Esoteric Breast Massage

I felt really inspired to write a blog about Esoteric Breast Massage after hearing an Esoteric Women’s Health Practitioner give a presentation called “Mum & Me”.

An Esoteric Breast Massage (EBM) was the first opportunity I had ever been presented with, where I was free to choose to claim my breasts back and feel within me how my breasts emanate energetically the true symbol of nurturing. The nurturing we give to ourselves and the nurturing we provide in all our relationships.

Our breasts are our nurturing centres, not only biologically but energetically as well. There is no other part of our body that symbolises this nurturing expression and the quality we bring to the world as women. These jam-packed powerhouses of energy have been used and abused for centuries, it’s no wonder breasts bring up so much stuff for everybody and it is no surprise there have been reactions going off left, right and centre from the media and from individuals a-like, about Esoteric Breast Massage that beggars belief. With such a massive reaction, I figure breasts must be pretty important, otherwise come on … Why is it such a big deal to others if you choose to have an Esoteric Breast Massage?

I was inspired to have an EBM from the moment I heard about them becoming available; however I instinctively knew not to tell anyone I was having sessions, as I didn’t want to have to deal with other people’s reactions. I did however also instinctively know this was the modality I had been waiting for; the modality where I could address some issues, as no other modality I had come across could. I didn’t know what issues, I just remember feeling relieved someone had the courage to bring to light the amazing gift our breasts bring to our expression as women and that our breasts are not merely something to sexually objectify and nurse our children with.

The Esoteric Breast Massage practitioners, that are all women, cannot be just any woman – she has to be a woman who has embodied within herself the truth of what it is to be self-nurturing. She holds herself and this modality with an incredible amount of integrity; I find it very inspiring, as I know this truth and the potential of this integrity to be in each and every woman.

Because the practitioners are dedicated to being and developing this quality in their own lives, I felt in each session I had that they were able to reflect this loving quality back to me and be with me without any imposition. They were able to deeply honour and respect me in a way that supported me to feel the tenderness I always felt I naturally should be held in. This incredible support gave me the opportunity to raise and release the moments when I did not feel this in my life – to let it go and to let more of the tenderness in.

It really is no surprise that early on in my Esoteric Breast Massage sessions I was offered the opportunity to feel when I didn’t receive this nurturing and tenderness from my mother. It was such a beautiful thing to experience because it wasn’t about making my mother wrong, it wasn’t about making me wrong, it was simply an opportunity to be honest with how I truly felt and let it go, lightening my heavy load and burden.

The Esoteric Breast Massage is certainly not about having perfect breasts or in any way a solution that would ward off any chances of getting breast cancer. I still have my regular health checks with my GP including the usual recommended breast screenings. What has opened up for me through EBM sessions is the possibility of there actually being room for me to take more loving care of myself in this hectic, performance driven and constantly demanding world we live in. As a result, I am now more likely to go to bed when I am tired, to stop rather than push on through, and to do one thing at a time rather than attempt to multi task. I now know and feel in my body the joy of the stillness that lies within me and I can have this any time I choose throughout my day.

The Esoteric Breast Massage has allowed me to reconnect with the natural divine sweetness and preciousness I always had within me and I am learning to deeply honour and cherish it every day.

I deeply appreciate Esoteric Breast Massage as it has allowed me to connect and feel that my breasts belong to me and my breasts belong with my whole, complete and gorgeous body. I now tend to my breasts in the same way as I would any other part of my body e.g. a foot massage or a facial.

Breast care is now part of my regular and ongoing self-care and health care routine …and …

I am feeling amazing!

by Suzanne Cox, Ocean Shores, Australia

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Women in Livingness Magazine – Breast Care Edition
My Relationship with my Mother by Suzanne Cox


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