The Woman

by Shannon Everest, Australia

A woman belongs to herself.

She may have a husband or a partner that she loves dearly, but she doesn’t belong to this man.

She may have children, but she does not belong to these children; though she can express beautifully as a mother with her children, being firm, loving, tender and supportive.

She has a mother and father herself, and even though these parents conceived her, gave birth to her and raised her from young, she never, ever belonged to them, but always to herself.

She also might have brothers and sisters, but these siblings she grew up with, experienced the beginnings of life and had much childhood fun with, do not define her; she does not belong to them.

She will have lots of family, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews, but she does not belong to these people.

She will have friendships with these connections being very dear and precious to her, but she does not belong to these connections; she belongs to herself.

She may be employed, but she does not belong to her employer, or to her fellow workmates or clients and patients or customers. Although she very much loves her work and all of the people she has the joy of meeting through her work, this does not define her. She does not belong to these roles.

A woman belongs to herself.

She may also have a pet, such as a dog, and even though she has a responsibility to this member of her family, to walk, to feed, to shelter and give it warmth, she does not belong to this pet.

The truth that a woman belongs to herselffirst, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know myself. This truth is an absolute known to me, and I know it from living my life.

Yet everything in this world tells me otherwise.

Every relationship I have ever had at various times in my life, dares to say in some shape or form, that I belong to it and must therefore adhere to its rules.

These are rules that have not honoured the inner feelings that rest deep in my heart.

A natural law to me is that I belong to myself.

A rule would be that I belong to all of the relationships I have – before belonging to myself first.

The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference.

Rules are often expressions that to me occur without words, but rather in a silent body language that can be actually very loud! And often, to stand up and claim this natural law, and truth – that I am a woman and I belong to myself, creates calamity in others, because of all the roles we are so used to playing; all the needs we need met; the spaces that need filling…

But to stand up and to say ‘no’ to this old way of being offers the greatest of joys…

Reminding everyone who may have forgotten – that we belong to ourselves first.

1,107 thoughts on “The Woman

  1. “A woman belongs to herself” We are connected by love to all those around us and also to every other member of humanity and first and foremost we are connected to the love of God.

  2. “Every relationship I have ever had at various times in my life, dares to say in some shape or form, that I belong to it and must therefore adhere to its rules.” This is brilliant, so true to the unspoken rules I encounter in relationships and in other ways, One of my favourite all time blogs, it’s timeless in its truth.

  3. To have that sense of belonging first from within, to ourselves and with ourselves, is so important it is the foundation for all of our relationships and life .. after all who is with us 24/7 but ourselves. Awesome blog ❤️

  4. Yes it is extremely common in my experience to see women basically putting everyone else’s needs and demands ahead of their own needs and over-riding and harming their own bodies in the process.

  5. Feeling complete and full, irrespective of our age, skin colour, relationship status etc., is the beginning of a brilliant and beautiful relationship with life, love and purpose.

  6. “A woman belongs to herself.” This is a great opener and should be posted on every billboard. And so does a man.

  7. In some cultural traditions a woman belongs to the family and they own you. It is important to expose the harm caused and challenge any belief that does not allow a woman to be her own free and true self.

  8. ‘A woman belongs to herself’ a powerful statement, one rarely expressed and yet should be. I wonder how my life would have been had I been schooled to embrace this core responsibility from a young age.

  9. Perhaps the reason why we taken on so many roles is because we feel worthless without them. Because we have lost a connection to ourselves that is worth more than anything in this world.

  10. How empowering for women to know and understand that we have been programmed by ideals and beliefs to behave in a way that is not true for us.
    “A women belongs to herself ”

    1. The stillness I feel in my body is beautiful when I say those words to myself “A woman belongs to herself.”

  11. Commit to ourselves first more fully and we are actually more available to connect and care for others.

  12. “A woman belongs to herself” – that is the love she is and the truth she stands/lives for.

  13. A beautiful reminder to come back to of who we are as women and the joy and expansiveness of this when claimed for ourselves.

  14. “We belong to ourselves first ” a real reflection of our love for ourselves first in our connection within and the true depth of ripples from this in our lives eveywhere is very beautiful to feel.

    1. It is very beautiful to feel and when we return to ourselves, the deeper we surrender within, the more we get to feel that there is no self but a oneness that connects us all to the grandness that we all are.

  15. ‘A woman belongs to herself.’ this takes away the pressure of the identifying ourselves with the roles we as women have, yes we work, yes we are a friend, a mother, a daughter but that’s something else than belonging and make ourselves lesser because of that. I belong to myself and everything I experience is there for me to stand on my own two feet and feel the wise woman I am.

  16. I belong to myself and everyone belong to themselves. How freeing is that and how much order it brings into life… no orders or expectations, but the potential of a respectful, equal and responsible encounter each time we relate with others.

    1. Yes Amparo, truly freeing. It’s as if the weight of shouldering false responsibilities falls away, replaced by a lightness that allows us to be who we are and allows others to be who they are with no expectations.

  17. “A women belongs to herself ” An amazing sharing on the truth of who we are as women in our natural innate sweetness power and authority and the livingness of this being the opposite to all the ideals beliefs and moulds we are cast to be.

  18. Bringing it back to my own relationship with myself is a sweet and unfolding journey, of which there is no end just more depth.

  19. “We belong to ourselves first” this blows away all the identification in the roles that we play through out life, and the giving away of ourselves in all the ways you have mentioned, when in fact the truth is, I belong to me I am a woman first and foremost.

    1. And when we accept who we are and return to ourselves, we get to feel that we are all deeply connected to each other and there is no ownership of who belongs to who or where we belong because it connects us to a deep knowing that we are all One, and not exclusive to one relationship, a family, community or race but connecting to the fact that we all belong to the entire universe.

      1. I love this chanly88 – when we accept our deepest connection to each other, there is no ownership or exclusivity. We are opens to be more of who we are, loving self and all others knowing we are all One.

      2. Thank you Chan for expanding the conversation, we belong equally to the everything God is.

  20. ‘A woman belongs to herself.’ I am learning just how much so. We slip into those roles for identification, but when we know we belong to ourselves there is no sway but a sweet, delicate and powerful authority.

  21. Thank you Shannon for this gorgeous blog and beautiful reminder that we belong to ourselves first. No wonder we can feel so lost when we forget this truth and adhere to the rules we have fallen for in life.

  22. True Shannon, when we as women feel and stand up as belonging to ourselves first, it ‘offers the greatest of joys…’ and that will not stop when we connect to our graceful and sacred body, there we will find all these innate qualities that are our power.

  23. When women live knowing they belong to themselves first they will reflect this and their power to the world.

  24. Yes I belong to myself first and I let go layer after layer to truly honour myself as the beautiful woman I am and to choose to be honest instead of playing this game of denying my power.

  25. It is so easy to lose ourselves in our relationships, in mothering and in all the different roles we play and how great to be reminded that our natural way is to be ourselves first, and in bringing all of us to every relationship and every role benefits everyone.

    1. Great point Carmel, and if we allow ourselves to be owed by something, this is a sure sign that we have given our power away and we can feel very lost and imprisoned by rules, pictures, ideals and beliefs.

  26. We need to empower ourselves as women as it is essential that every woman have access to the sacredness we all carry. Sacredness is the true movement of a woman the comes from her connection with the formlessness of God found deep within the sacrum. This is true power.

  27. We have seen the difference between women who feel that they belong to themselves, and others who feel that they belong to everyone but themselves – the ones who walk in their power inspire us, lift us up and show us that there’s a way to be otherwise.

    1. Yes, I agree with you Viktoria, there is a huge difference and we are all blessed by anyone who dares to walk the truth of who they are, free of the self-create prison and walking in their power.

  28. It is so true what has been written here – we are in so many relationships where we give ourselves away to them and then wonder why we are feeling less. Putting ourselves first and knowing ourselves first is hugely important, that way we are more and they get more of the real us.

  29. Yes absolutely, ‘The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference.’

  30. I was born into a culture where girls and women belong to the parents and family. Once we are married we then belong to the husband and his family. The truth is we belong to ourselves and this feel deeply empowering. Luckily, my family have moved away from this way of thinking and I am able to explore what it feels like to belong to myself.

  31. Absolutely, we belong to ourselves first and foremost, ‘The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know’.

  32. Glorious, Shannon. Equally as true I feel, is that a woman’s place is with herself – not in the kitchen chained to the sink while pregnant as a once perception would have it, not being the SuperMum and career woman or the everything for everyone else role model. I love how you say you feel this as a naturally inherent law, that it is not a rule that commands anything but our own integrity and wellness first. To feel this from the body is a treasure to behold for it is through a woman’s body that we honour all life as sacred and equal. A great and powerful read!

  33. “…that I am a woman and I belong to myself, creates calamity in others, because of all the roles we are so used to playing; all the needs we need met; the spaces that need filling…” How true! When a woman returns to taking full responsibility for herself she allows others to grow as they then have to take responsibility for themselves. We can act like energetic fuel stations meeting others needs and filling everyone up but it’s all a band-aid compared to what the space of true responsibility can offer.

  34. “The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know myself. This truth is an absolute known to me, and I know it from living my life.” When I read this it feels very old, that is was something that was taught thousands of years ago, that we know this deep within ourselves but because it is no longer an accepted way of being, something we no longer live, we have put it aside to become everything to everyone. When we bring it back to the simplicity of ‘a woman belongs to herself…. first’ it feels very liberating yet scary because it asks us to be responsible for ourselves and give ourselves the love that we seek from others.

  35. I spent the greater part of my life feeling like I belonged to everyone else except to me, and I rarely ever questioned this as I had taken on this deleterious belief at a very early age. To finally have realised that the only person I belong to is me has been so liberating and life expanding. It is not as if I have stopped loving those around me, I still love them, but now that loves comes with a deep and beautiful quality as it is a love that I give to myself first.

    1. Very beautiful Ingrid. This highlights the importance of self-love, because it is evident in today’s society that when we leave ourselves out of the love equation, it doesn’t work. The more we love ourselves the more we are able to love others. The way love works is, it never leaves anyone out.

      1. And that is what is so very beautiful about the love we are. It cannot be held within us, solely for our benefit, but ripples out endlessly to those around us first and then out into the world. So it naturally follows that we all have a huge responsibility to live this love and to not hold back, for if we do everyone misses out.

  36. Honouring the fact that we belong to ourselves first is so powerful and allows us to be much more present in all our other relationships. Having spent years sharing myself between all the people who felt they should have a piece of me I am now so much more available to everyone in the solidness of claiming my true place.

    1. Beautifully expressed Helen. No wonder so many women feel exhausted and disempowered because our society and upbringing do not teach us to live in our steadiness, power and grace. As an adult, I have only just started to explore what it feels like to belong to ME.

      1. That’s my feeling too Chanly, I have made a start in feeling what it is to belong to me and I know this solid sacred place within myself and how my body feels spacious when I come from this place but I have another round of letting go of identifications of all kind of roles I had taken on for recognision and proving myself, a very interesting process of consistently choosing me first.

  37. ‘A natural law to me is that I belong to myself.’ We are naturally powerful in our sacred stillness – belonging to our true nature.

  38. If we do not honour the truth that we belong to ourselves first, then we will set ourselves up seeking to belong to a whole host of things we put in place to not live true to who we are.

  39. There is an unspoken rule in my culture that bullying and making fun publicly is the privilege of the man towards the woman, and privately the woman can and does abuse the man in many ways such as emotionally like constant nagging. Neither feels great as neither the man nor the woman are living the truth of themselves but a version which they have succumbed to as normal.

  40. We are all responsible for the vehicle of expression that is our body, we need to care for our body in a loving way so that we can express clearly without need or any other hidden agenda. As women, our sacredness is everything. This sacred is to be found in the space between the thoughts. Sure, we belong to ourselves this is so we can be there for all in the full glory of the space of this sacredness rather than reacting to the beck and call of others.

  41. The more we love, adore and cherish ourselves the less need there is to hand ourselves over to another. And although this may appear selfish to some, it is the only true way to heal ourselves and everyone else. Re-connect to the love within first and then reflect it to others, as they are it too.

  42. ‘But to stand up and to say ‘no’ to this old way of being offers the greatest of joys…’ and the greatest of healings even though at times it may not feel that way, especially if family, friends, partners, colleagues and even pets react in a way that tries to take you away from being No. 1 in your life by filling their own expectations.

  43. There is nothing as beautiful and as inspiring as woman who knows and loves herself as she is and is therefore is comfortable expressing herself in her own body.

    1. This is absolutely true Kathleen – I have met several women who are living in this way and they carry a kind of magnetism and an aura of true sexiness. Their movements are sublime and although they may not fit the bill of what we may perceive as being beautiful there is certainly no doubt that they have connected to something sacred and divine inside which is available to all women if we choose.

  44. “Reminding everyone who may have forgotten – that we belong to ourselves first.” Yes it really is about reminding everyone, we all get stuck in ways, ideals and beliefs. It is bring truth to surface and reflecting that for others to see.

  45. A beautiful sharing Shannon and reminder that what truly defines and represents who we are as women, is our connection to our sacredness, to who we are within through which we then can bring this divine quality to everything we do, blessing the world with every move we make. This is our true power.

  46. To ‘give ourselves away’ is very commonplace – in most of our interactions, and with life at large, this is what we do. We leave ourselves, we leave our innate knowing and the connection we have with the inner most part of us – and this is the beginning of the abuse of man and woman that pervades our entire planet.

    1. Katrina this is so true, we give ourselves away buy wanting to fit in, be loved, be liked and so loose or connection to self.

  47. ‘A woman belongs to herself.’…. pondering deeper on these words alone, I can feel any tendrils of doing and attachments reveal themselves and more of the true woman emerge.

  48. When a woman claims the fact that she belongs to herself first and always, this changes everything about how this woman will relate to herself, and to all others. There is no pleasing, no moving away from the essence of who she knows herself to be to satiate another and the discomfort they may feel. And in this, a woman can offer the greatest healing – that what we have within us can never be traded for the whims and needs of a society that has walked very far away from knowing that first and foremost all of us belong to ourselves first.

    1. All women in truth belong to themselves first.
      When we are not doing this, what are we saying yes to belonging to?

      1. Good question Shannon. Obviously not the truth or a true way of living, because if we were we wouldn’t be having this conversation in the first place!

  49. It is often the case that a woman puts her husband and family first and then wonders why she is feeling so frazzled and frustrated. Many women submit to a regime that does not allow feelings to be felt let alone expressed, because their expression of truth might be uncomfortable for others to hear and the reaction is uncomfortable to have to deal with. This is something many of us learned very early on and it is a challenge to rise above the fear of retribution and simply express what is there to be expressed.

  50. When everything in the world is saying you are not to come first when you start to make this your priority it can change the way people react to you if they are used to you being constantly putting yourself last. It certainly feels amazing though when you say no and make it about what feels true to you first.

    1. Sadly though true Natalie. We are so used to having women not living how they would otherwise naturally live without all of life’s impositions that when a woman honours herself, it goes against the grain and causes friction and reaction around her. We have become so accustomed to a way of living as a society that simply isn’t true and does not work. We just keep trying to make it work and defending it rather than being honest.

    2. Sadly though true Natalie. We are so used to having women not living how they would otherwise naturally live without all of life’s impositions that when a woman honours herself, it goes against the grain and causes friction and reaction around her. We have become so accustomed to a way of living as a society that simply isn’t true and does not work. We just keep trying to make it work and defending it rather than being honest.

  51. When the feeling of connection to yourself is strong and the sense of belonging to self is paramount. All else is a confirmation to the quality of this first relationship.

  52. “Reminding everyone who may have forgotten – that we belong to ourselves first” – when we belong to ourselves we eliminate need or neediness… and how all relationships personally and professionally would change as a result to bring back original true meaning to the word – “Relationship”.

    1. Relationship with self is the first most relationship, once this foundation is true, we can truly respect, understand and build relationship with others.

      1. This is true Amita – but it seems that most of the world is going about relationships upside down and back to front – choosing to look for love and connection with others first and often losing ourselves in the process.

  53. When a woman walks in authority of all that she is and all that she knows herself to be she inspires and nurtures all.

    1. Absolutely true, a women who claims herself and “walks in authority of all that she is and knows herself to be she inspires and nurtures all”. Natalie Benhayon is one true role model of this.

  54. This is a great reminder considering pretty much everything around us says we need to be something else for others. That returning to our connection within first and making sure this is our foundation totally changes everything in our lives. It exposes where this has not been in our life or where we have got attached to certain things because they bring us something. Something that is filling the lack of not connecting to ourselves.

    1. Accountability to ourselves as well as putting ourselves first comes from a completely different model or quality of energy. It actually isn’t about self, whilst it is making a decision or a choice from a place of being very full of self. Its essentially a connection to a place within that holds yourself and all others equally of value.

  55. I can vouch that standing up to the rule that we must place all relationships before the relationship we have to ourselves creates calamity within others but even if I am the only one standing and wobbling at that I know in my heart that to live the love I am and to know I belong to myself first is the greatest gift I can offer another.

  56. When I am reminded of such a precious relationship that is available to us, to make it about the honouring and adoring of who we are as Woman and cherishing this absolute beauty, the more I am committed to not leaving myself for anyone or thing.

  57. It’s crazy that this concept would ruffle as many feathers as it does. None of us truly want to be owned by another, we want to live equally side by side to the many we are in relationship with but we’re scared of the responsibility of being completely in charge of ourselves and our bodies….so we give our power away to others so that we can make excuses for why things don’t work out.

  58. A beautiful reminder and very empowering and loving for all women to be who we are in our gentleness an sacredness naturally.”The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know myself. This truth is an absolute known to me, and I know it from living my life.”

  59. I really enjoyed reading this and can feel that in one person living this and expressing it gives everyone permission to do the same – very powerful.

  60. We belong to ourselves first and are responsible to and for ourselves first… with this foundation we can step out into the world and engage with respect and the same beholding of others that we have for ourselves. When we step up to this, conflict will cease to exist.

  61. At times we can also feel that we belong to emotions, that we have to act out in anger or tears. Or that we belong to what is socially acceptable such as having to be nice or that we are to be reserved when feeling immense joy busting to come out. I do not belong to the criticism in my mind. If I am to belong to anything then it is to be the tenderness of my touch, the lightness of my walk and the beauty in my eyes.

  62. It is wonderful and amazing to have loads of relationships, connections, responsibilities and work to do in life as long as we do not lose ourselves in the process. Simply being who we are no matter what we do is a very simple and enormously fulfilling way to live.

  63. I know I have experienced a big difference between a natural law and a rule. They feel very different in my body- a natural law feels spacious and simple and light in my body whereas when I am conforming to a rule it feels tight, tense and uneasy.

  64. It is fascinating the ownership we like to have over others as a safety net and protection for ourselves. It is very beautiful to be in relationship with people where you are not required to be anything but are just simply loved.

  65. Always lovely to come back and read your blog Shannon a great reminder to stop and feel areas of my life where I am not being true to the woman I am and know myself to be and that I belong to me first something I often forget.

  66. Shannon this is a totally gorgeous piece of truth, written by a woman that lives all she shares, making this blog all the more powerful. I loved it, thank you.

  67. ” These are rules that have not honoured the inner feelings that rest deep in my heart ”
    This is so true of every woman in how the world wants to treat them and own them.

  68. “I belong to me” is a truth, one which I have never stopped feeling its truth. And yet in life, to live this into reality is a long and patient process, one which there is lots to discard and to keep holding ourselves in, so much so that it becomes natural again to love ourselves and to stand firm with ourselves in every situation in life, and we become a product of our heart and body, and not one of the system.

  69. A woman in deep honour of herself is a power unlike no other – the brilliance of light, true power and divinity that guides us all home.

  70. A great reminder Shannon, of something women knew long ago, but it became buried under ages of cultural beliefs — that we, as women, have allowed to happen. Was it for comfort and safety? Was that the contract, “You keep me safe and I will become your property”? Expressing that truth, that we are women claiming our own sovereignty, can be scary and difficult, but it is now our responsibility to claim it and speak it, move it and act it, so that the whole of humanity will some day be able to live in harmony. While there is imbalance and inequality it cannot happen. It is up to us to know ourselves and live it in Love, without recrimination, blame, or hate, but with understanding and compassion, knowing we are all equal in light and essence.

  71. We are taught from young to put everyone else before us and there is an unwritten law that many of us abide by the says we belong to family our husband, our children and our friends so your blog is a great reminder Shannon that we belong to ourselves first and foremost and this offers us the freedom to be the women we are without attachment and the need to be something we are not.

  72. “The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know myself. This truth is an absolute known to me, and I know it from living my life. Yet everything in this world tells me otherwise” – Wah Shannon so true. If the media and beauty industry started to advertise this truth, they would go bankrupt.

  73. When a woman comes to the knowing within that ‘she belongs to herself – first’ – that is when she feels the fullness of her connection, to herself and to everyone else as well. We know we are never really alone, never isolated or separated when we claim ourselves for ourselves in full.

  74. This is beautiful Shannon ‘A natural law to me is that I belong to myself.’ It is very lovely to come back to this truth for belonging to another has never been natural.

  75. “A woman belongs to herself.” And it is from this movement that we can truly bring change to the world as it stands. To express the power and absolute beauty from the stillness and natural nurturing qualities held within and then moving with this quality. Woman are totally heavenly when they see, feel and confirm this natural way.

  76. A woman who values herself and nurtures herself first has the most amazing impact on the entire world.

  77. Knowing yourself for who you are with so much authority is deeply inspiring. A memo for all women to read.

  78. A great reminder of a truth we often tend to override if not forget. The messages imposed upon us do not support this truth but it is a truth nonetheless and we deserve to honour it. The world needs more claimed women who know how to be in the world and not be owned and therefore tainted by its parts.

  79. “The woman – Reminding everyone who may have forgotten – that we belong to ourselves first.” How very true, what a great statement. We as women belong first and foremost to ourselves first, no questions asked, ever. That is the truth.

  80. There is nothing or no one that can tell us or show us what a women should look or be like, for it comes from within and is expressed uniquely, moment by moment.

    1. Hear, hear, Vicky Geary. I stopped by a magazine stand this past week as I was shopping. This is something I haven’t done for several year and I was quite shocked at the number of women’s magazines that, in fact, do try to tell us and show us just what they think a woman should look or be like. There was no beauty, grace or truth amongst the lot – just an energy of loud, desperately desirous, look-at-me-attention-grabbing photographs and headlines. The woman in front of me at the check-out had one such magazine amongst her shopping, bringing home to me the fact that there is still a huge market for these magazines and that the market isn’t limited to just women anymore – the choice in men’s magazines is greater than it’s ever been and magazines for young girls have a strong presence as well.

      1. That’s very true. There is a huge market and supply of these magazines Brigitte. These magazines are everywhere, tempting and teasing women to think that the body and ‘look’ they have is not divine and precisely as is needed. The moment we buy into any of this as women, or men, we are then contributing to these lies and in this the denial of true beauty, which is our connection to our soul, can continue to be rejected.

  81. When we meet someone in our life in our close connections who not only encourages but confirms that a woman belongs to herself first and foremost, we know this is a relationship built on true love.

    1. It is unfortunate that there are not more women who live this as so many do not get to feel this truth in another.

  82. I totally agree Shannon, that claiming “that I am a woman and I belong to myself, creates calamity in others,’ as it shakes the very foundations that they have lived on for so long; a foundation that says that a woman should be there for everybody else first and to do otherwise is simply being selfish. But what a great false foundation to shake; a foundation built on beliefs that have been accepted without discernment and without any sense of the true worth of a woman and what she brings to this world.

  83. When I’m wobbling and not feeling myself it’s because I’ve stepped away from that solid strong connection to and knowing of who I am. In this state I can either seek relief – distractions or other people who make me feel better and less alone through our conversation. But the quality and substance of these relationships is not true: they’re based on a relief of ‘thank God I’m not alone in this’ – an enjoining together in what we are not. When we are met with someone who knows who they are, and lives that every day, it can be very confronting and it’s an easy choice to feel frustrated at them for not ‘meeting’ us where we’re at. But what if they’re actually offering us the opportunity to evolve, and the frustration and hurt is what we feel towards ourselves, for not having lived all of ourselves in the past? When we get honest we can start to see what it is that gets in the way of us living as who we truly are: ourselves and all of our own hurts of the choices we’ve made.

  84. We don’t belong to anyone and no one belongs to us but that doesn’t mean we are isolated. We are each and every one of us an equal member of the brotherhood of humanity and we are all a part of the magnificence of the Universe.

  85. There is great truth in it creating calamity in another because it unsettled the way it has been and what we have accepted as normal. If you are born into a world that is one way and, without much fight, you squash the internal voice that questions that way, it is only when someone reflects back to you a different normal that you awaken that knowing that was always deep within. The self-rebuke that comes from knowing you knew it all along but squashed the pull to stay true to it is what I have seen as creating that calamity.

  86. The importance of our relationship with ourselves cannot be overestimated. From here every other relationship is founded and so it is the bedrock of our interactions with others and with the world. If we do not claim our bedrock effectively, we do not have an anchor in this life and can be pushed and pulled around at the whim of others with their own agendas. Not only do we belong to ourselves first, but we are responsible for the quality of this relationship with ourselves and from there our Livingness in the world.

  87. ‘The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference’. If this is truly understood then there is deep wisdom to be appreciated here. Placing ourselves first is not about ‘looking after number one’, but about nurturing ourselves in a loving way so we can be all that we are in the world – a gift to all not just for self. This can be a challenge after a long time spent doing quite the opposite but it is well worth it in my experience. The deep love and beauty that is our true self is a reflection that everyone benefits from.

  88. This is a very empowering reminder for all women that we belong to ourselves first. The loving but self-honoring woman reminds me of women such as the Mona Lisa, who know their power comes from within, not from the roles she plays.

  89. It always makes me giggle nervously that we would not consider we belong to ourselves first, yet, when you break it down I have believed that I had a responsibility to many of those areas you mention before myself. These blogs and the work of Esoteric Women’s Health has really supported me to redress that balance and the onflow to other areas of my life is so much more full. Everyone gets more of me when I put the relationship with myself first. So thank you Shannon for the reminder this morning.

  90. A beautiful reminder that true power and beauty are found in the simplicity of our connection to ourselves first and foremost.

  91. Such a beautiful blog – a true reclaiming of the truth of who we are, well before we do anything else, or interact with anyone. It expresses a deep intimacy – an intimacy born of a deep love and commitment to our one true self.

  92. A beautiful reminder that the relationship we have with ourselves as women, determines the quality of relationship with all others after that. If we kept the equation this way around throughout life, we would end up in a very different place I have no doubt, particularly when it comes to our health and wellbeing. To live honouring who we are and our inherent value as a first base is one of the greatest forms of ‘good medicine’ we can give ourselves.

  93. If this is taken wholly into the body and everyday living it will change the ideal we as woman have to do everything and are responsible for everything. To take to heart your sharing Shannon brings tenderness and love into our lifes.

  94. What a bomb of a blog – a healthy one so, and wow what a true offering of education to us all, we know that this is truth and that by re-connecting to our womanliness, womanhood we will feel all of this. Hence all the demands placed outside of us are never ever who we are or what we shall or should become. Just matters in life we can choose to express in, such as choosing to be a mother, friend, lover, etc. but when we come with the essence of who we are – this will be always first and foremost before anything else – as it is simply who we are – then after the role or task come, and so as the quote stated: ‘A woman belongs to herself.’

  95. Thank you Shannon, for reminding me that I belong to myself… for many years I have given my power away to others, but now it’s time to claim me, for myself. This sometimes brings up challenges, but the best and most honouring thing to do is just get on with it, without judgement an allow myself to be seen.

  96. We are first and foremost divine. Any form of ownership exposes the control at play that is devoid of love and truth and the oneness we know.

  97. ‘Yet everything in this world tells me otherwise’ – This is such a powerful blog as it responds to nearly every false belief I have held fast to for much of my life. It challenges all the unspoken expectations that have been imposed on women for lifetimes. This blog leaves an amazing warmth within my heart – a warmth which is becoming more familiar, a warmth of belonging to myself first.

  98. A gorgeous and timely reminder that if we do not claim ourselves we leave ourselves wide open to be claimed by others and thus the momentum begins through which we give our power away, a slow leaking that goes by barely undetected until exhaustion and resentment sets upon us. This is how we have come to settle for friendships that are in-truth arrangements that fall far short than the true relationships we offer another when we stand true to who we are and do not seek to own or be owned by anything or anyone.

  99. A brilliant reminder for us all. It is the lack of claiming that we always belong to ourselves first and foremost and never to another, to a profession, concept or anything else that will try to own us, that has created the calamity we see daily; the women who suffer from the plague of self-worth, the men who toil for the identification and reward that will never define them. We have sold ourselves out by dismissing the power we naturally are.

  100. I would totally agree that these rules are often unspoken but we read and aheard to them nonetheless. What I’ve been finding is that if I give them a voice, as in voice out these rules from my mind into the body I get to feel if they are true or not. These rules can appear convincing if we keep them safe and away from the body that can feel their truth and say yes or no to acting them out.

  101. Very timely for me Shannon to read this as I’m seeing and feeling more where I give myself away and how much that affects both me and others. The truth is indeed that as a woman I belong to myself first but in fact it’s about learning to live and be that in the world and day by day I unpick another layer; it’s not static at all as the more I live the woman I am in the world the more I show and be what a woman is in truth and that yes it is possible to live this in the world.

  102. A woman belongs to herself first and foremost and in that beautiful claiming, her reflection is for everyone.

  103. Very true Shannon, we are not the roles that we play but something much grander. This is why we all get so depleted and worn out because we play all the roles society tells us to play but we forget that we are already perfect, we just have to let it out.

  104. “The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference.” It does make all the difference, I know it, but don’t always do it and then suffer the consequences of that. Believing we belong to others, roles, jobs etc. ties us to the whim of what each one of those represent… it is and can be exhausting. I’ve read this blog 2 or 3 times now but each time its like I’m seeing it for the first time with a different awareness. Such a universal blog thank you Shannon.

  105. As I read this blog again the words ring true and loud. I know I sometimes forget its me that gives myself permission – not anyone else.

  106. “A rule would be that I belong to all of the relationships I have – before belonging to myself first.” I have not been a mother in this lifetime but it is mothers I see in this lifetime who really love to adhere to this rule. They run themselves into exhaustion honoring this rule rather than honoring themselves first. Hopefully this blog makes a difference for those mothers who read it and supports them to fill their own cups first and foremost. It is a very strong momentum and state of mind , deeply ingrained in our society at large and is deeply disempowering and unhealthy.

    1. It is Irena, I can remember as soon as my son was born, feeling the beliefs and ideals of motherhood smother me like a blanket… of course it was my responsibility to say no but at the time I did not know that and the patterns ensued. It takes love and understanding as women to see what is going on for each other and reflect another way because we have no idea how entangled someones patterns can be for them. This blog is a powerful healing opportunity for sure.

  107. She may have a husband or a partner that she loves dearly, but she doesn’t belong to this man.” I would also add, which is what I am learning in my relationship, is not to possess my partner or think that I am somehow responsible for his choices in life. Nor do I have any authority to try and use control and manipulation to try and change him in some way to suit my pictures of what a true partner should be. This simple yet awesome blog allows me to expose many areas in my relationship where I am trying to give my power away and trying to hide in the shadow of my partner rather than take responsibility for my own actions and my own life. Thank you Shannon.

  108. Shannon, it is great that you have seen through the belief that we are defined by our relationships, role or gender and that we can walk through life not giving our power to anything outside ourselves. Once we know this fully we do not react so much to the world and are able to respond to what comes at us from our authority but without imposition. We don’t then need to hold ourselves as anything but simply be a vehicle through which divinity can express. In this sense we don’t even belong to ourselves – for we see ourselves as a member of humanity doing God’s work on earth.

  109. You are so right Shannon, the way of the world tries to own us and gets to believe we belong to it or are indebted to it in some way. It is so lovely to know in our bodies that we belong to ourselves as women.

  110. The truth is we do not have to find out how to be a woman. We only have to let go and drop the very ingrained patterns of movement that we have taken on, and allow our body to move again naturally. This happens naturally when we make a choice to connect back to the depth of our hearts.

  111. Saying that I belong to myself first, initially sounds selfish, however there is much than meets the eye with this statement. What happens when we begin feel who we are and take steps towards living this. We begin to realise that when we belong to ourselves that it truly support all around us.

  112. ‘The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference.’ This is such an awesome reminder to take with me into my day. I used to be a martyr to all the different people that I allowed to impose their needs onto me but since claiming that I belong to myself first I am much more able to freely give to others without depleting myself but it is something that I need to remain vigilant about as I can still fall back into old habits.

  113. Since attending Universal Medicine and Esoteric Women’s Health I have started to make myself and my relationship the most important one, learning to put this first and making it priority and then go about life. Saying no when needed as hard as it maybe sometimes and honouring where I am and what feels true. Sometimes I let this slip and I instantly feel the impact that this has on myself and then of course how I am in everything that I do. There is always a deepening on this commitment to myself and it is one worth taking from what I have experienced so far.

  114. ‘A natural law to me is that I belong to myself’ – This is beautiful Shannon for as it re-claims what is true it also exposes those things that limit or contract us, it exposes the choices we have made that label us as something we are not but is something that we do with love and responsibility.

  115. By reminding us we are being awakened to the fact that we belong to ourselves, and that the burdened or imprisoned way of thinking and living has blocked that fact away. Hence we are being reminded to get out of the illusion that others come first, in a way that is absolutely respectless to ourselves as women. Hence we are being offered by this blog to come back to simple truth that we as women belong to our own nature/selves that is our capacity to connect and be intimate with ourselves and all around from the absolute sacredness we hold within us.

  116. I love reading this blog and feel it ought to be in every woman’s centre, doctors surgery, maternity ward, or anywhere else where women gather or visit. It is deeply supportive to read that a woman belongs to herself because as women we tend to think that we belong to everyone else. We need this reminded from time to time.

  117. This is a truly powerful statement Shannon, . . . “I am a woman and I belong to myself”. Wow it certainly clears the deck of all the false concepts of what it has meant to be a woman, and all the ownership that goes with being someone’s mother, lover, wife, sister, nanna . . .

  118. I can feel how the pictures of how I think I should be have sat like a damp heavy blanket over who I am. These pictures of how to be within the world, a good mother, daughter, friend, work colleague stifle the truth that ‘I belong to me’ first. Slowly, slowly those pictures are dropping off as I claim more and more, me and this feels so much lighter, freer and all embracing of the world.

  119. I was pondering on the label “wife’ and “husband” yesterday and it felt strange to say the word ‘husband’ and to feel that I had one and to feel that I was a ‘wife’ because these terms come so loaded. After 10 years of marriage these terms still don’t feel natural to me and I still simply relate to my husband as “Ryan” and I to him as “Michelle”. When I relate to us through our names I feel that they capture the hugeness of our relationship but the terms mentioned simply reduce us, which is why they don’t sit well. I guess the point being that before I can appreciate the relationship there was and is a continuing and deepening appreciation of myself first, without which I may well have used the terms ‘wife’ and ‘mother ‘ to identify myself and be content with that.. Not identifying myself with any labels gives me permission to be all that I am which feels much more all encompassing, real and whole.

  120. That we belong to ourself first is important to know at a deep level, like Shannon describes it as a natural law, it is innate, ‘The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference.’

  121. When we can have a deep and true relationship such as this with oursleves, only then can we have the same with another. A beautiful and divinely poetic article Shannon, thank you.

  122. This blog talks to me of that first relationship, the one that supports us most, that is consistent and true, possible for every woman and man – and that is a relationship with how we feel on the inside, in getting to know ourselves deeply, divinely and unquestionably.

  123. Thank you for this beautiful sharing Shannon, it is remarkable how much we can easily attach ourselves to others and let this take over and of course loose our own connection with ourselves, so keeping focused on building our own relationships with ourselves is paramount.

  124. ‘…because of all the roles we are so used to playing; all the needs we need met; the spaces that need filling…’, you got in it one Shannon – we play the roles and give ourselves away to fill our own needs and the needs of others, and we are all playing the same game, when the only space we need to fill is the one inside of us that has been left bereft of our own love therefore leaving us needy of others. Just working on that one myself!

  125. Definitely, the lightness that comes from letting go of all these labels is just the most beautiful feeling.

  126. We rent ourselves out to jobs, relationships and what we think we need to be. Like a blank canvas we paint the pictures we want others to see. Yet as you show Shannon the true vision is underneath all this show. Another part of this picture is the fact that like a piece of a puzzle we belong to the universe, to divinity. As long as we give our power away or seperate we miss the true beauty we have inside.

  127. Beautiful, it is our life, this is what we belong to. Our path, and in truth to the whole we all are part of.

  128. Shannon – beautiful to return to this, i love how you yourself have defined the quality of a natural law and from here understood that of a rule.

  129. “The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know myself. This truth is an absolute known to me, and I know it from living my life “.Beautiful Shannon and a very powerful much needed sharing for other wise we live less than who we are and get very sick in pushing by and reflect what is not truly us.

  130. This sharing shows we have a choice to be the true woman that is underneath, or to be a version of a woman, and keep adding to the subtle layers and adaptations of what it is to be a woman. To be true to ourselves and others is actually very beautiful – we are in that moment vulnerable and open which is a very feminine quality. Shannon this blog is so beautifully written and clear – it is just gorgeous to appreciate the difference between what feels naturally us, and what the ideals and beliefs are of women today.

  131. Such a powerful read again Shannon. I read this blog just a week or so ago and since then I feel I understand the depth and truth of what you express here even more. The grandness of who I am, who we all are is limitless and at the same time is contained in every move I make, every breath I take and every word I say. Deeply appreciated.

  132. Thank you Shannon, this is hugely important your blog – it shows us that we can either choose to give ourselves away by thinking we belong to all those things in life and give that our priority before actually loving and caring for ourselves. And even the belief that we do only belong to other things in life, and totally unaware that we actually belong to ourselves in truth! Crazy, and interesting why we have not thought about that earlier. Thank you Shannon, and to feel it and life it is now the key. With the great support of Esoteric Womens Health and especially Natalie Benhayon.

    1. I know… It is so limiting to think you can only be your profession, or a mother, a wife, a sister, a friend. We are limitless and cannot be defined as one thing or boxed into anything.

  133. The opening paragraphs are so far from how most women in society live. We have bought into a massive ideal that we are in service when we give everything to others. The identification of women with the role of giver is very strong. It rocks the boat when we consider that we belong to ourselves.

  134. And what I love about this claiming – belonging to ourselves first – is that it has re-defined responsibility for me: no longer a burdensome duty but a loving activity that supports my respect for myself and the care and worth of all that I do.

  135. The rules spoken of here can be quite subtle, yet they are still communicated loud and clear to be a certain way. Manipulation is a big part of these subtleties, that to be accepted, approved of etc we must meet certain conditions. Those who do this show they may believe others do belong to them. So, what a gift it is for us all to claim we belong to ourselves, and offer others a reflection of what a true relationship can feel like.

  136. Pure expression of what it means to have a foundation of true relationship here Shannon Everest. Superb.

    1. Great point made Bernadette as you highlight the true service it is by then being able to offer a true relationship once you have a true relationship with yourself. Not selfish at all.

  137. Every false layer that I peel back reveals the woman that I have always known myself to be but have kept hidden away from the world. When I hold back I not only deeply miss the love and joy that comes so naturally from within me but everyone misses out.

  138. Thank you for this – whilst reading it occurred to me that we do not question the unwritten rules enough, and as women we are so conditioned to follow and to not break away from the crowd. What you have written is so true, we do not belong to anyone.

  139. There are so many ideals and beliefs that we bring through from other lifetimes, all compounded in this life for us to unravel and discard. I love the sense of strength and power in this blog, reminding us of the truth: we are women first and in that we are sacred and divine. We are the holders and nurturers of life. The world, for the most part, has forgotten this and chooses to ignore all but the functional roles we carry including looking beautiful and being pleasing to everyone. There is still a lot of prejudice against women and a direct intention to belittle or put out this awesome strength and power. Thank you Shannon Everest for this inspiring contribution.

  140. There is so much to claim within ourselves, as we as women have lost touch with who we truly are, instead taking on many roles and responsiblities that are related to day to day life, but we have made them all of who we are, loosing touch with the essence of who we are.

  141. This is an exquisite blog that reminds me of the enormous potential of strength and love that is there first and foremost for a woman to have and behold, and to not hold back on this relationship with themselves. Self love and self care, honouring the essence and beauty within, is the first step of re claiming back that sense of herself.

  142. ‘And often, to stand up and claim this natural law, and truth – that I am a woman and I belong to myself, creates calamity in others,’ Yes Shannon, a woman standing in her power is often seen as threatening – and I don’t mean the hardened way that most misinterpret as power. The tender grace and stillness that emanates from a woman who belongs to herself is truly powerful.

  143. The number of women I have heard of taking on a PhD whilst having their first child amazes me and I shudder to think where this leaves the woman. What are we thinking when we place ourselves in this kind of disregard? Although both activities can be handled with grace, they are potentially extremely challenging with devastating effects on the body. When we take on these kinds of roles simultaneously we have succumbed to a way of living fuelled by push and drive, losing ourselves along the way.

  144. What you have expressed here Shannon is oh so simple, profound and true – yet oh so radical in terms of societal expectations generally and those we take on specifically. Dare we place ourselves first and foremost? To me the answer has to be yes because the cost of not doing so is reflected in our breast cancer and breast disease statistics, not to mention many other ailments specific to women and those less so. Can we afford to place ourselves a very poor last in life?

    1. It is interesting, that concept of “Dare to place yourself first” how it becomes something daring rather than just normal. When it is done in truth, everyone receives the emanation of it and no one is left short and it becomes clear that a true choice of claiming yourself actually is a true choice in holding all in that love. Reactions can occur yes, as reconfigurations and healing is needed where you change the way you are in relationships but that is all part of the great service you provide when you truly claim yourself (that you belong to you first).

  145. I love the example of the difference between a ‘natural law’ and a ‘rule’. Very cool!

    1. Yes, it becomes very clear that one is part of a greater all encompassing science and the other is part of temporal world rules that you have to fit yourself or box yourself into.

  146. Shannon thank you for this sharing. On re reading your heart opening blog once again, re ignites the truth that we are first Women, and then whatever role after this. To know ourselves first and finding the truth of who we are feels so important and from this point on the ripple effect will go out to inspire other women to be themselves first!

  147. Wow this is a very powerful piece of writing – almost principles of how it is possible to be in the world – living for ourselves and not a victim of circumstance. Also not allowing ourselves to be less just because we are ‘a mother’ or ‘a wife’ – but knowing that no matter what happens in our circumstances, we will always have and be our essence first.

  148. Love just is, whereas having beliefs and ideals take us away from the love we naturally are. Having ideals and beliefs about how we ought to be as women takes a woman away from her naturalness and gorgeousness and is, in fact, detrimental to her body.

  149. Lately I was able to feel how I feel when I do not belong to anybody and nothing belongs to me. It is a feeling of absolute freedom and expansiveness, letting the other fully be without any expectations or wishes to control. It is a feeling of deep stillness and harmony in the body.

  150. Such a joy to read this again today. What great wisdom and reminders this all holds, and especially for me today this quote; “Every relationship I have ever had at various times in my life, dares to say in some shape or form, that I belong to it and must therefore adhere to its rules. These are rules that have not honoured the inner feelings that rest deep in my heart.” It’s so automatic for me to go into familiar ways of being based on whatever relationship I am interacting in, friendship, partnership etc, instead of honouring how I actually feel to be from the inside first. I’ve lived with the outside dictating how to be instead of honouring myself within first.

  151. Every woman is precious and beautiful beyond measure. A woman’s strength supports us all, her stillness, sacredness and divinity is to be treasured and adored.

  152. A woman is a living miracle and an authority of the temple that is her body.
    We are forever gracing the world around us with our preciousness, wisdom and power.

  153. When we accept and appreciate that as you’ve shared, a woman belongs to herself before she does anyone or anything else then self-care and looking after ourselves becomes the only option when it comes to the quality of the relationship we have with ourselves, because no other tasks, individuals or roles can be used as justifications for disregarding our bodies.

  154. This concept of belonging to myself first, is still just a concept, it is so ingrained in me to care for others needs before my own, it is a difficult thing to completely renounce. I am still uncomfortable doing what is right for me until I know everyone else is okay. Reading this article for me has already brought more observation to the subject to be aware of, so thank you.

  155. When we grow up without the identity of being ourselves it is easy to slip into being everyone else’s everything and anything. I have learnt to let go of the ideals and beliefs I grew up taking on and am learning to be my own woman and rediscover and claim who I truly am with a deep appreciation for the wisdom I have gained along the way. This supports me to open up to humanity and share more of myself from the vulnerability and fragility of the woman I am.

  156. In some cultures the concept of a woman belonging to herself is nowhere to be seen. In these cultures a woman is considered the property of men, firstly her father’s and then her husband’s. In these cultures women have no rights and are often relentlessly belittled and abused. In these cultures both men and women have forgotten that in truth that we each belong to ourselves. These people would benefit greatly by remembering “that we belong to ourselves first.”

  157. We as women to put a lot of should’s, could’s and would’s onto ourselves. There then feels like rules, which never feel ok. Being able to know that we do belong to ourselves first, is a key ingredient in self honouring and making choices that are supportive to ourselves.

    1. When you truly belong to yourself, only in the true sense of the words, you seal the door on anything else entering that sacred space within – – and from this place, a clarity comes which cannot be compared to anything else for it is free of ALL outer influences. This is our true potential, to seal that door.

  158. The games we all have had to play that are taught at an early age for us to emulate and attempt to achieve is just nuts! Women are love and men are tender, is tried to be something that is bred out of us to fit into the world. Women that stand and show the world that she belongs to herself first is the role model the world needs more of.

  159. “These are rules that have not honoured the inner feelings that rest deep in my heart.”
    And by not honouring these inner feelings we allow a level of dis-ease in our bodies that becomes our everyday normal and this becomes our bench mark for wellness.

    1. That is so true and such an important point to raise – how much do we consider such things as ‘honouring our inner feelings’ as integral to our health and wellbeing?

  160. The woman belongs to herself—this is a simple line but one which a woman can unravel deeper for her whole life. A woman does not put herself below anyone or anything, this is a revelation to live. Every woman who begins to live this and embody this builds a stronger and more solid relationship with herself, for she is beginning to let go of all the confining ideals and beliefs in the world which has held her back from this connection.

  161. Thank you Shannon, reminding me that as a woman, I belong to myself first gives me a sense of empowerment in the knowing that if I belong to myself, then everyone else belongs to themselves too, then the power games and control stops and acceptance and allowing of others to develop and blossom at their own pace grows.

  162. “A woman belongs to herself.” I love your first line here, I had never really felt into what that really means. A women belongs to herself, my sense is because we are labeled with so many things from such an early age, to be a good girl, rise about it, fit in at school with others, then into adulthood, we are labeled with being a good mother, wife, friend, colleague and the rest. But if we don’t have a sense of who we are within, we have a much greater chance of being pulled into all those roles, if we do not have a sense of who we are first.

  163. I can feel the call of truth in this article Shannon. A call to all women to stop and reconnect with the power and truth of who we are. A call to unity and greater understanding of our possibilities. Beautiful.

  164. What a beautiful reminder that I belong to myself first, when I forgot this I lose myself in others and get caught up in situations in life.

  165. “of all the roles we are so used to playing; all the needs we need met; the spaces that need filling…” this is so common, how many women get caught in this, I know i have and it is really draining. To know that we belong to ourselves first and to claim that feels so beautiful in the body.

  166. Letting go of the pictures of how a woman has to be, that she is under the bounds of spoken and unspoken rules is collapsing, as of this moment. She is re-discovering all that she is with expressing each moment.

  167. Yes to that Shannon. Saying yes first and foremost to ourselves does create calamity in the world, but it is the only way for love to return too.

  168. A great reminder, I recently had a few kids coming over and I decided to do my own Esoteric Breast Massage and connecting that deeply to myself first meant the afternoon was incredibly joyful as I cleaned and they played it was exquisite.

  169. “The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference.” Whilst we are brought up to believe that placing oneself first is a selfish thing to do, we do not admit that when we adhere to this belief we are reducing ourselves causing resentment and bitterness at the same time. From experience in honouring what I know to be true for my body supports me no end and if this means saying “no” to going out, declining an invitation from someone or asking someone to wait then this doesn’t have to be an issue!

  170. A rule would be that I belong to all of the relationships I have – before belonging to myself first”.
    This statement really brings it home of all the roles we as women play and get tied into, and at times find it challenging to break away from them.

  171. “Reminding everyone who may have forgotten – that we belong to ourselves first.” Yes this it true emancipation of ‘the woman’.

  172. With deep appreciation to all the women attending Universal Medicine and Women in Livingness presentations -from you, I continue to re-member and learn from the reflections offered that I can trust myself (and women) implicitly and do not have to live by any rules imposed by others.
    “Every relationship I have ever had at various times in my life, dares to say in some shape or form, that I belong to it and must therefore adhere to its rules”.

  173. Thank you Shannon Everest – re-visiting this blog today is a great reminder for me to keep feeling and discerning the difference between natural law and a rule, it makes so much sense and everything immediately feels simple once more!
    “A natural law to me is that I belong to myself.
    A rule would be that I belong to all of the relationships I have – before belonging to myself first”.

    1. This is such an eye opening comment. Differentiating rules and natural laws indeed can make life very simple.

  174. ‘And often, to stand up and claim this natural law, and truth – that I am a woman and I belong to myself, creates calamity in others, because of all the roles we are so used to playing; all the needs we need met; the spaces that need filling…’ Yes Shannon, and we cannot use this as an excuse to lay down our womanly power.

  175. This is glorious, we don’t belong to anything or anyone than ourselves. This for me is bringing responsibility to a next level, as when we don’t belong to anything than ourselves we are the only ones that have a say in our own evolution.

  176. Shannon, you have very well described how a woman belongs to herself, first and foremost. It is not selfish or self-centred to put ourselves first, it is loving and honouring, and it is this quality that we can then reflect to others so they feel what a true woman looks like, and how nobody belongs to nobody and to honour that.

  177. It was lovely to come back and read your blog again Shannon, it is so easy to forget that we belong to ourselves first, and everything else that is going on around us is no more important than honouring ourselves as women. This brings everything in life back into perspective.

  178. Thank you for a great reminder this morning Shannon, as I am learning to claim more of me.’ I belong to me ‘ opens me up to a more loving responsible way of living.

  179. When people read this they might go yeah of course without releasing how ingrained so of the thoughts and beliefs are around women. In my recent dating experience I have come to see an underlying thread of how there is still a belief in men to dominate and have rights to a woman’s body- it was a big learning curve for me.

  180. Shannon, what an utterly true and powerful statement ‘A woman belongs to herself first’ and not all those roles and as you say it can initially cause some calamity around when a women claims that she belongs to herself first, and yet as you say that is what we are here to do, to live who we naturally are, and to remind each other of the truth we know, that all women and men belong to themselves first.

  181. I wish I had heard this all those years ago when I thought of myself as a daughter, a sister, a friend, a wife and eventually a mother. . . but sadly never as a woman who belonged to herself first and foremost. Fortunately it is never too late to start! Thank you Shannon for the great reminder.

  182. Thank you Shannon, this is a very acute topic as we women really ‘sell’ ourselves to everybody else before we claim any part of us to ourselves. A woman belongs to herself first is something we cannot be reminded of often enough, women and men alike, so we can start to cherish and honour ourselves not by what we do but for who we are.

  183. It is beautiful to be reminded that we women belong to our self. It is not what we are brought up to believe, we get caught in the ideas and beliefs of taking on roles that we loose sight of our ourselves as a women.

  184. A women belongs to her self is such a beautiful reminder of this truth that is fundamental to our lives and how we see ourselves in every aspect.This is very honouring to know and changes everything that is projected on to us as women. A real honouring of ourselves first in our own relationship is a beautiful start to come from and is then the foundation for every relationship from there.

  185. Ownership is an illusion we created to not take our responsibility. But -like everything- I do not belong to anything. In fact the ‘I’ does not really exist. If we accept that there is in the moment the reality of an ‘I’ (even this is no truth) – this ‘I’ belongs to God/Divinity and to nothing and no one else. We are designed to come back to who we truly are – all one united. And as long we are not there yet living this, we present an aspect of God/Heaven on earth. Just together we will reflect the whole. I am responsible for my living, for my expression – but I do not own it.

  186. It is very clear from all these comments that as women we do know that we belong to ourselves first. Step by step it is up to us to make this our living truth again.

  187. To re read your wonderful reminder Shannon is something I feel all women could do, and take from it the all important message that we are indeed our own person. No matter what relationships we have in our lives we always belong to ourselves first!

  188. We definitely are belonging to ourself first. This is a fact that brings much clarity in our lives, as it does free us from the expectations life’s projects on to us all. We doesn’t belong to all that is in life, we belong to ourself and live a life from this.

  189. ‘The truth that a woman belongs to herself” when I claim myself first and foremost as the woman I am and love and nurture myself with presence and tenderness everything else naturally falls in place and I have time and space for everything and everyone.

  190. Shannon, what a fantastic blog that as women we belong to ourselves first and foremost and the beauty of living this is the freedom it offers both, to herself, those around her and the world. This is how we change the world, by coming back to and living this natural and intrinsic truth. We belong to ourselves.

  191. It is a truth very much forgotten in society – that we belong to ourselves first and always. Everywhere we look people are trying to adapt, please and mound themselves into a version of themselves to suit another or a situation. This is huge for women, and then when a woman does come along who lives and embodies the truth that she belongs to herself first and foremost, it can create a raucous because it’s so exposing of how far we’ve chosen to stray from the most important relationship that we miss so deeply — that we miss more than anything else.

  192. Fostering a strong and intimate relationship with ourselves, where we learn to honour ourselves first and foremost is so important. From there it’s such an amazing feeling when you begin to feel that you belong to something much grander than even yourself, that we are truly part of something amazing here.

  193. Thank you Shannon, I really loved what you have shared here, how a woman belongs to her self first. I have lived so much boxed in by rules and regulations of society and my own choosing. By reading your blog to day I feel empowered and inspired thank you.

  194. “But to stand up and to say ‘no’ to this old way of being offers the greatest of joys…”
    A freedom away from the ocean of ideals and standards that serve to box us in,to know that we belong to ourselves first brings an inner settlement that no amount of money can buy.

  195. “These are rules that have not honoured the inner feelings that rest deep in my heart.”
    Its exhausting to live each day boxed in by an image/rule of what life should be and is a definite way to keep us separated from the inner feelings that are consistently offering a truer way.

  196. A natural law to me is that I belong to myself.
    A rule would be that I belong to all of the relationships I have – before belonging to myself first.
    I love this Shannon, a rule that adheres to the outer images and definitions of life or a natural law that draws on our inner most awareness.

  197. “Reminding everyone who may have forgotten – that we belong to ourselves first.” This is a truly beautiful reminder, one we can never hear enough. Thank you Shannon.

  198. Shannon, this is a beautifully exquisite blog, one which for all of us as woman asks how we live, do we living knowing we belong to us and claiming that in the world or do we live bound by the rules we slip into in the many relationships we have. Do we truly show the world the women we are or do we slide into a comfortable role? Piercing questions and ones that need to be asked of us as women; we are precious, we are sacred, and part of living and being that is knowing we do not belong to any of the roles we are or what we do – we are a divine inner essence and as a spark of God we are here to reflect our part of the Universe, and the Universe needs all of us to be and reflect who we truly are, and to do so we cannot belong to anyone, or be bound by any role we have. We are there in it, being us in it, but never bound by it, in other words we are simply ourselves, nothing to do and nowhere to be other than who we are.

  199. Cool blog…I loved what you said,” that we belong to ourselves first.”
    I can remember a time in my past, someone said to
    me…… “you belong to him” (referring to a boyfriend at the time).
    I didn’t like that, it didn’t feel right and I said, no I don’t, I don’t belong to
    anyone…. no-one owns me.

  200. Beautiful blog, a woman really does belong to herself and how much is society set up to label, drag away and belittle how a woman is. There are so many shoulds, coulds and woulds…..that we subscribe to. But your blog outlines so wonderfully what it means for a woman to be herself.

  201. ‘A woman belongs to herself first’. Shannon this is a glorious and empowering blog. I feel stronger just from having read it. Note to self – read this blog regularly as a reminder.

  202. I have a much stronger sense of belonging to myself since I have been saying no more often; putting myself equal to all others, not letting myself in any way be less than who I am.

  203. Thankyou for this Shannon. So often we give oursleves away to another, whether its our partners, children, family members, friends or work colleagues, whereas what you so rightly say is that we belong to ourselves first and foremost. We are women before we are anything else, and so often we forget this simple but fundamental truth.

  204. This is great what you are sharing, Shannon, as often we as women do not only seem to belong to family members, but to a shedule which is permanently asking us to be there for others or for things which need to be done. In truth we belong to ourselves first and we choose the way of our shedule.

  205. To belong to yourself means that you do not bend and twist contorting yourself to squeeze yourself into the ideal images that your family, culture, friends and society ask you to conform to. How many of us feel free to be ourselves, to belong to ourselves above and beyond any societal, familial or marital demands? How many of us even think it is possible? Your blog Shannon Everest is a must read for all.

    1. It is possible jeanettegold but I think the thing we find hard to imagine is what it would be like to live without needing from others and by looking within. It is from not having needs that this way of being is able to be established as a foundation.

      1. Exactly Shannon, and I think it is equally hard to look within and be very honest about what we are feeling – strange as it sounds.

  206. I have witnessed women allowing themselves to be treated as if owned, be it in relationships or work roles and it has always had an effect on health with tension, anxiety and often illness. The problem is seeing this as normal behaviour, so that illness was never questioned as being the loss of power, but often as being seen as failing in the relationship or role. The way this blog clearly states a women has a right to be true to herself and own herself is a very powerful healing if it is truly embraced.

  207. “..that we belong to ourselves first.” is the only way to live life for everybody and I am very appreciative of the fact I have had the opportunity and chosen to unravel all that which stands in the way of always choosing to live this way. Thank you for the reminder.

  208. Beautifully said Shannon ‘The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know myself. This truth is an absolute known to me, and I know it from living my life.’

  209. It changes the whole nature of our relationships with others when we put ourselves first. Old ideals and beliefs might dictate that this is selfish but in fact it’s the opposite. People around respond to the the fact that you aren’t imposing on them by wanting or needing something from them. This leaves more space to just get on with enjoying each other and what the relationship naturally offers to both/all parties and I am finding that often what evolves is something much richer than what I had anticipated.

  210. As I have started to change my behaviors and live as a woman first it has allowed many changes and healing for those around that I continued to prop up and enable. I have more love for myself and much more respect and love for those around me as I have begun to understand who i truly am.

  211. I had the experience of looking into a younger woman’s eyes today and was absolutely touched by her grace, stillness and beauty. The reflection she offered was so confirming of these qualities being at the heart of every woman.

  212. “But to stand up and to say ‘no’ to this old way of being offers the greatest of joys….”
    It certainly does. Having said ‘yes’ most of my life those destructive patterns are gradually changing, as to feel that joy within can then be felt in another.

  213. Dear Shannon,
    On rereading your article I can feel the absoluteness of living, belonging to self first, as everything else in life, but flows when it is my focus to hold myself in the deepest and honouring love.

  214. Your first sentence “A woman belongs to herself.” blows apart the long held, common and destructive belief that a woman should be there for everyone first and then herself last, especially when she becomes a mother. How different would the world be if this is the first lesson ever given to all young women; what a turnaround in women’s health there would be with the claiming of this truth.

    1. Well said Ingrid and I agree – if women were taught from a young age that they need not put their bodies on the line for other people, and should instead be caring for and considering their bodies all the time when they make decisions then women’s health may well be quite different, as we wouldn’t be driving ourselves so hard to look after everyone but ourselves.

  215. “The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know myself.” This is such a powerful statement and a beautiful claiming of the fact.

  216. This is such a beautiful reminder, ‘The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first,’ is a fact that we are generally not brought up to see; how liberating it is to fundamentally change this relationship with ourselves and therefore with all others.

    1. A Woman belongs to herself. These words Shannon are a very powerful reminder for me at the moment as I am feeling what this is asking me. Thank-you.

    2. Dear Rachelmurtagh1,
      Yes it is our relationship with self that we must first change, remembering that we are us first and foremost and relearn to value ourselves deeply. I had this notion that to do this would be selfish, how far from the truth I was. The more I love and honour myself the more I am open to others and love them in the same way.

  217. With living our true selves as women I feel we give space to all. The control mode is not necessary anymore because we are less attached to an outcome as it is not the role that is defining us but what we innately are and feel, this gives us more understanding and allowing another to be.

  218. ‘The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know myself. This truth is an absolute known to me, and I know it from living my life.’ Shannon I knew this in my body but with my focus on the outside I did not listen or respond in this way. My body has always been very loud and clear and since a few years I listen and I am claiming the woman I am, letting go of old patterns and behaviour and saying yes to what I feel inside, a joyful thing to do!

  219. “I am a women first and I belong to myself”, is a beautiful claiming and confirmation of ones expressions, it cuts away the expectations of others expression. When we as women claim our own self back in a loving way it is felt embraced by all. This my experience..

  220. Absolutely a woman belongs to herself just like every man belongs to himself. Gorgeous to feel and live by.

  221. This is a powerful blog. It has made me ponder about what “being a Woman” means to me. It shows to me how I have been giving myself away to ideal, beliefs, Images etc. instead of me putting me first.

  222. This is a powerful Blog. It has made me ponder about what being a Woman means to me.

  223. A profound and power-full blog Shannon. When we claim who we innately are then there is no need to give our power away to anyone else…being who we truly are is our ‘power’.

  224. Shannon I have come back to this beautiful blog a few times because I can feel your loveliness in how you have written about the difference between a natural law and a rule. Truly inspirational for all woman and girls. 🙂

  225. ‘A woman belongs to herself.’ Every day I feel this a little more and along with this deepening of appreciation of myself and can feel what I bring to world. I didn’t find it ‘out there’ somewhere it has always been deep within me. It is the love that I am.

  226. ‘Rules are often expressions that to me occur without words, but rather in a silent body language that can be actually very loud!’ I stopped when I read this Shannon, rules are definitely very loud and sometimes it feels we cannot escape but I do know there is always a choice and with putting myself first I am becoming aware how much I have given myself away but now I am claiming I belong to me!

    1. These silent rules often leave us believing as women that we have no choice but there is something very empowering when we understand we always have a choice. I do at times need to break this down so I am clear about possible choices and why I shy away from some choices more than others. Often this is because some choices feel ‘easier’, they rock the boat less but they also dwindle away our worth and deep knowing as women.

    2. I have found in chatting with other women these rules are also different for each of us but they all have in common a theme of dishonouring and disregarding ourselves. The silent ‘rules’ are numerous such as believing certain things have to be done for family, or that friendship carries certain expectations or ways of relating to each other yet as women we also have easy access within to know what is true and what is a rule.

  227. ‘probably overweight, depressed, lonely and binging on chocolate!’ This did use to be my life Sandra, well summed up, I feel many people still live this way.

  228. ‘A woman belongs to herself’ is power-full and profound Shannon. It is in complete contrast to how many live life for others or through others…something I know I have done and still do at times. And yet when we follow what we know is true for ourselves, everyone is honoured. Beautiful…thank you for your inspiration and reflection.

  229. This is an awesome blog Shannon because it stands in the face of society that tells us life is about what is ‘out there’ – who is around us, what’s going on in the world…when in truth we start with ourselves – with being the women we are and then take that quality with us into the world. And in this way we are not ‘owned’ by anyone but true to who we innately and naturally all are…Love.

  230. On re-reading this blog today the words that stood out for me were these “Every relationship I have ever had at various times in my life, dares to say in some shape or form, that I belong to it and must therefore adhere to its rules”.

    This is so true, all relationships have the potential to do this, though I see now that we do have a part to play, it is a choice.

    1. I have lost myself in relationship, but only because I have played the victim and given my power away. I can see it clearly now. and although I am not out of the woods yet, I am working on it, as the only way to claim the woman that I am is to love, value and honour me more and more every day, and not rest on my laurels, because until I re-claim myself in full, women everywhere won’t get the reflection of the true beauty of me. Like millions of little mirrors, we women need to reflect to each other the beauty of who we are so the mirror can become whole once again.

      1. So true Sandra…we do each have a responsibility to reflect the truth of what it is to truly be a woman in todays world, where many women put everyone else before themselves. Perhaps this is why breast cancer has increased so dramatically – we cannot continue to disregard and dishonour ourselves without consequences.

  231. The ‘natural law’ of woman belonging to her self first and foremost is deeply empowering to read and offers the bridge for a woman to feel the natural power that is her birth right. Thank you Shannon for this amazing blog about ‘The Woman’… it really is a true gift to all that reads it

  232. The word ‘natural law’ is mentioned here – this really resonated with me in the sense that a woman belongs to herself, and is everything that is needed before she is any role. Wow what a beautiful way to appreciate ourselves for who we truly are before what we do.

  233. Humanity will feel love when we as woman heal our hurts and stop living from the pictures we have created in our heads of how life should be and feel comfortable in our own skill loving ourselves in full and not holding back our expression of love offering a connection with depth and substance.

    1. “Humanity will feel love when we as woman heal our hurts and stop living from the pictures we have created in our heads…”, you got it in one Margaret, well said, simple and to the point. Deal with our hurts and women, and men, will feel it. Awesome.
      I used to wonder, how do I deal with my hurts? Making them excuses to not be love. The answer is to love, appreciate, accept, care for, get honest and nurture ourselves more and the hurts will come up naturally to be dealt with and be gone forever.

      1. Very true Sandra, I find being honest and understanding with myself while appreciating all that I am have supported me enormously in learning to love myself, let go of my hurts and express truth. This is something I am still working on and it is a struggle to express my truth in some relationships.

      2. Sandra that’s true, it is about being honest and understanding we are not our hurts. As we allow ourselves to be honest the hurts come up for us to reflect on and let them go. They are experiences we had, which we can let go of. It is us who have an image which we hold onto, Once we let it all go, it becomes freeing in our body, which is then felt by all.

  234. If you observe the detail in which we give ourselves away and allow others to claim a part of us as theirs, you can understand the level of exhaustion women are in today. We belong to ourselves as women, we should not allow ourselves to be forced into any role or activity that does not feel true. Some heavy consciousnesses will need to be broken and it is up to us women to take the lead in making that happen.

  235. This surely is a true ‘Ode to Woman’ something that every woman should pass down from generation to the next generation. Inspiring and building each generation of woman to remain with and deepen the connection to her natural and exquisite essence.

  236. This is such a key topic that likes to be stepped around or if we do look at why we are so busy we don’t want to stay there for long to see the truth of why we don’t want to spend that time and deepen our relationship with ourselves. Esoteric Woman’s Health has been incredibly supportive in taking those steps that seem shakey and scary. I have learnt so much about myself and it has all been about letting go of what I am not and what I thought I needed to be. Here I am able to connect, feel and be the real me from the inside out.

  237. Dear Shannon,
    The fact that I belong to myself is something that I too can now claim. The strength I feel within and the freedom to be myself in many situations is to beautiful for words. When I am enjoying me, I enjoy everyone that I meet, I love the interactions that I am having from the simplicity of allowing myself to be myself.

  238. Women in today’s society are pulled in so many different directions. Playing roles all the time for the many different areas of her life. I really love the very simple line “A woman belongs to herself.” This is not always felt by women. But in a women truly coming back to herself and claiming all of who she is, it is about her feeling who she is come that she ‘belongs to herself’ first!!

  239. I always love coming back to this blog as it has supported me so much in understanding that my relationships do not own nor define me, it is simply about what I choose to bring to them.

  240. Thank you Shannon, I needed this reminder that it is ok to put myself first and not let myself be made to feel I belong to someone and have to be or do things in a particular way to please someone else. In fact you are reminding me that it is a law.

  241. Shannon this is a powerful blog and the comments that follow are a blue print for all to read and live by, such exposing of the old patterns that had us be anything other than in our ‘natural expression’. The clarity you bring supports us all to walk in our power and fullness, such a natural expression that returns the balance in all life.

  242. Great to re-read this and feel the power and claiming of a woman, for all women. “The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference.” Ironically, it is the onus on being a selfish individual that has created much separation throughout the history of mankind. So this quote offers a great exploration into what it means to place oneself first, in order to honour the all? Although there are so many blogs I have read on this website which answers this question in many different ways, it feels important for me to just sit with it as I go through my day today and find my own answer.

  243. I loved re reading your sharing Shannon. So beautifully presented by you for all women. I can see that in the past I have allowed myself to “belong” to others and all the while not feeling comfortable about this, but played the role because it was all I knew. How freeing it is to know I am my own responsibility first, then those I love including all others, and at the same time I don’t feel guilty or selfish as I may have in the past ! Its as though I have been given permission!

  244. A woman belonging to herself paints to me a picture of a woman not needing to be perfect, liked, not in nervous energy trying to get it all done. She holds herself equal to other men and women and knows her beauty and strength within.

    1. Annie, your words are very succinct and you got it in one about what it looks like to be a true woman, a woman in her own right, and one who does not hand herself over to the whims and impositions of others. For me, the ability to be able to do this comes from the ever deepening love of myself.

  245. Actually, whilst it is true what you present, a true woman who understands her true self realises equally that she belongs to the entire universe. In other words, we come to realise in time that we are universal in nature, and not the condensed physical beings we think ourselves to be.

    1. Adam, I completely agree – we are universal, all of us. It is important for all of us to know this, not as knowledge we hold in our minds but in a body that has lived through undoing and letting go of everything that is not true. For me personally, I could not begin to feel the truth inside my own body until I one by one did away with (and still continue to) all the things that human life says a woman needs to be or do or fulfil for another, to fit in, for an image or a picture of what human life, or womanhood is ‘supposed’ to look like. Claiming myself as a woman to me is more about claiming the light within (the universal part) than it is about claiming my gender or it being a separate issue to a man claiming himself. Men and women have to undo this each in their own ways as we have all been affected by different ideas, beliefs, and images.

  246. “A woman belongs to herself” this is such a powerful statement and offers every woman to be who she truly is and share her strength, tenderness, delicateness, inner wisdom, beauty and love with all without compromise.

  247. “A woman belongs to herself.”, I am just now getting to truly understand this statement. For so long I lived a life of feeling my life was never really mine as I was caught in ideas and beliefs, with how I should and shouldn’t be living. But now I know this is not true, my life belongs to me and it is my choice what I choose in my life. Since I have begun to understand and accept this, my life has changed into an beautiful joyful life.

  248. This feels so strong “to stand up and claim this natural law, and truth – that I am a woman and I belong to myself” I really love it. I just came from my morning walk and this is exactly how I felt. That I am a women first, I do belong to myself. Not anyone else, no relationship comes before me and my connection and relationship with me. When acted upon, feels deeply honouring.

  249. To choose to know that ‘I belong to me’ is at once the most empowering thing and the most confronting. It highlights how unloving, reckless, neglectful and irresponsible our choices may have been as well as indicating that we have all the power to live by our own impulses and no-one else’s, to live our own way. This of course is most people’s dream and it sounds awesome, but in so doing we must say no to many of the ideals and beliefs and roles we have invested in. This can take a while to disentangle but it is so worth it. Every thread of that which is not our true way that is removed heralds a joy so grand and a realisation that there is soooo much more to ‘me’ and ‘my way’ than meets the eye.

    1. Thankyou Jeanette for your awesome comment. It is powerful and confronting, and completely exposes our investments in the smallness we have seen ourselves as and lived in. I love your words “we have all the power to live by our own impulses and no-one else’s, to live our own way.” Wow. We sure do. What a powerful claiming this is. For me this can be a solution to fixing how bad my life feels, or a return to living the true essence of myself, as part of something much greater – and to embark on an incredibly powerful way of life, unfolding a beauty and a mystery I am yet to comprehend.

      1. Yes we do have our own impulses to guide us Melinda and yes we are eating to follow them. To me the pains that I have not been living my potential but by committing to do that, by continuously asking ‘well what else can I do’ – just as Natalie Benhayon inspired me too – then I am on the road to discovering it, to as you say “unfolding a beauty and a mystery I am yet to comprehend”. It is so powerful I cannot imagine turning back.

  250. When we hold ourselves as women and not extensions of others we can be so much more and offer those around us a reflection coming from a base of truth and honesty as we are holding ourselves in that.

    1. You raise an interesting point which I obseeve in many women including myself, Anne, to hold ourselves in extension to others instead of claiming our true power as woman. We are powerful in our delicateness and tenderness. I agree, there we can offer a reflection to each other.

      1. For too many years I felt an extension to others (my choice), but now I am beginning to claim myself as an independent, powerful woman and no longer shy away from myself but stand and walk tall, and I am beginning to let go of the hardness revealing the delicateness and tenderness which was buried deep down inside my body. I have feelings of guilt (which I am going to let go of right now!) at contracting all of me inside my body and not letting anyone see who I truly am, and this includes my own family, so thank goodness for Universal Medicine and Esoteric Women’s Health for showing me the true way, so no more shying away or pulling back, just more of me, and therefore more of all of us.

      2. Thankyou Sandra, another gorgeous comment! Your words about being an extension of others and claiming yourself as an independent woman really resonated. I had for many years defined myself by roles and relationships and what I did for others. How confronting to now see how little I have done for myself, but begin to build this foundation now of self love and reconnecting to myself as a powerful sacred woman. Bit by bit the old life and its roles are falling away, and what is revealed is the tender, wise, delicate woman who has been hidden away for so long. Getting to know myself without these societal roles I have chosen, has initiated a process of falling in love with myself. Unconditionally accepting myself and my needs is a work in process, but it feels great!

  251. It is the first time I have read your blog Shannon and its truly beautiful and deeply supporting. I will re-visit this blog and the confirming comments often. It feels we are building our foundation as true women here, supporting each other by the reflection of our wisdom and grace.

  252. I feel the same Syliva, that’s truly is a beautiful quote: ‘We belong to ourselves first’. I am already everything, deeply precious and beautiful and I deserve to be there for me first. From that foundation I can be there for others around me need without the underlying intention of filling my needs and emptiness or pandering to the needs of another.

    1. I appreciate your words Katinka …”I am already everything, deeply precious and beautiful and I deserve to be there for me first”. Claiming this is the first and grandest step toward re-turning to our true nature, as in essence we are divine, so I say re-ignite the goddess within and bring it on. Pandering to others doesn’t serve anyone, it can only leave us resentful, so how super important it is to bring ourselves back to ourselves as women and this then supports others in doing the same, but we’re not going to do it if we continue to put everyone else first! Ourselves first with love, and then everyone else can step forward with us equally.

    2. Beautifully said Sandra. Pandering to others does leave me resentful, however I set it up myself by putting others first. My body can be screaming at me to stop yet I’ll still fulfil the role and disregard myself. Putting ourselves first is essential. The current state of women is exhaustion, escalating rates of ill health, and poor lifestyle choices. Unless we all come around to this simple message of self care and valuing ourselves first, it is likely the statistics for women’s ill health will only continue to rise.

    3. To know that we are already everything before we actually have to do anything changes everything.

  253. This is timely reminder, Shannon, especially for women as we are easily get lost in the roles our ancestors played for eons before us.
    It is time to come back to our origins, to our divinity, to our love and become ourselves.

      1. It is never too late to come back to our divinity. In essence we are exactly the same as we were aeons ago, we have just chosen to subjugate ourselves to society, turned our back on love, bury our hurts and given ourselves away to others. But all is not lost, we are beginning to turn it around, let’s go back to the future ~ or forward to the past (!), or even claim the present – right now and shine like the goddesses we truly are 🙂

  254. Amazing and amazingly expressed! I have struggled so much at times to claim what is honouring and true for me over the needs or expectations or demands of others and this blog clearly defines the actual God given law that we are responsible for ourselves first.

    1. This blog needs to be on the front page of the newspaper for all men and woman Imagine if everyone in the world was responsible for themselves first? There would be no demanding or expectations or roles, instead a deep appreciation and honouring of who we are, and are to each other. Wow.

      1. This would certainly take some pressure off.
        The opposite to every women’s magazine i have ever picked up before the women in livingness magazine.

  255. ‘that I am a woman and I belong to myself, creates calamity in others, because of all the roles we are so used to playing; all the needs we need met; the spaces that need filling…’ This shows what’s really going on when we put ourselves second to everything. The way that we as women try to meet our needs and fill the spaces are often very damaging and abusive to ourselves and others. Before the teachings and philosophies of Universal Medicine, I was far less aware of my needs. In fact I didn’t want to look at them at all, but they were very much playing out in every relationship with friends, family, partners. I have recently started to understand how imposing my needs are on other people. Putting myself first is gradually exposing and taking away those needs that need met and the spaces that need filling. I am gradually filling up with a connection to myself and learning to take that to others. I am learning to understand my needs and see what they really mean, and so be less imposing on others.

    1. When you state those words Simone… “putting ourselves second to everything…”, I feel myself shrink and feel dis-empowered because I know that we are much more than that, and once we understand and claim that we have this grandness inside of us, and it is okay to appreciate ourselves for who we are, we naturally become less imposing on others. This may expose others’ impositions on us, but as long as we stand true to ourselves then everything around us constellates perfectly and we all get a healing.

    2. Simone Gibson I know that road also, I was always waiting for others to see me in some shape or form which never really gave me the connections I was looking for. Now with full claiming of myself first, I’m now experiencing a glorious natural inter connectedness, an equalness with everyone I meet and I feel fulfilled.

  256. Thank you for this hugely important blog Shannon. There is an assumption held within society that if we put ourselves first, then we are being selfish and putting everyone else last. But when I read ‘The order of placing oneself makes all the difference’ I know that what happens is that the joy, harmony and stillness created by this goes out to everyone. This is the opposite of selfish.

    1. Yes, it is interesting that Love is presented as being selfish when it is holding of all and Godly in full.

    2. Too right Simone, I know from my own experience that by putting myself first and making more self-loving choices has brought more joy and harmony to my life, and without words, has reflected back to my family something that they miss, and although they may not be able to put their finger on what that feeling, they want some of what I’ve got too! Joy and harmony are infectious so it is impossible to keep it to ourselves. I agree, how could that possibly be selfish.

    3. The long held belief that is deeply ingrained into society that states: “if we put ourselves first, then we are being selfish” is a belief that has done a huge amount of damage to those who have accepted this to be the normal way to live. It is no wonder that the majority of society is exhausted and/or sick, for how can you care for others if you don’t care deeply for yourself first?

  257. I love reading that line “A woman belongs to herself”. It makes so much sense to me, because every day I see women giving themselves away to their husbands, partners, family, children, employers etc. It is time for us as women to know the absolute power that we hold and that we have the ability to behold many people but that we belong to ourselves.

    1. Yes Elizabeth – our true power is not in these roles we play and in doing the woman – it is in bringing our all, our sacredness, preciousness and true beauty, naturally so without holding back.

      1. Absolutely Deborah, and beautifully said. In a world where we live the fullness of our qualities there is no room for roles. I can see that roles were collectively constructed from the emptiness we have all lived, to fill the vacuum. This is why the roles still leave us feeling so empty. We will only ever be nurtured by living the fullness of ourselves, and accepting anything less than that is devastating for the world.

    2. What an awesome reflection we would be to our daughters if we claimed the fact that “A women belongs to herself…”, young women would then grow up blossoming into the true women that they are without all the encumbrances that come with giving ourselves away to others along the way.

    3. Gorgeous Elizabeth thank you. Our power does lie with us and our natural abilities of intimacy, preciousness and sacredness. There is so much to appreciate and love from who we are.

  258. Awesome in its beauty and tremendous in its claiming for all women. That I belong to myself first and foremost is a True Truth – not one that is true for me and not another – but one that I have known, felt and lived as it is inherently so. The times when I’ve been most confused and distressed by life have been those when I have not owned this for myself. It requires a consistent appreciation and commitment to oneself to hold this claim and it is most definitely worth it. Thank you Shannon for doing so, too.

    1. Beautifully said Peta. I can also see where in my life I gave away the power of myself exactly as I am, in exchange for who I supposedly needed to be, effectively allowing myself to belong to another. These were indeed distressing times. I can see where I am still doing this to the utter detriment of my body and wellbeing. The words in the blog are quite simple yet when applied to how I live, they are very powerful. There is simply no way to have a successful life without loving ourselves, and this definitely requires our full commitment because the world the way it is does not reflect a woman’s true worth.

  259. Very much enjoyed re-reading this blog – what would the world look like if every woman lived like this? Living and knowing that she first and foremost belongs to herself.

    1. Amazing life will be when Women are at ease in our skin, living our essence and embracing our sexiness and sacredness in full – very powerful indeed. The planet will heat up – that is for sure… full fire.

      1. Very true Deborah. It will be a different planet for us as women to change the way we relate to ourselves and everyone around us.

    2. I would imagine Eva that if everyone woman on earth lived like this everything else would fall into place. There would be grace and serenity to the world, no jealousy or comparison, no judgement, no competition, stress, anxiety, striving or exhaustion. Children would know where they are and so would our partners. Life would just flow with ease…. one day I am sure, starting from right now!
      After all, we are only returning to who we already are, so therefore deep inside us this is what we are missing, ourselves.

      1. So true Sandra, having a world where this is not comparison, jealousy and judgement, who what serenity there would be in the world. There would be a completely different way in which we would communicate and be with each other. This is something we innately all feel within us, something we definitely do miss when we do not behave and honour ourselves and each other.

      2. Wow Sandra what a beautiful picture you paint with your words of what the world would be like if every women lived the truth of who they are. I smiled from deep within with the knowing that this is actually possible and absolutely worth committing to.

      3. That’s what I feel too Raegan living in this way we know because it is innately in us all, to let out our natural way of being with each other is all that is required and of course to call out the rules we have made our own in some way or the other.

      4. Yes, imagine if we did live in a world where women did not go into comparison or jealousy, where they did not judge, where there was no competition or stress or anxiety or exhaustion…this is quite a picture you paint here Sandra, but a very beautiful and possible one. Because we do know who we truly are, and when we do live from this place of inner knowing there is no need to be anything other than our true selves. Life would flow very simply and have enromous benefits for all around us. .

  260. By choosing to not truly know ourselves we rely on the roles, perhaps feeling by doing so we will be indispensable, which is not truly knowing our value. We have submitted to rules because we believe we are nothing. To belong to ourselves is a mighty step because to do so we must say “I need nothing because I am the everything.”

  261. I really love this. As I read and come back to the natural law of belonging to myself, my body fills with a sacredness and I feel expanded and light, powerful and deep. Thankyou Shannon, we are indeed all sacred women.

  262. This is one of the most beautiful pieces of writing I have ever read.
    Thank you Shannon. Truly and deeply.

  263. Yes Jane, I so agree.. imagine having this lovingly uttered to every young girl before putting them to bed, sending them to school, sitting a school exam and so on. How differently would we go about the daily things we need to do in life if we knew we belong to ourselves first.

  264. Stunning to re-read this powerful blog and feel the absoluteness and truth in it. Because we’ve forgotten that we do belong to ourselves, we place expectations and demands on the outside world to bring us what we need. And on goes the ever perpetuating cycle with generation after generation disconnected from the simple truth that they first and foremost have a responsibility towards themselves and then towards everybody else. The more women reclaim themselves and their bodies, not accommodating themselves and keeping themselves boxed in roles, the more people overall will be inspired to remember that they too are their own person first and foremost, and that taking deep, tender care of themselves first is a foundational honourable choice that reverberates to many many more, when this choice is made.

  265. I feel the strength and power in your expression Shannon and also the simplicity in adhering to this innate knowing that we belong to ourselves first.

  266. We surely belong to ourselves, there are so many things that try to say otherwise. But in truth, there is only ourself that has the authority over our lives. I feel it is very empowering to feel and see that there is nothing we need to truly cohere to.

  267. What I have started to discover is that when I feel more Womanly than I ever have in my life I get an insight that there is much much much more. Surrendering to the depth that is within and feeling the Sacredness that I am is all I need to know that I am Everything and much much more.

  268. Gosh I needed to read this today. Thank you Shannon. Such a timely reminder that our most important relationship is with ourselves and that we belong to ourselves first and foremost.

  269. “because of all the roles we are so used to playing; all the needs we need met; the spaces that need filling…”
    All these things add to not allowing me to belong to me. They make life feel like a book of rules, and whats more these rules are self imposed. They don’t come from someone else they come from a permission from me to not claim me.

  270. ‘A natural law to me is that I belong to myself.’ Thank you Shannon. and the amazing thing is that the more I claim that, the more of ‘me’ I free up to share with others .

  271. Shannon, I love this blog, and it’s so important that we live and remember this, ‘we belong to ourselves first’ and indeed the world is not set up to honour this, so it’s key we live this and remind one and all that a woman, indeed all women and men belong to themselves first.

  272. Every time I read this blog I feel the truth of myself so deeply – it carries with it a strong calling to reclaim the woman. To say I love it does not do it justice. It is home.

  273. Shannon, this blog is always gold to read for me, reminding me that when I hold myself as woman first then what I am sharing with others is divine.

  274. Shannon, this blog never gets tired and as I feel the power in it my body continues to tingle in the knowing and reclaiming of myself as a woman. Today I stood more in my power as woman then any other day, and I could see and feel how much this unsettled those around me. As I let go more of needing to be identified by anything around me, or confirmed by anyone other then GOD and my own soul, there is a purity emerging that feels untouchable. Thank you for this timeless and timely piece of writing. Indeed it comes straight from heaven.

    1. I too felt others become unsettled around me when I was just being my glorious self. It was subtle and I do not know if they even knew it was me they were reacting too. Whether they did or not, the point remains that people are going to react to others who reflect to them where they are making less than loving choices. And beautiful blogs and comments like this one really support us to hold steady despite the discomfort of others.

      1. Agreed Jeanette. I too know this discomfort from being reflected by other women who are leading with their love. So in this, I can have true compassion and understanding when it is I doing the same. There can never be a moral high ground, or a comparing of where one is at with another. The more we embrace this equalness and see that it is merely our choices that create these situations, the more we will all be able to surrender to the true equality that is love.

      2. Yes Anna, and the more we can view every reflection and reaction as an opportunity to foster awareness, the more we evolve .

  275. When I am connected to me and deeply loving and caring for myself everything flows and I am not worried for I have an innate knowingness to guide my choices.

  276. Great blog and gentle reminder to be aware which rules I am obeying to within relationships which are not honouring me as a woman but are merely there to fill one another’s needs.

  277. The order of placing ones self first really does make a difference and brings love into our lives to be shared by all.So beautifully put and allowed thank you .

  278. A lot of us are not brought up to truly value and appreciate ourselves for ourselves, for who we are. More often than not we are praised for what we do or look like and how we conform to others desires. A great moment when we can stand up and claim ourselves back from all these impositions and begin to honour who we truly are.

  279. This line I love as well. This could be part of raising girls into the world. The one very important loving oneliner above there bed. When they wake up, when they fall asleep. And as we, women, have neither been taught this, we can also hang it above our beds 🙂

  280. This is so beautifully put! I love the ending where you say to stand up and say no, puts other’s in calamity and I guess that’s why I avoided saying it for so long. When I was younger, I would always put others feelings before my own, so NO was such a difficult word for me to say. However, since studying some of the teachings of Universal Medicine, I have learnt that NO is the most loving word that one can say. Not just for ones own feelings of self-worth, but also to show others that it’s ok to say it, when it absolutely feels right to and not to just go along for the ride, when everything in your whole body is telling you not to. Hopefully, it will inspire others to realise that NO is actually the most loving word anyone can use, when used truly and lovingly from one’s own inner heart.

  281. What a beautiful reminder – I am a women before anything else. A funny game I have been playing – missing my own femaleness while avoiding it at any cost by hiding in roles, and exerting so much force into being hard – thinking that would protect me.

  282. A natural law, I am enjoying being more aware of natural laws, and yes I feel this is certainly one of them “A natural law to me is that I belong to myself.” I am responsible, accountable and ultimately able to discern, choice and express as I wish, as a woman.

    1. ‘I am responsible, accountable and ultimately able to discern, choice and express as I wish, as a woman.’ – An awesomely powerful statement, wow. A lot of women in the world base their everyday actions on how others will feel, and what the outcome will be… For example in the past I have many times put on lipstick to draw the attention of someone, said something nice so that the person won’t react/become frustrated and walked on eggshells in so many situations. Not just women, but everyone should give themselves the permission to make choices for THEM, and not others.

  283. I am thinking how many woman I see who have become over identified with their roles and all too often, super multi-tasking nervous wrecks. I love the way your blog brings women back to the most fundamental foundation of knowing that that first and foremost we belong to ourselves, that we cherish and nurture ourselves and then we do what is needed. This concept would be mind-glowingly liberating for all who chance to embrace it, as it has been for you Shannon and the many women who have thus been inspired by the teaching of Esoteric Women’s Health and Universal Medicine.

    1. If we are being truly honest, how many women aren’t identified with their roles and all too often become super multitasking nervous wrecks? And how sneaky this way of being can be. Sometimes we are not even aware until someone or something comes along to show us.

      1. Anna that really is more to the point – how many aren’t? I hazard a guess – not many. The dismal state of worldwide women’s health shows that we are living in an unsupportive and detrimental way and if we are honest we will stop and admit that something has to be done. I really appreciate Esoteric Women’s Health for leading the way in changing our health – from the inside out.

      2. Yes me too Jeanette. I am learning every day what it means to live truly as a woman, and I am humbled each and every day in this. And most definitely Esoteric Women’s Health is a huge support.

  284. It is a very timely reminder for me to read and feel what you have written again, Shannon. It is so easy to go back into the roles and functions of life rather than the being and claiming of myself as a woman first. I can paint my nails, spend time on my hair, dress nicely etc but the claiming has to be within me!

  285. To ‘know thyself’ is wise beyond measure and from here all is known and seen for what it is, as to our part in the whole.

  286. The power that lies within us all when we honour that we belong to ourselves first is hugely healing and it is something I am beginning to realise after many many years of doing and being for everyone else. Thank you for the beautiful reminder Shannon.

    1. Yes Kelly I can say the same – for many years. Now I am also stepping more and more into being my own woman first and maintaining this in my livingness.

  287. This is beautifully to read as it debases ideals and beliefs about women. The fact that we women belong to ourself feels true and solid. As we women start to live and claim this it will cause a shift in humanity. Women claiming back there own true power that Is within each and every one of yes.

    1. I agree Amita, the fact that we women belong to ourself feels true and solid. Making this the foundation of our lives as women will bring a much needed change. As women we need to understand that the World is in great need for us to bring back true honouring and love.

  288. I belong to me and I am becoming aware how I have lived with the rules instead of aknowledging the roles which will never define me althought I have believed they did.
    Thank you Shannon for this powerful statement about us women and who we truly are.

  289. There is an undeniable beauty and power when women stand up and claim themselves and let go of the shackles imposed on them by society of how that should look. This authority lived inspires others to connect to this within themselves and live what is true and not what is recognised as the norm.

  290. This is so amazingly beautiful to read, that I belong to me, first and for most. Thank you Shannon.

  291. A woman cannot be defined by a role, label or ideal and nor confined to a gender or action. We are each our own living authority by the lived quality we bring – naturally so.

  292. I belong to me.. This is a message I can keep claiming when I feel anxiousness, succumb to pressure or want to please or hold back from people. Just being me is enough. I can choose to stand in the solidness of this no matter what I face.

    1. I also feel like this is there all the time not just in how we relate to others but in all that we think we need to be and do- this is constant.

  293. I read this blog for the first time when it was freshly written, re-reading it I can feel even more depth of understanding the power of this truth you have shared so well Shannon. Thank you.

  294. Thank you Shannon for a great sharing of true honouring and knowing of ourselves as a woman. Powerful loving and with a deep sense of knowing and wisdom.

    1. I whole-heartedly agree Barbara. And when I step away from me, even just for a moment, nothing in the world can make me feel better, until I return once again.

  295. I am indeed just discovering what it truly means to belong to myself first and foremost after many many years of selling myself off to others and all the roles I played. I think it actually frightened me the concept that I was enough on my own without anyone or anything else, and that once feeling and living this, my life would look very different. Well now it is very different and so much richer for me now claiming this within myself. Beautiful words Shannon.

    1. How lovely it is in our own evolution to come back and read something we shared many months previous and to feel the growth since this point and appreciate every step. So incredibly confirming.

    2. I can relate here very much Anna, having also given myself away with the many needs I have placed on others and them on me I have lived many years in disconnection only to find that my body was always in exhaustion. As I finally start to build this back it is amazing to know that I have been here all along I just needed to bring attention and understanding along with deeply appreciating all that I am.

  296. Shannon, thank you for this great inspirational blog, to remember first and foremost that we belong to ourselves. It is so easy to forget ourselves when we get wrapped up in such a busy and demanding life.

  297. Dear Shannon, I feel this is so important for all us women to keep coming back to. To realise nothing is more important than us, how we feel. This is our first responsibility. Everything can flow easily after this foundation is in place. Me too I need to remind myself and come back to this true foundation.

    1. Esther I agree if we have our foundation built on that, that nothing is more important than us and how we feel, then everything can flow easily. I feel we women have forgotten this important point.

    2. It is really so simple – we need to come back to feeling, and then honouring our feelings as our true foundation for life. Many do not want to, it is very scary to drop our guards and feel. It was for me, until it was too painful not to and the results have been wonderful beyond words. Now I know that it is much less painful to allow myself to feel my hurts than it is to protect them. I know that allowing myself to feel is the greatest navigation for life choices and that in so doing, the hurt transmutes to compassion and evolution.

      1. It is indeed the greatest navigation for life choices: allow ourselves to feel – ourselves, our bodies, our presence,

      2. Beautiful jeanettegold, ‘we need to come back to feeling, and then honouring our feelings as our true foundation for life’. I can feel the power in living like this as women.

  298. Shannon your blog is a great declaration. It reminds me of a situation I was in recently where I could not decide what was needed. Someone simply asked, ‘but what do you want here?’ and it stopped me in my tracks. I had gone on tangents trying to do something without first deeply checking in with myself, trying to fit myself into situations that I deeply knew were not right at this time.

    1. That’s a great sharing as I realised this I noticed how I was with work and just often do things instead of considering the quality in which I am doing them or even what I need in the situation to support myself. Because it is ‘work’ I see I just have to do it and there is no place for ‘what do I want’ but that’s not true. We can still make choices within this that will support what we want or like while still getting the job done.

      1. Agreed MW, I have learned the hard way that by not being myself at work leads to anxiety, nervous tension and boredom, and then out come the handful of nuts, or lunch at 10.30am to fill the gap. Staying true to me, not holding back and staying present with myself, to the best of my ability, makes all the difference and makes going to work a pure joy.

    2. Yes Anne, how often I have got caught up in the trap of pleasing others , and yet when I truly feel into what is needed, from my own body , it has always included the optimum out come for everyone.

  299. I’ve re-visited your blog today and it has made me acutely aware that for the past 2 weeks I have not been very self-loving. I have been busy house hunting and worrying about things that do not need to be concerned about and it has been devastating to my body. I am in a lot of pain and feeling quite disconnected. When I am connected to me and deeply loving and caring for myself everything flows and I am not worried for I have an innate knowingness to guide my choices. Without self-love I revert to very confused and physically uncomfortable places. So that’s it, I’ve strayed into the land of self-neglect far enough. Self-Love is re-instated! Thanks for the reminder Shannon.

    1. That’s great jeanettegold, isn’t it great how our bodies tell us the truth, yet how often do we choose to ignore them. Well done for claiming it and re-instating the Love before you got totally carried away in the momentum and those uncomfortable places became even more uncomfortable as your body starts to shout louder and louder!

      1. It is a God given gift that our bodies communicate so clearly to us, it is an incredibly strange and devastating fact that we are ALL not educated to honour this from day 1 arriving on Earth. In fact we are taught the opposite to the gross detriment of humanity.

  300. Oh so true, and something I only really learnt in the last year. Women run ragged with the pressure we put on ourselves to fulfil all our roles and by constantly putting others before ourselves. And you can’t blame others for what women are doing as we are doing it to ourselves.

    1. Great point Eleanor, as women we can’t complain that this is being done to us when we have stepped into this.

    2. This is true eleanorcooper79, we women are our worst enemy! We women have lost touch with who we are, so for me, having role models such as Natalie, Simone and Miranda Benhayon and Sara Williams and many others, is deeply appreciated as it has shown me that there is another way to be and live and we do not have to succumb to the ideals and beliefs that we have to do everything and be everything to everyone else. Does not the rise of women’s healthy problems, not to mention breast cancer tell us something about how we are living as women? I am in my 50’s and am only just realising the extent of how I have always put others first and abused my body in the process, making in hard and exhausted. But it is never too late whatever your age, to begin to nurture the woman within so the women of the world have the reflection of what a true women looks like and let them know it is OK to put ourselves first. It has been a struggle for me to nurture myself, being caught up in the momentum of my past choices, but the journey to true womanhood is so worth it as it is who I been all along, it’s just been hiding under layers of protection.

      1. I feel similar, Sandra, nurturing for me is something I am on the way to relearn. To relearn not to be there for all others firstly but firstly for myself, allowing the nurturing and allowing to establish my own rythm, allow a steadyness, the letting go of pressures and expectations is a nurturing process for me in itself.

    3. I agree eleanorcooper79, “you can’t blame others for what women are doing as we are doing it to ourselves”… that’s where responsibility comes in, to not follow others but to claim it for ourselves, put ourselves first, begin to cherish, honour and truly love ourselves and jump off the bandwagon of life and the roles that we play, and in the words of a song I heard recently… “come back to love”.
      In fact, come back to who we truly are, because we never really went anywhere, it was just our minds leading us a merry dance leaving our bodies in turmoil, not to mention our partners, children, friends and family. Re-turning to love was the best thing I have ever done, and I know in my heart that re-turning to love and living as a true woman is the way to go, even if it is BACK to who we truly are. We’ll get there.

    4. We are our own worst enemies, we treat ourselves with disregard, work our bodies like they are machines, plays as hard as men and wonder why the world is out of balance. If women chose ” to belong to themselves – first” the balance will return it’s that simple. It’s a responsibility we hold as women!

  301. I simply love re-reading this blog. It strips away all the embellishments of societal identification, leaving the woman reading this to totally stand in the glory of her essence. Thank you Shannon, This needs to be a poster on a wall!

  302. “The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference.”
    This is a profound truth that I have not fully claimed and that I feel is very confirming. Starting a relationship with this truth and slowly but gradually losing it is what happened to me. Without even noticing that I was doing it, putting the relationship before me. That destroyed it, as I wasn´t me anymore, I lost my fullness, I got lost in it. In my own self imposed expectations and ideals of how I should be, instead of me first. It seems unimportant or we want to make it unimportant, like it does not matter and we can get away with it, but actually, the order makes all the difference. Thanks for that huge tip.

  303. Shannon, I could read your article over and over again. every time when I open it I realize that I am perhaps still at the same point but with a deeper understanding of it.
    To realize on a deeper level the dependancies and attachements with my family and how I use them to distract myself is revealing to me how I have still pockets of resistannce to true love. In receiving more awareness supports me to choose differently. And your article Shannon is a great confirmation of this process. Thank you.

  304. Thank you for the reminder Shannon. The quality of relationship to ourselves always determines the quality of relationships to others – first we have to love ourself, and then we are able to love other people as well.

  305. There is so much fullness when we are us first, then bring that to whatever we do. I have made myself less thinking what I did was part of who I was. When I just feel me in whatever I do, I have so much more to offer.

  306. Thank you Shannon this is beautiful true and honouring of all women. It is a joy to read and remember who we are and the knowing we just have being us. Thank you for sharing this so simply and with such honesty and knowing.

  307. It has taken an organisation like Universal Medicine to turn life upside down and empower women to be all that they truly are and it is you Shannon who have further articulated in detail what this means on a day to day basis. I am a woman and I belong to myself first before any of the roles, which have up to this point defined many of our lives and how we live. Claiming this allows us to hold ourselves in our stillness and to be point of reflection in every role we are in rather than being absorbed into a role and being everything that others want us to be which feels so draining and unloving.

  308. Beautiful Shannon, thank you for your reminder. My whole life I have felt that it was very important to me, to be / become free in myself. Through reading your blog I feel, that this was, what you are writing about, deep down I felt this natural law that a woman belongs to herself but mixed it up with freedom, what is not the same. It is following a believe to think “I have to be free from…to….” and belonging to myself first means to be deeply connected.

  309. Shannon, the clarity and simplicity of your writings has made it a blog for me to read and re-read. To say the words “A women belongs to herself”, is such a powerful statement. I have spent a lifetime looking after other people first, and coming from a big family this was so easy to do. Easier to look after others then oneself. It has taken Universal Medicine to allow me to come to this realisation and then allow myself to feel this.

    1. Mary, thank you for sharing and adding to the blog. It was the same for me, I can’t say I would have ever arrived at the place within myself to say that I belong to myself, were it not for Universal Medicine and the precious, tenderness of Serge Benhayon who doesn’t stop with supporting people to evolve and to arise out of the shackles that have bound us. There are so many ways that we can put others before ourselves but not impossible at all to undo all of the threads.

  310. I have read this blog so many times, but this morning I felt for the first time that I truly belong to me first.

  311. Imagine, Truly Imagine if every little girl would be taught this innate Wisdom! How different, Sacred and Joyful would the world than be. I’ve sent it to my ex-partner and am actually thinking about how to take this into schools. What if this blog would be part of education? That every (!) Woman would be able to read this and write, sing, dance, poem, etc. around it.

    1. That is a great idea Floris. What truly inspires kids is to see the truth lived. When it is lived, they follow and there is no convincing needed because it confirms what they already know even though kids usually see adults (mothers, fathers, teachers etc) not claiming who they are.

  312. “A woman belongs to herself.” I love this Shannon. It is so true yet it is a truth we readily dismiss both as individual woman and society as a whole. To explore this idea and what this means for us on a personal level is a very power-full and healing exercise to do.

  313. This article is wonderful to re-read Shannon, particularly, ‘The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference.’ I can feel how even though i am aware that it is important to place myself first I still do not always do this, I often place my son and his needs first and myself second, I have been changing this lately, which feels very empowering.

  314. It is interesting Julie how in the seeking for equality that became popular for women in the 1960’s and which has really only gathered momentum that we have continued to head outwardly, look for ways to prove, to try, to complete, to win when the moment you take a step in that direction, it is a step away from you and your truth and you have already lost – lost you.

  315. ‘I belong to myself first.’ Wow, saying this to myself is extremely powerful and deeply freeing.
    As women have sought and championed equality how many of us can say we belong to ourselves or are our lives simply better than they were?
    This is not to take away from the fact that we now get to vote, or any of the other equal rights that women in some parts of the world now hold but it is to question are we still being played by the rules as laid down by the societies in which we live that allows some of us to go so far while others are slaves.
    ‘I belong to myself first.’ I will carry this into my day and beyond as a reminder that my relationship with myself supports all women, or not.
    Brilliant, thanks Shannon

  316. Shannon thank you for clearly distinguishing the difference between rules that are imposed upon us through ideals and beliefs, and roles we choose to take on, as opposed to a natural law which is absolute that we are indeed a woman first.
    When claimed this feels very empowering and power- full.

    1. lorettarapp I agree ‘when claimed this feels very empowering and power-full’ and it has been the most Glorious gift I have given myself and empowering to everyone I meet.

  317. And this old way of being is so deeply ingrained, that naturally the discomfort in saying ‘no’ to that will be there in the beginning, like learning anything new. To know that every individual, be it man or woman is not owned by anyone else but themselves is really the key to freedom. We make all our own choices, so what do we choose, and why do we choose it?

  318. The difference between rules and natural laws are beautifully expressed in this blog concerning women. We can feel the quality of a natural law, it comes without imposition or pressure, it just is…I do belong to myself, a woman, and when I claim this I offer a fullness and clarity that can support myself and other people in truth.

  319. A blog turning the world on its head. How few of us have considered that we belong to ourselves? And that our bodies belong to us too. Yet everything around us is saying they do not, they belong to an ideal to which we must shape them.
    That ‘I belong to me’ has been a process of slow reclamation in my life. I did not know how much I had given myself away until more recent times came to pass and I came to Esoteric Women’s health. Even now in my work and personal life, there are moments when I become aware how much I have allowed myself to be owned by something that is not me. How my life has changed with this growing understanding cannot be imagined, but it can be seen in my eyes and in the quality of my beautiful life.

  320. It is only when I claim myself as belonging to me first that I therefore have the lived clarity to not be in ownership over anyone else. It is a dedicated commitment to oneself for the true benefit of all equally.

  321. I shared this with my mother who lit up with absolute joy in the knowing that she does indeed belong to herself. This is such a confirming blog. Thank you Shannon.

  322. A great reminder thanks Sharon. In the business of life women often loose themselves I there many roles wife, mother, daughter, employee employer and the list goes on. It is so important to claim ourselves as women, individual beings, sacred precious delicate women.

  323. “A natural law to me is that I belong to myself.” Shannon the truth felt in your words enriches me and reminds me that belonging to self first is a fundamental way to be in the world. Just beautiful thank you.

  324. Shannon, I love how power-full and claimed your words are -“a woman belongs to herself first”. I feel the truth in what you have written despite society showing me it is otherwise.

  325. Reading this I can feel how I have always looked to “where do I fit in” or “how do I fit?”, willing to mould myself to please others and be part of a whole or group of some kind. I’ve spent so many years looking outside of myself to what it is to be woman, born from the displeasure, rejection and abuse I’ve first experienced by just being me. Living from that reaction of pain, questioning myself and trying to fit in just leads to more pain. It’s all from the assumption there must be something wrong with me. Coming back to our words and the feeling of belonging to myself feels very still and powerful. It’s the opposite of giving my power away to what the outer world dictates.

  326. What strong and powerful words that you have written Shannon. A beautiful reminder to me that the roles are not who we are, they do not define us. They are parts of our life, but the importance of always coming back to who we are, which is the precious, gorgeous divine woman.

  327. Hi Shannon, thank you for this reminder. Having claimed myself, I now realise that for most of my life I felt that there was no ‘me’. I was lost to the role, expectations and demands of others. If there was no ‘other’ making demands on me then I ceased to exist. Everything about me belonged to others outside of me and my life was full of resentment, I felt taken for granted. It is very powerful and empowering to realise that ‘I belong to myself’, that I am beautiful, loving and precious. I now live each day celebrating that and instead of resentment festering within, there is an expanding joy and harmony I live and share with others.

  328. I loved re-reading this Shannon, it is always so confirming to hear these words. I know that when i commit to myself first, I am in fact committing to all at a much deeper level than I possibly could have if I made my days about looking after everyone else first. A woman in her fullness is a blessing to the world.

  329. I reply appreciate the fact that Shannon knows and lives this, so that I and other woman can be inspired to also belong to ourselves first. I have played ball with the rules rather than what is natural for most of my life and I can feel it is time to start looking back inside for me, rather than outside for who I am. I would like to add one more thing I belong to. As a woman I belong to the universe, to nature, to the natural rhythms and cycles of life. This is the truth of who I am.

  330. Thank you for you standing up as a woman belonging to yourself Shannon Everest. And as mentioned in your blog, people around you will not directly agree with that because you will expose to them that in a way they are claiming you as part of there belonging. With you stepping out of that arrangement results in disturbing of the equilibrium you was in with them. I can feel that when everybody will start to claim themselves as belonging to themselves only, how this will free each of us from the imprisonment we are held in by the arrangements we have everywhere around.

    1. Beautifully written Nico, thanks for sharing. When a woman does not belong to herself she must be part of an arrangement, which will always make her lesser than the true woman she actually is. When a woman belongs to herself she is beginning her relationship with herself and the world from a true foundation.

  331. When I read “A woman belongs to herself” I know in my heart this is true yet I still have not fully embraced this truth. Those old ideals and beliefs are so strongly held in our society and it requires a consistent effort to break free. A beautiful reminder thank you Shannon.

    1. I can relate to what you share here Tamara because although I know this to be true and put pen to paper to record how I felt on this subject, and was living this truth at that time – I have not always consistently lived this as my truth since then. I always remains in the background even when I have chosen to accept for a short time other ideas but I can always feel when I do this that I am selling myself short from the deeper truths I know.

  332. This is beautiful Shannon. Imagine if every little girl was taught this in school. How differently she would feel about herself. Perhaps a feeling of assuredness that she can trust herself and her inner knowing. There would be no trying, no striving, no pleasing of others at the expense of herself, no giving herself away. I can certainly feel how different I would have felt about me and how it would have absolutely affected and altered the choices that I have made in my life and I’m sure most other women would say the same.

    1. Deborah, imagine if every young girl and boy saw their mother living this way? That would be far more powerful than something taught at school. The power of us as women, living and walking the truth we know is the most powerful inspiration there is.

  333. Yes, we do belong to ourselves first and as such it makes a world of difference when we put ourselves first in our lives. Then we take care of all our own needs and so we do not then need to look to another (man) to fufill anything, which leaves so much space for true relationships to develop and blossom.

    1. And imagine the enormous pressure and imposition this takes away from the man in the relationship who is just as sensitive and precious as the women we are. As you say, being responsible for ourselves first creates a place for a true relationship to begin.

    2. Yes, jacqmcfadden04, that is so true. The reason it is important to put our own needs first is because if we don’t, we cannot truly meet the other since we would be too busy expecting them to fulfill our needs.

  334. When I look at the ‘roles’ I play I realise why I feel so exhausted or exasperated at times. As this blog moved from being a partner, mother, work colleague and all the other ‘hats’ we wear each day, I could feel the ties that were there in my own life. These roles and living up to these roles is a choice I made to be ‘good’ but there was no joy in the good I chose for myself.

    Over the past few years I have felt a sense of not wanting to be ‘owned’ because I didn’t like the feeling of being driven by another or owned by another. I thought it was just some sort of wild-streak, but from your blog I realise it was my body saying “A woman belongs to herself”. How gorgeous and how beautiful are those words, words I want to keep hearing, keep wanting to say and so I will take them with me for my day.

    Thank you Shannon for sharing this with us all. Your delicateness and strength shines through what you have expressed.

  335. Shannon, I truly and deeply was touched by your blog and the truth that ‘A woman belongs to herself’. I needed to read this, it was timely.

  336. Shannon you have so claimed the words that in society are still considered selfish to share- “belonging to yourself”. How much more can we be in our relationships with others when we choose to be more for ourselves? The amazing mother, parent, daughter and partner.

    1. There is a science behind why this is true that ‘we belong to ourselves’ that is far from selfish but about the complete responsibility we can take for our choices and how we live, which truly serves everyone.

  337. Gorgeous and very true and very healing for us all to read that, ‘I belong to myself’, we get so identified and caught up with the roles we play, jobs we do and family’s we are in. In this identification we are actually not serving those around us, and teaching our children and friends that this is normal. But what if it’s actually natural and of great service to others that by honouring who we are and expressing that in full with others it is the greatest service we can offer humanity.

    1. Very true Thomas, It is almost like the roles end up creating a barrier around us that doesn’t let people get close to the real you, the essence inside.

  338. This is Beautiful written Shannon. I can feel that I’m still on my way to truly accept that my life – as a men – firstly belongs to me. And that no control, competition or hardness is needed for that. I understand with my head very well and do in full agree, but embodying that is a process that unfolds slowly. Allthough, the way that I take care of myself now, is to a great extend based on my own choices. Which feels amazing!

  339. Thank you Shannon for reminding us of our True Worth as Women simply and clearly. In society it has become acceptable to allow ownership of another be that with our partners, children, family members, pets, colleagues or friends which is dishonouring to another and seeks to diminish a person’s true worth and objectify another. With such dishonour to another and to ourselves the status quo, it is such an enormous blessing which i deeply appreciate to have the wisdom and teachings of Esoteric Women’s Health available to us all and with us every step on our return to know ourselves and to reclaim our True worth as Women.

    1. Yes Deborah through our own lack of self worth, as man or woman, we then overcompensate for the feeling of lack or emptiness within by wanting to ‘own’ another. This is something that cannot truly be done but it can be imposed onto us but for us to be responsible in communicating what is true.

  340. This is an inspiring and truthful Blog Shannon. I absolutely know that we as Women belong to ourselves only and therefore we are the ones responsible for the way we are in the World. Making loving decisions for ourselves first, then supports us to be Love in the World.

    1. That is so true Roslyn, I love this comment: ‘we are the ones responsible for the way we are in the world’. Because we most definitely are.

  341. In reading this loving blog, I can feel how I had bought into not belonging to myself first. This week I made a choice to say NO, to lovingly choose me, the stop and the stillness that followed was divine. I can feel how I have always put others first, even though I was making more loving choices for me, I still had myself down the list. I can feel how reading this has bought me to a stop. I could feel the breaks being put on. coming to a gentle stop. Thanks Shannon for the loving reflection that you give me.

    1. It is always beautiful to be reminded to take that stop before we gather so much momentum that we leave ourselves so far behind it then becomes harder to bring ourselves back to ourselves.

  342. Shannon, what you have expressed here is deeply true and healing and needs to be embodied by every woman.

  343. Shannon this is a beautiful piece of writing that expresses and confirms the truth and fact that we belong to ourselves first. We bring all of who we are when we know this natural law and live it. We truly do belong to ourselves first.

    1. The flow in Shannon’s blog is filled with warmth, tenderness and Love. I too, love the beautiful comment ‘ that a woman belongs to herself first’. The perfect response Jade, I totally agree.

  344. I love reading this, thank you Shannon. It’s deeply beautiful and empowering without an ounce of selfishness.

    1. One of the biggest illusions strangle-holding women, men too actually, is that we are selfish if we put ourselves first. In truth, it is the opposite, for how are we to be of consistent service to others if we neglect to cherish, love and care for ourselves.

      1. …”for how are we to be of consistent service to others if we neglect to cherish, love and care for ourselves”, so true jeanettegold. It is almost as if we have to give ourselves permission to love and care for ourselves first as we are to used to putting others before ourselves. An example of this is the rise in breast cancer, surely this must signal to the world that there must be something wrong with the way we are living as women for such a disease to be so prevalent.

      2. What you have expressed Jeanette about being selfish is so true. How can we have got it so wrong and at the same time think we have it so right. An upside down learning for me to put things into the selfish perspective, to love and care for myself first and then others.

      3. Exactly Sandra, we really need to look at how women are living that contributes to the rise of breast cancer – bring back ‘selfishness’!

      4. Spot on Jeannette this is fundamental and it should be taught at every primary school as a basic teaching every child needs to know. I never used to do this and once I started and yes that belief came up strong, but once over that hurdle I could feel the immediate affect it had on my being and also everyone one around me. Self-Love is not selfish at all it is building a quality that humanity has long forgotten is possible and needed. It is the stepping stone to One Unified Truth.

      5. I was brought up in a culture that put others first, if we ever put ourself first we where considered to be selfish. I would see how everyone around me would suffer for not taking care of themselves first, but taking care of others at the expense of themselves. It took a commitment for me to break that pattern in my life and to honour myself first,, having done that I have now been able to share with my family the importance of loving and caring for ourselves first.

    2. Absolutely Fiona, I totally agree. A deeply beautiful and empowering piece, without an ounce of selfishness. Thank-you for sharing this Shannon.

      1. An entire culture based on putting yourself second to others, wow Amita, you deserve a major pat on the back for freeing yourself from that. I really appreciate how strong you must have been, and imagine that deeply knowing the unequivocal truth that Esoteric Women’s Health and Universal Medicine present about self-love being key to our evolution and the liberation from our struggles kept you steadfast. And look at the incredible results for you and your family. Amazing.

    3. I totally agree Fiona, I loved the way Shannon claimed herself back simply and clearly as the woman she is for herself first and not all the roles that we often get pulled into playing out as women.Your point is super supportive – that she is not being selfish here, it is the opposite, as when you are caring for yourself first then you are more vital and well in yourself to then care for others. For me it comes back to the analogy of being a cup half full or full.

    4. It is a very important acknowledgement to make that there is no selfishness in the purity of claiming yourself as belonging to yourself first and foremost.

  345. Women play many roles within life. Many women have allowed themselves to be defined by these roles because the women they learnt from were also defined by their roles but in truth, a woman can execute the function of these roles exceptionally, not by giving herself over to the role but BRINGING herself to the role.

    Well said Shannon, a woman belongs to herself – she can bring herself to all she does but she never needs to be owned by the things she does.

    1. Kate, I agree with you that many women have allowed themselves to be defined by the roles they take on believing that this is the way their mother taught them or the way society expects them to be in that role. Rarely, if ever, does a woman bring herself to the role, first and foremost, before taking on the other parts of the role. It is a lot like putting layers and layers of extra covering over her real self and this can be hard to reclaim. I know, I have spent the last 10 years discarding these layers to find the true woman that I was born to be — the one that is gentle, tender, loving, vulnerable and above all self loving and self nurturing. Learning to bring myself to all I do and claiming that I will never again, need to be owned by any role I take on.

      1. So true Ruth, we look outside for inspiration instead of looking within and asking our own bodies (that have to endure living through the ideals and beliefs) if it actually feels true or not to follow in the footsteps of our mothers, grandmothers, sisters.

      2. Ruth, very powerful what you share here; never to be owned by any role we take on. This is so worth it.

    2. I love this! It’s such subtle twist on how we currently view ourselves and the world but it makes the most enormous and profound difference to our entire well-being and what we bring to the world and others.

  346. I am a woman, I am sacred and precious. In obeying all the rules society gave me I lose these feelings and the stillness is gone. Yes, I belong to myself first, this gives me the space to stay connected to myself.

  347. Thank you Shannon – the reminder is hear loud and so very clear – ‘the truth that a woman belongs to herself first’.

  348. It is so empowering to read this again and a reminder that I am more than the roles I do in life. Only I can claim myself as a woman and then all those roles become only what I do but not who I am.

  349. It does make perfect sense that if we are to truly serve another, then that place that we are coming from in order to do that, be from a loving inner foundation that serves itself and all of its need first, so that way, what is shared is a whole package of love and not just token half-hearted gestures. We all deserve love in full.

  350. It was time for me to revisit this blog again – and with each reading I grasp what is there for me to feel and heal from. Your words “The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference.” stood out for me as this is what is making the difference in how I handle my job, home and relationships. Putting myself centre stage is key.

  351. As I read your words Shannon I felt each role dropping off my shoulders and a sense of the strength and power of who I am when I don’t take these on. I can let go of a role but then quietly pick it up again when I need to feel comfort in my life. I feel to return often to read your blog as a beautiful reminder that the roles we take on do not offer anything other than stagnation – that is, a way give ourselves some kind of purpose in life when true purpose is simply about being exactly who we are without these roles weighing us down.

  352. This is so beautiful Shannon and I feel your words deeply ringing true to me and all my situations in life. How often I have felt that I was owned by my job or my partner or my family but it was I who was surcumbing to being owned. Always. Yes these were times where I had to do certain things but never did I ever have to sell out to being owned yet I had these feelings all through my growth years as well as still having them today. This is not the way and this is not honouring of who the women is innately and deeply so.

  353. I can feel how ideals and beliefs about relationships lay at the foundation of not belonging to myself first. It is amazing to feel how I have been owned by these and how they have been an automatic trigger in giving myself away, contracting or holding back in so many varieties. In letting them go I can feel there is a solidness in staying with myself and in doing so the word belonging, whether it is to others or myself, no longer is appropriate.

  354. It’s true that there is a way in society where women belong to all of the relationships they have – before belonging to ourselves – that is that everything and everyone else always come first. Reading this article I began to feel that we are the one’s who have the power to change this, and in fact the fact that as women we are the one playing into such games, of putting everyone first before ourselves. So the truth is we are the one’s who are responsible for life getting this way, and in-turn we are the one’s responsible to change it. There’s no blame on others for being this way with us, and there’s no expectation of another to fix it. This is totally empowering.

    1. We are the ones to change the games we have been playing, like putting other people first, ‘So the truth is we are the one’s who are responsible for life getting this way, and in-turn we are the one’s responsible to change it.’ This can apply to so many aspects of our life and is such an empowering way of being with ourselves.

      1. This is so true – a women’s ability to bring equality and power is available in every part of her life. Not from fight or a demand for justice but from our sacredness and grace and the power of surrender and fragility.

  355. ‘She has a mother and father herself, and even though these parents conceived her, gave birth to her and raised her from young, she never, ever belonged to them, but always to herself.’
    I feel if a lot more people considered this to be possible there might be much more harmony and joy in parent child relationships.

  356. The deep claiming of yourself with this truth is palpable Shannon. You are a living example and inspiration for women to bring awareness and then permission to claim they too belong to themselves first and foremost and not the roles, ideals and beliefs that society leads us to believe. I love how you share this can cause calamity in others – it does but once this awareness is lived, that is okay to observe.

  357. Shannon such power and truth I love it. “The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know myself.” It just makes me see how I also placed others needs and belonging before my own which just throws out the natural law. This is brilliant thank you.

  358. I love this article – we are not owned by anyone and belong to ourselves first and foremost. Great blog thank you for sharing

  359. Beautiful reminder Sharon, Even though I also know this truth, I do not always live and remember this. Some roles are so ingrained that sometimes I am not even aware how I live up to the rules instead of just being the woman first. Having it written down so clearly is very supporting and makes me look where I am living according to the rules or to the natural law that I belong to myself.

  360. In belonging to ourselves first, we are choosing to belong to God, to the sacredness within and how that can be lived. Every person can benefit greatly from re-reading this bog frequently as it is such a foundational truth about the meaning and purpose of life and how we can live with grace and acceptance that life as it is does not offer truth and it is up to us to live it and bring it into life.

  361. I find that it is an every day learning to find out more and more of how I have moulded myself to fit the overt and covert ‘rules’ that I have allowed myself to absorb. The depths of these patterns, which have been driving my thoughts, behaviours and words, is huge. The more I work on catching these patterns, the more that is being revealed to me and the louder my body can be heard.

  362. The rules that have been created have been so limiting to women and have held many of us back. But as we now claim the truth, that a women belongs to herself and no one else, it allows us to be the true women we are from within and emanate that beautiful power. Allowing us to share the true beauty with humanity.

  363. This is really beautiful Shannon.
    There is something so powerful and so very beautiful about a woman who is claimed as belonging to herself. It’s as if she holds the world in the depth of her sacredness and all of us are set free to be ourselves by it.

    1. I agree, a woman who is claimed in themselves before their roles in life also will find it easier to balance the roles and themselves as they know themselves inside out and can decide when what they are doing is too pressuring or if they can be doing and supporting more than they currently are.

  364. Beautifully expressed Shannon, Now this is a very powerful claiming of what it means to be a woman!

  365. Wow Shannon – this is beautiful. As I read this blog I could feel how much I have given in to the idea that I belong to others. It was actually quite shocking. Thank you for reminding me that I belong to myself.

  366. Re-reading your great post Shannon, it’s brought up the word ‘ownership’, in that when we seek to own, we end up becoming owned by the very same thing, and so, the question is: what exactly do we seek to own? For we must be care-full. By belonging to ourselves as your post nails, we own ourselves – to be owned by us. And never another.

  367. Already through reading the first lines of your blog, I felt the self-empowering, width, depth, and absolute strength of what you are writing here. A beautiful combination of delicateness and strength that emanates through my body, feeling this truth. Thank you Shannon for this sharing, clarification and reminder…

  368. Shannon your article rings like a bell and resonates deep within me. Living the glorious truth that you present has at times been challenging because I’ve had to rebuild a relationship with myself after fitting in with the rules for so long. My life and relationships are the richer for me being myself first.

  369. Shannon, your words:” The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference”. I can’t read this often enough. Thank you for the reminder.

  370. As I read this I realised how its so ingrained in us as women to put everyone’s needs before our own and then when all of that is done we can consider how we feel or what we need. What Universal Medicine has presented totally turns this on its head- to teach that we can be honouring of ourselves first and from here there is a quality that we can bring to all else we do.

  371. Shannon what you have shared with us has been a constant confirming in so many ways and that I have always known that we can never be ‘owned’ as we belong to ourselves and from this we can only truly share with others from the fullness of who we are.

  372. Beautiful Shannon, simple and true. The knowing of this and living me first and that that is all I am and need to be shifts all of the demands and roles and any overwhelm that comes with these old beliefs. Thank for sharing.

  373. The empowerment and claiming of being the Woman that were are naturally designed to be is so Powerful, Sacred and Fundamental, to our own personal development and all those we are around. Having this relationship with ourselves means that these relationships are then possible with everyone else we are in connection with. This is super powerful.

  374. This blog is so deeply honouring of women, and every woman’s grace and strength. When I read it I get a huge sense that as women we are already equipped with everything we could ever need, and no matter how much the world pulls us in every other direction it is possible to remain steady, graceful and strong.

  375. Thank you for this beautiful Blog. It is such an important and clear message, no one belongs to anyone except themselves, the joy of truly being with me without any need to belong is so great, its crazy that I am still choosing to loose it some times..

    1. Yes I agree Benkt it is crazy that we still slip into loosing this knowing that we belong to ourselves first and foremost. It is great to have it spelt out so clearly to remind us.

  376. A women belongs to herself – this is so true and real and so changed with all the ideals and beliefs we grow up with ,take on and silently obey or rebel from.This blog is powerful and inspirational coming from clarity and true love. It feels very claiming and beautiful to read and brings a knowing ,honouring, treasuring and joy. Thank you for sharing this Shannon.

  377. You have written this with a stunning clarity Shannon, it is clearly something you are living to write with such authority. Yes, the rules, expectations, ideals, beliefs that come from the many relationships we have are often unspoken but strongly pull us away from holding our power. As I claim my power as a woman, these are all showing themselves to me and I am watching them lose their grip on me. I feel more joy in my body than I have for a very long time!

  378. I love the power and beauty within this blog. A woman belongs to herself. When I live that, I am that power and beauty. It has taken a lot of time and a lot of upending to come to experience this power and beauty and it is still a work in progress in me. Everything I ever learned from a very early age was the exact opposite.

  379. The simplicity of “belonging to myself” sounds appealing, as I continue to work on no longer ‘needing’ anything from anyone.
    This means I can reflect this freedom to others, who then have the opportunity to ‘catch ‘ this lack of need and choose to love themselves first.

  380. This is a beautiful text that I like to share with the women I know, because is a healthy reminder to return to the core and recover the space and freedom of being who we really are.

  381. I loved rereading your blog Shannon! I love the strength in what you are sharing, because it asks women to claim themselves. What an amazing power is emanating, when a woman is just for herself- focussed on herself and after that to others or the outside.

  382. Knowing myself first as a woman then as a worker, then as a daughter, then as a sister, then as a cousin or a friend is something that I have long forgotten but am finding my way back to with the teachings from universal medicine. I truly am beginning to know myself as the woman first and it is very deeply besutiful.

  383. No matter how many times I read this Shannon, each time I feel the truth in your words on a whole other level. The greatest of joys does come in me knowing and living the power and grace of being a woman.

  384. This is so confirming of the power and the grace that we are. Knowing that I do not belong to anyone outside of me, allows me to simply be, feel and appreciate who I am, and then I can approach what is required in life in that fullness without losing myself in the task. Very lovely article.

    1. Very timely that I read this post today Shannon and you comment Golnaz you have bought me back to ‘ approach what is required in life in that fullness without loosing myself in the task’.

    2. To belong to ourselves first is our foundation. Having this as our base gives us the power and clarity to live life. Shannon what you have expressed is with such power and clarity. Reflecting to us all that we can choose the same.

  385. This is a beautiful blog. It gives such a space to feel that we naturally belong to ourselves and not to all the people (or pets) around us.

  386. We women definetly need to “stand up and claim this natural law, and truth – that I am a woman and I belong to myself”, this is very empowering for women. I know I feel this in my body and it has empowered me to speak the truth.

  387. I love coming back to your blog Shannon it is such a lovely reminder that we belong to ourselves first, and to deeply honour this. It makes sense that it is a natural law, a law that is not constricting or suffocated by, it feels expansive and inclusive, a law that belongs to the universe and not to any institution or belief.

  388. It’s amazing to feel the absolute simplicity of the natural law you are reminding us of Shannon. When we are reacting to an imposed rule, we lose ourselves and have to adjust to what is required. I often used to pride myself on being a chameleon – that I could adapt to any situation and fit in to the roles being asked of me. That as women we belong to ourselves first is is work in progress for me and joyful work at that. The main stumbling block for me is the reactions from others, the reasons for which you have expressed so beautifully here, “that I am a woman and I belong to myself, creates calamity in others, because of all the roles we are so used to playing; all the needs we need met; the spaces that need filling…”. How much more honouring it is to step out of these imposed rules and allow everyone to feel exactly what is going on and where they are at instead of trying to fill whatever gap there is with ourselves and putting ourselves last in the process.

    1. Great reflections. The spaces that need filling are the parts we do not claim and take responsibility for. Imagine the spaces that need filling in all of the people walking around the planet, carrying the sadness of not being met and connected to and always looking out to be met by another, before stopping to come back and meet ourselves. It is so much more empowering to do the work in meeting ourselves than to sit and wait in hope that someone will one day meet us.

      1. This is so true and so vital for our welfare that we focus on how we feel within, first and foremost. I wish i had of grown up knowing that feeling good didn’t have to rely on other people doing what i needed or wanted them to do. its so much more fun to now be growing up truly as an adult, by learning to meet myself as described by Shannon beautifully.

      2. This is so true Shannon. Our true power as a woman comes from meeting ourselves first. I have met many fully claimed woman, and their power and beauty is tangible. Their reflection shows me that I am this myself too, just waiting to be claimed more and more, and through Esoteric Women’s Health, Women in Livingness Groups and the Sacred Movement I have found an amazing support.So yes, it is only through meeting ourselves that true love can be found without the need for something on the outside to do it for us.

  389. I love this article.. I can relate to at times feeling like I am owned by someone or something because their opinion of me matters so much. I am working on more and more becoming my own person and my own woman and living this way.

    1. I love how when I am full or me and not needing anything from anyone else that I am free to bring more or me to all my relationships and all I do.

    2. That’s so true Ariel, when I am invested in a role or relationship to get approval, recognition or acceptance I am in a way owned by what I want from that person or my need.

  390. ‘She has a mother and father herself, and even though these parents conceived her, gave birth to her and raised her from young, she never, ever belonged to them, but always to herself.’
    Shannon this article is such an expression of truth. When we claim oursleves as women we also naturally understand that our children have never been ours also.
    Nor do we have the need to possess or own them. It goes both ways. Each person on this planet belongs to themselves and we are ALL always connected.

  391. Your expression,Shannon, ‘I am a woman and I belong to myself ‘, brings lots of joy into my body and I get a feeling of – aha – as such it feels when truly claiming this truth within myself.

  392. I agree Shannon, when we change the “rules” it does come as a set back or shock to those around us.
    In my experience, overcoming the fear of a “calamity” presents a perfect opportunity to express from this “intrinsic, innate truth” from within. When I do, it clearly deepens their respect for me.

    1. I can relate to this Wendy and in some cases they can feel disappointment if the moment that occurs is not all that it could have been.

    2. Changing the rules as you say, is such a healing and a gift. Once the other person realises that they have been given the opportunity to stand more solidly on their own two feet and in their truth instead of hiding in the comfort of the relationship.

  393. Yes indeed Shannon, it is a natural law that a woman belongs to herself. Thank you for expressing so beautifully what is so natural within us yet most have forgotten.

  394. Shannon it was so beautiful to be reminded of this today. Thank you for sharing it with so much simplicity and grace.

  395. I love and feel the truth in you words “A natural law to me is that I belong to myself.”
    That to me has become an absolute and one I feel needs writing in the sky. Maybe it already is and we have omitted to be aware of it because we’ve been following the rule…
    “A rule would be that I belong to all of the relationships I have – before belonging to myself first.”

    Let’s all claim the natural law we are all a part of….

  396. I wish to stand with you and “… claim this natural law, and truth – that I am a woman and I belong to myself…” For many years I controlled and contained myself to fit in with what is ‘expected’ of me or being scared of rejection and also so it wasn’t perceived that I was getting ‘to big for my boots’ these choices felt suffocating to me…I am learning to belong to me first and express from this place, it is powerful, sacred and empowering.

  397. Thank you Shannon for this powerful little blog that says so much. Sometimes it is easy to forget that a woman belongs to herself and not to the ideals and beliefs of society.

  398. Shannon this is absolutely empowering and so true. Thats what I chose to fully claim again. Thank You for expressing it so clearly and dearly. With love Nadine

  399. Shannon I Love this blog and re-reading it is such a joy to feel the power that it holds. That we are indeed a Woman that belongs to herself. I have like yourself been letting go of all these ‘Rules’ and given myself permission to be myself first – Life Changing. As the saying goes rules are made to be broken as they are impositions on us not of us.

  400. Just to feel the depth and wisdom of a women is something incredible. How crazy is it that as women, or men for that fact, can walk around pretending that we aren’t that.

  401. I love how you’ve described the difference between a natural law and a rule and just how significant that is. The world desperately needs women to start caring for themselves first before tending to another.

  402. That is true Shirley-Ann I am observing wether I change the way I be with certain people. I am wanting to treat all people the same and not favour some over others. I am learning to be the same loving self to all equally.

  403. Thank you Shannon for clarifying the difference between rules and natural law;
    the natural law that just is. A very timely read as I am dis-covering all what is between rules and what is natural to me in relationships

  404. There is so much spaciousness in claiming that I belong to myself as you describe Shannon, that I naturally want to share myself with others in different roles but what I do is no longer who I am.

  405. The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference. It is life changing when we become aware of our old habit to take care of everyone first and then make the shift to taking care of our own needs first, it is like taking a magic pill – everything changes.

  406. reading your blog again i was struck by your comment on the rules of relationships. I am more and more uncovering all the ideals, beliefs and pictures i hold about what a relationship should like wether it be with a friend, family or a partner. I am astounded by how much little and large ideals have snuck in over the years and how we hold each other ransom by these ‘rules of engagement’

  407. Thank you Shannon, empowering us all to not be defined and especially confined by rules of belonging to people. But rather be free in our expression “she…belonged…to herself.”

  408. Absolutely well said & claimed. The point that very much struck me was: ”And often, to stand up and claim this natural law, and truth – that I am a woman and I belong to myself, creates calamity in others, because of all the roles we are so used to playing; all the needs we need met; the spaces that need filling…”
    This I know and have felt deeply in life. Always looking around me to fill those empty spaces that I was feeling. I was therefore playing a role(game) , an illusion I was holding on to in order to fit my needs. This created a way & behavior that was defined as me, which I actually in truth did not match my true inner-self. I have stopped to desperately look outside of myself. I have stopped the journey to look everywhere but within myself. I have began a new one, one that is no longer seeking for filling, but my way of who I am – which does not need to be filled. As that space that was once empty – is now whole again because I have filled the spot:)

    1. So beautiful, Danna, that “that space that was once empty – is now whole again because I have filled the spot:).” Absolutely gorgeous.

  409. I’ve experienced that claiming me first can cause inconveniences on the outside. Like people are irritated of me not being “nice” to comfort them or women who do not claim themselves first might call it arrogant. But the pain of contracting myself, making compromises for others, is even worse. And I’ve experienced that it is not only hurting me, it is not helping anyone at all. Claiming me, that I belong to myself first, gives the opportunity to bring true reflection coming from my connection to me.

    Many words for a simple and very powerful statement: A woman belongs to herself. Thank you Shannon!

  410. ‘ A woman belongs to herself ‘ I can now feel the power in that claim.

  411. This is so beautiful to read again and really appreciate all it offers and the honouring of oneself deeply and firstly and hence that of everyone else as a result.thank you very inspiring.

  412. Shannon, wow, such a truth, and indeed a natural law, we belong to ourselves above all else, before all else and the truth if we don’t live that we are not being true in the world. All those claims of ownership from out there, if we subscribe to them, we effectively live as less and allow others to live less. We have to live us, from the inside out, not the other way around, something I learn more of each and every day.

  413. I loved reading this post Shannon, it should be something that every woman and man should read as it really can apply to anyone and everyone – just beautiful and so confirming as well.

  414. I have also come to understand, accept and embody your statement – “The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know myself.” The more I live this the more harmonious my life is unfolding. Awesome blog, thank you Shannon.

  415. Shannon, I could feel the power in your expression as I read your story. To state that a woman belongs to herself first feels like an ancient truth from thousands of years ago, one we have long forgotten and in the process lost ourselves in the roles we identify with. Thank you for sharing this, it feels so true.

  416. What a gorgeous opening sentence “A woman belongs to herself”. This ought to be taught to women and men alike from an early age.

    1. Yes, these are very beautiful and strong words. When I am not belonging to myself first and foremost everyone else gets less of me.

    2. Yes I agree Elizabeth imagine if we were taught this when we were kids. What a different place the world would be. I know for a long time I thought I was my parent’s daughter, then my husband’s wife, then my kid’s mother and the list goes on until I realised that I was simply me.

  417. Shannon, this is a beautiful blog to read. It reminds me that to not belong to any role does not need to be shouted from the rooftops but to quietly bring our sense of self to everything and everyone – this is soon felt by all and we have not lost ourselves in our day.

  418. Such truth in these words, Shannon: ” that I am a woman and I belong to myself, creates calamity in others, because of all the roles we are so used to playing; all the needs we need met; the spaces that need filling…”

    But how wise is the true woman who can claim that she belongs to herself first in spite of these external agendas. Thank you for the reminder, Shannon.

  419. Thank you Shannon for this fundamental truth expressed in such authority and celebration of you as a woman – it is a reference article to read and reread. I also know the truth of the natural law that I am a woman for myself first and some of my expressions as that woman are partner, daughter, sister, friend etc. This beautiful blog helps us to free ourselves from our needs to be a certain way for others and for us to need others to be a certain way for us. This frees us to be ourselves and all others in our lives to be freely themselves too. Imagine if we all lived this way – the way we lived with ourselves and with others would be simple, loving and easy – what a joy !!!

  420. ‘And often, to stand up and claim this natural law, and truth – that I am a woman and I belong to myself, creates calamity in others, because of all the roles we are so used to playing; all the needs we need met; the spaces that need filling…’
    And now as so many more Women are standing up and saying ‘I belong to me’ and this is breaking the cycle of role playing and attachment.
    I am first a Woman and from there my expression flows. 🙂

  421. A Beautiful reminder, Shannon. As I ponder what is written here, I realise that until the the presentations of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, never have I felt that I belong to myself first, that it is my right to choose me first and say ‘No’ to the demands made from outside of me, that I am truly precious, tender and amazing. Thank you again for the reminder

  422. Thanks Shannon, for a lovely reminder to myself to pause and consider who/where I may have been trying to please others lately instead of deeply honouring myself first and foremost.

    1. Yes, i agree this would be good to be shared as a course in schools – I know I belong to myself and I am my closest friend, my greatest ally, my best support and lover and .. sometimes I can be so mean to me! When I am never deliberately mean to my other friends!

  423. We do indeed, belong to ourselves first and foremost as you have so beautifully shared Shannon, and it is our greatest gift to ourselves when we choose to not make any situation or thing bigger than us and instead, be guided by and trust in our own innate, gorgeous wisdom.

  424. “A woman belongs to herself.” This is so true Shannon, but not what society accepts as ‘normal’ because we all play out different roles until we come to this realisation. Thankyou for a great blog.

    1. It is true Sue that it is not ‘the norm’ but that is only because of how we live as a society with such disconnection, most often in the mind rather than feeling from the truth and tenderness of our bodies. From your body and connection you walk your own normal.

  425. Thank you Shannon, I for one need to be reminded that I’m more than the roles I played. At times it seems I was a puppet being manipulated into the perfect wife, caring mother, silent sister-in-law, dedicated worker….. Universal Medicine and blogs like yours, are helping me reclaim myself and recognising rules for what they are, shackles.

  426. “Rules are often expressions that to me occur without words, but rather in a silent body language that can be actually very loud!” ~ this is so true Shannon. I find that by letting go of the roles that I play allows others to do the same.

  427. Reminding me that I always belong to myself first and foremost is a great start to my day, thank you Shannon. This isn’t keeping me to myself, but loving me first, I can go into the world in Love.

  428. I can feel a fullness in what you’ve written Shannon. If we belong to ourselves first and are always living from a place that feels true to us, then our capacity to love and support others is endless. Whereas if we take on roles first, we can easily go into overwhelm at what appears to be more demands and pressure to be something that we are not.

    1. Well said Sandra, in fact if we find ourselves in overwhelm it is indicative that we have not been living from the fullness of who we are as women – and this simply becomes an opportunity to go deeper and make more honouring choices for ourselves

  429. So Beautiful and honouring to read thank you Shannon .We do indeed belong to ourselves first and this is a great reminder so beautifully shared. As i grow in appeciation of myself as a women is stillness so too can I feel and connect to at a deeper level other women as this also. This allows a deep understanding and confirmation of all women.

  430. I am beginning to feel how much I have subscribed to the roles in my life and in fact get comfort and recognition from these roles so there is a pull to hold onto them. To fully claim me as a woman requires so much self love and honoring of the gorgeous woman I am but this is the journey I am choosing!

    1. Anne great comment, I too have subscribed to roles and sought recognition from this. Very true for me and something I am working on to claim me first rather than identifying who I am in what I perceive others want from me.

      1. This is huge and I can very much relate here, amazing really to think that we would ever walk away from our innate natural way as a women and become an fake shadow of this, but the reality is it have become the ‘norm’ to do this and to live like this.

  431. Every time I read this blog it reveals how I see myself as a woman. It is beautiful that I can feel myself growing into this knowing that I belong to myself first. This does not mean I am holding myself to myself and would not share my beauty and love with others but it starts with feeling I am amazing and belong to myself as a woman. Indeed it is a natural law.

    1. Lieke I can feel the genuineness of your comment and the statement of honouring yourself first so you can share it with others as a natural law really seems powerful – a law of love that is universal – that love can only come from love that is truly claimed.

  432. This is a piece of literature that should be studied in the school curriculum.

    Does anyone know any schools that would take this on! Our young women really deserve to read and study this.

    1. What is presented here Shannon is everyone young woman’s birthright … it is a crime for our young girls (and boys) to not be encouraged and supported to live in this way.

  433. Beautiful to read ! It brings you back inside to read your article!
    From this love-connection with myself first, I can – with a deep loving foundation- go out and meet others. This is true inspiration..

  434. I like what you say about ‘natural law’ and ‘rules’. Rules come always from something outside of us we try to fit in to or rebel against. Natural law just is, nothing needs to be done or said about it, but is felt by all.

  435. So deeply beautiful to read this blog again, makes me realize how much I have been putting others first in my life, always focused and busy with them and not myself. It just shows how everything comes back to the relationship we have with ourselves, always connecting back to that.

    1. I can really relate to this Mariette and bringing that focus back to me and how I am with everything and everyone has been really important to understand and act on. A great step to really changing my life.

  436. Shannon, this is so beautiful. I so loved the lines…….”A rule would be that I belong to all of the relationships I have – before belonging to myself first.
    The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference.” I have so lived this for most of my life, living by the rule, of putting all relationships before myself. The need to feel loved, the need to enjoin in groups, even when i didn’t feel right, the need to be with a man, just so i was ‘in a relationship’ and not putting myself first in any of these examples. We do belong to ourselves and finding that connection, that place inside where it becomes natural to put oneself first, without feeling guilty, or selfish, but actually empowered and with a sense of authority about what is self honouring and loving.

    1. To belong to ourselves first and honour our feelings allows us then to connect with others in whatever roles we may have in a way without being drained or exhausted.

      1. So true. Honouring our true selves first is important. If we exhaust ourselves by putting others first all the time then everyone suffers in the end. Belonging to ourselves allows us to serve freely without resentment.

    1. Building a relationship with myself is without question the most amazing part of my life and something that I am learning to really cherish, this comment ‘We Belong to ourselves’ is a great confirmation and knowing this my living it builds a amazing foundation, one that every child on this earth deserves.

  437. It is a while since I have read this blog Shannon and today, what struck me and was timely for me to feel is the difference between the ‘rule’ and the ‘natural law’. I belong to myself and the most important relationship is with me. How sustaining and healing is this truth!

  438. I loved reading this blog, it was a beautiful reminder that we belong to ourselves first and foremost

  439. This is a great blog – it seems like what may be holding us back from embracing this is thinking that it is ‘selfish’ to put yourself first – but the way that you have shared it makes it clear that it is just NATURAL. It makes sense – we are the only ones who live in our own bodies – so why would they ever belong to anyone else?

    1. Well said Jess, it is a long held belief that to put ourselves first is selfish, but when we relate this back to our own bodies, there is no other reasonable explanation, than to listen to our own inner-most and respond from that.

  440. Reading this was very powerful for me. I can easily feel how I’m still owned by the outer world and its many imposed roles, yet I’m making my way back to this truth. I found the pure truth of this blog cut through directly to each part of me not yet living fully belonging to me. It’s a real gift to feel this. Your writing is like a big key that’s been handed to me to sort out much. Thanks Shannon.

  441. The very fact that when a woman gets married in western society, it is her father that gives her hand in marriage to her husband. This clearly shows how women and society in general have played into the belief women are there to play the roles that support all those around her, that women are owned by men and need to be taken care of by men. Yet this belief itself does not make sense, that women are treated like they need to be taken care of because they are weak and need to be protected but the very same consciousness sees women as capable of taking care of everyones needs. How can we so easily fall for this ideal when it so ridiculously contradicts itself?

    1. It is a huge contradiction,and a great point you highlight Tonisteenson, because both ideals we women fall easily for especially if that is what we grew up with, which I was. Great exposure!

      1. Yes I have found quite a lot of the ideas we see as the ideal in our society are debased by another ideal we regard highly, basically our “rules of engagement” don’t make sense or fit…..

  442. A super reminder this blog is for all women to remember how precious, tender and graceful we truly are as women, which provides a powerful reflection for other women when this is claimed and lived,in other words, we know we belong to ourselves.

  443. Reading this blog I asked myself that question, what does it mean to belong to ourselves. To me it means that I know myself intrinsically as a women that I have no need to be identified by any thing I do or any roles that I take on. These roles and activities are just something I do but it does not define who I am.

  444. Learning how to say NO has been and continues to be a joy to experience. By saying NO I express to myself that I am not what is coercing to be or do something that is not who I truly am. Saying No once doesn’t make every role and face we ware instantly go away however, this is taking time to peel away from these outer ‘me’s’ that I have held onto over the many years but it is well worth it in that moment of feeling what is underneath the roles and personas.

  445. i love that you say that the woman belongs to herself. I have played all the roles previously but always knew deep down that I belonged to myself, but didn’t honour that. Now I realise it, it is very empowering, always to belong to myself..

  446. As I re-read your post, I saw my former self vividly: how I felt, different relationships, roles and where I placed myself. I’ve also found that: ‘The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference’.

  447. Thank you again Shannon. How wonderful to feel that women can actually come back to knowing and living the ‘most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law’ that she belongs to herself first. We deserve no less than this and in turn it is a blessing for all.

  448. Thank you for this timeless reminder, while having so many roles and being in so many relationships, it feels great to tell myself: I belong to myself. This feels very freeing and also makes me realize that everybody around me also belong to themselves. Nobody owns me, I don’t own anybody.

  449. When we know that we belong to ourselves first and foremost we are free to live our life our own way. Not as rebels and fringe dwellers but as autonomous free thinking loving beings who do no harm to self or others. Great blog Shannon.

  450. It was so awesome reading this blog Shannon, thank you for the reminder that I belong to me first as I had forgotten this many many times throughout my life when I gave my power away. Re-claiming me now is the beautiful return path that i’m on.

  451. I love re-reading your blog Shannon. “…A woman belongs to herself…” a simple statement, however a strong, palpable feeling and image comes to mind, is the reflection of how historically, over the centuries, women have given their power away. This blog is a great reminder of the innate strength and gorgeousness that resides within a woman, and ultimately it is hers to embrace.

  452. I agree Leigh, Shannon is so beautifully reminding us that we do belong to ourselves and our bodies are the very instrument through which we express through and not just verbally, so it seems to make sense that the body that lives all of our choices, should be the one that we consider and listen to first and foremost as it is our most wise council and deliverer of truth.

    1. It really does make perfect sense Julie. As Serge Benhayon (Universal Medicine) says that the ” body is the marker of truth” and your words clearly explain why.

  453. Thank you Shannon for the reminder that we belong to ourselves and our bodies first and foremost, because that is what remains static throughout our lives over and above any role or task in life. And should we feel lost or uncertain we have an anchor that has never left us, our bodies.

  454. This is so true Shannon.
    Women are so naturally gorgeous, powerful, nurturing and solid.

    These roles we give our selves away to don’t let any of these to come out in full.

    A woman truly shines when she lives in the knowledge that she belongs to herself first and only from there can she offer to share this with another.

  455. This is such a powerful blog – my healing and return to myself started with the realisation that when I married I took on the role of wife and when I had children I took on the role of mother but I never truly connected to what it was to be a woman.

  456. So very true Sandra. If every woman were to see herself in this way first and foremost, she would actually have way more love and care for others, and the awesome thing is, it never stops deepening. Our own love is a forever gift to ourselves and others that we share it with.

  457. This is so beautiful Shannon and the irony is that if every woman were to see herself in this way first and foremost, she would actually have way more love and care available to others.

  458. This is gorgeous too Kylie, what I feel from what you share is that to ‘give ourselves over’ is to bring something into our rhythm that is neither in timing nor in keeping with our natural flow. It is therefore a disharmonious state for us to be in. And a step into dis-ease and towards illness.

  459. A gorgeous reminder Shannon, I know the devastation and disharmony I feel in my body if I ever ‘give myself over’ to a rule, belief, drive or way of being to please another or the world in some way. This is belonging to their way, and not my own; and, it completely goes against the delicate rhythm within me.
    Essentially illness and disease comes from simply not honouring this fact – that we belong to ourselves.

  460. Yes I belong to myself, very deeply so. I could not have known this so deeply without meeting Serge Benhayon, he inspired me to take loving care of myself first and to then bring all of me to everyone else. Thank you Shannon for this beautiful blog.

  461. I too saw myself as belonging to the situation I was in – which was very exhausting! But then I knew no different.
    Thank you Shannon for sharing this lovely blog and reminding me that I am my own woman first, and not defined by what I do. There is a great sense of love and power that comes with honouring this fact, that I am starting to bring to each day 🙂

  462. Yes Shannon… women belong to themselves first. This is an important truth for all women to hear, we are so beautiful and powerful just being ourselves, that to say that we belong to someone, something or to a role is demeaning to the truth of our beauty and sacred stillness. The world misses out when we make ourselves small.

  463. I can read this blog over and over again. This feeling ‘ A woman belongs to herself’ is so strong, simple and beautyfull. A woman is so natural beauty herself and actually needs nothing to comprehend that -but herself:) This blog sound like poetry to my ears and feel like tender snow on my cheek. Thank you Shannon for your super awesome claimed piece of truth(writing). Hope many will read this.

  464. What you have expressed so beautifully Shannon is simple yet very alien to many women. Offering to women the possibility that they can be in relationships, place themselves first and love and care for others challenges accepted norms and women’s own perception of themselves.

  465. “A woman belongs to herself.” – something every woman deserves to hear, thank you.

  466. wow, this is beautiful Shannon. We belong to ourselves first and then we express out to the world.

  467. I am inspired by esoteric women for the inner beauty they emanate and this is partly because of knowing they belong to themselves first – This is work in progress for me, reading your blog today Shannon helps me to feel where I am at with no judgement just an observation of deep rooted beliefs still lingering. Thank you for sharing.

  468. We belong to ourself. Wow and wow, what a deeply refreshing article. I love it how you keep so firmly expressing that ‘A woman belongs to herself’. This feels so absolutely true, and this deeply touches a truth in my heart. Thank you for making the space to say this, and re-connecting back to this innate truth, which once was not that obvious and clear to speak out. Now we break the rules and say so: I am a woman and I belong to myself. Deep thanks.

  469. I am always in total awe of the beauty, depth and wisdom we as women hold. The more I give myself permission to express this, the more I feel my absolute connection with God.

    1. Gorgeous Vicky, and I can feel how absolutely true this is. In the expression of my inner most beauty, giving it permission to be seen and embodied we are at one with the divinity from which we all come.

    2. Very beautifully said Vicky. It is such a deeply sacred moment when we do give permission to feel all of our natural loveliness and know that it is from the divine -“our true home impulse” and not self-made.

  470. By living the natural law, that is, a woman does not belong to anyone or anything but to her self, I can really feel how my attachments to any relationships I had just disappear. They become nothing because this whole time I have been making them number one instead of saying actually I am the biggest number one of all and therefor I do not belong nor have to obey the rules that follow. This feels very freeing in my body, so thanks Shannon for sharing your beautiful blog.

      1. Yes me too. My whole chest/shoulder area just expanded , deepened and dropped into myself. It was gorgeous. thank you everyone.

      2. I find it amazing when my body just lets go like that, how much I must have been holding before, and how tense I must have been – it’s very revealing!

  471. This blog is so powerful, all my life I have given my power away to friends, family, partners – anything outside of me. I know it is the same for so many woman. This blog feels like the taking back of that power we have given away – I love that.

  472. Shannon, your blog reminded me that to be self-loving is not selfish but if we put anyone’s needs first it does not bring harmony or love in its fullness. If a basis of self-love is established, not from a need, but from a sense of truly valuing and honouring myself as an equal member of humanity, then I can more easily bring all of me to whatever relationship I am in and this will reflect to another the ‘all of them’ that they are.

    If I do not have this foundational love I can more easily fall into the trap of giving my power to another or putting their needs first and I might tend to live through them or mother them which is not supportive for anyone, including myself. As a consequence I might feel resentful because I haven’t put my needs first and so the imbalance continues, swinging from me to the other but not seeing us all as belonging to humanity and being worthy of love.

    1. That’s a greta insight Sandra. As women we are conditioned from young to put others first, and that in doing so, we become ‘honourable’ mothers, housewives, daughters etc. But is this really true? How can woman give to another when she has not given first to herself? To see a woman who remains in the fullness of who she is when she is with another is rare, but it is certainly possible and in truth very natural — when a woman does claim back that first and foremost she belongs to herself.

  473. So great to reread this Shannon, so powerful we are in everything we do when we have not sold out to belong to anyone or anything. You are so right this world currently encourages us to belong and loose our identity to someone or something. How amazing and inspiring for others when we stand firmly in the claimed truth that we belong to ourselves first. Thank you Shannon great article.

  474. I had to read this again… it so true, an awesome reminder of the grace and presence and inner strength woman naturally have. A very empowering read Shannon, thank you x

  475. That blog brings about a great responsibility and raw feel in my body, to feel how I may treat women as well as myself . Thank you

    1. very exquisite but short comment. i can feel how you are feeling the rawness and responsibility just by reading it, your comment is alive.

  476. Just simply beautiful Shannon. What I love is that I could feel that by honoring that as a women I belong to myself first, it allows me to explore the amazing space within me, my essence. And when connected to this I am able to bring the amazingness to all that I do, all that I meet in and in all that I live. This is where I belong, I belong to me first. Thank you for the reminder of who we truly are.

  477. So touching to re-read what is being offered in this gorgeous and potentially liberating blog. Leaving us to stand, walk, live and breath as women, with nothing to live up to, to please, to fulfil, just us belonging to and responsible for first and foremost our selves, our bodies, our loveliness. Thank you Shannon.

    1. And you know what Kate, if this was practiced by women all over the world everything would change over night. As the beauty and amazingness that a women is, is complemented by the qualities above. And not only would it benefit women but also everyone, as there would get to experience there loveliness and magnificence of what a women is.

  478. The clear need to express that a woman first belongs to herself highlights the horrible reality of how the majority woman are treated. As a man you are mostly told to be independent and ‘be your own man’. This is not to state that men do not have their own issues and restrictions as well as falsity around how ‘be your own man’ is construed. However, it felt important to connect with this blog and glimpse what it is like to be a woman in this day and age, where there is meant to be emancipation and equality. It was very sobering to have made clear what overt and covert restrictions are still there for woman, but also wonderful to feel there is a simple natural way for women to re-claim themselves.

  479. Loved reading this blog, Shannon. Especially ‘The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know myself’, just beautiful and something I will now remind myself of when I feel myself feeling otherwize. Thank you.

  480. An inspiring read for women, that we belong to ourselves first when there are so many rules and beliefs saying otherwise and that putting ourselves first is a great choice to make.

  481. Tragically, we women have been for many years conditioned to believe that it is selfish and unacceptable to put ourselves first. And it’s true that people who are disregarding of others cause separation, hostility and other problems. But the ‘putting self first’ that you are sharing Shannon is the self-loving key that stabilizes and harmonizes society. It is not disregarding of others, but the opposite: it includes them all in a greater way of being. A woman who belongs to herself, who claims herself and feels what is right for her, allows others the permission and the unspoken support to do the same.

    1. Well said Dianne and thank you for reminding us all Shannon that we belong to ourselves, first and foremost. When I read this and re-connect to it, I am reminded that as this is true, then our most important relationship is with ourselves. That to spend time getting to know yourself, looking after yourself, caring for yourself, lovingly calling yourself out when you are off track…is the most important thing you can do. We do it for others but we forget for ourselves. It is time to bring that to ourselves and to be a constant reflection that this is the way to go.

    2. Dianne I agree – it is important to make this distinction and it is important to make it more available for all women in the world so that they also don’t fall for this old believe anymore. So thank you Dianne to make this distinction so clear and comprehensible.

      1. When the woman is right with herself, the whole family comes into harmony, and when the whole family is in harmony, that can spread to the whole community. For the woman to be right with herself, she must put herself first in a self-loving way, be who she truly is. This is more supportive of other people than any of us previously imagined!

    3. Beautyfully expressed Dianne, this is a true foundation to live life.
      “I belong to me first.”

  482. Shannon I love returning to this blog. It’s a brilliant reminder to all women that our essence of truth is within us all and that we are not bound by our many roles . We are bountiful beings just being us is enough.

    1. I love returning to it too Kelly. Not putting on fronts and roles for all of the different relationships I have is liberating to say the least. More and more I am just being my natural self with all around me, and with this I am saying I completely belong to myself. I do not have to change for anyone or anything. Ever.

  483. Shannon this is such a gorgeous blog. I remember reading it when it was first published and I loved it so much that I printed it out and hung it on the wall behind my desk in my classroom. many other women also got to read, relate and benefit from the your wisdom.
    The confirmation I get from this sharing is message- I am a woman and I belong to me, no matter how many jobs or activities I do or how many people I care for.

  484. Shannon this is a refreshing reminder to all women, to not lose themselves in relationships and roles but to first find and honour themselves and as you say ‘place themselves first’.

  485. I love this Shannon, I’m not sure I’ve ever heard it so clearly or so simply that I belong to me first and nothing owns me. I sometimes forget this and allow the outside world to “own me” – thank you for this beautiful reminder, I think I’ll have to come back for another read regularly!

  486. Just gorgeous. This should be printed in every women’s magazine. Have you thought of submitting this to the Australian’s Women’s Weekly? Every woman needs to be told that she belongs to herself first and foremost. Imagine a world when every girl is taught this as they grow up.

  487. Wow love your work Shannon. It was such a beautiful blog to read and I am definitely clamming today that the woman that I am comes first before anything else in this world.

  488. Thank you Shannon for such a simple but powerful message. It should be compulsory reading for every girl at whatever age… or rather for every girl at every age. . .

  489. This is very powerful and let me ponder on where my believes are in regard of belonging to…Aswell, what expectations I have towards others how they “belong to me”, especially in relationships and friendships- these kind of false ownerships you can put out – total control of your hurt of losing someone. If I belong to me and noone else I cannot expect from others that they “belong to me”. Something dropped in me- thank you for that!

    1. Great comment Steffi. There is so much within these few sentences. Understanding what you have said could radically change how we perceive others in relation to ourselves, giving them the freedom to be themselves to and for themselves all of the time too.

    2. Steffi I agree with you, growing up I thought if you were in a relationship or friendship it belonged to you, rather than understanding we each belong to ourselves first, and that having that person in my life us not a right but a blessing.

    3. I agree Steffi, it is a protection we build in the believe that if we own a person, we can control them so they cannot hurt us.

  490. Your words are delicate and powerful Shannon, and healing to read. Repeating the words “I belong to myself” allows my body to become gentle, and to feel strong and centred. Thank you.

  491. We belong to ourselves first, what a sweet and important reminder for all of us women. Let’s lovingly live that.

  492. Yes Shannon , this is a must to read frequently!
    I constantly have to come back to me during the day as I get pulled out by all the different roles you have mentioned. Guilt and the need to feel needed get in the way and are certain to cause contraction within me. I belong to me first!

    1. Ahh – “the need to feel needed”…this seems to me a great point to look at! Where does the ‘need’ come from? Does it not occur from me, not being connected to me, not expressing all of me and so feeling empty and “in need” to fill this emptiness with something? That would mean that we are creating our need at the first place and then feeding it. So WE start this and then hold it alive…Ouch!

  493. It is a while since I first read this blog and what a joy to re read Shannon! The knowing that we belong to ourselves first truly does “rest deep in our hearts”. Thank you for this reflection and reminder to go deeper when considering every one of my relationships

  494. Thank you Shannon. Calamity in others felt, expressed or not, when women who are committed to live the reminder that we belong to ourselves first, is one of the deepest loving reflections women can offer to each other and to the world.

  495. Beautiful Shannon. The glorious claiming of ourselves as women without the bondage of rules is stunning, as are you. Thank you.

  496. Such a clear, simple and direct message that has the power to change the world: “A natural law to me is that I belong to myself. A rule would be that I belong to all of the relationships I have – before belonging to myself first.” What would happen if we were all brought up with the difference between the two?

  497. This is so beautiful Shannon, to allow ourselves as women to really claim that we are who we are, not living for anyone else, morphing and changing for the needs of others is something that is a challenge for many women globally. To not be locked into a ‘role’ but be the amazing, sacred, strong, and empowered women she is. This comes from “Reminding everyone who may have forgotten – that we belong to ourselves first.” i love this line, deeply honouring.

  498. I can’t read this beautiful reminder often enough. So quickly I am caught in the identifications of being a mother, wife etc. The call to be me, the woman I am first. This is truth, nothing else counts.

  499. Powerful words Shannon. Lovely to read this morning that I look forward to observing throughout my day today. Thank you.

  500. What Shannon writes about I find I struggle with daily, the roles of a woman have consumed me in the past and I did not challenge them. But now as I honour myself as women first before being a mother, a daughter, a hard worker, a dedicated friend etc. these roles stand out like a sore thumb and it hurts to discount the woman I am. It is so empowering to admire and appreciate that I bring me first and then I can do these activities without giving this strength away.

  501. What a great reminder, “A woman belongs to herself.” Its so very easy to loose sight of this and get caught in the hurly burly of life and other’s needs. By taking care of me first I can then take care of everything else. By choosing to put others first and everything else then what quality of me is everyone getting?

  502. When I return to this awesome blog I always smile (a beautiful way to start my day) – and today my inner smile beamed as I re-read when you describe “A natural law” and “A rule” and I realised that when I get into the ‘doing’ in life I even mention the words “as a rule” I would do it this way (or that) and end up feeling at times very tired at the end of my day. The joy I experience when I do make changes to those old patterns is a celebration as it does make all the difference. Thank you Shannon.

  503. Just great for me to read your blog again Shannon and to be reminded of this – “A natural law to me is that I belong to myself.” Knowing this and feeling this makes such a difference in my life, it allows me to look after my Self first and with that, being of such better service to others. Thank you.

  504. Thank you Shannon- a very important read. I have never considered the beauty in claiming this is all parts of our lives. How beautiful to not belong to anyone/anything- and just simply be ourselves.

    1. Well, if I belong to me first, then I have as well all responsibility for me, my life and what is going on around me…could it be that it is not so much ‘forgotten’ (that I belong to me first), but ignored and well covered? That we give ourselves away, give our belonging to an other, is giving our power away as well.

  505. I have just put me on the putting me first programme putting the me into programme – hahaha- but seriously before all that needs to be done it is my body how I feel, exercise, expressing and it makes so much difference.

  506. Ok so I’m having flashes of all those times I felt owned in relationships, work, friends and remembering how uncomfortable, angry and sad those experiences were imagine being shown another way, now that what be experience to remember

  507. A gorgeous expression of truth and confirmation for ourselves as woman. Thank you Shannon.

  508. This morning I have read this blog for the third time – its still a favourite – its still a potent reminder that I belong to myself first. The silent rules that you mention are indeed silent, they creep in as thoughts and undealt with reactions that then subtly side track me from just being myself that I don’t realise it until I am way off being the woman I know I am. This blog brings me back to the fundamental truth that I am my own person and that I belong to myself first.

  509. I can really relate to the unspoken rule of belonging to everyone, peoples expectations of me and their response if I choose to belong to me first. Thank you for your reminder that I belong to me first, it is my choice isn’t it.

  510. Thank you Shannon. All I have to do is just be me! Then I do belong to myself – how beautiful and simple.

    1. I will never tire of reading this article Shannon – it is a gem, a beautiful reminder and confirmation of the women in her truth.

  511. It is great this has been raised in a blog and it does seem to be an evil conditioning that is very old – e.g. the women came from adams rib, therefore she was actually a part of adam. It is no wonder such great suffering comes from placing others before one’s self, because it naturally means we are putting the divine in us second. This evil was never really about control over a woman’s physical body, although this is how it has manifested over Eons. It is actually about controlling the power woman naturally have to connect to the divine in their bodies, called sacredness. By feeding women the belief that they belong to others before themselves and woman falling for it, it has meant that other women and men, are deprived of the reflection of our true divine nature.

    1. Hi Simon,
      Reading your comment reminded me of a conversation I had with my mother about this blog a few days ago. We were having a laugh about how I wrote, ‘never, ever’ belonged to her parents but always to herself. The never, ever part, we were laughing about because it was so final and clear and absolute. Some relationships seem to feel like the ideals or beliefs are stronger than others and the belonging to a parent has definitely been a big one for me, but as you say the ideas around a woman belonging to man are huge and plentiful. There are beliefs and ideas and constructs at every turn but they are all coming from an external source, coming from the mind instead of the heart in connection to the mind, check it with your body and you know what feels true for you.

      1. Yes Shannon, the ideas and beliefs come from external sources, and often these are from the misinterpretation and reinterpretation of the ancient texts of life and philosophy, religious texts etc. I was recently watching a documentary that showed how middle eastern marriage practices force the woman to be submissive to the husband. Her life is for him. What you have written in this blog is very important in moving forward and out of these erroneous belief systems and behaviours.

  512. This is beautiful to re affirm with my self Shannon thank you .It is a great reminder that we belong to ourselves first and that this really is different to everything projected to us.Thank you Shannon so true and lovely to feel.

    1. and different from those things that we “take up” to fill ourselves up with roles and something “to do” that actually gives us an artificial sense of identity, something that is not self sustaining, but constantly has to be fed to keep going. This of course is the very basis of exhaustion and resentment.

  513. In my teenage- and young adult years I always felt a bit lost because I did not really feel to belong to someone, a single person or a group. I was strongly searching for it and found on-and-off-again people were I attached myself to. But it never felt really right, I was always missing something. With the study of Universal Medicine I got the feeling of : Ah – now that it is. And it is. But. At first I belong to me. Here is the start. If I am here, on the start not connected – nothing else can truly belong to me.

    1. I agree Sandra, I have had a similar experience in life, attaching myself to people to get a sense of security and identity. Over the last few years, since living the teachings of Universal Medicine, I have also developed a much stronger sense of who I am, rather than a neediness to be attached to others. You are right – with out me and my connection with myself, I can not truly engage in any relationships or connections with others.

      1. Yes – without me and my connection with myself – what would I be able to offer into a relationship?

      2. I agree with you both and it is a clear picture that is being shown here, when we leave ourselves we need to go to others to fill the emptiness that then arises and from here the game begins of the arrangements we created in filling the emptiness of each other. We then give ourselves away to others and end up in this loveless spiral.
        Whereas when we connect within ourselves and are full of ourselves we do not need and can simply share the love that we are.

  514. Shannon, I felt when reading this blog, like a car that had come to a stop
    from a very fast speed. It felt like the wheels were burning and smoking
    as it came to a dead stop. This feeling of hitting a wall.
    I had always lived by putting others before me.
    Never feeling that I belonged to myself. Feeling that I had belonged to
    everyone else. But I can feel that by feeling that I belonged to everyone else
    There was an expectation that they belonged to me. I owned them as well.
    To say that” I belong to myself ” is so powerful. A claiming of me.
    Taking responsibility for me.
    Such words of wisdom.

  515. Woah! I can feel the truth of this yet I can feel all those rules that I have allowed, pulling at me. It has created a great tension inside me. I am going to have to really sit with this one and allow the claims on me to gently unravel. Thanks so much Shannon.

    1. ‘Gently unravel’ really made me smile Amanda. All those years of feeling I didn’t belong, knotting into a tangled mess. All unravelling to reveal a beautiful pattern of life.

  516. Great to come back to this blog and shake off these roles that I have placed on myself. They do not define me is something that I will remind myself of as I go about my day.

    1. So true SusanG, -as a woman I belong to me and do not need to take anything else on as I am already enough!

  517. This is a very powerful statement Shannon and a beautiful reminder to all women that she is not the sum total of all her roles but that she is naturally far, far more than they can ever equal.

    1. Rosanna, I love how you have shared this equation. Women are “….far more than they [their roles] can ever equal”.

    2. very true. we are not all the things that we do, which we often use to define ourselves with, and by doing this we actually forget who we really are.

  518. Dear Shannon, your message is really such a beautiful gentle reminder to all women of the many roles that she fulfills in life, and how easy it is to confuse these roles for who she is in her essence. As women’s health issues reach alarmingly high proportions we more than ever need to be reminded of your message. Thank-you.

    1. it’s something that we easily forget – giving ourselves to relationships for example and loosing ourselves in them. It is a great observation and an important past of psychological health and well-being.

  519. I too have enjoyed reading this article many times. Appreciating this time the difference between a natural law of belonging to myself compared to living from society’s rules and expectations that I belong to my roles in life, beautiful message Shannon, thank you!

  520. A deeply touching, honouring writing Shannon thank you.
    It is so true that a woman belongs to herself and I felt the profound message here, for if she doesn’t honour that, where I we left as a society?
    The same must therefore be true of us men and not getting lost in the roles we play as provider etc.

  521. ‘A woman belongs to herself’ – music to my heart. I am pinning this on my fridge again and in the office at work, gorgeously confirming us all.

  522. There is a preciousness and power in ‘a woman belongs to herself”. Yes i do and yes she does and from here we have so much to share of ourselves!

  523. A woman is not defined by anyone else except herself, that is clear and simple.I love the power of this article, and how it inspires all of us women to claim that they belong to themselves.

  524. I love this blog and keep coming back to it. It is absolutely precious and so empowering to not be bound by rules and restrictions in how to be a women and in particular not to be bound to belong to anything and anyone. And how awesome is it
    that when we allow ourselves to stay in our true power as women we naturally hold everyone and everything in our loveliness and delicateness (without the need for anyone to be owning us).

  525. Well said, Shannon. Society does indeed say that a woman belongs to everyone and everything BUT herself in every situation and relationship. So good to know that the oppostie is true, and to claim it. The funny part is, once people who have been clinging to the old ways of wanting to own their mother, wife, girlfriend, daughter, sister, employee, nurse, cousin, cleaner, secretary, etc, get into the swing of knowing the woman in her new way of being her own, they love it!

  526. As I re-read this blog (and like a fellow commenter before me I think I could read this every day) I felt my heart area expand and my shoulders drop. The more I read the more this happened. It was like a letting go of the ways I allow myself to belong to other people by putting them first, valuing their opinion of me before I do of me. Such a strong claiming to say I belong to me. Very powerful.

    1. So true Sarah, without my own appreciation of myself as having inherent value before I perform in any role, I will always be looking for recognition or validation from others and potentially ‘lose myself’ in my roles. It is indeed a relief and an expansion to feel all of me as a woman and take that quality into everything I may do in life.

  527. Thank you Shannon. A simple and powerful truth that is definitely not often presented in the world.

  528. To free myself from all the beliefs of how I should be and all the roles I played in my life is a truly wonderful and interesting journey. As the layers are peeled off, I feel the essence of the women I am in my truest and purest form. Still a way to go, but I love every step of it, the reward being so great!

  529. Shannon,
    This is so beautifully and truthfully expressed. It is a delicate, yet powerful reminder to all. Thank you.

  530. Reading this blog the second time I can deeply feel that I do belong to myself and what a treasure I am to myself.

    1. Thank you Lieke, that deeply resonates with me – to realize what a beautiful and rich treasure I am to myself and to the world.

  531. A great reminder yet again, that we are not what we do but who we are, and to live who we are in expression. Thank you Shannon.

  532. Hear, hear Shannon and this apply’s to us all, “Reminding everyone who may have forgotten – that we belong to ourselves first.” It feels to me that this is how it should be and when we ‘belong to ourselves first’ life would be simpler, clearer and much more than it currently is. I love how you have laid this out and as I read it I could relate to it very well. I related to it as a woman but then was also able to read it as a man. To me what you have said is universal to us all and not gender based. This is a truly freeing way to live. Society will tell us many things about ‘how’ we should be but coming from who we truly are first is the only way. Thank you Shannon.

  533. Yes, we all belong to ourselves and not to any roles, ideals or beliefs. I have come to know this truth also and what I love about this knowing is that as I allow myself to come back to belonging to me more and more, the more I want to share myself with others, but in this sharing of me I don’t give myself away to anything. I just allow myself to radiate, to speak, to express from deep inside, allowing all others to feel who I Am. There is an immense power in being this way with myself and all others, and I have found that everyone benefits from it, which tells me that this is indeed the true way to Be.

  534. This needs to be said to every women, the fact that she belongs to herself and nobody else. I was not taught or shown this as a child, how to connect to this fact, and how to live in a way that honours this. The consequence of this has been living in a way where I am constantly changing to fit in, to according how I think I need to be, owned by many beliefs and ideals.

  535. Shannon thank you for the beautiful reminder that we belong to ourselves.
    It is great to take this into my day, remembering every moment counts – knowing and living this natural truth.

  536. Shannon, thank you for writing such a beauti-full blog. I too am slowly re-claiming myself as a Women. I can’t help but to ponder “what if” this was one of the first things to be taught in schools. ” we belong to ourselves first ” ~ what a difference that would make. Simple, powerful, honouring and natural ~~~ I am a Woman and I belong to myself.

  537. Love this Shannon – so true, so honouring and so natural! i am a woman and I belong to myself.

  538. So true Shannon. Through Esoteric Women’s Health I am slowly re-claiming myself as a woman and my sacredness and divinity. It is a slow process after years (possibly lifetimes) of not honouring that – or even knowing it to be true (whilst deeply always knowing it – if that makes sense). Your words resonate deeply with me – I belong to myself. I belong to myself. I belong to myself. x

  539. Ah! I have read this many times and shared it with other women. Somehow, when I connect to the fact that I belong to myself, there is so much more of me available, to myself and to others, I am not in bits and pieces all over the place.
    This truth also applies to men for if they also belong, and are loving and caring, to themselves are they not also more available?

  540. This is beautifully expressed, Shannon. The truth in it is so deep. I am on my way to make this a living truth and claim this for me: ‘the truth that a woman belongs to herself -first.’

  541. ‘And often, to stand up and claim this natural law, and truth – that I am a woman and I belong to myself, creates calamity in others, because of all the roles we are so used to playing; all the needs we need met; the spaces that need filling…’ this has been my experience too but honouring the woman first has felt incredibly freeing and allowing for me to be me first that everything I do has felt so much easier.

  542. ‘I am a woman and I belong to myself’ I love this Shannon. So simple and so powerful.
    Thanks for this very simple but not so widely lived reminder. Yes, I am a woman and I do belong to me first and then from there I can go about being that first and from there expressing me in everything that I do. That will be an expression of me that I bring in everything and not because I have to be that role in a certain defined way.

  543. Beautiful how you have given many examples portraying the ‘old’ ways on how women have been viewed.
    With authority you write that ‘a natural law to me is that I belong to myself;’ a true statement for all to hear.

  544. We belong to ourselves first (in bold and italic). Thank you deeply Shannon for reminding us. So true, so essential, so often forgotten.

  545. If We belong to ourselves and by reading how simple this is presented, I agree I belong to me -my body is mine. I am responsible for everything that happens to it! I am also responsible for how I am feeling. I am responsible for everything that I interact with in any situation.
    If the situation is not me why should it bother me? If the situation is directly effecting me I have a responsibility? If the situation is indirectly effecting me, it is my responsibility.
    So, does that mean We are all responsible for anything that happens in this World eg. Are we all responsible for the corruption, lies, hate, war, violence, harassment .. ..etc?

  546. Shannon, I have read your blog twice in past few months and love it -its a real stand out for me. I love the absoluteness of the fact that a woman belongs to herself, you make this point without wavering. It asks me – how and where have I tried to make myself belong in this life so far? in family, relationships, jobs and social groups only to feel like I never fit in – never belong – well of course not, I belong to myself and have only just claimed this in recent years. When I belong to myself first – letting others in is a joy!

  547. I can feel how the world does indeed not let me be with myself … it wants bits and pieces of me but does not honour the grace and fullness of me. Reading this blog made me connect to this inner knowing that I belong to me. Thank you Shannon.

  548. There is so much to unravel in this, I am certainly noticing that I have thoughts that belong to society, it’s rules and niceties, that these take first place, before me, before what I really want. Im catching it, and saying no. I belong to myself.

  549. The idea that a man owns his partner or wife is archaic and does not serve a society should it wish to truly evolve.

  550. And belong first to herself is how a woman can honour her sacredness and beauty. Otherwise it is done for the outer before herself. I find that to be one of the greatest over sights of our modern woman.

    1. Absolutely Joshua, it is indeed a confirmation of who we are in essence to belong to ourself first. If we do not honour our sacredness and beauty first, rather than a role or need we are fulfilling, it is an empty doing for the outer.

  551. “the order of placing oneself first” is so challenging for so many women as we are not brought up in this way. We are thought to take care of others first and let everything come before ourselves. Many believe that placing yourself first is selfish. But the truth is we do belong to ourselves and when we live it ias firmly as can be felt from your blog Shannon all that will be shared with those around us which is so much richer then the roles we think we need to play.

    1. Yep, that is so true Carolien, not having been brought up like that – way past time to change that now. And the more I feel into myself and care for myself first, the more I am feeling the change in all interactions with others. Truly joyful!

    1. A great idea, it’s so big to digest as we have spent so long focusing on being perfect in the roles we play that it can feel alien to honour ourselves as women first.

  552. It doesn’t matter how many times I read this blog, I still love the reminder that we are not what we do but who we are – the women. Beholden unto herself and free to live life in a lovely honest way, still fulfilling all that needs to be done, but honouring herself in everything she does. Absolutely lovely.

  553. A beautiful reminder and confirmation of the fact that we do belong to ourselves first, thank you Shannon.That gets rid of a whole lot of ideals and beliefs, of shoulds and musts.

  554. This is so beautiful Shannon and cuts so deep. It brings tears to my eyes as I feel how much I have not belonged to myself in the past.

  555. Beautiful to reread Shannon as I come to realise the relationship with myself as first and foremost and the building of this ever deeper gives me the strength and inner knowing rather than be washed around in the world and by my and others emotions as a way of being. The honouring of oneself as a women as you say is truly beautiful.

  556. Shannon, I’ve just reread your words today and find myself giving ‘me’ a big hug from the inside and feeling honoured, treasured and cherished by ‘me’. I feel so empowered knowing that ‘me’ is enough for ‘me’, no recognition needed from the outside. Thank you again for this beautiful blog.

  557. Shannon I love the way you have presented ourselves to ourselves, while having multiple relationships with family, friends, work etc. In the first few lines I could feel the old belief that we may have tried to split ourselves to accommodate the level of ownership that was thought to be appropriate for the different roles and relationships we play and have. When I felt that I could feel how utterly absurd it is to think we are to align to anyone outside of ourselves. As you put it if we align to one we align to many. No wonder we are exhausted at the end of the day, feel like there is nothing left for ourselves because there isn’t, we have given it all away.

  558. Thank you so much Shannon for this powerful simple truth for women to come back to themselves.I loved the beautiful clarity in this message for all women – especially :
    ‘ The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know myself. ‘ I am so touched and calmed by this empowering truth – what a gift of re-connecting for all women.

  559. There are so many roles that women play, so many ‘ways’ they are told to be, so many impressions left upon them in their journey through childhood and into adulthood that tell them how they need to be in the world….And yet, as Shannon has expressed here, who a woman truly is, isn’t the roles she plays, the ideals she strives to live up to or the rules she endeavours to follow. A women is a beautiful, nurturing, deeply tender and endlessly graceful being, before she takes her self into the life she leads and what she does.

    Yet this can be hard to see when we as women are immersed in these rules and expectations from birth.

  560. “The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know myself”. A beautiful reminder Shannon, thank you; it is an absolute truth for me also that we belong to ourselves first.

  561. Shanon, your words feel like a gentle, tender love poem calling me to the stand as the truly beautiful woman I am, independent, free of all the ties, labels, ideals and constraints. Thank you for reminding me that ‘I belong to myself’ and to remain where I ‘belong’ and treasure and nurture what ‘belongs’ to me.

    1. That’s beautiful Barbara, it’s very clear that we can all be reflections for each other in our beauty. I love to notice another woman’s expression of her own beauty, and in the crazy way that we’ve grown up to look outside of ourselves to judge how to be, I can now look out at them and appreciate what I already know myself to be.

    2. Barbara you words “Thank you for reminding me that ‘I belong to myself’ and to remain where I ‘belong’ and treasure and nurture what ‘belongs’ to me.” Are exquisite. Thank you

  562. Very power-full and truth-full blog that resonates deeply in my body – “A woman belongs to herself first and foremost”
    And as Cathrin beautifully adds: “She is governed by the universe and ruled by its natural law.”-great to ponder upon

  563. This prose is worthy of a quotes book, or a framed picture, even better worthy of a story in a magazine women all over can read… We do belong to ourselves, and that relationship with self is not one we are ever taught to develop. At least not until now – thank you Natalie Benhayon, Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  564. I found this a very confirming blog Shannon as it beautifully illustrated that we belong to ourselves in the truest sense, and that therefore it is our responsibility to love and cherish what belongs to us.

  565. How beautiful and absolutely true “A woman belongs to herself.” Very inspiring thank you Shannon.

  566. I love the simplicity of what you have written here Shannon and that is “A woman belongs to herself”. Women all over the world need to hear this. For far too many women they consider themselves belonging to everyone else but themselves.

  567. I love this blog! Thank you Shannon, what I am finding is that the more I live this natural truth that I belong to myself and make loving decisions to deeply care for me the more I can be truly and deeply caring with others. Loving and caring for myself creates a fullness in my body that overflows creating a ripple effect that gently and lovingly washes over everyone I am in relationship with.

  568. Shannon, I feel very empowered when I read this blog. Empowered to cherish and appreciate myself but mostly to claim first and foremost who I truly am. When I am not truly claiming myself I can feel a “calamity” inside me as I get pulled in the different directions by others- my family, the dog, my work, expectations……..
    I will print this off so I can be reminded each day about the gorgeous woman I am.

  569. Each time I read this blog it it asks me to stop and feel how have I been living. Am I living from the knowing that I belong first and foremost to myself, and that the most important and needed thing in this world is for me to live in honouring that. It is a beautiful reminder as I know I still at times lose myself in the world, and in my relationships. Thank you Shannon.

  570. Thank you for reminding me that “A natural law to me is that I belong to myself.”
    For me that means BEING myself and not losing myself in trying to be different, trying to say the right things and so on, – which I have a tendency to do. To keep reminding myself that I belong to myself first is a great start in not losing myself again, but stay with and in myself in all relationships.

  571. This is so true about all the different roles we play as a woman and identifying with each. Learning to cut the cord that attaches us to this roles also allows freedom to others to be themselves. To have these roles was my way of controlling family/people. The more I understand myself I am able to let go of the controls and hence the roles.

  572. This is a very confirming blog for me to read Shannon as I feel deeply empowered to hold a woman by her true sacredness, delicacy, beauty and power.

  573. Women generally seem to be quite masterful at taking on multiple roles and in the process forgetting that they “belong to themselves first”. This is a lovely reminder, thank you Shannon.

  574. When we lose confidence in ourselves and disconnect from our natural lived wisdom then we start to need rules to define who we are and how we should behave. This creates a daily tension we can all feel if we are honest between what we are feeling is the truth and how the world is constantly telling us how to be. If we start to live life from the natural laws of energy that we all can feel equally rather than constructing and following controlling rules we will not have anarchy but true harmony and unity in our societies.

  575. Thank you Shannon, for a simple and so ‘onto it’ blog, what a wonderful way to remind me of that I belong to myself first , too.

  576. I love what you said here:
    “The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know myself. This truth is an absolute known to me, and I know it from living my life.” – that resonates deeply within me.
    Thank you Shannon.

  577. Thank you Shannon for this blog. The simplicity of it is exquisite and a beautiful reminder for us as women that we are that first and foremost – the woman. Everything else comes after that.

  578. Thank you Shannon, this is truly beautiful. I love how you point out the difference between rules and natural law. We are bombarded with so many rules how to be as a woman that it is really refreshing to be reminded to feel and connect to ourselves first and be the natural woman that we are.

    1. A woman belongs to the universe. She is impulsed by natural law – that is my rule in life.

  579. Shannon,
    This feels like the foundation of living as a women.

  580. Thank you Shannon for this blog. We do indeed belong to ourselves first, something I feel solidly within me, yet sometimes allow myself to ‘forget’. The beauty of this intrinsic truth is that even when I ‘forget’ I can always choose to remember, and claim myself back.

  581. “The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference” so true Shannon. And this is a revolutionary thing for a woman to do and be and a throwing out of all the rules, not in defiance but in a claiming of her true power and beauty. And as you so rightly say, Danielle, it is deeply felt by all.

  582. I know when I am running with a belief that I belong to everything and everyone – I’m angry, short tempered and blame the person or thing for demanding my attention… but it is a freeing feeling to realise I have accepted and chosen that, and most the time its giving me a sense of belonging. But when I “…stand up and claim this natural law, and truth – that I am a woman and I belong to myself…”, I don’t feel any emotions or overwhelm, I find I’m a lot more open to seeing the other person and feel no pressure that I need to give them anything, except me.

  583. Yes, I am one that grew up believing that I belonged to everyone and everything else – to be seen as a good girl. Today, I ‘belong to me’ and that is an amazing, beautiful and precious thing. Thanks Shannon for the reminder.

  584. This is so lovely to come back to when we get caught in the “doing-ness” of life and a perfect reminder, “that we belong to ourselves first” before any job or relationship. With a great connection to ourselves its so much simpler to connect to others in a truer more loving way.

  585. I am going to read this often and reflect on whether I know this with the same strength that you do. What you have written is so true, and I can see that there will be many subtleties of feeling like we belong to the people and things around us.

  586. I absolutely love this blog Shannon, thank you so much for writing it. I especially love the simplicity in which you have so clearly shared what it is that you know and claim for yourself and this is something that has inspired me to choose and remember for myself … and as a continual daily ritual. Lately I have felt torn between what it is that I think I ‘need to be’ for others that I am in relationship with and actually what I just feel to do and be for my very self. I thought I was feeling the tension of not living up to others expectations and needs, but since reading your blog can now feel and understand that it has been the tension of just not listening to myself first that I have really felt. Thank you, with such appreciation.

    1. “…the tension of just not listening to myself first…” Thanks for the laugh as I can so relate and so know that when I do listen to myself first the flow of life is harmonious, grace-full and loving for me and all around me. Thanks for the reminder too, Cherise.

  587. When a women is present with herself, in joy of her own connection, feeling her power and strength this is very noticed. People feel this, they see it, and they recognise that something is different. often people may not know exactly what they are seeing or feeling, but they cannot help but take their eyes off it, or feel it, observe it. I have often been the one sitting in the room to feel a strong, powerful and very with herself women enter the room – sometimes I can not take my eyes off them, the grace, elegance, delicateness, yet strong, wise and ancient (even if they are young)…..I will watch from the corner of my eye I will look, listen, smell and observe everything about this natural beauty. Then when the women leave’s the room I am left with a very very clear ‘mark’ in me of being the same, I can’t deny it, it’s burnt into my bones, and the red hot coals start to glow and radiate again, until I am then the one entering the room, or getting on a bus, or getting into an elevator and people stop, feel and look…..and so the cycle goes. This is the power of a women who claims herself and is not owned by anyone or anything.

    1. It’s so true what you say Daniela, I have been in the presence of women like this and I find it very empowering knowing that I too have this inside of me and it’s ok to be that amazing, powerful, beautiful woman who belongs to no-one but herself. I have felt this amazingness inside of me, feeling “bigger than what I am”, and I can feel the ripple effects go out into the world around me. I realise that the more I connect to myself the more it is felt by others and in turn, they are inspired to be themselves too.

    2. Wow, Danielle. What you have written here, exactly does what it says. So amazing, so beautiful to feel. Thank you.

    3. Very beautifully expressed Danielle, how the cycle goes and we are holding each other in our grace and beauty.

      1. Yes, it is a silent revolution – the world changes without any necessarily obvious tangible occurrences. That is the power of a woman in her connection to the stillness of God.

  588. Shannon this is so beautiful. A woman belongs to herself and the more that we truly feel this simple truth the more we will inspire all those around us to claim the amazing person that they are also.

  589. Thank you Shannon for such a simple truth, that we belong to ourselves , when society tells it differently.

    1. Society has coined all sorts of phrases that puts women in ownership; men too, but women are often seen to belong to them, so I guess that puts us just ahead of the family pet (thats said in jest) Phrases like’ the little woman’ seep into our traditions. Its time to (gently) comment whenever we hear such phrases used.

  590. It is very inspiring to feel the ripple effects one piece of truth (this blog) can have. All of the comments on this post are so awakening to how much we deeply crave the truth under the surface of everyday life.

    1. Very true Shannon! One powerful statement: ” A woman belongs to herself” can shake the very foundations of a society that is based on false ideals and believes and make the whole structure fall down into a big pile of rubble. That is how powerful we are as women if we give ourselves permission.

  591. Beautiful Shannon, Thank you. I want to print this out and pin it on my wall. This is a wonderful reminder to women and teenage girls everywhere of claiming the essence of being a woman.

  592. In knowing who I am, and developing the relationship with myself first and foremost, I can appreciate the sense of ‘belonging’ to myself. So many expectations can bombard us in life, that make us feel that we should place ourselves secondary as women. Indeed, it may have long suited us to be so.
    From the learning I’ve had in life, and the ever-deepening sense of honouring myself, I do realise also, that I am not just ‘here for me’. Being there for others first was a smokescreen, and a hiding from the fact that from a deep and true foundational relationship with myself, I can actually be there for all – and to put it simply, do a ‘far better’ job of living with and for all than ever before when I was trapped in whatever self-martyring program I may have been running.
    So yes, here’s to the return to our true selves, letting go what negates who we beautifully and naturally are, and from there, living in a way that our life ever holds the richness of the true self, and yet is no more ‘about self’ and self-serving ways, but about and for the all. This to me, is the true balance that is there to be lived.

  593. No rules! It feels so freeing. That could be looked at as anarchy, but it is not. “Natural Law” is self regulation through feeling, and brings even more responsibility than following rules. The beautifully simple way you describe owning ourselves as women for ourselves first. Shannon, gives me a wonderful feeling of being at home, tender, rhythmic, expansive, continually aware, loving, truthful, moving gracefully through life and meeting all things that come my way from that inner knowing that I belong to myself first. When I was working with women’s stuff back in the eighties and nineties, I came across the term virgin originally meaning “a woman one-with-herself”, but to me then it was just a concept. Now, after many experiences with Women in Livingness presentations and workshops I can feel in my body what that means.

  594. Counter intuitive to what is taught in our early years, it is vital we do not overlook this “intrinsic, innate truth and natural law, I belong to myself first “. Thank you Shannon.

  595. I love how affirming this blog is. I’m currently looking for work and really appreciate being reminded that I am amazing for me, not any role I may perform. And that going for jobs doesn’t mean I then belong to my employer.

  596. A beautiful blog Shannon and a great reminder that we are women first and this then enabling us to be there for all others around us without fitting into roles or expectations of others. Thank you for sharing.

  597. Thank you Shannon for the reminder that I belong to no one but myself and in this I allow others this same freedom.

    1. I love your point about allowing others the same freedom, Mary. That is so true and sometimes overlooked. We should be able to let others be and not feel the need to ‘own’ them. That is a great point!

  598. Such a great blog and one thing I can always be reminded of… Being with myself first is the most natural way for me to be now that I can’t imagine it any other way. Its always a choice and one that needs to be made consistently so. Thankyou

  599. Well said, Shannon. And the phrase ‘You go, girl!’ springs to mind. When women reconnect to themselves, and love and care for themselves – never putting another above or before themselves – they step into their true female light, which they then shine so beautifully on the world and all those around them.

  600. Beautiful words of wisdom Shannon, thank you “that I am a woman and I belong to myself, creates calamity in others, because of all the roles we are so used to playing; all the needs we need met; the spaces that need filling…” is so true and “to stand up and to say ‘no’ to this old way of being offers the greatest of joys…” Here’s to saying no to all those old roles that we can spend so much time and effort identifying ourselves with.

  601. Thank you , Shannon. Re-reading this blog, the line “to stand up and to say ‘no’ to this old way of being offers the greatest of joys…” really touches me, because I have recently been appreciating the feeling of freedom in myself and the release from old patterns, by giving myself permission to just be myself no matter what.

  602. Great point Shannon that the world often tells us to belong to it and abandon ourselves in the process. Men also have to dance with these roles and try not to be identified by them. But as you say this goes against what is completely natural and intuitive.

  603. I really like how you have laid this out Shannon, it helps me to see and be more aware of the rules and roles I can go into that stop me belonging to me first.

  604. Awesome to read this blog again Shannon and one reminder that I could never get sick of. It really is a matter of breaking the rules that we have been following and to re program them by connecting with self first then sharing that with all. A totally different experience with life.

  605. I love this blog. Beautiful to read and very empowering. We belong to ourself and to no one or no thing outside of us. A huge difference between disappearing in one life scenario or another to claiming ourself and presenting ourself in our full power to whatever we choose to engage in – and the love that this way of living brings to everyone and everything.

  606. Wow – the unclaimed woman is everywhere – and I’ve been part of that too!
    It’s the simple question we get asked of ‘who are you’ and automatically our answers are dictated by the many hats and roles we wear – not actually WHO we are first!
    Thank you Shannon for sharing so simply the importance of understanding a woman’s worth to herself first.

  607. Yes I agree Gill- very empowering and a beautiful reminder for all women to be true unto ourselves.

  608. I have enjoyed re-reading your blog Shannon, very powerful and to the point.
    ” Every relationship I have ever had at various times in my life, dares to say in some shape or form, that I belong to it and must therefore adhere to its rules.” I had never looked at it like that before, but it is true. It is so easy to get caught up in the rule of belonging to, and see how it plays out in our relationships rather than the natural law of belonging to ourselves first and taking that to all our relationships.

  609. This is very powerful, I can feel you have claimed this to be your truth and it is completely inspiring. You are right and this should be shared and felt with and by women everywhere. In saying this I feel this is exactly the same for men as well, what you have written is for all.

  610. Great and very truthful blog: to put ourselves first is the foundation for being love with others. So many ideals and beliefs in the world that tries to convince us we should put others first. Thank you for sharing this so clear and simple. I love it.

  611. This is great for me to read again, ‘The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference.’ Such a powerful reminder, deeply inspiring, thank you Shannon.

  612. If we belong to ourselves and know and feel it truly within us there is no need to belong to anything else, and we do not need to think others belong to us. We are all connected as one common humanity, yes, but how much better do we love and serve our brothers if we are not dependent on them for our identity..

  613. I felt to repeat the “natural law, and truth – that I am a woman and I belong to myself” Thank you, I said it out loud! Very supportive and clear blog.

  614. Thank you Shannon, beautifully simple and an ongoing reminder for any woman. “a woman belongs to herself – first”

  615. Yes it reminds me of the good old saying ‘Rules are made to be broken’ and in this case it sure is. When you look at rules and where they come from they are their to tell you what to do, not leaving it to the individual to take full responsibility for what they know is true. It is time to live what we know is true and I love how you share that it is about us having a relationship with ourselves first as Woman and then share that where ever we go… That when we choose to be the Woman are, it can create calamity in others – but it is time to have true reflections for everyone to see. There is another way of being that honours who we are both Woman and Men.

  616. I love how you write about, ‘natural law,’ and ‘The truth that a woman belongs to herself – first, is the most intrinsic, innate truth and natural law I know myself. This truth is an absolute known to me, and I know it from living my life.’

    How amazing this is because I am getting that when I go against this I am going against myself, working against myself and making myself ill and exhausted. So inspiring to hear that, ‘a natural law to me is that I belong to myself.’

  617. As nature is all around us and we are a part of nature why would we need to do or say or act as something to feel what we are already a part of? I have found that when I focus on trying to be somewhere or someone I forget that I already have within me where I want to be.

  618. I have loved re-reading this blog and it is one I will keep returning to. There can be a lot for us to cut through in terms of our beliefs and ideals about the roles we play in society, but the way Shannon expresses it here feels simple, absolute and deeply honouring of each and every one of us.

    1. This is a beautiful blog to come back to again and again. it cuts through all those ideals and beliefs, all those lists of the things we are expected to be for others, and brings us back, with utter simplicity, to the solidity of our own self.

    1. me three – such a lovely re-reader. I belong to me – I am my own – responsible for my choices and never defined by anything outside of me.

  619. Beautifully expressed Sharon. It is so true that “we belong to ourselves first.” For many years I did not realise that I was not doing this but was in fact ruled by what I did and believed I should be. It is only in recent years through the love and inspiration of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have I begun to reclaim myself which is so liberating.

  620. Revisiting this blog I am deeply touched by the depth and simplicity of what you have written.

    1. Yes mm, it is refreshingly simple and such a great reminder that we don’t belong to anyone or anything but ourselves. When we can truly claim this, we bring a simplicity to our lives that supports us to be all we truly are in everything we do, we don’t have to pretend to be something we are not or try to get ‘it’ right anymore.

      1. Yes, Rowena it seems ironic to me that the ‘it’ we think we need to be is in fact inside us and always has been – we already are ‘it’! So now I am learning to trust that ‘me’ who knows the ‘it’

  621. Thank you for expressing this truth so simply and clearly Shannon.I am learning that my relationship with myself is paramount.This is a liberating new way for me to be ,as before I would make sure every one else’s needs were met first ( particularly when I had young children ), but now I realize that I matter just as much,and as you say “We do belong to ourselves first”.

  622. Great blog Shannon – this is such a powerful statement: “the order of placing oneself first makes all the difference”. If this statement was just standing in its own right, it would probably be discounted as seeming ‘selfish’, however what you have explained in the supporting blog is that if we live the ‘natural law’ that we belong to ourselves first (which makes sense, as we cannot be owned by another), then our relationships with people could potentially have a greater quality

  623. couldn’t agree more Shannon, every person regardless of sex is a master of their inner heart they do not belong to anyone or anything. Though in my experience like yours we are sometimes happier to belong to others than to put our own connection first. It is always down to us first wanting to treat our connection with more importance indeed making it more important than whether another recognises or need us. This for me has underlined the need to belong to others rather than belonging to me.

  624. What an invitation to close the book of self judgement on the selfish page and open a whole new chapter of self valuing in the book of being all of me

  625. This is a beautiful blog Shannon, every ounce of your writing feels claimed and very strong. Thank you for sharing.

  626. Very powerful Shannon. What you say here shows that if we ‘play games’ ‘live roles’ or ‘give our power away’ – then we’re allowing ourselves to be less.
    And this has an impact on ourselves and those around us.
    You are right that the world tells us otherwise, but as you have said – to live from self first brings an amazing joy for us and everyone else! So why hold back!

  627. We belong to ourselves. Very powerful and meaning-full words Shannon. The roles we play and hence the roles we are expected to play mask that natural law: that we are ourselves first and foremost. If we claim this and ditch the roles the expectations on each other will fall away and we can begin to live from who we truly are.

  628. Day-stoppingly-beautiful Shannon. Such power and clarity. What I can feel with your words is how amazing the world would be if all women, and men, made this commitment and lived with this knowing. These pillars of strength all living in equality. I can then feel all the horrible garbage that exists in the spaces between these pillars and how so, so, so much yucky, yucky stuff would be washed away if we were all to live with this commitment to OURSELVES first. Day-stoppingly-beautiful.

  629. Such a beautiful sharing Shannon thank you for this gem of wisdom and divinity .
    I simply love how you have expressed being a women so simply and with such depth of knowing to be felt by everyone.

  630. Wow – this has brought up two words for pondering on that I never thought about before – the difference between a rule and a natural law. I like what Mary says above, ‘A natural law is simple truth when a rule is an imposition.’ Is it also possible that rules are man-made whereas Natural Law is Divine?

  631. Shannon an awesome reminder and I totally agree that Women belong to themselves first. I have started changing and letting go of all the influences in my life that say otherwise and yes I do feel the Joy in being me in all that I do. When the old way slips in it sticks out like a sore thumb!

  632. My women is my darling wife. We are lovers, friends, partners, and she is there to be loved for all she is in this life. She is an incredible person to be around. Would I change her? Never.

  633. “A woman belongs to herself.” How incredible and empowering is that statement. As you say everything we are brought up to believe tells us otherwise, all the rules, the roles, the ideals, the beliefs… How incredible to live knowing this is not true and to feel how precious you are within it all and love that you are your own person.

    1. Agreed Jenny, “A woman belongs to herself.” is a very empowering statement. I am finding the more I claim this for myself the more harmony it brings to relationships around me – completely the opposite of the old way of ‘pleasing everyone’ syndrome, which just compounded the lack of self worth and the feeling of ‘walking on egg-shells’ to avoid disharmony – Ouch!

      1. Stephanie, I can really relate to what you have said. Yes, completely the opposite of the old way of ‘pleasing everyone’ syndrome! A woman who has claimed that she belongs to herself brings much more harmony and truth to the relationships around her, rather than egg shell walking as you have well mentioned.

  634. Shannon, this is beautiful, strong and absolute – as all women are when they choose themselves first.

  635. Shannon this is totally true and amazing what you remind us. We are free women and the most important person in our lives is ourselves. We love others of course and in fact we love everybody but we belong to ourselves. Thank you.

  636. Re-reading this blog brought unexpected tears this morning, as I felt how easily I had given myself away to roles, without a second thought or pause to question, as if to do so were totally normal, and expected. The reminder that we belong to ourselves is needed, and appreciated.

  637. I love the simplicity and truth of this blog. Claiming the woman we are and that we belong to ourselves first and in that honouring all we are, it is this fullness we offer to others by reflection and the feeling of the expansive of love they are too.
    Thank you Shannon beautifully expressed

  638. Thank you Shannon – I love the simplicity of claiming the woman within fully as you express it here. A beautiful reminder to keep the inner connection with myself.
    A huge expansion in my body is felt whilst reading this blog.

  639. Wow Shannon this is a stunning blog. I feel the absolute power and stillness of your writing. Thank you.

  640. I agree Shannon, thank you. I love ‘the order of placing oneself first makes all the difference’. if I am not important enough to myself to look after myself first, that doesn’t give out a message to anyone else that they should look after themselves first too. This is not selfish, it’s self loving.

  641. “I belong to ME first and foremost before anything else” I can feeling the strength of you claiming this which I find very inspiring.

  642. I have chosen and imposed many roles upon myself, and then sought those who would support me in that role I have decided was true for me. I have not found that people expect roles from me. I have found that actually, genuinely, most people expect me to be myself, and it is when I am not, when I am a role I have decided that they need, I have in fact left myself behind, and cause the relationship to be less as a result.

  643. Wow thank you for this. Reading your article it felt really empowering and gave me another choice for I could see that whilst reading I have lived my life as very much ‘I belong to it’.

  644. I like how you define A Natural Law as belonging to myself and a Rule as I belong to all the relationships I have – before belonging to myself first. It offers much to look at. Thank you.

  645. Gorgeous, great reminder. When I go into roles I get exhausted trying to be someone i’m not.

    1. Great point Natalie – when I try and put on an ‘act’ it takes up so much more energy than living with no obligation to be a certain way

  646. It’s a great thing to remind ourselves early in the morning every day, that I belong to me first, and hold onto that throughout the day, with love for ourselves.

  647. So true so beautifull thank you Shannon for this amazing writing so clear so simple and so loving of yourself, herself, a women. I love it and can feel all you share with so much joy.

  648. Very powerful blog Shannon, what you have claimed in yourself reflects to me that I am that also and not all the roles I play. Thank you for reminding me that I belong to me first.

  649. Every time I read this blog it reaches a deeper part of me as a woman. That I don’t belong to the roles I have played, or the relationships I am in, that indeed I belong to myself. When I hold with this knowing, I feel the most beautiful and deep love for myself, a love that I feel also holds others. It is not emotional, or a yearning, it is simply a feeling of deep stillness and love. It simply holds, and it emanates within and around me. I am learning that when I leave this feeling within myself I feel very easily lost, anxious, overwhelmed and often a neediness takes it place. When I read this blog it immediately brings me to my breath, a beautiful point of connection, so thank you Shannon for sharing such simple and powerful truth from your own livingness of it.

  650. Really beautiful blog, totally agree, thanks for the reminder that I belong to myself first.

    1. Yes, Amita I agree with you and all the inspiring comments. “I belong to myself” does resonate beautifully throughout the body that has in fact always known it to be true.

  651. It is high time we start reclaiming ourselves. By standing in our own truth and holding ourselves even in all the turbulence. When we do this we offer the opportunity for other women and men to feel their own truth. Indeed, it is a great disservice to all to do otherwise!

    1. Beautifully written joabillings, ‘by standing in our own truth and holding ourselves even in all the turbulence. when we do this we offer the opportunity for women and men to feel their own truth’. I love what you have written here, very inspiring.

  652. Great blog, capturing every which way that a woman can define herself outside herself by the different roles she plays in life whilst losing her self in the process. A wonderful reminder of where our starting point should truly be,.

    1. I agree Cathy, so many women play all these roles, and then one day look in the mirror and don’t know who they see. This blog is truly a wonderful reminder for us all.

  653. Beautifully written Shannon! Pondering on it now I can feel how much I have sold out and tried to fit/belong to something outside of me… Thank you for bringing that to my attention! Definitely something I need to work on particularly at school where everything is about where you belong and how much of yourself you are willing to sabotage in order to be seen as ‘popular’ or acceptable.

  654. Your words resonate so truly, Shannon. Such a strong reminder of the truth. I wonder how amazing all relationships and connections would be if we were brought up with this fact? Thank you for writing.

    1. It was so lovely to reread your blog, Shannon and to read others comments. I loved what you said Rowena…”May I long continue to connect and honour that within myself and all other women.” The woman that I know I am.

  655. Such power and simplicity in your words Shannon. “The order of placing oneself first makes all the difference” what an awesome statement of truth.

  656. So simple and true, no compromise, a real inspiration to remember to feel that for myself first in every relationship and everything I choose to do. There is a purity of intention and living about this, and in the long distant past the word “virgin” meant a “woman one-in-herself”, pure in the way of not being affected or influenced by any outside person, not how it has come to be interpreted. As women we have always known it, and when I read your blog Shannon, I know that truth deep inside that I have not yet dared to live.

    1. Beautiful expression Joan. And I appreciated reading that “in the long distant past the word “virgin” meant a “woman one-in-herself”, pure in the way of not being affected or influenced by any outside person, not how it has come to be interpreted.” Only now does the concept of a virgin woman giving birth make sense.

      1. How easily are we misled by the misinterpretation of words. The truth is so much more beautiful. A natural law is simple truth when a rule is an imposition.

  657. Wow – this is so powerful, I can deeply feel this truth in every cell of my body, an awesome reminder to always deepen our self devotion and to be honouring to ourselves and all of life around us no matter what.

    1. Hi Meg, this is exactly what I felt, such power to the core of my being, awesome Shannon.

      1. Here, here, there is such a tender strength that emanates from Shannon’s writing that reminds me that I too am a woman first and foremost, before anything I may do. May I long continue to connect and honour that within myself and all other women.

      2. Rowena I love what you say, ‘May I long continue to connect and honour that within myself and all other women.’ The woman that I know I am.

    2. What you write here Meg about deepening self devotion and honouring ourselves deeply resonates within me. Something that is fostered very little in our society, but which is very important if we want to claim what Shannon has proposed, that we belong to ourselves first before we belong to the world.

  658. Thank you Shannon and Ariana, such beautiful and powerful claiming, just exactly how I feel, I belong to me and only me nothing outside of me. Through this I shine my light and love to all. How simple and beautiful. Thank you again.

  659. As everyone has commented, this article has come straight from heaven as a gift to us all. It breaks through so many ideals and beliefs and lays bare for all to feel how simple it can be to claim ourselves in love. Thank you Shannon

  660. This is an amazing Heaven sent article for all the Women in the World to feel that they are precious and that they belong to themselves first and foremost, incredibly claimed and powerful, thank you.

  661. This is a power piece of writing. Thank you Shannon for expressing so clearly that I belong to no one. I am a woman and it is self-loving, NOT selfish, to consider myself first.

  662. I am beautiful and I am a woman, for all women everywhere thank you for the reminder that this is first and beautiful to feel and a truly loving choice.

  663. What a beautiful and clear reminder Shannon, thank you. I love that there is no defiance in how you say that women belong to ourselves, not to our roles or relationships. Rather you show it to be the simple loving truth that it is.

    1. I agree Catherine and Fiona.
      Thank you Shannon for a beautiful true article.

  664. Thank you Shannon for the beauty of your expression. To return to me, the simplicity of the call, before there is anything, there is ME. How beautiful.

  665. Now that’s a powerful prayer Ariana! I love the way you claim the words as your own.

  666. Thank you Shannon. As a man I too can learn from what you have presented, as can we all. It takes the pressure off and away from the trying, allowing the space to be simply and fully me.

  667. Wow. The order of placing oneself first. I belong to me. There is so much power in that. What you have written here has popped something inside me, giving me even more permission to do what I need for myself, over what I think I should do or what everyone else does. I belong to me gives me less room for guilt. Thank you very much Shannon.

  668. Shan, that is so simple but the truth, I feel how I have not felt that I belonged to myself for the past 18 years. I fell in love with someone! And totally gave myself away.

  669. Shannon, I have always felt a woman belongs to herself, so much so this week and as I read through your expression, I felt the celebration within myself and for all women as a graceful grounding of the power of women… thank you.

  670. Thank you Shannon for this beautiful blog. I completely agree with you, I belong to myself first. It has taken me a while to know this but I know it now and it sure makes a difference.

  671. Thank you for expressing such deep truth so simply, it’s beautiful and it rests in my heart.

  672. I agree with all the comments written and cannot say more, except a huge WOW for such a simple, divine and superb post. You have touched me deeply and tenderly with all your grace. Thank you Shannon.

  673. WOW Shannon, this is an amazing expression. You just created a new marker for all of us. The clarity, the claiming of yourself as a woman is very inspiring. It brings great light to the issue of how far we as women have moved away from who we truly are and how urgent it is to start on the path of return for the benefit of the whole. As I am reclaiming myself as a woman, the world around me changes. Loving me first supports others, that includes men and children, to become more gentle and to be able to connect more to themselves. There is magic in this process and it shows me the true power of the woman. Thank you so much Shannon, you are being a great gift to all of us.

  674. Shannon, your expression is what all women must feel within to be truthful with themselves. Thank you for writing it with such completeness. I have come to feel the freedom of this in myself and it was such a loving exposure for me to know I was living, in my world, of needing others to accept me. Thank you Shannon.

  675. Pure poetry of truth Shannon. Thank you for sharing your and our divine naturalness and beauty herein your words and expression.

  676. In the absoluteness of your words there was nowhere to go but to feel the truth of what you have written. We are women first to ourselves, even though as you say, everything in life tells us otherwise. I could feel something release deep within me as I read your words. Thank you Shannon.

  677. This is so truly powerful, simply because most women have missed this simplicity. Thank you for your expression, Shannon, for claiming it and reminding us all. Absolutely awesome-full!!! ❤ Adele

  678. So simple but true Shannon. I am yet to discover this myself but am open. It’s great to connect with other people who are questioning the way things are, without complaining (which I often do!) This way is so simple and direct you cannot argue and there is no room or noise.

  679. Thank you for expressing this truth so beautifully, Shannon. Your words, :often, to stand up and claim this natural law, and truth – that I am a woman and I belong to myself, creates calamity in others, because of all the roles we are so used to playing; all the needs we need met; the spaces that need filling…” has very much been my experience and consequently it has been my challenge to not react to this and fall back into my old ways of being with some of my family, friends and colleagues at work.

  680. Dear Shannon, WOW!!! Just beautiful. It has brought tears of joy as I can feel the truth deep within of what you have expressed. Thank you.

  681. I agree completely Jane – divine, most beautiful and empowering. I was so touched by the truth of your article Shannon and I have an indescribable amount of appreciation for what you have written (for All women). Thank you Shannon! I will also deeply cherish it.

  682. A very deep appreciation to you Shannon for writing this blog. You have simply confirmed how truly amazing a woman are, especially when we remember that we belong to ourselves first.

  683. Beautiful Shannon, I can deeply feel what is being expressed here, it’s very healing and eye opening to read it. I understand so much more now – thank you.

  684. Beautiful Shannon, thank you for this post. I can feel it throughout my body breaking down the beliefs that I am owned by the roles that I play. I can feel the incredible sense of freedom and love you hold for yourself in claiming that this is how you truly live – so amazing…

  685. Beautiful Shannon, yhank you for expressing it in this way. It really touched me because I also know this to be true (a woman belongs to herself) but am still unravelling the roles, ideals and beliefs I allowed myself to get caught up in over the years. It feels so very lovely to come back to just ME. So simple, so very loving. Reading your article today was great timing. Thank you again.

  686. I love this post Shannon, thank you for bringing me back to the simplicity of “a woman belongs to herself” (first and always). Thank you, you are glorious!

    1. At first it seems like a relatively ‘obvious’ statement that a woman belongs to herself, thank you for your blog Shannon – it exposes how we have all grown to accept a society where a woman is actually expected to belong to everyone but herself.

  687. Dearest Shannon, how wonderful to wake up to these amazing words. I feel the truth of them so clearly but I also feel the love that waits so patiently for us all to claim when we finally acknowledge what lies within all our hearts.

  688. Yes, yes, yes. A woman belongs to herself… it brings me tears of joy to see it written and claimed in such a way! All of the amazing things that we as women can do, come after this glorious fact. There are no rules, roles or ideals that can impose on the power-full and precious freedom of living for me.Thank you Shannon.

  689. WOW, Shannon! You have stopped me in my tracks, stripping everything back to the most simple truth. This I have been learning but to have it spelled out so clearly…. feels simply enormous and a great opportunity to look at where I forget that…. I belong to myself- first. Thank you.

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