all woman and also with men. The reason I felt it was a truth, is because as I was reading it, I was actually drawn back into my body and to feel more still and settled within myself. It was bringing through a confidence that it is ok to just be me in this moment. Hence I can trust that this website is not asking women to be anything other than who they are, and for men to support them in a likewise manner. There is a truth being imparted here that relates to all human beings underneath all we have been told we should be, as women or men.

  373. It is so simple but before practicing coming from who I am within, I struggled to find my way back to me. The world calls us to be a particular way and when that was not felt to be true, I lost confidence and felt I didn’t belong. Now after reconnecting to my innermost, life is joyful and full of all the love and naturalness I feel inside.

  374. Its so great that there is finally a site where woman can explore what being love and being a woman really means. Until I started attending Universal Medicine and Esoteric Women’s Health programs I really had no idea. Now I have an inkling, and by other women sharing from their lived experiences I am inspired to find out and be that – be love and live as a true woman. Thanks you Women In Livingness!

  375. Yes Rebecca I now have more of that inner-knowing that I can share and live with others. For me to know that inner-knowing is accepting that I am me, and I am sensitive, tender, and ever-so-delicate. If that is my basis and I build from there — I will know more of me.

  376. A great introduction to what the term esoteric and women in livingness actually means. We all do have a sense of what is right for us that as women we have become so used to ignoring or overriding. For example, how many yes have we gone out with friends when we would have rather stayed at home in bed? Or played with the kids when we just wanted to read a book? I know I certainly have caved in at times to the endless demands made on me only to end up feeling resentful and angry. The trap can be to blame the people around me for feeling this way, when all along I had a choice as to how to respond. It’s something I still have to be honest with myself about, but living in a way that is more honouring of how I really want to live results in me feeling more fulfilled, more confident and more full of the love that I want to share with those around me.

  377. Rebecca you have so beautifully captured what is shared in this blog site. All about women being committed to return to living in a way that comes from within them not from what the outside is telling them to be.

  378. Great blog- written with so much simplicity, depth and understanding.
    Let us surrender deep into our bodies and connect to our stillness again, far away from any ideal being a woman and let us celebrate for who we really are.

  379. Such incredibly important things for us to start talking about. Coming back from the raciness, listening to our bodies, caring deeply for ourselves, knowing that there is a way. This is great.

  380. Such a great question: “what would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves”. For years I tried so many ways of building my sense of equality, confidence, worth, power, beauty and nothing worked for long. This started to change since I started to pay attention to the quality of relationship I had with myself and from there to the whole of life. What an awesome blog site for sharing of inspirations and insights in this area. A true blessing.

  381. I feel very privileged to be able to participate in this forum. It is truly lovely to feel the expression of women being honoured here. Thank you Rebecca for your clear, informative and welcoming article. In appreciation, Paul

  382. I have often blamed ‘life’ for what is presented to me about how I need to be as a women, and therefore what I have taken on. The ideals we take on about how we need to be a women are extremely hurtful and toxic to our inner-being, but the point is that ‘we take them on’. It’s not anyone making us or forcing us to be this way, there is nobody to blame – it’s all about our choices and considering why we make them, and the possibility of letting it all go and feeling a new and true way. Thank you for articles like this and for the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that share and empower women to discover their way,

    1. Absolutely Danielle. Every woman if honest, knows they are living less than they could be but not knowing where to go with all of it. So articles like these clearly highlight and pave the way, for a much needed, truer, more loving and natural way in life.

  383. In recent times, I’ve taken up the idea that I am a living experiment. Sort of my own walking laboratory. In designing the brief of what my current experiment is about, I decided to deepen the idea of being human, to being a woman in a human experience. This has opened up a whole realm of realisations. I can write a blog, everyday, even though I may be the only one who will ever read it. The blog is the act of recording the evidence in my experiment, my experience of being a woman. And on this blog site, I get to read about other women’s experiences in their own walking laboratory.

  384. This so beautifully captures who we truly are Rebecca, and the false ideals and beliefs that get in the way of us living this everyday – “So naturally our friends, husbands, partners, children, brothers and sisters all benefit from this approach.” I find the contributions so real and inspiring and have shared this site with many other women, as a support and confirmation of what we all feel inside.

  385. I am really looking forward to reading the other contributions on this blog too but you put it all so succinctly Rebecca , and even though I have gone through that really hectic childrearing stage and am now in the Elder Grandmother time of my life .Life is very full and I may at times wonder where it goes so maybe a little more me time is in order but I find so much joy in being with my Grand children too. There is so much to learn from all of us women & men through Universal Medicine I am grateful to all.

  386. Excellent article Rebecca, interesting for me as a man, to understand the roles that society puts on women. When a woman is not in her femininity and deeply caring for herself, and being in her stillness (so to speak) we as men are lost.
    We learn from women what that is and how as men to do that, I feel men are not as naturally connected as women and easily become disconnected from our feelings, and when women start doing the same, we become lost as a society.

  387. Thank you Rebecca for sharing about the true essence of a woman as opposed to the image mostly being portrayed today. It highlights for me the huge focus on how we are supposed to look on the outside and the importance of what we achieve in life and how this theme is so prevalent in the media especially in all the women’s magazines. Words such as successful, superwoman, role model are used as opposed to tenderness, delicateness and self nurturing which are rarely used. I feel that this is about to change!

  388. Thankyou for such a beautifully written piece Rebecca, it is true that it is all within.
    As soon as we choose to connect it is all there.

  389. Thank you Rebecca for so simply explaining and capturing what the quality, the essence and beauty there is within, in being a woman. You are correct, it is all there within, we just need to learn to let it out. To let it be our marker or gauge of how we do what we do, bringing this quality along with us, rather than just go head on into a task or action, forgetting that we are first and foremost a woman. A beautiful blog, and a great introduction to what being a woman is all about.

  390. Yes it’s true, as modern women so many of us live so far from our true essence as nurturing, fragile yet powerful equals in society. Thank you for the invitation to share and explore all that this may entail, this forum to inspire each other to be all that we are already and be in the Livingness of this each day to day.

  391. I was one of those ‘superwomen’ that thought you have to to everything with will-power and a lot of stamina. Only in the last 5 to 6 years I found the true qualities I have as a woman: stillness , tenderness, playfulness. I feel more powerful then ever!

  392. “To live from and with the soul” and “living the love that we are from the inside out” are powerful inspirational words Rebecca. Thank you for expressing so beautifully and with such wisdom.

  393. Rebecca, I value your clarification of the meaning of esoteric and why it is mis-understood. I feel that this mis-understanding, or outright bastardization, might have quite a bit to do with modern women NOT being a product of their own natures, but of societal rules, values and ideals instead. Losing touch with that “innate deeper knowing” is guaranteed to produce people who are not true to themselves!

  394. A profound introduction into what the Women in Livingness blog site is about.
    “This site explores the possibility that there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate.”
    This is so true and I have come to feel this for myself, the more I connect to the tenderness and delicateness that is within me the less I need to look for outer confirmations of who I am…..i just enjoy being me. So many of the blogs on this site offer a deep healing as the words come from women who have lived what they are writing about, there is much wisdom in their words that can be felt and be inspired by.

  395. This is a beautiful introduction tot he WIL site Rebecca, thank you — and to the immense wisdom that can be found in these articles and blogs about what it truly means and feels like to be a women. True freedom is felt and connected to in reading these pages.

  396. Wow, Thank you Rebecca for such a beautiful, gracefully encompassing introduction to us all as women as we embark on living our journey back to our true essence.
    I feel the power of your words support, welcome, celebrate and enlighten.
    As I connect back to my stillness, my natural beauty and the wonder of who i am ( Thank you Gentle Voices for “die Wunder in Mir” song and video..love it love it, love it!!) I realise I have entered a period of Grace where i am truly enjoying discovering all that i am. I can look back with keen and loving insight and without harshness at myself and reflect on how i have changed so much these last seven years since I began my involvement with Universal Medicine workshops, healings, and retreats.
    I look forward to sharing all that I discover with you here and being the true me in the world as i unfold.
    With joy and deep heartfelt thanks to all!

  397. Dear Rebecca,
    Beautifully said. As I was reading your words I could feel the gift of giving me, the woman, back to me. The permission to take me back. Allowing the honouring of me as a woman.
    What we offer as woman is priceless not worthless.

  398. Rebecca this is beautiful and such a great presentation for the site . I particularly love the bit that presents ‘the possibility that there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate. That there is a way to live that is deeply honouring of the body; that there is a way of being in the world that need not constantly exhaust or expend us. It examines the possibility that there is a self-nurturing rhythm that is natural to us and that we can choose to know and live by.’
    I know there definitely is .Thank you

  399. True liberation is to see all women, as being the same as me, naturally divine and gorgeous
    This site along with the work of Universal Medicine gives us all an equal opportunity to return to this
    How beautiful for us, how beautiful for everyone

  400. On one hand it feels devastating when I observe what we as women are saying yes to on a daily basis , when I look around in the media and see the objectification of women’s bodies, the struggle of young women to explore their sexuality under the barrage of porn, the total disconnection from our beautiful, delicate powerful selves by being totally absorbed in creating a perfection that does not exist. On the other hand I am so grateful that there is a platform like this where we can start to have real conversations and learn to reconnect to the sacred , delicate powerful women that we are.

  401. It is our choice whether we allow us to be a product of the outer – or to be connected and thus influence the outer in a healing way. How radiant when you women come together and share this healing with us. Such a blessing!

  402. I have just been away from home and observing the many women I saw or met. I can really appreciate what a gift this site is for any woman. Not only are the simple tools not readily available, the possibility of even thinking this way still appears to allude so many of us. The great thing about any of the articles on this site is that all of the authors have been caught in living from beliefs about what a woman ‘should be’ and trying to be the superwoman. They know all the traps and they know from their own experience the way out.

  403. I am loving the women’s groups that offer an opportunity to talk about how it is to be a women in livingness. Now we have this beautiful magazine to share with the world how different things can be from just firstly slowing down our lives and taking the time to feel how our body is at the end of the day. Thank you to all contributors.

  404. It’s time to reclaim ourselves back from all the false ideals. Thanks Rebecca. I can’t wait to see how I look as the new/old woman. (Laughing joyfully)

  405. I don’t have words to express how much I appreciate this introduction and this website. We live in a world which often champions a way of living that is dishonouring of our bodies. Through this site and meeting women who are living from their inner most wisdom I am discovering I too share this wisdom and can recognise what are ways of living that are harmful. I feel incredible support reading about other women who are also on this journey back to who they truly are.

    1. I agree Karin – we all have so much wisdom to share and when we read another women’s story we can relate, we can feel her and we are inspired. Thank you to all the women who share their story and the claiming back of the true women within.

  406. This is an awesome piece, Rebecca. Your words “there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate. That there is a way to live that is deeply honouring of the body; that there is a way of being in the world that need not constantly exhaust or expend us” are so very true. I have experienced this myself, through the support of Esoteric Women’s Health & Universal Medicine… and as you read through the blogs on this site you can feel that the women who have accepted this and embraced this way of being live extraordinary lives, rich and full of love and joy.

  407. Rebecca, fantastic introduction and bridging to what this site is about and what it offers, and this article itself offers so much depth and wisdom on how we as women live and offers a possibility that there is more (we all know this, but many don’t live it), and there is a way, a simple loving way to connect to the us, the deep us we all know within and consider how we might live more of that in the world. What I feel is offered here is a deep connection to the beauty and stillness that is in all women, our true way. This site offers a support along that way, with it’s many articles and stories of all the amazing changes many women have made, and it’s an absolute joy to feel and hear them, to know that this is here, and that it’s accessible to us all.

  408. Thank you for this really simple and truth article. i felt for me, that was only written for me and in the same time i recognized that Me is every Women in the World and every Women are me. You described exactly what i had and felt when I had my period in the past. And the more i have been tender and delicate to me the more the sufferings disappeared. No more medications needed!

  409. I absolutely love this piece Rebecca. So much depth, it is just so full. When reading it I feel expanded with the truth that it offers. There is so much untapped potential that women possess, this is deeply felt in your blog. Esoteric women’s health offers the tools to connect to the beautiful exquisite tenderness and power that is within all of us. This blog site is a wonderful testament to this and a huge support for us,on our road of return to who we truly are.

    1. You speak for me Anne-Marie – I love the accessible fullness of this blog and Rebecca’s clarity of expression. No prior learning indeed.

    2. I totally agree with this, and it is worth repeating ‘Esoteric women’s health offers the tools to connect to the beautiful exquisite tenderness and power that is within all of us’. To me this applies not only to women, young and old, but to men also who are also offered the opportunity to connect to the tenderness that is within them also.

    3. It feels as if you speak for us all through your comment Anne – Marie we have as Woman so such untapped potential which has been so lovingly expressed in Rebecca ‘s blog. Thank you ladies as Blessed we be by simply choosing to be who we naturaly are and honor, nurture and love that fact.

  410. I found that a lot of the time it was me who put pressure on myself to be a great mum, friend and hard worker. I realised that I wasn’t looking after myself in a loving way by doing this. I was too busy focusing on others and not realising why I was feeling awful most of the time. It is a beautiful reminder reading this blog to deepen my self-love and self-care, to stop and slow down to feel how I am and to bring conscious presence to everything I do.

  411. Thank you, I used to think multi tasking was a awesome skill and prided myself on how good I was at it. I now understand how harming it is! Small segments of me spread over many tasks, instead of all of me with one. Conscious presence of doing something with me enables me to feel what I am doing. I used to forget where my keys were all the time because I was thinking of something else when I put them down, so I had no recollection of where they were. I now feel the joy of being with me as I move through my day, it’s now rare for me to loose my keys where as it was a common issue for me before I became aware of conscious presence.

  412. Really beautifully expressed Rebecca. I used to hate getting my period and the louder it screamed at me through the pain I felt the more I fought and resisted and resented it’s simple message: stop. Eventually my body would stop – with severe and regular illness. Since making the choice to listen to my body more, I actually find getting my period my favourite time. It provides me with an opportunity to reflect deeply on how I am living through greater sensitivity and awareness of my body.

  413. Thank you to all the inspiring women who are living each day from the inside out. The way of the livingness has been a blessing and enormous support for me to live me in my every day.

  414. Thank you for this so needed reminder of the “great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate”. We are so far of track of what it truly means to live as women (and men) today and this site is a marker of truth in our journey to reconnecting back to how to truly live as woman (and man) today.

  415. My experience with Esoteric Women’s Health has certainly been one that has allowed me to actually see and feel, by way of observing women around me, and then connecting to it within myself that ‘ there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate’. How many role models do we have showing that these days?. Knowing there is a community of women dedicated to unfolding their own innate power through delicateness and tenderness is inspiring, as are each of these blogs. Thank you Rebecca for the ‘introduction’ – it really sums it up so well.

  416. The standard “for us to be generally racy, anxious, driven, deeply lacking in self-confidence or simply managing life as best we can” as Rebecca describes is so super common and normal but by no means should we accept this as normal. The level of tension in our body tells us (very loudly) that is so far from normal! I see women in my clinic on a weekly basis in this very ‘normal’ situation and the relief they feel, literally melting when they start to give themselves permission to just be…pure joy for me!

  417. “It seems we have become a mystery to our own selves”. Thank you Rebecca for your beautiful blog and for inspiring us to explore the magical mysteries of living as a true-to-self connected, knowing, loving woman from our inner most and to discover the truly beauty-full women we all innately are.

  418. I agree Carmin, most women are walking around in life not knowing of the sacredness and preciousness they hold within themselves that is just there waiting for them to stop, feel and surrender to once more.


  419. What an important topic in this day and age. As life gets busier for women, we definitely make less time for ourselves – less time to explore who we are and less time to nurture ourselves. We then take our ‘un-cared-for’ selves out into the world and expect to care for everyone else. I love reading these blogs and the ways women have chosen to care for themselves, to be honest about what their bodies were telling them & break old patterns & make new choices. Thank you

  420. What a blessing this blog site is, where women (and men) are given a playing ground to jointly develop a deeper understanding of what it truly is to live life as a woman. By discarding all the untruths that are around being a woman, the road is cleared for the true way of living, a way of living that returns the sacredness of the woman back to all of us.

  421. Wow Rebecca what you have shared covers it all. We are women who have lost our way in striving to be the ideal of a woman but there is another way. I like many hundreds of women have found thru connecting to the woman within through the support of Esoteric Women’s Health have begun to live the other way and our lives have transformed!

  422. In today’s society there is so much pressure on women to put others before them especially around motherhood instead of caring for themselves. This site gives us an opportunity to see and explore that there is another way if we choose.

  423. This is a truly wonder filled invitation to walk within, to build an honest & tender relationship with yourself, to engage & honour your impulses – the results are pouring off these pages – the everyday livingness of women who are learning to deeply appreciated themselves.

  424. This is such a beautiful article and introduction to the Women in Livingness pages. It is a blessing for all of us that we have through this site the opportunity to explore, express and share our experiences of being a woman in today’s world and to develop the true Livingness quality shared in this blog. I look forward to watching this site grow and seeing more women using it for the amazing support that it is. Thank you Rebecca Baldwin for gracing us with your own Livingness through these words.

  425. As a father of a daughter it is great knowing there is information available that is true and accessible to me in raising my daughter into all of the women she can be.

  426. Thank you Natalie for this amazing website and thank you Rebecca for this awesome article. It’s time for us all as women to re-connect to who we truly are and to start living from that – our true essence, rather than from all the expectations and ideals and beliefs we let ourselves be run by.

  427. There is great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate for sure. It seems easy to go with the crowd and fill up on raciness and the drive and doing. Looking forward to reading the many blogs to come.

  428. Who says what is “modern”? Is modern what is presented in magazines and TV? The lexicon says “modern” means being “topical”. Well, since a few years now, with studying Universal Medicine, I choose that my topic is me and how I feel in my body. I choose to nurture myself and to care for me the best I can. Since then my whole life changed totally into a precious, joyful and lovely experience. My beauty is expanding, my relationships deepening, I work the whole day and love it – In short terms: I enjoy my beauty every day more (by getting older) and love my life. This we can say is against the trend, where woman have more plastic surgery then ever and we have more people then ever with mental-health problems. People are suffering, feeling empty – and of course that is the case as long we are not connected to our soul. Media is trying to fill this emptiness with every day new drama-stories – and we let it entertain us, never getting enough of course because it’s not bringing what we are truly searching for: the true us. So I would say, I am totally “modern” by choosing the Way of the Livingness, which gives the opportunity to live a soulful life. Its more topical than ever!

  429. Hi Rebecca, Thank you for your blog. I love the part …
    “The Livingness is about living the love that we are from the inside out – this is what it means to live from and with the soul, to live soul-fully in our daily lives”
    These words truly serve to remind how simply living in connection is. Then expressing this love out, in one’s unique expression of a woman, is an exquisite unfoldment.

  430. I love what is written here, it sums up for me what Universal Medicine, and Esoteric Women’s Health have done for me as a woman – supported me to reconnect to the natural essence of myself, listen to my own body as a way to truly self nurture me, and let go of all the pressures and expectations of the world and simply revel in me as I am.

  431. That sums it all up Rebecca- These blogs can be truly life changing, and so can be your intro* It will definitely let women ponder on how they treat themselves and how they want to fulfill the picture society puts on them.

  432. Hi Rebecca, I love what you have shared about the magazine and what it has to offer Women and not just Women as I am sure Men would gain a lot of insight and understanding of how a true Women naturally is meant to be.

  433. I love coming on this site because there is always a blog that supports me with how I am feeling as a women. If I feel that I am struggling with the way I look, all of a sudden I will find a blog that talks about how to see and feel your true beauty instead of seeing it from someone else, or there might be a blog about women and manipulation and it is exactly what I needed to hear at that moment in time. This is an awesome blog Rebecca and thank you ladies for an awesome site.

    1. I resonate with all that you share here mad3lin3l, this is such a unique and beautiful site to keep visiting. It offers great support and confirmation in reclaiming the true gorgeous delicateness of the women we are, to appreciate and accept the inner beauty that is within us all and to leave the old way of comparison and competition with other women behind.

  434. Your article is a great impulse to every women to reflect their own living as a women in society, family and with herself. Looking forward to read more on this!

  435. What an awesome foundational article for all this Women In Livingness blog has already inspired and shared, and all that is to come. “living the love we are from the inside out” – what a blessing to be returning to this way of being, and share with other women and men here, just how it can be.
    Deeply appreciated.

    1. Yes Victoria not only a beautiful blessing to be “living the love we are from the inside out” but a huge relief. No ideal or expectation from society to meet. An innate knowing that requires no effort than a connection to my inner essence which is always naturally there waiting for me to stop feel and honour.

  436. This blog supports an age old wisdom and way of being that has been lost – ‘Re-connecting to who we are and living that from within’. A ‘Changing world’ is before us, one that I am so appreciative that I am a part. Thank you ‘Women In Livingness’ for providing an avenue in which this wisdom can be expressed.

  437. I have read almost every article on this blog site and I have personally gained so much insight and confirmation for the love I feel inside and the depth I choose to live my life with. After just re-reading that intro, I could really feel the absolute gratitude I have for both the co-creators and contributors for making this available to all women!

  438. I cried reading this blog, thank you for expressing so beautifully. I have lived for so long with a raciness & anxiousness that I thought was me. But by starting to take great care of myself – in little & big ways – it has taken me down a path that I did not think was possible. Esoteric Women’s Health has inspired me greatly to look at how I was living as a woman and connect to something much grander that I ever thought possible. The more I took care of myself – getting a drink when thirsty – putting a cardigan on when a slight chill – going to the toilet when I need to – the more the raciness & anxiousness disappeared – like it had no space anymore as I filled up myself with self-love. Cool heh.

    1. How you have changed your life around Sarah is truly inspiring. As you say, nurturing ourselves in simple ways can make a big difference. For me it was letting go of the old ideals and beliefs, such as putting others first etc., but now I know the more I take care of myself, the more I can offer to others. Like you, I found raciness and anxiousness disappeared. If any of the old patterns re-appear, I have the tools within to deal with them.

  439. Beautifully expressed Rebecca. Just by reading it, I realize as a woman how important it is to be in contact with my body and be loving and tender with it. That is in itself a daily practice as it is tempting to go ‘out of the body’ whether it is rushing or getting things done from my to-do list. I go into hardness. The beauty is that our bodies are such accurate markers. They immediately send out signs. I just need to listen to these signs by choosing to connect and feel. And there is, as there always was, a genuine tenderness to the body, the women we truly are. So yes, Esoteric is indeed connecting to our inner most and a wonderful way for us women to re-connect again to what I would say our sacredness.

  440. Reading this blog makes me realise how many impositions I have taken on by society just to fit in. But I have found that this way of living leaves me tense and anxious because all along I have felt that all i need to know is already within me,

  441. It felt most confirming to read again your blog, Rebecca. I can become caught up in the expectations of living in a way that is about meeting the needs of others. This doesn’t take into account that I am more than this, and that I have a natural way of expression as a woman that is beautiful and offers the world a blessing. I need to remember that I am not a human doing but a human being.

  442. Lovely to re-read this article once more and to deeply ponder on the meaning of what it is to be a true woman in today’s culture. Beauty comes from within, yes, as I see so many women blossoming as we connect to our inner hearts and live from that love.

  443. So beautiful to read this blog again and to connect to that woman within. As you say Rebecca there is ‘great power in being tender’ and ‘great strength in being delicate’ and this is what I can bring to the world when I connect to my body and to my inner heart. It is something I can bring to the world in every interaction that I have throughout the day.

  444. This is a great site for all women to read and to feel how we can develop a tender and nurturing relationship with ourselves and our bodies. We all do have that ability to feel that beauty and potential within us. Some may say that’s selfish, but I feel it’s actually the most self loving thing we can do for ourselves.

  445. I feel you make a really great point that begs us to ponder – whether we know how to make ourselves look pretty without first really appreciating our beauty. In pondering this I am reminded of the old adage “that beauty comes from within” – so true.

  446. What you capture, Rebecca, is the amazing potential that lies within each and every woman. That the amazing beauty, nurturing qualities that women bring to the world, when truly directed towards themselves in a developing relationship with the self, will allow women to simply fully blossom and expand in their love for all around them, thus allowing them to heal the world with their beautiful and natural, nurturing love.

  447. “Many women care for all those around them but stop short of truly caring for and nurturing themselves.” So true Rebecca, and a reflection of where so many women are lead simply by fact of general consensus. My feeling is that the one part is dependent upon the other: that we have chosen to care for others because we haven’t known how to nurture ourselves. We do not yet have enough true role models in society that show women a true way, women who can tenderly and powerfully live and let it be known what she looks and feels like in her truth. This site brings for all women to entertain, in each and every blog, the possibilities of that Livingness.

    1. I agree Rosanna. It is also what is encouraged of us from a young age. I recently was at an event in a hall used by various youth groups. A girl only group had an information board up on the wall. Across the top was their motto. ‘Serve others before yourself.’ We do need more women showing that the true way is to be tender and loving first with themselves first and how powerful and inspiring it is when we share that with the world.

      1. Agreed Jane, it is still a really uncomfortable thing for a woman to hear that she can put herself first, and this is why it is all the more important that we have women out in the world who can simply be seen having that degree of care for themselves. And for it to also be seen that to be tender and loving with oneself first does not mean you are not ‘serving others’, but that in fact means they are able to serve others MORE so.

  448. Your introduction to this brilliant site reads as a wise teaching to me Rebecca.
    If I knew how, I would make it “go viral ” as they say………..
    Your final paragraph raises my awareness to keep listening to that ” call, back to being a Woman in Livingness “

  449. “It has become fairly standard for us to be generally racy, anxious, driven, deeply lacking in self-confidence or simply managing life as best we can.” wow when put like this, it makes me wonder what standards are we putting up with as women? but it is true nonetheless.

  450. Awesome Bianca – “I am massive, unending, my essence fills the room. I am a sparkly ball of LOVE.” you most certainly are! I love that you claim this!

  451. Could equality be all women appreciating their true beauty and all men appreciating their true tenderness? Imagine what the world would be like if we all came from that first!

  452. After re-reading this description of what this blog is about, I have a greater appreciation for the depth of true wisdom that it brings; one that we can all connect to (whether being a woman or man). I have really learned a great deal about self-care, nurturing myself, and the power of being tender as you mentioned Rebecca through reading this blog on a regular basis. It constantly reminds me of what is truly important in my life and when I sometimes drift off course it tends to bring me back. What an incredible service you all are to the whole world- showing that there is a different way to look at being a woman- one that honours you for being you- not the “I can do everything and please everyone” role that has become so unfortunately predominant in our culture.

    1. Love what you have written here Michael, it is true, I have learnt a lot about nurturing, and the power of tenderness and delicateness and how much more enjoyable life is when we stop struggling ‘to please everyone’. This blog site is invaluable for the support of women (and men) in a society that puts an inordinate amount of pressure on us all to be high achievers and to be the best in everything we do.

  453. This site is such an amazing support and a beautiful reminder of how we can honour ourselves as women in this world. We so often go about life experiencing ourselves and relating to others as a ‘person’, and can forget to connect to the deeper sacred innermost part of ourselves that is the ultimate expression of ourselves as women. This site reminds me on a daily basis that I can take my beauty as a woman with me into my everyday activities and interactions. It is such a gift.

  454. This site is such valuable reading for both men and women, I love reading the blogs and comments alike, I learn much from them. thank you for such a clear introduction Rebecca, this is something that will stand the test of time and offers a great support and understanding to the many people who will come across this site in the years to come.

  455. ‘The modern women’ so beautifully written Rebecca thank you .The livingness ,living the love we naturally are from inside out is truly inspirational and amazing to feel.

  456. This blog explains the site to the letter. I have found many accounts and observations very relatable and at times has made me stop and consider the possibility that what I think has been ‘me’ might not be the true ‘me’ and the results as shared by others just how living in that false ‘me’ or the real ‘me’ can impact on our daily life.

  457. Loving women for all they truly are…just beautiful. Equality wasn’t won to enable women to do more, it was won to support humanity moving forward united, maleness and femaleness working together just like inside each of us. It is a glorious thing to honour the depth of a woman.

  458. What an amazing introduction to this beautiful site. The questions raised and the observations are still so relevant today. Like you wrote:
    ‘Many of us are finding that we are big time multi-tasking under the demands of a society that now expects us to be the super-mum-career-woman-great-daughter-athlete-sex-kitten combo rolled into one.’ is still the truth for so many women in the world today. Great this site is offering other examples of women living in a different way, making choices to connect back to the tenderness they truly are. I have found the blogs to be super inspirational and surprisingly simple and practical.

    1. These blogs are a lasting reminder of the amazing transformations women have experienced in their way back to to their true and tender nature. As the title: Women in Livingness says, it’s through living and discovering and sharing here that we bring an awareness and support through experience, of the deeply tender, knowing women we truly are.

  459. It is thanks to reading and learning through these blogs and meetings with women’s groups, Natalie Benhayon and Sara Williams that I am evolving back to becoming a woman of the future. It is a continuous unfolding, very powerful, sometimes uncomfortable and exposing but a journey I am so delighted I have chosen to take. I love it, thank you.

  460. Rebecca I love what you shared, there is so much as women we have lost over time and it is beautiful to connect to the natural inner most women we are. These blogs have been so much support and inspiration. As time has gone by and the more I have become aware of my femaleness and tenderness, the more I have been able to connect to the true beauty within.

  461. I have met the women of the future and Yes they do exist now. They are powerful and gentle, caring and loving to themselves and equally to all others, have an inner self-confidence and beauty that makes them shine like a beacon in the night. These are the things that every women is and has always been, its time to standup and claim it and let the would see who you truly are.

  462. I feel this blog is deeply supportive, accessible and understandable too and for everyone. I have experienced huge Ah Ha! moments at times, tears of joy and much to ponder on, or have pointed out to me that areas I thought in life were beyond my control are far from it, being well and truly within my choices to change. I sit here and appreciate what is before me in these articles and that all they say is that these qualities of a true woman are also within me.

  463. I love reading and re-reading this introductory blog as each time a specific part caughts my attention, this time being ‘Living by the knowing of the body’. How great it is to have an approach that comes from inside ourselves, not dependent on the outside. This blog is precious.

  464. I love this sentence…”to see deeply the true effect of a woman….”, it is incredibly powerful and empowering. It has the capacity to stop you right where you are and question how you are living. We do have so much to bring, so much to offer, yet often we are so busy ‘being’ and ‘doing’ all the things on our checklist that we forget to just ‘be’ and honour us, the most amazing jewel there is.

  465. A profoundly wise blog Rebecca.
    I do hear the ‘call back’ to being a ” woman in Livingness ”
    Still discovering ” my innate stillness, tenderness and knowing “.

  466. It is a constant development and inspiration to come back to this site and read the hundreds of stories here from all walks of life.
    It has absolutely helped me to grow and support myself as a woman.
    The honesty that is in the sharing is to be admired and only shows how amazing these women are, first and foremost.

    1. Agreed Hannah. The blogs and stories shared here are truly inspirational, and the opportunity for comment and discussion offers further understanding and expansion. A gorgeous support for women like myself who are asking themselves what it is to be a true woman in this world.

  467. A HUGE great thank you to all you women who are involved with producing and contributing to this blog. It is a powerful vehicle to bring about change not just for women but also men and humanity in general. Your theme, “But what would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves?” is such a powerful question for by exploring it, the conversation expands out and impacts on all aspects of relationships personally and within society.

  468. I love this site because it helps me simply to reconnect. Every time I come onto it, I get something to bring me back to who I am. Today, I love the reminder that there is strength in being delicate.

  469. I agree Debra that these blogs always leave something to reflect on.I have learnt so much from reading these inspiring posts from women all over the world. It has made me realise how similar we are in our life experiences and how much we can support each other, in challenging times. I feel the Women in Livingness website is Heaven sent and very practical too.

  470. I love rereading this introduction. It reminds me to stop chasing what is outside of myself for recognition and satisfaction, and look within to build a true foundation.

  471. It is interesting that there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate.” Yet these are the very qualities we often think of as being weak. It would be so supportive if we learned this as children and realised that through being sensitive we get to understand so much of what is going on around us. I know that when I choose to toughen up I shut down my awareness of other people and things happening around me. When I allow my tenderness and sensitivity I am much more conscious of everything and everyone around me and I can be more understanding of myself and others. I just beginning to realise the great power in being tender and delicate and the ramifications of this!

  472. There is so much on offer in the word on these pages. I’m finding myself reading at least one a day because what’s being written about affects so many of us as women. Having just re-read your intro Rebecca what struck me today was this sentence – ‘And how many of us know how to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ but do not truly and deeply feel a sense of our own beauty?’ I love that these blogs always leave me with something to reflect on.

  473. It is amazing to watch they way our “equality” is advancing, because more often then not, women are buying into the belief that wearing cloths that are barely there and being sexy in the sexualised use of the word, is somehow allowing women to be free and strong and a role model to young girls. A famous female singer/rapper made a music video all about large ladies shaking their bums and the fact that men only want curvy ladies, and said that she was being a role model to teenagers that skinny isn’t sexy, and to feel good about being bigger. And women were championing it, because they see her as having women power, not afraid to be sexy and be bigger. But as a slimmer girl, it made me feel uncomfortable of my body shape, and it makes me feel that to be liked I have to be a sex object – to me that is not equality or a true role model of women, this is a role model created because there are no other options. Being sexy can be wearing clothes that leave more than a little to the imagination, and being strong and confident without having male attention. Being a powerful women can be looking after yourself, not just those around you, and being strong can be asking for help and showing your fragility.

  474. This site does exactly what it ‘says on the tin’. It is a collection of articles and comments from women who are claiming their inner beauty, and they don’t incite jealousy, they inspire. Having met many of these women over the last ten years and watched their unfolding confidence in themselves as women, it is an added joy to read their words as they share from their livingness. Every word enables us to feel our own inner beauty as we read practical tips, inspiring stories and get a deep sense of true womanhood.

  475. An amazing article to keep returning to and reinstate with myself and i am learning more and more that “there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate. That there is a way to live that is deeply honouring of the body; that there is a way of being in the world that need not constantly exhaust or expend us.There is a self-nurturing rhythm that is natural to us and that we can choose to know and live by.”
    Thank you Rebecca for writing this so clearly and knowingly with so much love and sharing.

  476. “But what would ‘living as a woman’ look like in today’s society if we were to first develop a deeply tender and nurturing relationship with our bodies and our selves?”
    This is a great question for us all to ask ourselves and all our friends, to open the conversation on how there could be another way to live our lives and run our bodies on a daily basis without causing harm in the form of exhaustion, illness and dis-ease to ourselves and others. The Women in Livingness Blog offers a great foundation of truth that offers us all inspiration to live in a way that truly supports us, lovingly so.

  477. What a beautiful introduction Rebecca, to a well needed magazine. The truth and love in your writing is easily felt. Tenderness, gentleness and being delicate are great strengths for both men and women and this is a growing fact that can change the world.

  478. A month on since my last comment on this blog. I felt to read it again. It is such a unimposing and powerful statement for all humanity. Concerning the true tender stillness and strength that women can bring for themselves and all our communities. Truth and Stillness shared on the internet – wonderful, ripples of this will continue to flow out in to the world.

  479. I love reading the blogs and comments on this site. Its very inspiring to hear about other women’s stories and how they are living and empowering themselves.

  480. It’s been great to re-read this wonderful introduction again and again. It’s so beautifully written and expresses what I need to hear and be reminded of. I’ve felt the huge benefits of reading the blogs as well as the comments and have been deeply inspired to look more honestly at the daily choices I make which in turn create my Livingness.

  481. A great introduction Rebecca. I have been visiting this site regularly since it was first launched and the inspiration offered from each of the blogs here is truly amazing. Each one holds pearls of wisdom that support us in unfolding a way of living that truly supports. Thanks and appreciation for all the blogs and comments written here. Each one of equal value.

  482. What you have written here is clear and simple yet can be felt. Two things that resonated with me were “And how many of us know how to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ but do not truly and deeply feel a sense of our own beauty?”

    And “we have lost touch with our own innate deeper knowing”. This blog and site is truly inspiring, thank you.

  483. I love this site and the all inspiring women who write on these pages. As Rebecca says, ‘we have an opportunity to return to the women we naturally and innately are, free from the ideals, expectations and images we have been fed. In doing so, we find that in all of our various expressions we have a common underlying essence — an innate stillness, tenderness and a knowing — that is there to call us back to being women in livingness.’ Beautiful words, beautiful women, thank you.

  484. This was so lovely to come back to and re-read. There were two parts that stood out for me this time and they are connected… “And how many of us know how to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ but do not truly and deeply feel a sense of our own beauty?” and…. “There is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate.” It is from feeling the power in my tenderness, delicateness and stillness that I am able to deeply sense my own beauty and to come to know the divineness of my own inner essence. To see it in myself allows me to see it in others with an equality. When I am having an off day and I see the beauty in another it reminds me of my own loveliness and I can choose to come back to myself.

  485. Well said Rebecca. It is so true that we have become mysteries to ourselves both men and women and what occurred to me reading this blog was that for men it is the same – returning to our delicateness and tenderness, sensitivity and vulnerability and feeling again the power and the healing that comes from there. Getting to know ourselves again from the inside out.

  486. What a beautiful powerful introduction to this site. I welcome and love this comment,
    “The Livingness is about living the love that we are from the inside out – this is what it means to live from and with the soul, to live soul-fully in our daily lives. The deep care we have for ourselves and the loving way we are with ourselves is the “quality we then bring to all others”(SB). Imagine how our world will be when we all honour this way of living.

  487. This is great Rebecca. I find the Women In Livingness blog site a great support that offers inspiration on many topics from the lived experiences that are shared by all who contribute. A real testament of how we are able to support each other by honestly sharing what is going on in our lives. Thank you.

  488. Thank you Rebecca
    This is a very bridging and simple overview of what is on offer here.
    What really stuck out for me was how the deep quality we have for ourselves is then how we are with others.
    There has been a huge expectation – for women especially – to put others before
    Ourselves and play nice.
    So it is inspiring to see that if we live by our inner most first – we can actually support those around us so much more than being nice ever could!
    Thank you for sharing

  489. This is so gorgeous Rebecca. All of us – men and women – have a beautiful tenderness within, if we only allow ourselves to feel it and then show it. For me, the everyday tendency to “get on with the job” has reduced so much since coming into contact with Universal Medicine. Allowing the flowering of myself now is such a change from the tightly compressed bud of a woman that I used to be. That potential is there within us all if we choose. There is always more for me to discover within, a daily journey of unfolding.

    1. I love what you say Sue ‘allowing the flowering of myself now is such a change from the tightly compressed bud of a woman that I used to be’. That feels true for me too and yes, it is a daily unfolding as I allow my potential to blossom.

  490. I love this site and the support it offers. So many aspects of what it is to be a woman living in a very real, truthful way are covered. I find it really wonderful that, as more women are inspired and reconnect to live in a way that truly supports them, more articles are written and posted and therefore more support is offered.

  491. Beautifully expressed Rebecca I love all you say and how wonderful it would be if we all found our way to develop a deeply tender relationship with ourselves and our bodies first before anything else and lived from there.
    It is so amazing to now see women living like this and a true inspiration for the world as the real true way to be. Thank you

  492. As a man, it is awesome to see many women coming back to tenderness and female energy. It has brought home to me just how much we all lost when women, almost as one, adopted male energy to attempt to win equality. And as a man it feels awful, that men didn’t feel the equality that is naturally there without women having to do this.

    1. Doug I agree with that. It feels like since women have striven for equality, men have become a bit lost, and unsure of their role. That’s a shame, because, working together , men and women can make a perfect whole.

      1. That’s so true Catherine. Men and women compliment each other beautifully and make a perfect whole when we let go of the roles we think we are and all of the struggles. Connecting to the wisdom within us and re-discovering the deep inner-knowing of who we truly are is what we need to get back on track. This site is perfect for tapping in to that lost wisdom, giving us an opportunity to remember and express without all of the impositions we have become
        so identified with.

  493. I love this sentence – “we have lost touch with our own innate deeper knowing – and in doing so, it seems we have become a mystery to our own selves.” This says it all, and this amazing site is an opportunity to start uncovering some of that mystery. Thank you.

    1. Absolutely true Rebecca. Two years ago if asked the question ‘how are you as a woman’ I wouldn’t have had a clue! Which woman? The mother? The wife?The sister? The friend/ neighbour? The employee?
      Now, thanks to blogs like this and the wonderful Universal Medicine Student Body the real woman, the me, is emerging from that shell of imposition I hid in for years. Wings still wet, not fully fledged, but the feathers I have are gorgeous.

    2. I totally agree Rebecca, a beautiful and poignant observation. It also feels magical that we have commenced “uncovering some of that mystery” which this website supports and inspires.

  494. Even as a man I find this very interesting as we get all equally affected and it is important to look at everything so we can potentially readdress problems and issues that are affecting us as a whole in society!

  495. This blog feels very supportive and powerful. It has a lovely steady rhythm, consistency and integrity. And feels like a true foundation to begin the dialogue on this website and support all women who are becoming aware of their ‘livingness’.

  496. To be part of this re-awakening of the natural way of being a woman is so refreshing and inspiring after all the attempts to connect with my womanhood and femininity in many ways throughout my life, ways that have always been from other people’s ideas of what a woman is, not this beautiful, gentle, powerful unfolding from inside myself, my true nature emerging from me.

    1. Loved that Joan, to accept other peoples ideas of what a woman is, when we all have that deep knowing inside is simply daft. And your final words made me stop, and really feel them, and that quality in myself, and it is so beautiful, thank you.

      1. Yes, Catherine, that deep knowing. Sometimes it feels so elusive for me, but that is when I have chosen to be in an old, hard, driven energy. Thank you for reminding me of my own words, and how I only need to stop and feel and become still and know it is there. A choice that is always there for us all.

  497. Amazing to look back at this introduction to the Women in Livingness blog two years on from it’s launch. How true the purpose has proved to be. It continues to mark a lively dialogue between women who share their lives by experience. Women in Livingness and the many, many women who have contributed to it from all over the world have offered hundreds of others the possibility of true and lasting change. I for one have loved reading the blogs, learnt a lot and felt inspired over the course of this time.

    1. Agree entirely Rosanna. And would add that, as a man, it is also a huge inspiration and education for me, for us men. There are mountains of gold within these blogs. Gold for women, gold for men, gold for humanity.

      1. This is so true Otto. I was just about to write how as a man I have found the blogs so inspirational and educational they have greatly enhanced my relationships with women (and men).

    2. Your comment feels true for me as well Ariana after re-reading this blog. I find these moments of reconfirmation support me to further expand and evolve my life in a way that reflects outwards to the world.

    3. Agreed Rosanna. This site is so incredibly inspiring. A gorgeous collection of real life personal experiences by women who are exploring what it is to be a woman in this world. Such a joy to have this site as a reflection every day.

    4. True Rosanna, this site has offered us so much by way of inspiration and insight into returning the the immensely beautiful, delicate yet powerful women we are. I find reading the contributions here always support me to re-connect to the loveliness of being a woman. Something I took for granted for a very long time.

  498. Thank you Rebecca,
    I meet more and more women (and men too) who are saying “so many of us are overwhelmed, exhausted and sick…” and this is an important realisation but where to go from there? I feel that this site is a great place to refer people to. I find it to be a true support and through the shared stories, a way to gain more awareness about what is going on and to begin to re-empower ourselves.

    1. I agree, many people are starting to feel the exhaustion, the overwhelm but don’t know what to do about it. This blog, along with others, is a great place for people to find some answers.

      1. I agree Rebecca, for many people the only way they know to cope with feeling exhausted is to have more coffee or more sugar – simply to keep them going. as you said what is presented here ‘is a great place for people to find some answers’, to see that there is another way and life does not have to simply be about getting from one day to the next rather it can be about truly living each day and connecting with people.

  499. Rebecca, an inspiring blog – what an opportunity is offered here for women to understand themselves on a deeper level and to share on this public platform.
    I love your sentence “there is actually a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate” – As I choose more tenderness in my expression, so much more is being revealed to me through my body.

  500. A brilliant introduction to this site Rebecca thank you. The articles on this site show another way of living, offering inspirational ways we can learn from and make changes to our lives. An inspiring read for all.

  501. It is an immense Gift to me, to all women, and all men, that this website exists. Thank you Rebecca for your introduction and to everyone contributing to the website. It feels so important to have the possibility of sharing care, appreciation and tenderness, as well as experiences, understanding gained and wisdom between women. This possibility is greatly lacking in society. Someone earlier on expressed “What a beautiful and powerful meeting place”. I echo that. THANK YOU.

  502. What a service this site offers. It is endlessly supportive and inspiring to read that there is another way to approach what are usually considered life’s challenges, hurdles and problems: periods, bras, work and family balance, body image etc. Practical examples written by people living the changes. Thank you.

  503. Thank you Rebecca, for a beautiful article. I have found reading the blogs on this site very inspiring, and the topics covered really helpful on a practical daily basis. The blogs are very honest, and allow for topics such a periods, body image and motherhood etc. to be opened up and discussed. It is an amazing site, thank you.

  504. Dear Rebecca Baldwin
    What you are writing has Truth in every word and makes so much sense to me.
    I have read many blogs on this site and it really is different to anything that I know of out there right now. This site offers real stories about real women who are really honest and I am learning so much myself and actually feel supported.
    I have recommended this to many women and a few men and they all love it.
    No surprise it has had such huge success since its launch and now with the Women in Livingness online magazine Free – what more could a woman want !

  505. Great to have a magazine which will encourage and support us to look at the choices we are making….and even to be aware that they are choices.

  506. Thank you Rebecca, I always love reading what you share.

    I often remind myself of the quote from Serge Benhayon,

    The deep care we have for ourselves and the loving way we are with ourselves is the “quality we then bring to all others”.

    In the past I was brought up to believe that to take too much care of yourself was selfish and that it was caring to look after others.

    What I have come to experience is the truth of what Serge Benhayon presents and that is that the more I love myself, the more I am able to love others, and the more I care for me, the more I am able to bring them that same level of care.

    1. A beautiful reminder Rosie that, ‘The deep care we have for ourselves and the loving way we are with ourselves is the “quality we then bring to all others”.’ I can really relate to what you are sharing in this comment. It is such a beautiful way to be with ourselves and others.

  507. Rebecca I can remember reading this when it was first released and feeling extremely blessed to be part of an Amazing journey that was about to unfold. Now several years later and I re read this still feeling blessed in more ways than one to be exploring, sharing and developing as a True Women in today’s world. An enormous thank you to every Women on a path of Return to our natural innate being. Soulful Women and as this website supports us to see Women in Livingness.

  508. Thank you for sharing Rebecca and to all the women who have made and make this site possible, whether it be with the articles, the behind the scenes and also those who are truly living a loving way of being inspiring others, including men, how we can be, that we do not have to settle for anything less than true love in our lives. Every article on the site shows and reveals another, deeper level of love that I can go to myself. The beautiful thing is I am allowed to unfold and deepen the level of love in my body at my own pace with no judgement – rather the opposite with an embracing warmth. So a huge thank you again and also to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for being the initiating source of light and love for us all to re-connect to the love that we come from, and not forgetting Natalie Benhayon for sharing with us all how a true women can be, what true beauty and sexiness really is. Now there are many more but we needed 1 to start.

  509. Thank you for this beautiful site, it is so refreshing and wonderful to have a site for women that is inspiring and celebrates our true qualities as women, where we can openly and honestly share how we are and our experiences.

  510. Wow Rebecca thank you. An amazingly powerful introduction and foundation you have set. This site and the blogs contained continue to inspire thousands of women to connect to their true strength and power – our delicateness and tenderness, despite what the world wants us to be. I find daily inspiration in what is shared and support in my continued unfolding. With love and appreciation.

  511. I so enjoy this introduction to the site. Every time I read it, there’s a new comment or I read something in the article that I hadn’t noticed before. I love it!

  512. A truly inspiring introduction for women of all ages across all walks of life. Wish it had been around when I was a teenager. I’d have ditched the ‘super-mum-career-woman-great-daughter-athlete-sex-kitten combo rolled into one’ thing you so brilliantly conjure, in favour of just simply honouring and enjoying being me.

  513. I enjoyed reading your introduction to the website and love the clarity with which you share about the true essence of being a woman. As a society we have lived so far away from this haven’t we? I love how this blog and the whole website inspires us to come back to relive that truth and reconnect to what it really means to be a woman.

  514. Thank you Rebecca every time I read your introduction I feel more and more as I learn to live truly, more is felt. A beautiful site for everywoman to explore and grow from and men to.

  515. This site should be advertised on the billboards on trains and buses, in shopping centres, hairdressers, and nail parlours, in airports across the world for all women to see and choose to access the blog. Thank you Rebecca, it’s a beautiful introduction.

    1. I so agree Gill. This would be awesome in all places where people hang around and can read something. How inspired and empowered would everyone be, whether man or woman, to return to living the love that deep down we know ourselves to be.

  516. Wow! Thank you so much Rebecca Baldwin. And to everyone who is part of creating this brilliant blog for women. I hope all women are able to come across this incredible site.

  517. I love that every time a woman comes across this beautiful website that they will have the chance to read Rebecca’s strong and clear message to all women about the support that is there to reclaim what we innately are within, so that it can be felt in our bodies and begin to be lived, honoured and shared.

  518. This site is a great support to us as men to honour and appreciate women and also appreciate ourselves and care for ourselves with greater tenderness.

    1. That is so amazing to here you say that
      Stephen and it’s so true. It’s really beautiful when a man can be as tender and as nurturing with himself and others and rather than diminishing his masculinity it brings a whole new depth of expression to it. And when we meet that depth of tenderness and love in a man it just melts the heart. Thank you.

  519. What is offered here is desperately needed and as the comments from everyone reflect, is truly inspiring for both women and men. Thank you Rebecca for writing with such clarity and love, which reaches us in so many ways and offers women everywhere a great truth, that there is “a great power in being tender, and a great strength in being delicate”.

  520. This site continues to be of great support to me as a man, not only helping with my relationships with women in my family, work, etc., but in the many practical ways of self-care and nurturing that are shared here which I have adopted in my life and feel the benefits of every day.

    1. Hi Michael it is lovely to hear that Women in Livingness is supporting you. Whether we are men or women we all have an inner-knowing that we should be taking more care of ourselves and this site is testimony to that.

  521. Thank you Rebecca. The fact we have an inner knowing and it is this that is Love, is one of the most inspiring and confirming facts I’ve ever read.

  522. Thank you so much Rebecca. What an amazing introduction to the Women in Livingness site. Very powerful and clear your writing is. I can feel the absolute love and care that has been put in this website and all the blogs – It is a wonderful platform available now for women (and men). The sharings of the blogs are absolutely beautiful and very touching. The articles reflect such honesty and support. This is so much needed. Thank you all who made this available for the whole world to see and feel.

  523. Thank you Rebecca, it is so true that so many women now feel the pressure from society to be and do it all. Unfortunately as you mention this is not truly doing anything for us but allowing us to go deeper into the depths of doing rather than being. In this doing we are achieving more, getting more done but to what expense. Woman’s health and wellbeing statistics are telling us we have as a society got it so very wrong.
    “And how many of us know how to make ourselves look ‘pretty’ but do not truly and deeply feel a sense of our own beauty?”
    Such a simple but profound question. Could the answer to our health and emotional issues as woman lie in the fact that we do not know our own worth and that we constantly look outside for the beauty and love we crave when all in all it is here in us just waiting to be ignited?
    The love and unfolding of your blog and the blogs to come are true testaments of woman waking up to find that the love and the beauty they crave are already in them.
    As we each start to wake up we inspire another sister to do the same.

  524. Hi Rebecca, I am currently reading ‘The Way of Initiation’ and beginning to understand and appreciate the depth of true truth and the freedom it offers.

    All my life I have chased an elusive goal one I could not identify because everyone is meant to have goals, targets to achieve by which we and others measure our success or otherwise. I am now realising that in the eyes of career-minded men and women my goal would have been regarded as a joke for all I have ever wanted is to be loved, nurtured, wanted.

    As a result I now find myself in a job that is ‘okay’, but of no professional standing and with no real career; just a means by which I can make ends meet. I live on my own and so am dependent on myself, no one else; and while I have a list of ‘wants’ I have no ‘needs’ and so I can accept that I am doing okay! But this acknowledgement of my simple, organic needs releases me from society’s pressures of measuring success, judgments and competition. To a small extent I am free, freer than many; but I do not yet live in-truth, nor experience self-love. I hope to achieve a little more by the time I finish Serge’s book and look forward to receiving further insights and encouragement on your pages. Thank you.

  525. And while this blog is for women, I truly re-learn a lot about women and how the experience their lives. A deep heartfelt thank you to all the women who write and read about their lives. I feel blessed by all the stories and the deep nurturing, loving and stilling energy that comes with. Besides all the Learning:-).

    1. Very well said Floris, it is very inspiring to read this and reflect on as well as see all the Women involved in Universal Medicine truly inspire. Seeing a number of women attend a recent Women’s group in London showed the amazing contrast between the women who have chosen to make loving choices as inspired by Universal Medicine and the general society. The true strength, grace and beauty as they walked down the road blew me away. It was a level of vitality that is missing in society.

  526. Beautiful and very inspiring words Rebecca, this is a truly awesome opportunity for us all to share, be inspired by and bask in our true inner and outer beauty! A loving resource for us all.

  527. Thank you Nicole for giving me the opportunity to read this again, I could feel it to another level, I felt my body resonate with the words that are so inspiring, somehow this time Within and Livingness jumped out of the page, words I have heard many times before, but this time there was a warmth that I heard them with they were no longer just words on a page. Thank you Rebecca for your inspiring words. With love Alison

  528. I love this article Rebecca. It is so clear and practical but most of all, it is welcoming for ALL to read, feel and contribute to. I especially loved how you beautifully summarised the Women in Livingness site as ‘a means for us to comment and unfold our understanding of living as women in a modern context and to make available for public discussion the simple and practical tools’. We as women deserve to deeply know and live our loveliness of that ‘innate stillness, tenderness and a knowing — that is there to call us back to being women in livingness.’ So beautifully written- Thank you for sharing with All of you in this article.

  529. Looks like this is going to be a very valuable resource to show that we can live in a different way to how and what we have been told and believe we should be as a woman.

  530. Thank you for your heart- felt truth about how women are truely living today.
    And how inspiring is it to know that we can make a difference just by making more loving choices.

    Loretta Rappos

    1. Amazing introduction Rebecca to an absolutely amazing site. The blogs found in these pages are profoundly healing. I receive a blessing every time I read one.

  531. I shall look forward to hearing more from Rebecca and other men and woman and sharing some of my own stories, unfolding’s and/or insights about how woman have and are living in today’s world. It is with heartfelt gratitude that I thank Universal Medicine, especially Natalie and Miranda, for living as true woman and sharing it with all of us.

  532. What a beautiful introduction to this site, Thank you, Rebecca. I must also add that the colours and design of the page feel ‘wow’ to me, so delicate and tender, a beautiful platform for women to share themselves in much the same way.

  533. Simply awesome and inspiring Rebecca, you express beautifully and I look forward to other posts to come.

  534. HI Rebecca, beautifully expressed. That you write so clearly and strong, from a place of tenderness is in itself testament, and an inspiration for all women.

    I love that you say “To truly know ourselves, and to truly know our own body is to make much less mysterious that inner knowing” – you have in this simple expression given me a deeper understanding of the process of building a deeper relationship with myself. Thank you.

  535. thank you Rebecca. What a beautiful introduction.

    I love what you have so beautifully expressed here –

    “In all of our various expressions we have a common underlying essence — an innate stillness, tenderness and a knowing — that is there to call us back to being women in livingness.”

    1. I love this introductory article to this amazing blog. I learn so much with all that is shared here.

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